# The invitation 9 #
The next day Ziva was driven nuts by her daughter who absolutely didn't want to get into the dress they had bought her. "Faith Rivka Dinozzo! Get in that dress now!"

"No!", Faith pouted, crossing her arms in front of her chest, just as her mother did it sometimes. Ziva sighed. Her daughter could be so stubborn . She kneeled down next to her. "Why don't you want to wear the dress?"

"I wanna be ninja!"she demanded. "Faith you can't wear your ninja costume. It's a wedding! You can wear it later okay?"

"No! I want to wear it right NOW!"

"Motek, you...", Ziva started just as Tony came into the room,half dressed in suit pants, his shirt undo. You could easily see that he was hangover, but the swelling on his cheek had stopped.

"Hey, what's going on here?', he sighed, running his hand through his hair "She wants to wear her ninja costume. Would you please tell her that she cannot?"

Tony nodded. "I'll. Go belp Anthony, he has trouble with his tie." She nodded and was about to leave the room as Tony held her back.
"And get In your dress will ya?"

She just smirked as she left.

"Do I look okay?", Ziva asked, standing in front of the giant mirror in Gibbs hallway.

As she didn't got an answer she turned around and spotted her husband frozen in spot, his mouth wide agape.
"Tony?" She waved her hand in front of his face.

"You look amazing Zi.", he finally choked out, stepping closer to her.

Ziva wore a dark pink dress, closed at the front but backless. The flowing skirt stopped just under her ankle, making it possible to see the toe-cap of her black high heels. Her hair was wavy and fell just below her shoulders. It was perfectly done, just like her make up, which let her eyes look even bigger and made her lips look even softer.

Tony pressed a kiss on her bare back and hugged her from the behind, breathing her scent. "You are aware that you can't go to the wedding like that, aren't you?", he asked softly in her ear, what made her spun around, her eyes wide in shock.

"What?! Why not? I thought I looked good!"

Her husband just chuckled.

"You do look not good but stunning. That's the problem. It is an unspoken law that you can't go to a wedding looking more beautiful than the bride."

She slapped his chest and started to giggle as he wrapped his arms around her again, letting his forehead fall against hers.

"I love you", he whispered. Not a second after, Tony pressed his lips up against hers. He could feel her smile into the kiss.

"HEY!", they practically jumped apart from each other as Gibbs, fully dressed in a suit similar to Tonys, showed up at the top of the stairs. "Stop making out and help your kids. Do you really want Faith going in a ninja costume?"

"Tony!", Ziva demanded, slapping his chest.

1 hour later, the Dinozzo family plus Gibbs was fully dressed (even in the right clothes) and on their way to Mcgee's wedding.

While Ziva, Anthony and Gibbs drove to the wedding location to help Abby, Faith attended her father, who picked the `McGroom`up.

" Hey Probie! Open up!" Tony exclaimed, knocking at his door. The first thing in sight as he opened were puppies. And a lot of them. He was overrun by about a dozen of german shepherds. Faith squeaked in delight as she was licked and cuddeled from every side.

Mcgee appeared in the doorway, only wearing suitpants. He looked pretty desperate. "Tony. Thank god you are here. I need help." He sighed, running his hand down his face.

"Appartently a lot. Why aren`t you ready? A what is that?" Tony asked, pointing at the dogs.

"Jethro is a girl. I just found out 2 months ago when i suddenly had a doyen puppies in my apartment. They want to play and dont let me have any sleep or time to get dressed. Could you just distract them, while I am getting ready?"

"No problem Mcgee. hurry up, you just have 15 minutes before we need to go."

While Mcgee busied himself getting ready, faith was still playing with the puppies. "Daddy?"


"Can we keep dem?" the little girl asked, grabbing his hand and pulling him on the floor where the dogs immediatly started licking his face.

"No way! Daddy doesnt like dogs." Tony stated sternly. But as his daughter gave him puppy dog eyes he became soft. "Ask mommy later. And If you are allowed to have one of these, we only take one and not all of them!"

"Okay Daddy. I love you." She smiled at him sweetly, in her cute purple dress (matching her mothers) and her hair wild and curly, which caused him to turn putty in her hands.

"I love you too baby." He hugged her and blew a raspberry on her cheek.

"She really has you wrapped around her little finger, hasn`t she?" McGee asked, coming out of the bedroom.

"She does not!"He defended himself.

"Me do! Mommy sayed you are all my!"

McGee laughed at that and Tony shot him a glare. "Are you finally ready? We need to go!"

In the car Tony drove just like his wife, still trying to be punctual. "You nervous Mcgee?", he asked as they stopped at a traffic light.

"Didn`t have the time yet." You could tell that Mcgee was very hard trying not to throw up.

"If she is the right one you don`t have a reason to be nervous."

"You weren`t nervous as you got married to Ziva?" The author asked, suddenly very interested.

Tony chuckled. "Like you I didn`t have the time for that. We decided to get married and two hours later, we were." He told him as he pulled in the parkingplot near the castle the wedding took place in.

They hurried, Faith in tow, to the weddinghall were they met Ziva and Abby. Both of them were terribly nervous.

"Tim, Tony! Where have you been?! We already feared you would have thought it over! Now go! Delilah is waiting!" And with that Abby dragged the groom away.

"We get a puppy!" Faith told her mother excitedly, whose eyes widened in horror.

"We are getting what?" Ziva asked horrified.

"I`ll explain it to you later. Come on or we will be late!" Tony grabbed Ziva`s and Faith`s hands and they went to their seats were Anthony was already waiting.

The moment they were seated the music started. The wedding could begin.

Hey guys! I am so very sorry that I didn`t update the last few weeks. I was busy with school and had also a writers block.

Please forgive me and review if you liked this part! I know it is pretty fluffy and boring right now, but just wait until the next chapter...