Had a few requests to do a Part II. I posted it on tumblr a couple days ago, but for all those that missed it, voila! This story rating has now moved up to M.

Summary: Stiles reflects on his crush on Lydia and how it transformed into much more, and the pair finally has their first time.

Let me know your thoughts if you can! Thanks for reading.

The Boy with the Crush

Stiles had had his fair share of annoyances at city traffic like anyone, and he wasn't afraid to voice his displeasure in the comfort of his own car. People who drove too slow, failed to use their turning signal, or didn't seem to understand the functions of a parking lot were just a few examples of things that tended to tick off the teenage boy.

But other drivers had never annoyed him as much as they had today. Because today he was racing his new girlfriend, his agonizingly-long-time crush of eight years, to his house so they could engage in something he had only allowed himself a few fantasies over the years.

…okay, maybe more than a few. He was a teenage boy. Sue him.

Stiles had fallen for Lydia Martin in the third grade. It was no mystery back then that she was a smart girl. She got perfect scores on every spelling test, always raised her hand to answer the teacher's questions or to volunteer to solve a math problem on the board, and generally had an air about her that screamed intelligence. Maybe it was the way she talked or how she never caved to peer pressure like so many of them did at that age. She was admired by all the girls and many boys made bets on who would be the one to kiss her on the mouth. A fact that was incredibly foreign at that age but everyone knew that one day they were supposed to want it so those that really did want it? They were the cool ones. They were so much more mature than the others, and therefore were as cool as the kids a few grades above who were already holding hands.

Stiles didn't like being someone who fell into the stereotype of falling for the pretty popular girl with the pipe dream that someday she would notice his nerdy, awkward self. But he had. He saw more than the other people did, or at least that's what it seemed. While the others lost interest over the years, especially after Jackson Whittemore won the bet of getting a kiss from Lydia one day after school on the bus ride home, Stiles only found new reasons to like her.

He had a strange appreciation of her strawberry-blonde hair. Maybe it was because it always looked perfect or maybe because it was such a rare colour, but Stiles found himself mesmerized by the way it looked blowing in the wind with the sun sparkling through the strands. And her green eyes. He noticed the way they could be hard and challenging, but he saw the times they were soft and vulnerable too. Like after Lydia had gotten a spelling bee answer wrong and was disqualified from their faux-class competition. She had sat down and looked like she was going to cry. But she didn't. Which only made Stiles like her more. Most of the other girls weren't so in control of their emotions. And if there was one thing many males could relate to, it was getting uncomfortable when females broke out into tears that they couldn't understand.

Gradually, they grew up, and she only grew more beautiful. There were some years they weren't in the same class, which Stiles had dubbed The Dark Years to Scott, but the years they were, Stiles discovered new things about her to fall in love with. How she always had a book from her backpack to read when they were trapped inside on a rainy day. The way she twisted her hair around her index finger and bit her lip when she was concentrating on a particularly hard math problem. Her sneeze, which was probably the most adorable sound in the world since she basically squeaked like a little mouse. Everyone always laughed when she sneezed and she'd blush or, when she got older and used to the teasing, smirk with a shrug.

Whatever the reason, Stiles had never been able to look at other girls with the same admiration as he did Lydia. He loved the way her name sounded on his tongue. He loved seeing her throw her head back and laugh. He loved how she always dressed so girly, in pretty dresses or skirt and shirt combos or with her hair pulled back with tendrils hanging down around her cheeks. Sometimes he lay awake at night thinking of things she said in class that day, even just answering a question the teacher asked, and he found himself smiling.

But that was his childhood infatuation. As they got older, Lydia started dumbing herself down. He assumed it was to appear more attractive to guys like Jackson, whose masculinity was so fragile he required a lesser mate that still reached his high social standards, but Stiles knew that she was a genius. He had got a glimpse of a few of her test scores and saw the way she lead a group project. There was no way she was lacking in the IQ department. Sometimes she slipped up and would offer a random fact or correct someone over something that ninety-eight percent of the population their age would have no inkling about.

She stayed on top of the social ladder even as they entered high school, but that was no surprise. She had grown more beautiful than he had ever imagined, and once Stiles actually was able to talk to her, he found even more reasons to fall hard. Lydia was determined, ambitious, strong, brave, stubborn, and accepted challenges without hesitation. Stiles was grateful when she broke out of the dumb girl routine and came into her own more, showing off her worth rather than letting someone else cage her in a certain bracket.

Having her enter into the supernatural world with him and Scott and the others had never been something Stiles considered would happen. He especially hadn't wanted her to get hurt. But when she joined their pack, she proved incredibly useful and sometimes Stiles wondered how they got by without her. She was more than just Allison's best friend or Stiles' research partner or a Banshee—she was a force to be reckoned with. And Stiles was completely head over heels.

