((Hello all my faithful readers! I'm so sorry it took me so long to get the last chapter up! I have been so busy recently! I'm trying to write more, but I've actually got a life for once! Scary huh? Hehehe, well, I hope you enjoy this chapter! Sorry for the cliffies in the last chapter! Tootles. ~ Kate))

Chapter 9: Raid number two

~*~Harry's group~*~

Harry stood silently in the great hall, occasionally glancing at Sirius who was talking to Snape about Voldemort's castle. They were leaving in less than 10 minutes.and for some reason, Harry was much more nervous than he had been for his first raid. He didn't know what to expect, who to see.he had been up half the night worrying about Draco, Hermione, and Remus. Riley, who had just entered the hall, quickly approached him. She straightened his cloak

"Ever been to the castle?"

She asked quietly, wiping a piece of lint off Harry's shoulder


Harry replied, taking her hands in his

"Don't worry Riley"

He whispered, putting her hands by her side

"We'll be fine.just stay close to me alright? Ron would kill me if I let any death eater touch you"

Riley giggled nervously

"I can take care of myself"

"I know.but you could always use help, and I intend to supply it"


Harry turned to see Fred, George, Justin and Charlie looking at him expectantly


"As ever"

Charlie beckoned Sirius and Snape over and Harry pulled a portkey out of his pocket. Everyone laid a finger on it and stood in silence for a few minutes


And with a flash, the group disappeared.

~*~Ron's group~*~

The group sat in silence in the living room.

"Are you sure we should do this?"

Arabella asked, looking at Oliver who was standing in front of everyone

"We have to! You don't know what they've done, and following him won't tell us! He's going to the pub this afternoon; he'll be gone for about an hour, giving us plenty of time to get in and out."

No one answered

"It's our duty to find out!"

Oliver cried

"Ron, you trust me right?"

Ron shrugged

"Of course, and personally, I fully agree with you.but without Dumbledore's consent..."

"We don't have time! Please, just, we have to do this!"

The room was silent for a moment, before Ron nodded

"Alright Oliver, we'll do it."

He stood up and looked at the silent group

"We'll all sneak in right after he leaves, one of us will watch for him, while the others search the house."

Ron glanced at his watch

"He leaves in 1 hour.we'll go then"

~*~Draco's group~*~

The three of them walked silently through the trees. Hermione was fidgeting nervously


She began

"I don't think is the best idea.the dark army-"

"I know Hermione"

Draco said, looking at her

"But we have to! Harry will be there.plus the dark army isn't inside the castle.we just have to get in and out unnoticed"

"Nothing we do goes unnoticed"

Hermione muttered darkly. Remus, who was watching them talk, sighed. Hermione had gotten a great view of the castle.the castle and the huge army camping behind it. They had no way to tell Harry and his group to stop, so they were going through with their plan, even though there were thousands of dark wizards just a yell away. What confused Remus though was where Voldemort had managed to get all those death eaters.they all seemed to come from no where.again he sighed.with an army like that, Voldemort would surely wage war on the wizarding world, there was no army that large on the light side. Suddenly the tree's started to thin, and in seconds, they were at the base of a huge castle.

"Hopefully there aren't more death eaters in there"

Remus whispered

"Sorry to disappoint you"

Came a cold voice from behind them. The three of them spun around and came face to face with three death eaters.


They yelled. Draco, Remus, and Hermione watched in horror as their wands sailed into the death eaters out stretched hands. Soon, they were being marched towards the castle.hostages of the dark lord.


When they reached the large front doors, the death eater holding Hermione blasted the door's open. A small group of death eaters were standing in a circle around a throne in the center of the hall. As the three of them neared, they began to recognize some of the faces. Crabbe and Goyle junior and senior.Nott senior.Avery junior.and Lucius Malfoy. Malfoy grinned happily as the three approached. Draco was very happy to see that the throne was empty.

"Well, well, well"

Malfoy said, walking towards Hermione, Draco and Remus.

