Hey, sorry for the three months of nothingness...I don't really know why I took so long with this. I guess, I just wanted to write it in the correct way.

Anywho! Here it is, the Tale of the Oracles; the beginning of the Moon, Sun and Spirit. Of course not everything is explained here but what is explained is how the oracles came about and why Rae, Ravi and the Ariel of today are reborn over and over.

Also I'd like to point out in a previous chapter I said April had blonde hair - which she does now - but that's not her natural hair colour. Just in case I'm found to not be consistent; although I may have messed something up at some point? I don't know anymore? Please do tell me if something has changed without explanation though, I would greatly appreciate that. Anyway,


*~ The Darkness Inside ~*

*~ Chapter 27 ~*

Four-thousand, eight-hundred and fifty years ago three women all heavily pregnant went in to labour on the same day.

The first two felt the beginnings of child birth at exactly midnight – the dawn of the new day, when everything was pitch black. The first baby born was a girl with deathly pale skin, yet the second woman still had not had her child yet.

Then the third woman entered labour at exactly noon, the half way point when the sun was directly above at its highest point in the sky. The second woman still had not given birth yet. Hours later, the child of the third mother was born with darker, tanned skin and short blonde hair, another girl.

By this point the second mother was crying in fear that something was wrong. Then at exactly midnight the next day, the baby was finally birthed. It was yet another baby girl and she had bright pink skin as if she were freezing. So the woman – although exhausted – used the last of her strength to wrap the baby with her shawl to keep her warm.

The babies, although birthed by different mothers, all shared the same father making them siblings and so they all grew up together. Their father was also the village seer so meditation and magic was normality to them.

They often sat with him throughout their childhood days and watched him meditate; when they got older they joined him and learnt of his ways.

Unlike their father and his mother before him and her mother before her, the three siblings learnt magic with ease. It came naturally to them and – although proud – their father feared that the village leader would become suspicious of their abilities. To be so well taught in their spells and sorcery could suggest tales of demons and they would be hunted by the people out of fear. So he banned them from practicing during the day and from practicing in the village.

He couldn't help but wonder at times why they were so exceptional in the practices of an oracle without even trying. But even if his wives had birthed monsters, they were his daughters and he loved them with all his heart.

After a time the blonde sister grew angry, for her abilities were not as strong as her sisters nowadays. They seemed to progress while she trailed along and struggled to keep up at times. So one morning, just as the sun was rising over the far off mountains, the blonde sister snuck out of the village in to the forest and didn't stop until she reached the clearing in the centre.

The child began to practice and felt much more vitalised and empowered as her abilities seemed to be heightened once again. Happiness flooded the girl's system and she indulged herself in the immense amount of magic that she hadn't been able to practice or even play with since the only-night-time rule.

Meanwhile back at the village, the father had awoken to find one of his daughters missing and since her sisters didn't know anything about her disappearance he grew scared. A search party was formed of the men in the village to look for the girl, with the father and village leader at the head of the group. The sisters didn't want to stay at the village as they also feared for their sister so disobeying their father's orders to stay with women in the clan, the girls followed close behind.

It didn't take them long to find the blonde sister as they could see bouts of light shooting up from within the trees in to the sky. Bright lights and beams shone in to the sky and the father grew even more terrified and tried to race ahead of the others to try and get there first, to warn her.

As he broke free from the treeline he called her name and she turned surprised. When she saw her father she smiled excitedly and motioned for him to watch as she spread her arms, drew in as much power as she could and lifted up a million tiny stars in to the air.


The girl's eyes widened and she stiffened as the other men from the village entered the clearing behind her father. Their faces contorted from wonder in to horror as they realised the little girl had done this. This little girl had created these tiny fragments of light that sparkled and slowly fell around them, disappearing in to the long grass around their legs.

The air was still, their bodies frozen in fear the only sound was the rapid beating of their hearts and the breaths they inhaled.

"Demon!" the village leader had cried.

"No!" the father had fallen to his knees and begged for the village leader to understand that they were good children. He begged for him to understand that they were just good at the mystical arts of their family.

The leader ordered for the father to be taken in too as he had clearly known of this development and had not come forth. He had concealed this devil child in his home and had not seeked out permission from the higher ups, therefore he was guilty of possibly conspiring against the whole village.