Still, he knew his chances with her were slim to none so he settled on just being friends. It was more than they ever had been before and Stiles enjoyed his time with her, getting to know her and see different sides to her than the ones he had always observed from afar. The more walls she let down, the more beauty he saw, and he found that the little girl he had been infatuated with was nothing on the true Lydia Martin. The one who was strong and brave but secretly scared underneath. The one who once took drugs to forget the image of a werewolf running by her car but fought to save the ones she befriended without hesitation and embraced her Banshee powers when they came along. The one who used to put makeup on the smallest of blemishes but stood with the mark of a garrotte on her neck like the proud survivor she was.

And now, Stiles had won her affection and would be showing her his full appreciation for everything she was.

That is, if he ever got to his house.

He and Lydia had literally kissed and made up after a serious misunderstanding. All Stiles had known was that Lydia had been hurting, a lot, but he never imagined that it had to do with her being jealous of his new female friend. To be fair, he was generally sort of oblivious to anyone of the female variety showing interest in him, so he had been completely blind-sided by Lydia's confession that she had fallen for him hard.

Stiles and Malia had broken things off shortly before their conversation took place, so Stiles hadn't hesitated to prove her wrong in thinking that she was the only one still feeling that way.

Lydia had made a promise that they would make up for lost time, and since his dad was working late, Stiles offered to race her to his house. He wasn't leaving her any more hesitation over how he felt about her.

She had laughed at him, but she was Lydia and she was always up for a challenge. So she took his joking statement as an actual competition and suddenly bolted to her car.

Stiles had stood there stunned for a minute but quickly followed in his jeep.

Unfortunately, because of his delay, it meant he was a few cars behind. Which wouldn't be an issue… except it meant he was stuck behind a huge lumbar truck that was taking its sweet time. And that led to missing a light or two, and then he had to wait for some pedestrians to cross the street, and all the while he was trying not to pull out his hair in his frustration.

"I am a seventeen-year-old member of the male species about to lose his virginity. HAVE YOU NO SOUL?!" he shouted at nobody in particular, hitting his forehead off his steering wheel as he waited for the light to change to green.

Once he finally pulled into his driveway, Lydia was leaning nonchalantly against her car like she had all the time in the world. He gulped, the nerves starting to set in. Had she gotten more beautiful since they were apart?

It might have been the hormones talking but he didn't really care. It took all of his self-control not to bound over to her like an excited puppy.

"So you won." he stated when she walked over to join him.

She shrugged. "What's my prize?"

He hadn't really thought of that part of it, seeing as he hadn't planned on it actually being a competition. "Personal pride?"

Lydia sent him a look, failing to not look amused. "How about you pay for takeout tonight?"

He would've anyways, so that was as a good negotiation for him. "Deal."

She smiled and linked arms with him as they walked up to the house.

"So I would've gotten free dinner if I had won?" he asked as he gestured her inside, slipping his key back into his jean pocket.

Lydia smiled slyly. "No. You would've gotten a show."

Stiles nearly fainted.

Although Stiles was denied a strip tease by the girl of his dreams, he still practically stumbled upstairs in eagerness.

Lydia looked to be suppressing a smile, but he was oblivious. His mind was completely clogged up with thoughts of what was about to happen. It wasn't just because he was finally going to get to experience sex, but it was with Lydia. She had become so much more than just a childhood crush over the last year, but it still seemed out of this world that he was about to lose his virginity to her. That she wanted him in more than just a platonic way…and that she was interested in him enough to have developed real feelings for him as well as attraction.

He had definitely calmed down around her, seen her as less of a shining reward and more as a beautiful person he was happy to get to know in any way, but he still felt like an awkward, anxious boy around her sometimes. The way she often made his heart flutter even when he seemed calm on the exterior made him feel like he hadn't changed at all from the boy she used to ignore.

Lydia didn't release his hand as they ascended the stairs. He felt like he could see thoughts stirring behind her eyes when he glanced back, but he had no idea what she was thinking about. She looked almost a little nervous, but how could she be? He was the awkward, inexperienced one!

When they got to his room, his eyes immediately went to his bed, and he felt his stomach twist with nerves.

Lydia was looking the picture of calm, and he wondered if what he had seen before was a trick of the light.

"Do you need anything? A drink? Snack? Do you want, like, music or something? I should have an iPod dock around here somewhere…" Stiles commented, furrowing his brow as he tried to remember where he had last seen it, and quickly moved to clean up the small gathering of mess on his floor.

He had been better about keeping his room clean since a few months ago. All that was really out of place was a few dirty clothes on his floor and his mess of a desk. He picked up the clothes and placed them in the hamper, clearing off a few leftover wrappers on his desk from a couple nights ago when he stayed up late studying and used sugar to fuel his energy.

"You took down your research board." Lydia commented, as if she just figured out what was missing from his room.

