"So…how was he?" Astrid asks Toothless who was looking out of it on the couch.

"Good, but he tortured me in going for so long." Toothless says.

Hiccup smiles as she tries to eat. "But are you complaining about it?"

Toothless smiles. "Nah, I really like it. Just tired."

Astrid chuckles as she plays with Ulf. "Good. I think we would still hurt his pride if we say we didn't enjoy it."

Hiccup looks to her confused. "Where is he anyway?"

Astrid groans. "Still sleeping away."

"Is it me or has he been not as energetic after the trip to the island?" Hiccup asks.

Toothless sighs. "Makes you wonder what's going on. He has us, little Ulf, and a great big family. What's there to moop about?"

"It's not so much mopping. More like he is tired more easily." Hiccup says.

Astrid hums as she feeds Ulf. "Maybe it's just that day in a year when everything kinda slows down for you. You remember that Hiccup? You slept in bed the whole time and never once came out and it was clear and sunny and no dragon attack."

"Yeah, but that was one day. It has been nearly a week. I'm starting to get worried." Hiccup says.

Toothless groans as she sits up. "Come to think of it, he hasn't had that much energy in our nights and he's usually really ready for it."

"Should we go see him then?" Astrid asks.

Toothless looks to Hiccup. "I already went last night."

"Come on. Let's go check up on him." Hiccup says dragging her along.

Toothless grumbles as she was dragged along and they push open the door. "Calder, you awake?" She asks raising an eyebrow at the dark room. "Wow. Wasn't this dark when I left."

"Hold on. The lamp went out." Hiccup says walking inside.

"I'll get it. You wake him up." Toothless says trying to find it.

Hiccup rolled her eyes as she walked towards the outline of the bed and feels around for him till she touched some hair that didn't feel as luscious as his hair normally did.

Toothless finally finds the lamp and and blows some fire on and swings it around to light up the room. "So how is…I thought it stopped for him." She said seeing his human self sleeping in bed.

"Huh?" Hiccup asks feeling his forehead and found it sweaty and hot.

Toothless leans down and checks him over before pulling the sheets down a little and noticed it was soaked in sweat. "It looks like he's having a heavy fever."

"Astrid!" Hiccup calls.

Astrid came running in at that point with Ulf in her arms. "What's wrong?"

"Calder is sick again." Toothless says.

Astrid sighs and gives Ulf to Hiccup. "Here, let me see." She said going to Calder and looks him over. "Doesn't look that bad now. It may get worse. Calder, can you hear me?" She asks hitting his cheek a little.

Calder moans as he opens his eyes.

"Hey there hun. You feeling alright?" Astrid asks softly.

"Why does it feel so hot in here?" Calder moaned out.

Astrid sighs. "You have a fever Calder. Don't worry. We'll see what we can do about it. Hiccup, take care of Ulf and stay here with him. Toothless, go get some cold water and rags. I'll get some herbs." She said running off.

"Gotcha." Hiccup says rubbing Ulf.

Toothless runs off as well and Calder groans as he rolls over and tries to cool down by letting the sheets fall. "Why can't I feel my wings?"

"You are human right now." Hiccup says patting his back.

Calder groans. "I hate this. Why am I like this? Why now?"

"I don't know." Hiccup says.

Calder rolls over again on the soaked bed. "Ulf? He okay?"

"Yeah, he is fine." Hiccup says showing him Ulf.

Calder tries to smile. "Hey son. Daddy's going to be okay."

Ulf touches his nose and squeezes it.

Calder chuckles. "Good boy. Such a good boy."

"I'm back." Toothless said coming back with a bucket of water and some rags.

"I'm back. Got the herbs from the storehouse." Astrid says.

Calder sighs and looks to them. "Hey girls. You aren't going to make me eat the spiciest thing from the storehouse are you?" He asks trying to smile.

"We are not the twins." Astrid says starting to grind up the herbs.

Calder chuckles. "They may have switch up the herbs."

"I checked." Astrid says before pouring the powder of what the herbs had become into a cup of water before mixing it.

Calder sighs. "I really want to get back into shape. You two…you really went at me for the last few days." He said pointing to Toothless and Hiccup.

"You ok hun? You seem a little out of it." Toothless says.

Calder tries to smile. "I want you girls happy."