"Spies for Dumbledore.I'm really not surprised.disappointed though.my own son"

With a flick of Malfoy's wand there appearances changed back to normal. Malfoy laughed coldly

"You think I didn't suspect you! Every tactic you used I knew was Draco's doing.except for that rather passionate kiss outside the pub.a mudblood Draco?"

Draco's muscles tensed and he looked as though he was going to throw himself at his father. Again, Lucius laughed


He barked. The death eater holding Hermione peered around her

"Take them down to the dungeon and kill them"

Nott gave a short nod and he and the death eater holding Remus began dragging Hermione and Remus away.


Draco yelled trying to pull away from the death eater

"Let them go! No!"

Hermione and Remus disappeared around the corner and Draco went limp in the death eater's arms

"You son of a bitch"

He snarled, glaring coldly at his father. Lucius chuckled

"You should have known when you chose the light side; you will never live a happy life"

~*~Daniel's group~*~

Mundungus ran quickly through the thick forest, his wand in hand. Behind him, was Victor Krum, followed by Alicia Spinnet, Terry Boot, and Blaise Zambini. Susan Bones had remained at the hide out, waiting to accept them back. As they neared the castle, their pace quickened. After breaking through the trees the group made a mad dash for the side dungeon door that Harry and others had gone through to rescue Snape some time ago. Mundungus easily unlocked it and made his way inside. He stopped at the front of the passage and awaited everyone else. Once they were all inside he began to bark out instructions.

"Open every cell, and if we can save the prisoner inside, take them, if not, leave them."

He nodded. They were about to take off when high pitched shouts reached their ears

"Let me go! No!"

Came a female voice. A few more screams echoed, then all was silent. Mundungus sighed and took off down the hall, opening every cell, the group following his lead. They had gone down three passage ways before they found someone alive. A young boy, maybe 16 was lying unconscious on the ground. Krum examined him carefully before lifting him up like a baby and carrying him down the passage way. Finally, as they neared the finally cells, they found Daniel. Well, they thought it was Daniel. The person was covered from head to toe in dried or drying blood. They looked half dead. Mundungus rushed forward.it indeed was Daniel.


He whispered, putting his hand on Daniel's forehead. Daniel's eyes snapped open. He stared at Mundungus in shock for a moment, before finally speaking


He chocked. Mundungus let out a sigh of relief and helped Daniel to his feet.

"Come on, let's get out of here."

~*~Harry's group~*~

"Stupefy! Stupefy!"

Harry was running full blast through the confusing maze of halls in Voldemort's castle, sending curse after curse over his head at the 50 death eaters trailing him and his group.


Sirius bellowed from beside Harry, taking out numerous death eaters. Snape was much less lenient. He'd already killed three of them and sent many more to the floor missing fingers, arms or legs. Riley and Justin were using curses similar to Sirius, just taking out fewer death eaters. Fred and George had sent more immature curses that the death eaters weren't expecting.taking out a fair number. Charlie was sending flames down the hall.much like a jet of fire a dragon would send. Harry was using a mixture of spells.his favorite being a blinding spell that didn't wear off.


Justin shouted as another curse whizzed by his head. Suddenly a curse, meant to hit Snape, hit the side wall and blew chunks of rock the size of quaffles at both groups. A rather large chunk of rock hit Snape in the shoulder, but it didn't seem to faze him. As the group skidded around another corner Harry glanced out the window and his mouth fell open. Thousands of death eaters were roaming the lawns. Harry had no time to say anything, because they were still being chased by fifty or so of them. There goes our escape rout


Snape screeched, taking out the leading death eater. 20 down.only 30 to go.then thousands more.

~*~Draco's group~*~

Draco was kneeling on the ground, shaking. He hated the Cruciatus curse.it was cruel and sick.perfect for people like his father. But it didn't matter to him anymore.Hermione and Remus were dead.Ron and Harry would be crushed.and it was all Draco's fault. He felt himself being pulled to his feet.and saw the far door open. The two death eaters that had taken Hermione and Remus away re-entered and took their spots in the circle. Nott.or who Draco though was Nott took his spot beside Lucius. Lucius smiled

"Are they dead?"