Stiles stopped his ten second tidy and looked over at her. He had forgotten that she hadn't been around for the last few weeks. It was probably the longest time she had not visited his room since they became better friends.

"Yeah. I uh… thought it was time to clear my head." he answered honestly.

He moved to his night table and opened the top drawer. The box his father had provided him with last year, essentially once Stiles started actually hanging around with girls, was still sitting there unopened.

That was one more thing checked off the list. Wait, had Lydia even answered his other questions?

Examining his bed objectively, Stiles wondered if it would be appropriate to change his sheets to clean ones. After all, those had been on his bed for nearly a week. What if they smelled stale? What if Lydia was used to Egyptian cotton and rose petals?

"Stiles, what are you doing?" Lydia asked, stepping forward into his path to stop him.

"I… I'm trying to make sure we have everything we need." he explained, finally breathing a little.

She smiled, and his heart nearly beat out of his chest. This all still felt like a dream.

"You have condoms, yes?"

He nodded, gesturing to his night table. "I mean, I've got a full box because, well, it's not like I've used any before and—"

"And you love me?" Lydia asked, cutting off his rambling.

"Yes." he replied reflexively. Then it hit him. "OH god, I didn't even say that back to you earlier, did I? I mean I told you I had been in love with you since the third grade and that, you know, implies the idea, but usually when someone says 'I love you' the correct response is 'I love you too' and I totally—"

"Stiles." Lydia said patiently.

"Yeah?" he replied in a strangled voice.

She tugged on the belt loops of his jeans so their bodies were pressed together.

"That's all we need." she murmured before leaning up to kiss him.

It was very easy to get lost in kissing Lydia. Despite his fantasies over the years, they were nothing on the real thing. He had never factored in the smell of her perfume, or the utter softness of her lips, or the way she pressed her body flush to his.

Regardless of all of this, his anxiety won the round and he broke away.

"I just… Lydia, I don't have… I'm not… this might not be, you know, good for you… I know you've been with other guys, like, more than one, and I'm… as virginal as they come and—" His voice was going high-pitched in stress and Lydia grabbed his hands to hold them in hers.

"Stiles. There is absolutely no way you are going to disappoint me. And if it's not 'good', we'll just have to keep doing it until it is, okay? It's just like anything… practice makes perfect." she told him reassuringly, cupping his face in her hands. "Are you sure you want to do this? We can wait, Stiles. Seriously. I didn't mean to put that kind of pressure on you if you're not ready… we just got together…"

"No, no, no, I didn't mean…" He ran a stressed hand through his hair. "I'm just… I don't want to disappoint you. I want this to be… good for you."

He mentally scolded himself for being so inarticulate and repetitive, but he didn't know how else to express his concerns. He didn't want to lie to her. He wanted her to know what she was getting into. Lydia was an experienced girl and that didn't bother him, except when it came to being compared to past lovers and falling short. He knew everyone started somewhere, but it was times like these he really cursed his inexperience. He wanted to make her feel good and, although he had some general guesses, he had no real certainty on how to do it.

Lydia smiled. "You have nothing to worry about. As long as it's with you, it will be great. Okay?"

He nodded. "Okay."

"We'll take it slow. There's no rush. We can take our time."

His head bobbed in agreement again, his hands stroking down her arms.

The strawberry-blonde let her hands skate up his chest to rest on his shoulders and she pulled herself up the few inches to kiss him soundly on the mouth.

This time Stiles let his feelings for the girl in his arms get the best of him. Her lips against his, gentle but with fire burning under the surface, pulled at something inside him. It was like a hook through his heart, dragging him over the edge of caution, and his returning kiss was much more demanding.

His hands left their stationary spot and swept around her waist, tugging her closer as their kissing heated up with ease. He couldn't contain his growing urgency—it was like his feelings had suddenly crashed into him full force, reminding him how long he had yearned for this, and how much deeper it meant now.

Lydia guided him to turn around, pushing him gently down on the bed and crawling after him towards the headboard, meeting their lips as soon as they were far back enough. She straddled him, kissing him harder now, and it really felt like things were going somewhere.

Stiles coaxed her mouth open, letting his tongue slip in once her lips parted, and she moaned in response to the gentle brushing he performed before letting their tongues get to know each other intimately. Her hands knotted in his hair as they kissed more desperately, his hips instinctually rising to meet hers on their down motion, and the desire rippled through him like an electric shock.

Lydia suddenly rolled them over, dragging him by his shirt and then pulling it up and off of him. Her eyes were wild with lust as she slowly stroked down his newly exposed skin and she was panting hard beneath him.

"When did you get so good at kissing?" she demanded as she pushed her hair off her face, some strands sticking to her.

He finally noticed how hot both of their bodies were, and he knew that had less to do with physical exertion and more to do with the arousal building inside of them.

