A/N: Okay so I have never done a Blue Bloods fanfic before. I haven't even seen all the episodes so bare-with me a little bit here until I get the characters down. Some might be a little out of character, but I will try my best.

Summary: Jamie is trying to balance working two jobs and paying all his bills. An old enemy of his father's shows up and targets Jamie for his revenge. Not only does the family have to fight to find Jamie, but they have to fight to get Jamie's memories back. This story will contain brainwashing, violence and swearing. Not the best for younger readers so you have been warned.


Chapter 1

Jamie got up that Sunday morning and went into the bathroom so he could shower and get ready for the day. He had been working doubles for the last three days trying to get some more hours in on his paycheque. He was exhausted, but he couldn't just sleep all day. It was already noon and he had to be at his father's and grandfather's house for dinner like he always does every Sunday. He didn't get home until five o'clock that morning and he was only functioning off of barely six hours of sleep. Jamie knew he couldn't do this forever, but he didn't have the choice right now. Come Wednesday, his day off, he would be working at a local book store to make some extra cash as well. He had to pay back close to eighty thousand dollars in student loans from going to Harvard. Jamie knew that when he made the decision to quit law and go into the academy that times would be hard for the first five years. It was why he moved into a smaller and cheaper apartment and downgraded his life style. He was still having some troubles with his bills, sometimes they would be a little behind. He would pay what he could on each bill each month, but sometimes his cable would get shut off until he was able to catch up. He was doing his best to pay off the debt, but the interest connected to the loan was just making it harder and longer to pay off. At the time Jamie didn't think it would be that bad, he was going to be a lawyer and make more than forty thousand a year. A good top lawyer could easily make a hundred thousand to just start off with. Jamie wasn't worried about it when he was in school. Now that he wasn't going to be making that kind of money paying it back was very hard on him. Jamie hadn't mentioned any of this to his family, especially his father. Jamie didn't want them to know just how much trouble he was having. He was going to work any extra time he could at the station and with his second job he could put that money towards the loans. Jamie had made the decision to be a police officer and he wasn't going to regret that, especially over money.

Jamie got out of the shower and got dressed. He put on some coffee and went to check his mailbox while it was brewing. He hadn't had the chance to check it while he was working doubles for the last three days. He grabbed his mail and headed back upstairs. He poured himself a cup of coffee and looked through his mail. There was another notice of payment for his loans. He had to pay each month and Jamie was a little worried about his payment this month. He would need to go through his bills and his account to see what he could do. He also had to go through his calendar to see when his paycheques would be coming in this month. Jamie also saw that he got a phone bill and a notice of it being shut off. He was four hundred dollars behind and he had to pay it all before they would turn it back on. Jamie immediately grabbed his phone from his pocket and tried to make a call. Sure enough he couldn't get through and his phone had actually been shut off. Jamie let out a small light curse, he had thought he had until Friday to pay it and he wasn't planning on paying that much. Jamie let out a sigh as he grabbed his coffee and went over to his laptop. He had to figure this out and he didn't have that long to do it. He had to leave in three hours so he could get to his father's and grandfather's house. He had been taking the subway recently so he wouldn't have to pay for gas, so it would take him almost two hours on the subway to get to dinner tonight.

Jamie started to go through which bills he had to pay and how much he needed to pay on them. The problem was he was close to a thousand dollars short this month. He wouldn't be getting a paycheque from his second job until two weeks from now. The extra hours at work wouldn't be until the end of the month by the time they were placed on his pay roll. Jamie didn't know what to do other than to keep working the extra shifts doing anything he could at the station and working as many days as he could at the book store when he was off. He would be exhausted, but he would be able to at least pay his bills. He couldn't downgrade his apartment, because he was as low as he could go without living in a bad area of town. Jamie never expected for this to happen and he wished that he had just followed his heart from the beginning and went into the police academy from the start. He wanted to please his mother and do as she wished for him. She didn't want another child as a police officer, another son, so Jamie did his best and followed in Erin's footsteps and went into law, but his heart just wasn't in it. He wanted to be on the street like Joe and Danny were. He loved listening about their day and what case they were working on. Jamie wanted that. He wanted the adventure and the danger, but he also wanted the rewarding job that being a police officer brought. He wanted to help people and feel like he was making a difference out there. Now he was paying for it, but he kept telling himself that it would be worth it once the loan was paid off.