He asked. Nott nodded and Lucius laughed. Draco cringed.dead.

"Nott.my most loyal supporter.the dark lord will praise you for doing the dark side such a favor."


"And now, I will let you join me in the disposal of my son"

Lucius raised his wand at Draco and signaled for Nott to the same. Draco pulled himself to his full height and stared at his father.showing no fear or pain.Nott raised his wand and Draco swallowed.this was it..he was going to die at the hands of his father and some low life Slytherin he attended school with. He glanced at Nott and sneered, becoming much more Draco like. Nott didn't move for a moment


Lucius asked. Nott didn't reply.but slowly began to turn on the spot. His wand point was now at Lucius's neck.


Malfoy asked confused


The person growled, before removing the mask. Draco gasped in surprise. HERMIONE! Hermione jerked her head to the side


She said. The other death eater removed his hood and pointed his wand at the others. Hermione handed Draco back his wand, never taking her eyes off Lucius.

"Now, everyone drop your wands, or I kill Mr. Malfoy here"

Slowly every death eater obliged and dropped his or her wand. Remus collected them and quickly snapped them all in half

"Now.prepare to die anyway.you slime ball"

~*~Daniel's group~*~

The group slowly walked up the hundred's of stairs towards the exit. They'd run into a rather large group of death eaters on their way back out, so they had to turn the other way. Now they were heading out of the dungeons which seemed to be miles underground. The boy was still out of it in Krum's arms, and Terry and Mundungus were still having a time nearly dragging Daniel up the stairs. It was lucky they hadn't run into more death eaters. With a long sigh Mundungus motioned towards the next stair well and the group continued their way up.

~*~Harry's group~*~

Harry took a long flying leap, skipping 10 stairs and landing with a thud at the bottom. He fired more curses back before taking off again. He was bringing up the rear of the group now. Riley had been hit with some weird curse was now being carried by Fred. The death eaters were not giving up.every time they took one out.he seemed to be replaced by two others.coming out of rooms they passed. Finally, after leaping over another large group of stairs Harry stopped. He turned towards the death eaters and pointed his wand at the ceiling


He roared. A blue jet of light shot out of his wand and hit the ceiling. Breaking into thousands of little streams of blue light. The castle shook violently, as the small curse began hitting the death eaters. Harry took off running again, catching up quickly to the others who were regaining their footing from the explosion. They turned into a long hallway..nearly a mile down they could make out huge wooden doors.they had to get through those doors, to keep the death eaters out.

~*~Draco's group~*~

Lucius looked very nervous as he stared into Hermione's raging eyes. Remus had burnt all the pieces of wands and pocketed the ashes. He was holding the small group hostage

"It's over Malfoy"

Hermione snarled


Suddenly the castle shook violently. Hermione lost her footing and fell into Draco. Lucius took his chance. He snatched his wand form Hermione and ran for the doors on the opposite side of the room. Once in the doorframe he shouted a spell towards the wall before running out and magically sealing the door. The castle continued to shake, swaying from side to side. Pieces of the ceiling were falling everywhere. The death eaters took off towards different areas of the room, leaving Remus, Hermione, and Draco standing stupidly in the center.


Remus finally shouted, turning around and heading towards the only door that hadn't been exited out of. As they ran further, the harder the castle shook. Finally Draco reached the door and threw it open, revealing a larger hall. But as the door opened, two others did on either side of the room.

~*~Ron's group~*~

Ron knelt beside the door, shoving a bent out paper clip into the lock and shaking it around for a moment

"Hurry Ron"

Angelina hissed as she looked around nervously

"Hold your horses, I've almost - aha!"

The door clicked open and the group filed in. McGonagall closed the door quickly and re-locked it.