Instead of replying, he switched places with her and assaulted her mouth with his again, his hands bunching her dress up in his fists on her waist. God, did he want her.

He hadn't really realized before, but he liked the feel of weight on top of him. With Lydia pressing against him, all of her in contact with all of him, it gave him a sense of comfort. He was used to being in close contact with her, especially after all of the chaos with the nogitsune where she practically was his living, breathing crutch the last few days of the fight, but this was different. This was much better.

Lydia broke away to tug the side-zipper of her dress down, slipping the garment over her head and tossing it to the floor.

It meant that he was now in the presence of a half-naked goddess, and he was absolutely speechless as his eyes darted around the new masterpiece lying above him.

Trembling a little, Stiles leaned up to press deliberate kisses into her neck, his hand sweeping around her back to pull her back against him again. Lydia complied, curling into his touch and releasing a soft sigh of bliss.

As he stayed busy with his new task, Lydia helped rid him of his jeans. Stiles kicked them off his ankles when the time came and she moved back in place to mount his hips again.

He suddenly realized, when her pelvis bumped against his, how very turned on he was.

Upon instinct, he made to move away—he was so used to covering that sort of reaction to anything up, hiding away in shame or embarrassment. But before he flinched out of reach, he realized that he didn't need to this time. She wanted him to feel like that about her.

And that realization only made his arousal spike further.

"Hang in there, Stilinski." Lydia teased against his ear, feeling the spasm against her and bringing his mouth back to hers. She dragged her teeth across his bottom lip before kissing him hungrily.

"Not helping." he murmured back, his hips twitching with the need to jut upwards and seek friction.

Wondering if she was anywhere near as turned on as he was, Stiles figured he should probably try to level the playing field a little. Trying to concentrate the best he could while Lydia's lips were moving with his, his hand reached up to stroke her breast through the satin covering.

The rumbling in her throat spurred him on, and he began responding to her body language the best he could. He was gentle at first, gradually building up pressure in taut circles, a balance of firmness and ease, massage and tug, and when she pushed her chest more firmly into his hand, he knew he was doing something right.

He hadn't even realized she had stopped kissing him, her bottom lip caught between her teeth, and he moved his lips to explore the crevices of her neck. He figured now was as good of time as any to take the next step. He had a pretty good feeling Lydia was ready, likely not wanting to rush things until she was sure he was okay with them moving forward.

His nervous fingers stumbled over her bra clasp, and her breath hitched.

"Can I… I mean, do you mind if I…?"

Lydia kissed him long on the mouth, signalling her acceptance, and her fingers covered his to guide them into the proper procedure for unhooking it.

Once removed, it joined the building pile of clothes on the floor, and Stiles couldn't help but stare admiringly at the half-naked girl in his lap. His hands stroked lovingly along her waist.

"You're… you're gorgeous, Lydia. Completely." he stammered out.

Lydia smiled, her face already so flushed he didn't even notice her intense blush, and she leaned down to begin pressing kisses along the line of his abdomen.

He inhaled deeply, the softness of her lips brushing along the sensitive area below his bellybutton making him shiver, and the feel of her naked breasts rubbing against his bare skin made him groan. He was not going to last long enough to even get inside her. Was she feeling the same way or was he failing as a mutual lover?

Although he felt terrified to be so bold, he knew there was one way he could find out.

He flipped them so he was hovering above, her fire-filled eyes locking on his, and he swallowed before kissing her softly. Lydia didn't protest to the sudden change in pace, her fingers playing with his hair leisurely, and Stiles let his fingers skim down her torso to his new destination.

It seemed as though Lydia was oblivious until his index finger was teasing the hem of her underwear.

Her back arched, as if the very thought of him touching her there was enough to get her going, and he carefully removed the last article of clothing she donned.

His eyes met hers again, questioningly, nervously, and she nodded, making sure his lips were busy with her own when he finally moved his fingers into uncharted territory.

Lydia whimpered in approval as his sensual strokes began, his touch mostly curious and cautious at first, exploring the newfound area to see what made her hiss and move in delight.

He teased her entrance gently before finally slipping his fingers inside, her hips bucking up automatically to drag them in further. He moved two fingers in and out, curling them inside to rub every spot he could, and it wasn't long before Lydia was writhing beneath him. He felt a lot calmer now and even a little smug, her body doing all the talking he needed to reassure him he was doing things right. He added another finger, dragging up and then digging back down to pleasure all of the sensitive areas he could manage, causing friction as he moved back and forth along the entire length, and the girl beneath him was panting with want now. Upon re-entry, he realized she was more than ready for them to take the next step, and he groaned in time with her at the effort of holding back his orgasm at the concept of how wet she was for him.

"You might want to get that condom, like, now…" she told him, her hands undressing his lower half without hesitation, clearly not able to wait any longer either.

He was far too turned on to be embarrassed by being fully exposed to her, but there was no complaining coming from the strawberry-blonde either.