Jamie decided to get ready and head out to go to the family dinner earlier than usual. He didn't want to sit around here doing nothing, but stressing over money. So he left his apartment and headed for the subway. It was just after one thirty in the afternoon so by the time he got there it would be close to four, so he wouldn't be that early. He wasn't looking forward to working at the book store, but at least it would be easy and light work after working on the street all day. He could just relax and help people when they come in. He knew he needed the money so he was just going to have to deal with it until he paid off the loans. Jamie just closed his eyes once he got onto the subway and just waited until he heard his stop being called. He didn't want to bring his problems to his father or his grandfather. They were his problems and he would work through them himself. He got off at his stop and walked the rest of the way to his father's and grandfather's house. It was starting to get cold out now that it was nearing the beginning of fall. Jamie knew that he had to work on his bills so come winter he could be using his car once again. He didn't want to be taking the subway in the middle of winter and with the winter storms that New York City brought with it. Jamie was going to have to figure out what he could cut back on some more and do what he could. He still had cable so he could cut that out, he could stop driving his car until the winter months so he wouldn't need his insurance for the next four months, which would save him three hundred a month. He just needed to get caught up on his bills so he could start paying off the usual amount once again.

Jamie walked into his father's and grandfather's home calling out as he did.

"Hey anybody here?"

Henry came around the corner from the kitchen with a smile on his face.

"Jamie, hey you're early."

Henry went and gave Jamie a hug.

"Ya I didn't have anything to do so I figured I come and see if you needed a hand." Jamie smiled.

"I could always use a hand."

They headed into the kitchen and Jamie didn't see his dad anywhere.

"Where's dad?"

"He's on the phone in his office. So how have you been kid? You look tired."

"Ya I've been working doubles the last few days. What's for dinner?" Jamie asked hoping to get the attention off from him.

"Lamb chops, roasted potatoes and salad."

"Sounds good. Anything you need help with?"

"Nope everything is covered."

Frank walked out of his office and into the kitchen as he heard Jamie's voice. Frank smiled as he saw Jamie there with his father talking.

"Hello son, you're early."

"Ya I figured I would just come early. I didn't have anything to do today so."

Frank looked at Jamie and could see the exhaustion in his face and eyes.

"Everything okay?" Frank asked with concern in his voice.

"Ya I'm just tired."

"I see that. Why so tired?"

"Been working doubles the last three days to help out at the station." Jamie answered with tiredness edging his voice.

"Come talk to me for a minute." Frank said as he headed off towards his office.

Jamie followed knowing that his father wanted to ask him more questions about everything. His father was always so in-tuned to him and could always tell when he was hiding something or stressed out about something. Jamie was going to tell him about what had been going on, but he wasn't going to be looking for his father to bail him out. He was determined to be doing this on his own without anyone's help. Once they were in his father's office Frank didn't even waste a second.

"I tried calling you yesterday, but your phone went straight to voicemail."

"Ya I uh… I know I just found out this afternoon."

"So it was shut off." Frank stated.

"Ya, but I'm gonna pay it this week once I get paid on Friday. Really everything is fine I'm working it out. I'm picking up some extra shifts at work and I'm starting a second job on Wednesday to help out with it. I'm fine."

"Jamie you're going to be exhausted working so much. Why don't you let me help you pay back some of those loans?"

This wasn't the first time that Frank had offered to help Jamie pay back the student loans and Jamie had always refused. It was his decision and he wasn't looking for his father to bail him out. He took into account everything before he decided to leave law for the police academy. He knew he would need to make sacrifices, but for him it would be worth it.

"I'm fine. I made the decision to quit law school and I don't regret it. I'll work it out."

"Son, I am your father. I'm here to help you."

"I can handle it. They are my loans and my responsibility to take care of. I'm fine I've cut back and I'm working the second job to help cover everything."