As two of the men began to approach the little girl they suddenly fell to the floor unconscious. The village leader then saw the two sisters standing by the treeline, the youngest sister with her hand outstretched.

Orders for all their captures were yelled out and the rest of the men ran in the different directions to catch the little girls. The blonde ran towards her sisters, the eldest with long black hair ran in to the clearing and the youngest with short orange hair retreated back in to the treeline to try and divide the amount of pursuers.

Chaos ensued as men dropped to the ground fast asleep while others screamed that they couldn't see anything apart from white light otherwise complete and utter darkness. Other men screamed that they their feet were stuck to the ground and they couldn't move. All the while the unharmed men continued to reach out and dive for the children as they danced around trees and ran in to the tall grass, crouching low to almost move invisibly. The father cried out for the men to stop.

All of a sudden a painful cry was heard above the noise and everyone stopped and turned to see the village leader standing beside the village seer who had a sword half plunged in to his chest. The girls screamed and cried as they father looked at them each one last time before he fell forward dead, pushing the sword further in to his body.

The unharmed men were able to grab the girls while they watched their father die. But they were not captured, no. They would not be captured now and these men that shed no tears or apologies for their father would not return to the village they would travel with their father in to the next life.

The village leader was smiling triumphantly at the oldest of the girls and she locked eyes with him glaring. His smile did not last as he watched a dark shape travel over the skin and clothes of the man holding her shoulders. The man only realised when he saw if move over his hands and begin to move up his arms and he struggled the whole time until it had consumed him entirely. The village leader grew terrified as he watched the black mass constrict quickly and crush the man within to crumbles and broken pieces of human parts. The pieces and black mass fell in a heap behind her and her eyes clouded over in complete blackness with no whites.

When all the remaining men had realised this they looked at the other girls and saw the blonde had completely white eyes and the man behind her was screaming on fire and the youngest sibling had totally blue eyes the colour of the sky and all the men around her in a three foot radius had fallen to the floor their eyes still open showing that they were not asleep but dead.

The village leader called for a retreat but the black haired sister and blonde had thrown out their hands towards the forest, and dark shadows and streams of brilliant light shot across the floor and sprung up high creating a constantly moving wall of shadow and light blocking the men's exit. Three of the men tried to get through, falling to charred and mangled pieces on the other side.

The youngest sibling ran screaming and as she ran past each man without even touching him he breathed his last and dropped to the ground with a heavy thud. The village leader was terrified as he watched all of the men of his village die around him, he feared for the woman back home.

When every man but one was dead the girls all approached him. He fell to his knees and begged forgiveness and promised whatever it was they wanted they could have.

Before they crushed him they said, "We want to live…now more than ever for our father."

Using the lives of the men as sacrifices, the girls cast a spell on themselves and cut the powers and their abilities in half to offer as a compromise for immortality. The spell would only come into effect after they had matured and had given birth for the first time.

Adria, the oldest sister gave birth to a daughter at the age of twenty-six and hadn't aged since. Her hair was straight, pitch black and her eyes were a warm molten amber. Her powers were the usually more powerful at night as the moon appeared in the sky.

Zaira, the second sister gave birth to a son at the age of twenty and hadn't aged since. Her hair was golden blonde and wavy usually always worn long and loose. Her eyes were a brighter shade of amber and almost orange. Her powers were always multiplied during the day, powered by the light of the sun.

April, the youngest sister gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl, at the age of twenty-nine and hadn't aged since. Her hair was ginger and curly in places and her eyes were a dull blue almost grey colour. Her powers were infinitely balanced yet restricted to certain element as such.

The older the three sisters became and the more time that passed with each and every death of their children and their ongoing never ending lives - they began to regret the spell they had cast on themselves and bound their children's lives to. For each of them to live forever their children would be born and reborn again and again with immense powers that they wouldn't be able to suppress and live normally with, until the day came when they all would come together to end it all.

Apologies for any spelling mistakes, grammar errors and/or typos. Please bare in mind I am British so I will spell some things differently to American English. Every review is appreciated as they tell me how to improve, what I'm doing wrong, what I'm doing right, etc. Any questions please ask away either in a review or a PM and I will answer promptly or tell you to be patient because it will be explained in an upcoming chapter :)

Don't fear curiosity here ^_^ Ask away if you're confused, I won't take a offense :)

Remember to Read & Review! ^_^

Lv Lv Hazzard ^_^ x x