Stiles leaned over and fished a packet out of the box, nearly dropping it before getting it open.

It was like Lydia could tell that earlier fear was beginning to creep back up now that they were at the point of no return since she leaned over to kiss him softly, slowly, making him relax instantly. "I can put it on for you."

Taking it from his hands gently, she ran a hand down his middle slowly before grasping him in her delicate hands. Stiles breathed heavily out of his nose, trying not to thrust into her hand at the feel of someone's hand besides his own but especially hers on his most intimate area, and she fixed the prophylactic into place with practiced ease.

Her mouth found his again as he situated himself above her, her hands dragging his hips back in line with hers. She shifted her legs into better position, her knees bordering his hips to lock them in place, and smiled at his nervous expression.

"I'm ready whenever you are."

"I'm not going to, like, hurt you, right? It only hurts the first time?"

She chuckled but not in a mean way. "It only pinches when you puncture the hymen; at least it did for me. And it only hurts after that if a girl isn't turned on enough. But trust me, we're good on that front." she teased, pressing kisses into his neck adoringly.

With a deep breath, Stiles moved forward and slipped between her legs. At the feel of her muscles clenching around him, his face dropped to her neck and he practically sobbed it felt so good.

And he wasn't alone in that.

Lydia let him get used to the new position before rolling her pelvis up to begin the rhythm. Stiles quickly caught on and followed suit, his eyes focused on watching their bodies meet repeatedly to make sure he was doing it right. Lydia seemed to know he was overanalyzing things since she coaxed him to kiss her again, tugging at his bottom lip with her teeth. The action caused him to whine and get back to the level they were at before.

As they began moving together more naturally, their kissing became harder and more passionate, and soon Stiles realized he should do more. He knew it was taking all of his effort not to arrive right then, but he wanted to get Lydia closer before he reached his high. His hand slid up her body to revisit his earlier pleasuring of her breasts, and she hummed in delight as he stroked and rubbed where he saw fit. Her breath was coming out in heavy pants, her hips increasing their pace, and Stiles was surprised he hadn't caught fire with how much heat was building inside him.

He could feel Lydia trying to shift a little underneath him, as if she wasn't quite comfortable or was itching for something more, so he tugged behind her knee to reposition her thigh. He was surprised at how much deeper he was able to penetrate her at the new angle, and Lydia's sudden throaty moan alerted him that he had done the right thing.

He was close, too close to hold back anymore, and his thrusts picked up speed and force as he teetered on the edge before the fire shot from his spine and he let go inside of her.

He was grateful that his only vocal reaction was a low rumble at the base of his throat and not something more embarrassing. He continued his motions as he rode out the wave, unable to believe the blast his body had just undergone. Definitely the best orgasm he had ever had.

As he gained his strength back, he made quick work to get Lydia to the same place he had just been. His lips descended down from her shoulders, Stiles interlocking their fingers above her head, and her back arced in pleasure as he hit the special spot inside her. Her breathing hitched, and he knew she was so close she could practically taste it.

He pushed inside her harder, his mouth moving to her chest, and a catch of teeth on her sensitive peak was what sent her soaring.

She buried her cries of delight in his lips as her body quaked underneath him, kissing him appreciatively, and her body relaxed into its sated state after a few moments.

Both breathing heavily, Stiles separated them and discarded the condom in the waste bin by his bed. When he rolled back over, he drew Lydia into him, his lips brushing her forehead tenderly as they caught their breath.

After a moment, Stiles finally spoke. "Wow. So that was sex." he said, happy disbelief colouring his tone.

Lydia cuddled into him further. "It was. You are officially safe if we ever have someone trying to do human sacrifices again."

At the nonchalant way she said it and the reminder that their lives were anything but normal, both lovers cracked up. Maybe they were just too blissed out to do anything else.

Stiles kissed her softly. "Thank you. That was better than I could've imagined."

She smiled, her eyes sparkling with something he was only beginning to notice since her confession at the cemetery. "It was amazing for me too." she promised. "I didn't know I could feel so…" She struggled for the appropriate word for a moment before settling on one that made sense. "Whole."

Pink dusted her cheeks, and he realized she normally wasn't so honest about her feelings. Lydia was the kind of person who was more reserved about her personal feelings, keeping them to herself until she had time to process them and confirm a diagnosis of her opinion on the subject. Maybe it was the endorphins making her spill her guts.

He pressed a kiss to her temple. "I felt it too." he replied honestly, giving no reason for her to feel embarrassed by her confession.

It was true—although he definitely enjoyed the physical pleasure that stemmed from such an act, there was more to it. Being with Lydia that way… it was… peaceful. It made him tied to her in a different way, more grounded to everything or something.