"Fine. Not including the loan payment are you able to cover everything this month?"

"I'll be fine. I can figure it out."

"I didn't ask if you could figure it out. I asked if you were able to cover everything this month."

"I'm still working on figuring out a plan." Jamie answered honestly.

"Okay let me ask you this. Do you have your rent and car insurance for next month?"

"I have my rent. I'm not going to be driving my car until winter so I won't need to worry about my car insurance or gas. It saves me three hundred a month that I can put towards my other bills. It makes sense to just take the subway for now, until winter hits."

"Where is this new job?"

"It's a book store down just a few blocks from the station. The owner is nice and will work around my work schedule."

"So how short are you this month?" Frank asked in a serious voice once again.

Jamie let out a sigh. "I'll be fine dad."

"Jamison" Frank said.

"A thousand." Jamie said as he looked down so he couldn't see the disappointment on his father's face.

Frank knew that Jamie was stubborn and he wished that he would just let him help him. The loan payments each much were very large and it would be difficult to pay back with the salary that he gets from NYPD.

"I paid half of Erin's student loans. I paid for Danny and Joe's police academy. You though, you refused to let me help you pay for anything and you insist on doing it on your own. I can respect that, but as your father it frustrates me that you won't let me help you. You make forty thousand a year and twelve thousand goes towards rent each year."

"I know, but I can make it work. I'm going to do extra shifts and my second job will help me catch up on bills. I'll make it work."

"So your phone bill is not the only thing that you are behind on?"

"No" Jamie said and Frank could see the shame in his face.

"What other bills?"

"Utilities and home insurance. I know I shouldn't let the bills get behind. I've never done it before." Jamie said in a hurry.

"Son, it happens to everyone. You are trying to pay all of these loans from Harvard and then the police academy. Let me help you catch up."

"I'm fine I can figure it out."

"Do you even have food in your fridge?"

Jamie was quiet for a few seconds before he softly answered. "No"

"Son" Frank started, but Jamie cut him off.

"I've been busy this weekend with work. I haven't had the chance yet."

"What were the terms of your loan again?"

"When I went into the police academy they renegotiated the interest and terms. It's a five year term and with interest it's roughly fifteen hundred a month minimum."

"Well I would say you can move back here, but I know you won't."

"I'm fine really. It's tight, but I can figure it all out. It was my decision to leave and change careers. It's my responsibility."

"I can understand you feel that way, but as your father I'm not just going to watch you drown. Why don't you just let me help you catch up his month?"

"Because I can figure it out."

"Jamie it's not like you are trying to pay for a trip and you don't eat out that month. You can only do so much with your salary. Half of it goes to your loan payments and rent each year. We can argue about this all night, but you know you will be taking a cheque from me by the end of the night. Stop being stubborn and let me help you this month."

Jamie was quiet for a few minutes. He knew his father was right; he wouldn't stop until Jamie accepted his help. He didn't want to take his father's money. He had a strong belief in making it on his own without his father's help. The same went for his work. He didn't run to him whenever he had a problem, he would just deal with it himself. The problem was he didn't have the money this month. He didn't have the money for food. He really didn't have a choice.

"Ok" Jamie said and Frank could tell that he was not happy about it at all.


Frank turned to his desk and grabbed his cheque book. He wrote out the cheque and then handed it to Jamie, who Frank could tell was clearly embarrassed. Jamie looked at the cheque before he spoke.

"I said I was short a thousand, this is fifteen hundred."

"I want you to eat this month. Don't even think about arguing you won't win."

Jamie put the cheque into his pocket.

"Thanks, I'll pay you back."'

"And I won't take it. Now let's go and see how your grandpa is doing in the kitchen shall we."

They both headed out into the kitchen to help get the rest of diner ready. The dinner was the same as always. They spoke about work and Danny's new case. Jamie played basketball with his two nephews and Nikki. Jamie didn't mention anything about a second job or working overtime. He didn't want anyone to know that he was having trouble paying his bills. He was only a year on the job and he didn't want to hear any "I told you so" from anyone. By nine o'clock everyone was heading home so Jamie decided he would get on the subway and head home. He had to work in the morning and it would already take him two hours to get home. Jamie headed into the kitchen where his father and grandfather were, the three of them were the only ones left in the house.