"Come on you." Toothless says lending a shoulder as Astrid came with the drink.

Calder groans as he sits up and takes the cup and tries to drink away. "Horrible." He mumbles as he stops for a bit before drinking again.

"Good boy." Astrid says running a hand through his hair.

Calder groans as he finishes and puts the cup down. "How much longer am I going to stay here?"

"Until you get better. Make him lay back down while I go get the thin blanket." Astrid says.

Toothless nods as she pushes him back down and he groans. "It's okay. Maybe it's just a fever and we'll break it by morning."

"Would a fever knock him out of his hybrid form?" Hiccup asks.

Astrid sighs as she walks back in. "Well dragons can't handle fever since they can't sweat. I'm sure you know." She said looking to Toothless. "Must have been forced to change just to survive."

"Find those things?" Hiccup asks as Astrid covers Calder with the thin blanket.

Astrid looks at him in worry. "We can't do much now. All we can do is wait and change the rag." She said as Toothless places a wet cold rag on his head.

"You going to spend the day with him?" Hiccup asks.

Astrid groans. "We'll take shifts. I'll go first and make sure the herbs are taking some effect. You two can go and take care of Ulf too."

"This is going to require some rescheduling…should we call for a team to come join us to make up for the loss of Calder?" Hiccup asks.

Astrid nods. "I got a few ideas. We do have some dragon riders training back on Berk."

"Yeah, it's past time some of them got put onto active duties besides guarding Berk and berserker islands." Hiccup says.

Astrid nods. "See what you can do about it for the meantime. I'll take over once it's your shift."

"Right. Get well soon." Hiccup says before kissing Calder's cheek.

Calder smiles and looks to Ulf. "You be good for your mothers. Okay little one?"

Ulf smiles as he climbs on Toothless.

Toothless giggles as she holds him. "Okay, say goodbye to daddy." She said holding Ulf close to Calder.

Calder smiles as he pats Ulf's hair.

Ulf laughs and tries to grab his hand.

"I will be in the other room. Come on little one. Let us play." Toothless says walking away.

Ulf laughs as he tries to grab her hand.

Astrid smiles as she sits on the bed and looks at him. "Been a while since we were left alone like this." Astrid says petting his head.

Calder smiles. "Remember the first time we met?"

"Yeah, you saved my life from old scarface and his skull now hangs in the great hall mounted." Astrid says laying next to him.

Calder shakes his head. "I meant the cave where I had to keep you in it for the night and I was deathly sick."

"That was a week later." Astrid says holding him now.

Calder groans. "You sure you're fine with holding me like this? I'm sweating too much here."

"Well the thin blanket will help with that. The thick one got you too hot." Astrid says.

Calder hums as he closes his eyes and tries to rest up. "But your body heat is not helping me."

"I know you are lying. You are relaxing." Astrid says.

Calder smirks. "I have your sexy body for that."

"And?" Astrid asks.

Calder rolls his eyes. "Your great attitude."

"There you go lover boy." Astrid says.

Calder sighs and closes his eyes. "Thank for being here for me."

"Why wouldn't I be? I am your wife and I pledged in sickness and in health." Astrid says scratching his head like he likes.

Calder sighs in relief. "That feels nice."

"Yeah, my big strong husband…you know, I like to be able to hold you like this." Astrid says.

Calder sighs. "But you are stronger than me."

"I know. I can hold you and take care of you." Astrid says.

Calder shakes his head. "And I'm just the backup."

"No, you are the lovable oaf who has given me so much and who I will spend my life with happily." Astrid says.

Calder opens his eyes and looks at her. "I gave a lot?" He asks confused.

"You do. You work so hard. Sometimes I just feel I do enough." Astrid says.

Calder smiles. "Thanks. But I feel like you girls are doing more than me."

"You lovable oaf." Astrid says going back to scratching his head.

Calder sighs. "Thank you."

"What should a wife do in this situation?" Astrid says with sass as Calder closes his eyes again.

Calder rolls his eyes under his eyelids as he starts to sleep.

"Get some rest. You need it." Astrid says before kissing him.

Calder groans. "Astrid." He mumbles.

"Shh. Just let me take care of you." Astrid says softly.

Calder hums. "Nice tail." He said sleepily.

"Sleep well." Astrid says.

Calder chuckles sleepily. "Nice dragon look."