Silence fell between them and they remained in each other's arms, succumbing to the lazy post-romp haze, as the sweat on their bodies dried. Stiles was half-conscious, feeling as though his body weighed a thousand pounds but was light as a feather at the same time.

He didn't know if it was normal or not, but what they had just done had made Stiles feel impossibly closer to Lydia. Even though they had clearly been as close as two people can get, it was like their tether had shortened and now they were closer than before. Whatever it was, Stiles felt like he never wanted to let her go, never wanted to have her out of his sight again. It had been weeks since he had been able to hold her, and he hadn't realized exactly how much the emptiness of his arms could ache.

Lydia was snuggled closer than she ever had been, so he had suspicions she felt the same way.

"We should get some food soon. You're going to be starving before you know it." she commented amusedly, sitting up finally and stretching her arms above her head to rid her shoulders of the kinks that had settled in.

The brown-haired boy followed suit, but his hands curved around her waist and pulled her into him, causing her to smile as his lips found her shoulder.

"Or we could try for round two?"

She smiled, her breath hitching as he sucked on a spot on her collarbone, and she pushed him gently away, not letting him win.

"Later, I promise."

Grunting in distaste but not really bothered much, Stiles dragged his boxers across the floor toward him and pulled them up his legs, his jeans following shortly after. Lydia had pulled on her underwear too but, instead of putting her dress back on, yanked his t-shirt from before over her head.

Stiles did a double-take when he looked over.

She grinned. "It's basically tradition for these sorts of things."

He returned the smile and got up to cross the room, his hands settling on her waist as he scanned her up and down. "Yeah… I can get used to the sight of Lydia Martin in my clothes."

"All guys are the same I swear." she giggled, rolling her eyes, but he tugged her forward and kissed her tenderly.

When he pulled back, he leaned his forehead against hers, shaking his head in disbelief, a small chuckle slipping out.

"I've fantasized about being with you like this so many times but I honestly never thought it would happen. It was just a… crazy dream. But here we are."

Lydia let her arms loop around his neck and she smiled. "And here we'll stay." She kissed him once before releasing him to take his hand. "Come on, lover boy. Let's order some food. And lots of it since you're paying."

She lead him downstairs, letting him lasso him into her when they were on equal ground, and he pulled out the basket of paper pamphlets.

"So what are you in the mood for? We have about a million take-out menus hanging around since my dad works late so much and I'm rarely home on time to cook a decent meal."

Her eyes widened. "You cook?"

He shrugged. "Sometimes."

"Like what? Kraft Dinner?"

Stiles laughed. "My culinary skills go beyond packaged mac and cheese thank you very much. I can cook real food. In fact… I'll cook for you for our next date. Just to prove it."

Lydia's excitement showed on her face. Most teenagers were pretty oblivious on how to make food. He wondered if she had ever had a boy make a meal for her before.

"Deal." she replied and walked over to fish out the menus from his hands. "If I remember correctly you said something about remembering my favourites when you go to order for you and your dad… willing to make a bet on that?"

"Do I still get the same prize as I would have before?" he asked enthusiastically.

"It'll have to wait for our next date so I can plan the perfect outfit, but yes." she said amusedly.

He couldn't help his eyes from lighting up. "Deal! Deal, deal, deal, deal—"

"Okay!" she laughed. "So… this place." she said slyly, clearly aware that they had never eaten from that place together before and he'd have to guess.

His face fell a little in disappointment, making Lydia start to regret her evil plan, but he took it from her with a mischievous grin.

"You forget how well I know you, Lydia Martin."

And when he ordered all of her usuals without fail, she shook her head in disbelief and decided that maybe she needed to give the boy with the crush far more credit for his cleverness.

Lydia and Stiles got dressed properly after dinner and round two, knowing that the Sheriff wouldn't be home for a while but that she would have to go home soon, much to their dismay. Still, they were making the most of their first night together, hanging out much like they always had, save for the supernatural research and the fact that most of their disagreements were broken up by playful kissing.

Naturally, they lost track of time, and Stiles was laughing at something that Lydia had said when the front door unlocked, causing them to be oblivious to the newcomer.

As the Sheriff made his way into the house, following the sound of his son's carefree laugh, he stumbled upon a sight he wasn't expecting.

He had been surprised when he had seen Malia and Stiles engaging in romantic-style interactions around the house—watching movies with his son's arm around her shoulder or waist, holding hands as they left the house, and the odd kiss goodnight. As far as Stiles' dad knew, the teenage boy had always only had eyes for one…

…the one he was currently making out with on the couch in the living room.

Trying to suppress a smile of amusement and a teensy bit of pride, the Sheriff corrected his throat.

Stiles flew off Lydia so fast it was like she had suddenly turned into a Kanima. Lydia immediately straightened up and wiped her mouth, pulling her dress back into place as her cheeks matched her hair colour.

"Dad! You're… you're home!"

"That's sort of the thing that happens after I finish my shift at work."

