A/N: Alright, there were a lot of errors scattered all throughout the chapters of Moments so I took the liberty of revising and republishing them. The chapters are now longer, better, and they now come with more surprises in each one. I hope everyone reading agrees and enjoys this revision.

Disclaimer: I didn't own Yu-Gi-Oh and I certainly don't own Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal, Kazuki Takakhasi owned the original Yu-Gi-Oh and Shin Yoshida owns Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal.


Trey could no longer hear the boys' laughter or hear their taunts and jeers as they knocked him down every time he tried to climb to his feet. He could no longer hear the sounds of his bones breaking as his hands and right arm were all jumped on again and again.

Everything was blurry and searing pain coursed through every fiber of the pink-haired teen's being, especially his arm and hands. But he couldn't think about that right now. He had to get home. He had to get back to his family. He had to!

As he took another step forward, the fifteen-year-old fought the urge to scream in anguish. But before a sound could escape his lips, he slipped on a patch of ice and crashed to the snow-covered ground. As his small frame hit the ground, blood fell from his nose and the numerous cuts that marred his pale skin, staining the once pure, white snow crimson.

The youngest Arclight gasped and struggled to go on. His only goal, his only thought, was to get back to his family. He was afraid to stop, afraid that if he did, he would black out and never regain consciousness.

"I have to get home," he whispered to himself as he felt himself slipping into unconsciousness. "I have to get back to my family...They're probably already very upset that I'm not home yet."


"Has Trey returned yet?" Quinton asked Quattro, who had been admiring the complete Heart Piece that guaranteed him a spot in the World Duel Carnival finals.

"How the hell should I know?" the younger Arclight snapped, his crimson irises burning into his brother's dark blue ones. "I didn't realize I was supposed to babysit him today."

"He is our brother," Quinton said, his dark blue eyes narrowing slightly. "And Quattro, you might want to watch yourself with that temper before it gets you in trouble."

Quattro took a step back and glared at his older brother.

"Look, I already get enough of that around here from Vetrix," he growled. "I don't need it from you too, Quinton."

"Mind your attitude," Quinton warned, walking past his brother.

Quattro rolled his eyes and stormed to his room.

"What do they think I am Trey's keeper?" he grumbled to himself as he slammed the door and collapsed on his bed. "He's fifteen years old; he should be able to look after himself by now."


"Trey hasn't come back yet, has he, Quinton?" Vetrix asked, momentarily ignoring the assorted cartoons that he had just been watching seconds before.

"No, he hasn't," Quinton answered. "He should have been back by now. He's never been late before. I can't imagine what could be keeping him."

Before the silver-haired duelist could say anything else, Vetrix turned his attention back to the cartoons and appeared to be thoroughly enjoying the antics of what looked to be a living balloon playing with its' bow tie.

"Too funny!" the mask-wearing man-child giggled, clapping his hands and kicking his feet.

Quinton could scarcely believe that this had once been his father. Byron Arclight had been the polar opposite of the replacement that now sat before Quinton. And despite his calm exterior, the eldest Arclight felt that it was very awkward that his father was now much younger than he was. And he was sure that his younger brothers felt just as awkward about it. After all, Vetrix was even younger than Trey, who at fifteen years old, happened to be the youngest of them all.


It secretly troubled Quinton that his youngest brother still hadn't returned yet. He had requested to meet with a boy named Yuma Tsukumo. He had been certain that the boy had been the reason that he and Quattro had lost their duel against him and Kaito Tenjo. Trey had promised he would be home after he spoke to Yuma. So where was he? What could have possibly happened that would keep him from returning? Trey was always completely servile when it came to Vetrix or Quinton telling him to do something. Sometimes he listened to Quattro, but not as often as he did his oldest brother and his warped father. And Vetrix had assured the eldest of the Arclight brothers that Trey would return due to the love and loyalty he felt to his family.

'Where are you?' Quinton asked silently. 'You've never done anything like this, Trey. This isn't like you at all. Where are you, little brother?'


Trey had managed to pull himself up with one arm and was now once again heading for home.

"I can't..." he panted, slumping against a tree before the tree hit his right arm, earning a pained yelp from the injured boy and forcing him back up so that he could continue his trek home. "I'm too tired...I can't keep..."

Suddenly, his home came into view, restoring hope in the young boy.

'I'm going to make it,' Trey smiled for the first time since his ordeal with those boys. 'Just a few more steps...I'm almost there!'

He made it to the door, rested his hand on the knob and turned it, trying to ignore the pain in his hand. Now there was no doubt that it was broken too...

He couldn't do it, it made his hands hurt too much to turn the knob. So the boy resorted to knocking against the door with his left elbow. They had to hear him inside.


"Alright already! I'll go look for him!" Quattro snarled. "Damn!"

Muttering a string of curses under his breath, the red-and-yellow-haired duelist stormed to the front door.

"Trey's going to have some serious explaining to do when I find him," Quattro fumed as he reached for the door. "Why he decided to take his sweet time coming back-"

His hand hadn't yet touched the doorknob when he heard a gentle knock.

Stunned, Quattro looked through the glass to see who was on the other side of the door. He was prepared to fight when he saw the intruder's face. A face covered with dried blood and bruises…and tears…wait…he knew that face…

"Trey!" the middle Arclight brother's scarlet eyes widened in surprise as he opened the door. "What are you-?"

"They...I didn't...I don't..." Trey mumbled as he leaned against the doorframe, trying to catch his breath.

"What are you talking about?" Quattro asked, still in shock at the condition his little brother was in. "What happened to you? Trey, answer me!"

"They...my head...my arm...my hands…I don't...feel..."

Trey's emerald green eyes rolled up into his head as the youngest Arclight fell to the floor.


The last thing the pinknette saw was the look of horror on Quattro's face before everything went black...



Well, that was the first revised chapter. And once again, I will thank you not to leave any flames.

And now I'd like to make an offer: the more reviews each chapter receives, the faster this story will be updated.