"I'm gonna head out. I got the morning shift."

"How you getting home?" Frank asked.

"The subway." Jamie simply answered.

"At this hour? It'll take you what two hours to get there? Why didn't you drive?" Henry asked.

"Saving gas. It's fine I'll see you on Sunday grandpa. See ya dad."

Jamie left the house, not wanting to get into anything with Henry about his finances. He really didn't want anyone to know that he was having some troubles. It was his business and he didn't want to get razed by Danny.

"He seemed quiet and off tonight. Is everything okay?" Henry asked Frank after Jamie left.

"He's having some money troubles. He took on a second job that he starts on Wednesday."

"Ah and based on the fact that he didn't bring it up at dinner he doesn't want people to know about it."

"You know Jamie. He's always had his finances in line and accounted for down to the last cent ever since he was a child. He's embarrassed and he's afraid he will hear I told you so."

"He's not regretting joining the force though is he?"

"The only regret he has right now is not following his heart. He wanted to make his mother proud so he honored her wishes even if he was unhappy with it. I'm proud of him for following his heart. I just wish he would let me help him with this. I practically had to order him to take a cheque so he wouldn't be behind this month and starving."

"He in that bad of shape?" Henry asked with concern.

"I think he's in worse shape than he is telling me. He keeps saying he's fine and he'll figure it out, but at the end of the day over half of his salary goes towards rent and his loan payments a year. It doesn't leave him much room for his other bills and food. He's not driving his car right now. He's going to wait until winter before he puts it back on the road."

"He's trying to save the insurance money. Where's this new job?"

"A book store by the station."

"I can understand him wanting to do this on his own, but to be working two jobs plus extra shifts. He's going to be burning himself out. That can be dangerous on the beat."

"I know. We'll just have to keep an eye on him and make sure he's taking care of himself."

"Does he plan on telling the others about the second job?"

"I'm not sure. It's bound to come up eventually though. Hopefully Danny doesn't give him a hard time for it."

"That's probably not going to happen. You know how Danny is with Jamie. They might be brothers, but they aren't that close. Not like Jamie and Joe were."

"Danny is hard and street smart from being in the military. Jamie is more book smart than street smart and they often don't understand each other. Never the less they are brothers and as an older brother I would hope Danny doesn't tease and harass Jamie over this new job."

"Well he might surprise ya. They seem to be closer after that whole Blue Templar situation. Maybe Danny is starting to see Jamie in a new light."

"I hope so Pop. It's getting late and I have an early meeting so I'm going to turn in." Frank said as he got up from the kitchen stool.

"I'll be right behind ya."

"Goodnight Pop." Frank said as he headed for the stairs.

"Goodnight Francis."

Henry locked up the house and turned off the lights downstairs before he headed upstairs to get some sleep. It was just after eleven and Jamie was walking down the street towards his house at a quick pace. It had started raining after he transferred onto another subway that would take him the rest of the way home. It seemed the rain came out of nowhere, because earlier it was a clear sky or it was at his father's and grandfather's house. Where he lived it was just a downpour of rain. By the time Jamie reached his apartment he was soaking wet and leaving puddles down the hall as he walked. He got into his apartment and instantly started to take off his wet clothes and empty his pockets. He was thankful that he had moved his father's cheque from his pocket to inside his wallet before he left. He wasn't happy about taking the money, but at least he would be able to pay his bills this month and have some food. His bills would still be behind, but he could make the minimum payments and pay the balance on his cell phone bill so he could have his phone turned back on. He had to work in the morning so he would go to the bank after work and make the deposit then go and pay his cell phone bill. He started his new second job on Wednesday and he wasn't looking forward to it, but it had to be done. He needed the extra cash to help pay the bills and he would also be making more cut backs. He wasn't going to be driving his car so he could cancel his insurance. He would also cancel his cable, but still leaving his internet just in case he needed it. He couldn't do anything about his cell phone or his utilities they were something he couldn't cut off. He could use less electricity and heat, but that was it. Jamie knew he was just going to have to work his way out of this mess. So with that thought in mind he went into his bathroom to take a shower so he could get warm before he headed off to bed.