Clearly, sarcasm ran in the family.

"Right… well… uh, how was your day?"

His father regarded him with an air of disbelief. "How about we talk about it in the kitchen? It's nice to see you, Lydia." he added pleasantly.

"You too." she managed, but it came out as sort of a squeak.

Stiles glanced at his kissing partner before following his father desolately out of the room like a scolded puppy.

The Sheriff just had to look at him and Stiles was spilling his guts.

"Okay, before you say anything, me and Malia aren't together anymore, so we can skip the disrespecting girls lecture or whatever it is. We were barely going out anyways. And things at school got crazy today and then I talked to Lydia and stuff came out and I guess she somehow feels the same way? And I don't know, Dad, it's all still like a dream but I'm really sorry you came home to that… we're… you know, still getting used to the idea of us being an actual thing… and… yeah."

His dad opened his mouth and then closed it, smirking a little now. He had seen the subtle signs over the months that Lydia felt something a little more than friendship for Stiles, but he knew it wasn't his place to get in the way of that and that Lydia would tell Stiles when she was ready. Frankly, he was happy for the pair of them. He knew they had a special connection—one he hadn't thought existed before despite Stiles reassurance since he was a child that it was there, just unspoken. But over the past year, when Lydia started coming over and the two started becoming real friends, he saw something stronger than just new pals and he knew it wasn't just from his son's side.

The other day when Lydia had stopped by and left upset, he had known immediately what was wrong and had a good feeling why she had come over. It had upset him to see her so hurt when he knew she hadn't been having the easiest time already, and especially when he was sure Stiles' feelings for her hadn't changed despite the new girl he was spending time with.

Now, seeing his son's panicked explanation but the outstanding light in his eyes he hadn't seen in a long, long time, he couldn't help but be ecstatic that the two had finally gotten together, no matter what he had stumbled upon when he got home.

There was something else he was pretty sure about too.

"I hope you were safe."

Stiles' expression was priceless. "What, did, I… wh-what—DO I HAVE DE-VIRGINIZED STAMPED ON MY FOREHEAD OR SOMETHING?!" he shouted incredulously, and they both heard a soft groan from the living room which meant Lydia was well aware that his father knew what had happened between them earlier.

His dad had to laugh, trying to control it the best he could so as not to embarrass his son further, who was now beet red.

"I'm happy for you, Stiles. Both of you. I just don't want to become one of those parents on a teen pregnancy reality show and have to sleep with my gun on me, waiting for her father to come take us both out."

Stiles covered his face in his hands and moaned. "You sound like Scott's mom. Please just… can this conversation be over?"

He took pity on him. "All right. Go back to your girlfriend. But as happy as I am for you two, we'll have to discuss girlfriend ground rules later."

Stiles nodded, leaving the room immediately.

Lydia had her feet up on the couch, pillow on her bent legs, and her face buried in it.

"Hey… it's over. He's going upstairs."

"He KNOWS?!" she wailed, pressing her face back into the cushion in horror.

He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "He… is the Sheriff… it's sort of his job to be able to read people I guess…"

Lydia simply groaned in response.

"Lydia, it's just my dad…"

"I don't know how I'm going to ever look him in the face again, knowing he knows exactly what day I deflowered his son…"

"Does deflowered work when girls do it to guys?"



He scooted over and pulled the pillow out of her grasp, wrapping an arm around her and hugging her.

"My dad adores you. He's happy we're together. He just, you know, has concerns about us moving too quickly and not taking proper precautions."

Lydia wouldn't admit it, at least not yet, but Stiles' arms around her always put her at ease. She exhaled. She knew his dad would've figured it out eventually, or at the very least assumed, but she was still embarrassed. Although partly to do with her feelings for his son, Lydia cared what the Sheriff thought of her, and she hated falling into the stereotype of 'typical hormonal teenager'. She just worried he'd think less of her for them moving so quickly, that she was that kind of girl. And maybe she was before… but Stiles made her different, made her better, and she wanted him to see that more.

She looked at the clock on the wall and sighed. "It's getting late. My mom's going to be calling soon. I should get going."

Stiles looked disappointed, but led the way down the hall, Lydia grabbing her bag and swinging it over her shoulder. She fished out her keys and turned to face him, knowing it was goodbye for now. After the crazy day they had, it seemed so surreal. She could tell by the look in his eyes that he was feeling the same way—he didn't want to be away from her either.

But they were two seventeen-year-olds who still were under their parents' roof. There would be times in the future where they wouldn't have to separate, but tonight was not one of those times.

"Thanks for today." Stiles told her as he pulled her into a tight hug, nuzzling his face in her hair as he held her close.

She smiled, feeling a little emotional over how much had happened. It felt like a week instead of a simple twenty-four hours. "Thank you for not giving up on me."