"So how is he? Any changes?" Hiccup asks coming into the room.

Astrid sighs as she changes the rag. "No. His fever hasn't broken."

"Has he woke back up?" Hiccup asks sitting down on the bed next to them.

Astrid shakes her head. "Not really. Not since I was able to get him back to sleep."

"Well, it might be for the best. Sleeping helps more than staying awake…should I call Gothi?" Hiccup asks.

Astrid nods. "Maybe. Can you go get her?"

"I will go and get her with the team that will reinforce us." Hiccup says before kissing her then Calder.

Astrid smiles to her. "Let me guess, get Toothless to watch him and let us at least have fun."

"You keep watching him. I will return as soon as their dragons will allow…should I get his mother?" Hiccup asks stopping in her tracks.

Astrid blinks. "Actually, that might be a good idea. She might know what's going on."

"Right. See you two soon." Hiccup says walking out with Astrid's eyes on her the whole time.

'Her hips have gotten a little wider.' Astrid thinks noticing that and Hiccup swaying them a bit more. 'That's Aisling influence there.' Astrid adds knowing that Calder's mother took it upon herself to teach Hiccup after hearing what happened to her and that she married Calder in accordance to the village's rules.

Calder mumbles in his sleep as he turns. "Hiccup…sexy dragoness."

Astrid smiles and turns back to Calder. "You awake?"

Calder just mumbles as he snores quietly.

"Stay here. I am going to peak on Ulf." Astrid says getting up.

Calder keeps snoring as Astrid leaves and goes to Ulf's room and finds him sleeping in his crib. "Hello my little boy." She said looking him over.

"He is napping." Toothless says sitting nearby and reading a book.

Astrid smiles. "I can see that. He give much trouble?"

"He is a big ball of energy. I can only imagine when he can walk on his own." Toothless says.

Astrid chuckles. "He would be walking around and hugging every dragon and dinosaur he can find."

"It confused them greatly." Toothless says chuckling.

Astrid giggles before going over and sitting on her lap. "So…you think Calder will be up and about to take us in bed once he's better?"

"You think he will do that torture, going incredibly slow?" Toothless asks massaging Astrid's breast.

Astrid moans. "I don't doubt it."

"So how about a little wager." Toothless says.

Astrid grins. "What?"

"Who will get pregnant next." Toothless says smirking.

Astrid hums and grabs her tail. "I bet you two. Since you two did act like in heat and you were. Besides, tell me this doesn't feel good?" She asks before slowly rubbing her tail.

Toothless shivers at that before wiggling her tail out of Astrid's hands. "You can't call two. It isn't fair." Toothless says.

Astrid sighs. "Fine. You then. Dragons do get their eggs faster. You know, we'll get a little hatchling in the family now."

"I bet Hiccup." Toothless says smirking.

Astrid chuckles and grabs her flank. "Really? And not this one?" She asks squeezing her flank.

"Haven't you noticed Hiccup's hips going wider from what her and your moms have told me? That means that it is close to when they are optimal for childbearing." Toothless says.

Astrid nods. "Yeah. Which means it will be less painful for when she does give birth."

"And what about you?" Toothless asks smirking.

Astrid looks to her hips. "She's bigger than me."

"I mean are you ready for a second child?" Toothless asks.

Astrid smiles. "I gave birth to Ulf didn't I?"

"And do you want another?" Toothless asks stroking her rear.

Astrid hums as she leans back into Toothless. "Yes. It is my married life after all."

"So how is our alpha male?" Toothless asks.

Astrid sighs as she relaxes with her stroking. "Getting a bit better, but his fever still hasnt broke."

"I see…will you being going out on patrol as soon as Hiccup gets back?" Toothless asks.

Astrid nods. "Have to. Think you can keep watching over him?"

"Both no, but if Hiccup watches one, then yes I can." Toothless says.

Astrid smiles. "I'll see what I can do then."

"Show Ulf some love before you go." Toothless says.

Astrid giggles. "And not you or was my ass enough?"

"You know what I mean." Toothless says getting her to stand up.

Astrid sighs and goes over to the sleeping Ulf. "Hello my little boy." She whispered as she watches him and picks him up.

Toothless smiles as she watches Astrid back to being a mother to Ulf.

Astrid giggles as she softly rocks Ulf. "Just sleep my little boy."