"Laura, you stay and keep a look out.everyone else, come on"

Ron said, making his way further into the house. It looked normal for the most part.and at first the group found nothing. Finally Ron reached the back bed room. He pushed the door open and gasped

"Bloody hell!"

He shouted, entering the room. Soon, everyone else, but Laura, had followed him in. Bodies were lying all around the room. A steaming cauldron filled to the top with clear goo was bubbling in the center of the room. Off to the side were three bodies, being pumped full of the potion. Ron stared at the room in disgust.trying to piece together what he was seeing

"Oh my god.this is the stuff that was inside that troll Harry and Draco fought."

He paused, then suddenly realization dawned on his face

"He's building an army.he's making his victims his walking.slaves! There could be millions of death eaters already created, he-"

"Ron! He's coming!"

Arabella suddenly came barreling into the room. Ron's eyes widened and he ran out of the room, everyone following

"We have to hide!"

McGonagall said, searching the room frantically


Ron shouted, pointing to a closet. They all ran towards it. Ron threw open the door and they all squeezed in, closing the door quickly. Arabella, Angelina, and Laura were squished together in the back. Ron and Oliver were smashed up against the sides, McGonagall wedged between them. The sound of someone entering the house made them all go silent. Footsteps echoed through the house, followed by some low mumbling. Finally numerous pops echoed through the small house


Came an unfamiliar voice. No reply for a second

"We will attack momentarily.we just have to take care of a small problem next store"

"What's next store?"

Everyone in the closet stiffened

"A group of aurors, I'm guessing, they've been following me around for a while now."

The man sighed

"I'm surprised they haven't figured out that I was doing more watching"

Suddenly the closet door was flung open and everyone tumbled out. The death eaters laughed


The owner of the house muttered. No one waited for them to continue. In seconds a full out battle was taking place inside the house.

"Angelina! Warn my parents! Go!"

~*~Harry's group~*~

They finally reached the door.the castle was falling apart.Harry's curse hadn't caused that. He'd been hit with two rather large pieces of the ceiling.resulting in his shoulder being bloodied up real bad and a large gash on his forehead. Harry slammed his body into the door and it opened. He glanced across the hall and his mouth fell open. This was the only hall not collapsing. To his right, on the other side of the hall, Draco, Hermione and Remus were standing, staring at him in shock. To his left, Mundungus and his group. And to Harry's horror, he saw Mundungus was supporting Daniel, who looked as though he'd been run over by a lorry. But in the center of the hall was the thing that shocked him the most. A tall, lean, pale figure with glowing red eyes was staring at him, a wicked smile on his face. Harry didn't move from the door way.his eyes locked with the man's in the center

"Harry Potter"

He croaked. Harry swallowed


Voldemort laughed

"Again we meet.but I must say.are collapsing buildings something you enjoy?"

Harry's eyes narrowed and Voldemort took a step closer

"As much as I would like to kill you Potter.I am not strong enough.until next time!"

And with that Voldemort disappeared. The once still hall immediately began falling apart. Harry tried to apparate to the other side of the hall.it didn't work. so he took off running towards the center. Both of the other groups did the same. They met in the center, trying to avoid the large chunks of stone that were falling everywhere

"We have to get out of here before the entire castle goes down!"

Remus roared as he dived out of the way from a piece of the ceiling. Harry looked at everyone's worried faces and sighed. He turned to the wall and raised his wand

"Sirius! Severus! Draco!"

He yelled, glancing back at them. Immediately they had lined up at his side

"On three"

He said.

"One, two, three! Brignah!"

Four different spells echoed through the collapsing hall and shot towards the door. They collided at the same time and blew a large chunk out of the wall out.

"Come on!"

They all took off towards the hole in the wall, filing out quickly. Once they were safely away from the castle.they apparated to Hogsmede.