Wednesday came around all too quickly for Jamie's liking. He had worked a double the night before and now he was heading to his second job. It was eight o'clock in the morning and Jamie was working off of three hours of sleep, but he wasn't the complaining type. He knew he had to do this and he didn't see the point in complaining about it. He had gotten himself into this mess and he was going to get himself out of it. Jamie got off the subway and headed down the street to the book store that he would be working at. It was just minimum wage, but it was better than nothing. Jamie walked into the small book store and saw that the owner was behind the counter. Jamie smiled at him as he walked over.

"Moring Sir."

"Please Jamie call me Donald."

"Ok" Jamie said with a smile.

"Are you ready for today?"

"I am."

"Good. Today I will be showing you how the system works and where everything is so the next shift you have, you can work alone."

"Sounds good."

"Okay come back here and I will show you around first before we get started on the system."

Donald was an older man in his late sixties. He had short grey hair, blue eyes and was only five foot four and one hundred and nineteen pounds. He was a small man to say the least, but he had a good heart in him. Jamie followed Donald around all day learning everything he could so when he came in Friday and worked alone he could understand everything. The system was easy to learn, especially after all the computer systems Jamie had to learn for his office job when he was in high school. By the time four o'clock came around Jamie was able to do everything by himself without any problems. Jamie was just about to get his things to leave when a man came into the store. He was in his fifties, black hair with a touch of grey in it and brown eyes. He was a bigger man standing at six foot nine and weighing close to two hundred pounds. Jamie could see that the man worked out even at his age. Jamie offered the customer a smile as he walked over to the counter.

"You must be new." The customer said with a smile.

"Yes Sir. My first day."

"Well it's nice to meet you. I'm a regular here I'm sure Donald could tell you."

"He's actually not here right now. He went to get some coffee. Is there something I could help you with?"

"You look familiar. Have I seen you before?"

"Maybe. I'm a police officer."

"That's it. You are Frank Reagan's son. Oh excuse me I don't remember your name from the articles."

"It's Jamie."

"I'm Mathew. It's a pleasure to meet you Jamie. Your father must be so proud of you."

"He is."

"Well like I said I'm a regular here. I just love reading, but I won't bore you with my stories. I'm just here to see about a new book and then I'll be on my way."

"If you need any help just let me know." Jamie said with a smile.

Mathew headed down the row for the novels and after a good fifteen minutes he came back to the cash with three novels about mysteries.

"You like mysteries." Jamie stated.

"I do, especially murder mysteries. It's always fun to try and figure it out by the end of the book. I like to see how many times I get it right."

"I used to do the same thing back when I had time to read." Jamie said as he rang the books up in the register.

"You should always find time to read young man."

"Maybe working here will let me do that. That will be twenty nine dollars and eighteen cents."

Mathew handed Jamie the money and Jamie handed him the small plastic bag holding the books.

"I'll see you again soon Jamie."

"Have a good day."

Mathew left the book store and headed back to his car with a devilish smile on his face. He got into his car and he couldn't believe his luck. He had been waiting to seek revenge against Frank Reagan for many years and now an opportunity just landed right in his lap. Mathew couldn't help the ideas starting to flood his mind. The possibilities were endless. He just needed to come up with a good plan and wait for the right time to take his revenge. Mathew looked down at the books that he just bought and thought that he would go through those ones and the ones he had at home for some good ideas. He just might be able to get his revenge against Frank Reagan after all. He just had to make sure the plan was flawless and perfect before he acted on it. Mathew started his car and looked back at the book store one last time before driving off.

"Jamie Reagan you are going to be my trick in bringing down Frank Reagan." Mathew said to himself as he drove home.

It was five o'clock when Jamie was off from his second job. He headed down the street to the subway so he could go home. The job was easy so Jamie was happy about that. He was completely oblivious to the fact that his new second job was going to destroy him completely.