"Where is he?" A white wolf asks bursting in.

Toothless points to Calder's room down the hall. "Bed." She said as she holds her tail.

The wolf runs to the door but stops and backs up to Ulf playing on the floor with some toys.

Ulf coos and looks to the wolf smiling at him. "Doggy." He said and reaches out and touches her snout.

"Aren't you cute grandson." She says nuzzling his stomach.

Ulf giggles and tries to hug her.

"You go back to playing." Aisling says poking his stomach with a paw.

Ulf laughs as he grabs one of his toys and holds it up to her.

"Hey, what about me?" Toothless asks picking him up and snuggles him.

Ulf giggles and hugs her snout and pulls on one of her ears.

Aisling, seeing this, goes to the door and opens it to see Astrid and her sleeping son.

Astrid sighs as she replaces a dry towel. "Hey. He still hasn't broken his fever." She said seeing Aisling.

"Oh my poor baby." Aisling says going over to him and sniffs him.

Astrid sighs. "And we still don't know what he has."

"Hum. You mind waiting outside daughter in law." Aisling asks as Gothi walks in.

Astrid nods and gets up and leaves. "Don't hurt him."

Astrid walk into the living room to see Ulf crawling on Toothless's back and smiles.

"How is he?" She asks walking over and sitting on the couch.

"A ball of energy." Toothless says as Ulf crawls off her and towards Astrids.

Astrid giggles and reaches down and picks up Ulf. "Who's my good boy?"

"Momma." Ulf says.

Astrid giggles and hugs him. "Aw. My sweet boy." She said nuzzling him.

Ulf giggles as Hiccup comes in.

Hiccup sighs. "Found her." She said tired as she sits down and relaxes. "Man she can run."

"The reinforcement riders here as well?" Astrid asks.

Hiccup nods sleepily. "Yeah. Now let me rest."

Astrid smiles as she puts Ulf in front of Hiccup.

Hiccup looks to see Ulf giggling at him. "Hey boy." She said now holding him.

"Momma." Ulf says surprising her.

Hiccup was now wide awake. "What did you say?"

"Momma." Ulf repeats.

Hiccup smiles and holds him close. "Aw. Who's a good boy?"

"Momma." Ulf repeats giggling.

Toothless giggles. "Look who's getting into it."

"Come on Ulf. Let's nap." Hiccup says.

Ulf giggles and tries to hug her. "Momma."

Hiccup smiles as she lays down on the couch with him.

Astrid chuckles. "Sleep tight you two."

"Momma." Ulf says sleepily.

Toothless sighs. "He really loves us."

"Yeah. I am going to go on patrol." Astrid says grabbing one of the spare axes on the wall.

Toothless chuckles. "Have fun."

"So any idea what is wrong with him?" Hiccup asks.

"Yes, he has a spirit disease. Think of it as our equivalent of the flu humans have." Aisling says.

Hiccup raises an eyebrow. "So what can be done?"

"Just let it run its course. He should be up and about in the next week or two. It isn't life threatening serious type." Aisling says.

Hiccup sighs in relief. "Good. We were worried."

"Now he should stay human in that time I think, but if he takes a hard enough hit, his dragon side might start to appear once more." Aisling says.

Hiccup hums. "Really…so he might finally awaken?"

"I am awake." Calder says looking at her.

Hiccup smiles. "I meant mister grumpy in there." She said sitting on the bed.

"No love huh?" Calder says drinking.

Hiccup grins. "No, just waiting for you to get up and about soon."

"Where are the others?" Calder asks finishing downing the drink.

Hiccup smiles. "Ulf. And Astrid is on patrol."

"I see. So who was chosen to look after me?" Calder asks.

Hiccup waves a hand to him.

"The chieftess huh?" Calder asks trying to move closer.

Hiccup nods. "One sexy chieftess for your nursing." She said chuckling.

"Can I hold her?" Calder asks.

Hiccup smirks. "Me?"

"Yes." Calder says as Aisling smiles.

Hiccup hums. "You have to pass a few tests." She said snickering.

"Come on. It is hard to move as it is." Calder says.

Hiccup leans in. "There is the kissing and the holding test."

"Then what are you waiting for?" Calder asks.

Hiccup chuckles and pokes his head. "You're supposed to be doing it to me."