~*~Ron's group~*~


Ron shouted, taking another death eater out. He and his group we now out in the streets of Hogsmede. Some of the villagers had joined in the fight, but most were hidden in the three broomsticks.Ron glanced over his shoulder. Oliver, Arabella, and McGonagall were not to far off.Laura was standing at the door to the three broomsticks, fighting off any death eaters that tried to get through. Angelina was at the apartment, warning Dumbledore and his parents.He hoped some sort of help would arrive soon.they needed it. Then, as if on cue, a large group of people appeared at the end of the street. Ron jumped slightly when he saw Harry.Draco, and Krum.all from different groups. It took Harry and the rest a moment to figure out a battle was ranging before them, but when they did, they joined the fight. Ron noticed that Krum, Fred, and Mundungus hung back.all three of them supporting an unconscious form. The death eaters immediately began to fall back when the others joined the fight.and after only 15 minutes...they were all gone.

~*~Harry's group~*~

Harry watched as all the death eaters disappeared and he sighed in relief. He was in terrible shape now.and couldn't wait to return to Hogwarts. He scanned the small village quickly. George was lying on the ground; unconscious.Fred was standing above him, curse marks covering his body. Draco and Hermione were supporting Snape, who seemed to have a broken ankle. Oliver was holding up McGonagall.well, who he thought was McGonagall.she looked so young.Harry turned and made his way towards Krum and Mundungus. Riley was lying on the ground beside them.Fred had left her there to aid his brother. Harry lifted Riley up like a baby and motioned for Krum and Mundungus to follow him. As he started back towards the castle everyone joined him. Ron and Fred were now supporting George, who seemed only half awake. The group moved slowly, due to countless injuries to everyone in the party. As they neared Hogwarts, they passed Moody and his group, heading towards Hogsmede to clean up. As they got closer and closer to the front doors of Hogwarts.Harry noticed that Riley was shaking rather violently. He didn't know what curse hit her.but she looked pretty bad.hopefully Madam Pomphrey would know more than he knew. He reached the door and pushed it open with his shoulder.wincing in pain and his wound rubbed up against the ruff wood. The door creaked open, revealing the half empty hall. Dinner was just about to begin. Every conversation and all movement stopped as the group entered. Harry glanced to his right.surveying everyone around him. They did look pretty bad. Dumbledore immediately began making his way towards them.after motioning for one of the teachers to go get Madam Pomphrey.


Harry said, smiling slightly at his old Professor

"We're back"

"I see that, Mr. Potter.all of you?"

"All of us"

Harry replied, shifting Riley slightly in his arms. Dumbledore sighed in relief and glanced over his shoulder. Ginny, Nathan, Andy, and Lia were standing, looking as though it was taking all there will power not to take off towards them. Dumbledore nodded his head shortly and the four of them took off in a sprint. Ron, Fred, George, and Charlie, stepped out in front. Ginny reached them first and threw her arms around Ron, who was closest. Lia, Nathan, and Andy ran right past them. Lia attached herself to Harry immediately. Sirius took Riley from Harry so he could hug Lia back

"I'm fine"

Harry said, chuckling. Lia nodded slightly. Harry patted Nathan and Andy on the backs

"Cause lots of trouble while I was gone?"

"You were only gone for half a day"

Nathan said

"But yeah.we so kindly painted Snape's office pink while he was out"

Harry laughed

"Good boys"

Ginny finished with her brothers and had now thrown herself at Harry. Tears were running down her face

"You all look so terrible! What happened?!"

"I love you too Gin"

Ginny glared at him and Harry sighed

"I'll tell you once I'm the shape to act it all out"

Nathan and Andy laughed, and Ginny and Lia scowled. At that point Madam Pomphrey came storming into the hall. When she caught sight of them all she shrieked

"You should all be in the hospital wing! Go! Hurry!"

And so the group was marched out of the great hall, heading for their next great adventure.how to defeat Madam Pomphrey.

((Okay, okay, corny ending to this chapter! But you know, there has to be something corny in my story! Thank you to all my reviewers! Look how fast I added another chapter! To make up for all the time it took me to post the last one! Alright, in the next chapter! Harry and the gang piece together what all of them saw, a proposal or two.and more about the dark army!! Adios peoples!))