Stiles seemed to notice the way her eyes had become a little moister since they had gotten to the goodbye of the night and he pulled her into a long, loving kiss.

"I love you. That's never going to change."

She forced her tears back. "I love you too."

She leaned up and kissed him again, her lips lingering on his for an extra moment before she finally broke away and opened the door.

"Goodnight, Stiles."

"Goodnight, Lydia."

And with that, she left for her car and Stiles locked the door behind her. He leaned against the closed barrier and exhaled heavily, running his hands through his hair and closing his eyes, his mind still wrapped up in everything.

Unbeknownst to him, his dad had been peeking down at the scene and felt a tug at his heart. He remembered feeling the way his son currently was, like his heart had just left and drove away and wouldn't be whole again until she returned. It had been the way he felt about his wife after their first time too.

He let his son indulge in his privacy and headed to his bedroom alone, hoping Stiles and Lydia had a better ending than he and Claudia had.

Stiles lay in bed staring at the ceiling for what felt like hours. His room felt oddly empty without Lydia there. His bed seemed huge.

He could still smell the tiniest of remnants of her perfume on the sheets. It only made his heart ache for her more. He had spent much of the last few weeks missing her, but it was nothing on his current feelings. Now he craved her presence like she supplied him with oxygen.

He rolled over again, unable to get comfortable. Maybe it was because of how his arms didn't seem to have a purpose when they weren't busy holding a 5'3 strawberry-blonde goddess.

"You're being stupid. And pathetic." he muttered to himself.

Now that they had taken their relationship to the next level, he missed new things about her. The way she giggled when he kissed a certain spot on her neck, the little smirk she wore when he let out some sort of vocal appreciation for whatever magic she had instilled on his body, and the feel of her lips moving with his. He craved intimacy with her so much he felt like it was going to eat him alive. He wanted to listen to her talk about anything, quantum physics or math theorems or the history of zippers. He loved listening to her talk, how animated and passionate she became about the oddest things, and the fiery look in her eyes when he tried to argue with her about something, whether seriously or teasingly.

Stiles sighed. He wasn't sure if he was going to be able to sleep without hearing her steady breathing next to him. They had only had a handful of sleepovers, but Stiles always slept the most peacefully when she was there. They had blamed it on the emotional tether out loud, but Stiles knew it was because of the way she brought peace to even his crazy mind. She had become his anchor long before he had performed the sacrifice.

His phone suddenly lit up and Stiles scrambled to grab it, grinning when he read the display.

"Hey, beautiful. I was just forcing myself not to call you… every minute since you left."

Lydia chuckled into the receiver. "I've been trying not to give in too… but after so many weeks of stopping myself, I've lost all will power and had to give in. I was hoping I wouldn't wake you."

"Nah I'm wide awake. How are you?"

She sighed. "Tired. Lonely. I wish I was with you. I get why we have to be apart, but it really sucks. We help save the city from total destruction yet we still have to be in by curfew? It just… sometimes I find it really unfair."

"I really wish you were here too." Stiles replied, silently agreeing with her sentiment but knowing that ranting about it in length wouldn't help anything, only fuel their irritation further. "My bed feels empty without you."

It was quiet between them for a few minutes.

"My mom goes away on in a couple days for a teacher's conference thing in another city. She'll be gone overnight… do you think you can stay over? Tell your dad I'll be all alone and helpless? Or that you're staying at Scott's or something?"

Stiles laughed. "My dad knows full well you're not helpless… I'm half sure he thinks you're a total badass. And I'm pretty sure after today he will know before I even ask who I'm going to be with… but yeah, I'll talk to him. He's usually pretty good about stuff, and he knows how I feel about you, so it'll probably be fine."

Lydia couldn't help but smile, glowing with pride again at how deeply Stiles cared for her and how much all of those in his life knew it. He really hadn't kept it quiet and it made her feel special.

"So I guess the countdown begins now. You know…" She hesitated a little, suddenly shy. "I always sleep better when I'm with you."

He couldn't help but smile, chuckling a little at their mirroring feelings. "Me too."

Lydia yawned.

"You should sleep. We can talk tomorrow, Lydia."

"I don't want to hang up yet." she replied, although there was definite sleepiness in her tone now. "I like listening to your voice. We could just lie like this, listening to the other breathe until one of us falls asleep."

"Okay." Stiles agreed, feeling his body beginning to tug him towards exhaustion too. It had been a really eventful day after all.

He lay down and got comfortable, listening to Lydia's soft breath flow through the receiver. He could hear it already evening out, and he smiled to himself. It wasn't as good as having her next to him but it was definitely a nice alternative.

Although the plan was for him to hang up after she fell asleep, or vice versa, he ended up falling asleep before he had the chance.

Despite having a crush for so many years and imagining a day when he could call Lydia his girlfriend, his dreams still seemed to have nothing on the real thing.