"So not thinking about work or anything else?" Calder asks.

Hiccup pokes his chest. "Just this guy in front of me."

"Ok then." Calder says leaning onto her.

Hiccup giggles and kisses his head. "I love you."

"I love you too." Calder says holding her the best he could with his body in the state it was in.

Hiccup sighs and wraps an arm around him. "Just take it easy."

"My beautiful wife." Calder says.

Hiccup chuckles. "My handsome husband."

"Ok you two. Hiccup, have him lay down and rest. He needs it." Aisling says.

Hiccup smiles and pushes him back down on bed and lays down with him. "You got it." She said resting by him.

"Now I am going to see the youngest." Aisling says walking out and closes the door behind her.

Hiccup smiles. "Don't grope."

Calder smiles as he lays against her. "Nowhere else I would rather be." Calder says.

Hiccup chuckles. "Okay, grope away."

Calder smile and starts rubbing her legs.

Hiccup smirks. "Oh, trying a slow instead of getting to it?"

"I'm not at my best so I am just doing what I can." Calder says.

Hiccup moves closer. "Do what you want."

Calder smiles and just kisses Hiccup.

Hiccup giggles into the kiss before pulling away. "And that is still good when sick."

"I'm getting worried. Astrid is still not back." Hiccup says eating with Toothless.

Toothless sighs. "I'm sure they are fine."

"Toothless, we have to go looking." Hiccup says.

Toothless frowns. "Are you sure?"

"Yes." Hiccup say worried.

Toothless sighs and stands up. "Let's go. I'm sure Ulf will be safe with Calder. If there's one thing he got from Calder, it's sleeping a lot."

"Let's go. I will get the other riders." Hiccup says.

Toothless nods. "I'll get my armor." She said heading to her room.

Calder smiles as he holds Ulf as he naps on him.

"Such a good boy." He said making sure the blankets were tucked on him.

"They still are not back?" Aisling asks outside the door.

Calder shakes his head. "No. I should really get some proper sleepwear so I can at least walk around."

"No and it has been five days." A second voice says to Aisling outside the door.

Calder yawns a bit. "Who's that?"

"We cannot let Calder know. He is still sick." Aisling says as Calder registered all that was said and put it all together.

"My wives are missing?" Calder asks as a fear started to grow in him.

Aisling frowns. "We should have gone to another room."

Calder gently picks up Ulf and lays him onto a pillow as he gets up and walks to where his armor was kept and starts getting dressed.

'If being hit hard enough will awaken it, then so be it.' Calder thinks mustering all the strength he could into his fist.

"You don't think he will something drastic?" Someone asks outside before they hear something being hit inside and hard.

"What was that?" Aisling asks and opens the door to peek inside. "Calder is out of his bed." She said seeing the empty bed save for Ulf.

"Mom watch Ulf." Calder says after a few moments, coming out as his usual self. Ailing immediately knew what the sound was.

Aisling frowns. "Calder, I'm telling you, get back to bed."

"My wives are missing mom. I can't just lay around doing nothing." Calder says with fire in his eyes.

Aisling keeps frowning. "I'm coming for the lot of you if don't come back in a day."

"Do it." Calder says in agreement before walking past.

Aisling sighs and shakes her head. "Idiot."

Calder slams onto a island and roars, letting all dragons in it know he was there.

A big rumbling was heard before something burst through the ground in front of him and roars back at him.

"Devastor. Has any of my mates come through here?" Calder asks.

The screaming death growls softly.

"They have been gone for five days. Let's go. You are better at tracking than me and you encountered Hiccup and Toothless recently." Calder says.

He nods at that.

"Let's go." Calder says before taking off.

Devastor quickly takes off after him and roars at him.

"They were doing what with your shedded scales?!" Calder calls.

Devastor roars before growling softly as he seems to shrug.

"Double time it if they were making armor out of them!" Calder calls.

Devastor rushes ahead as he keeps pace with him.

"You really think you will get anything?" Astrid asks as she is restrained.

Cadeyrn hums. "I think I will and you are in no position to argue."

"Easy Cadeyrn. I want them as bait for this humanoid dragon you told about." Ryker says.

Astrid frowns. "You're dead then if you want him."

"Oh he might be a challenge then?" Ryker asks smirking before a lookout spots the incoming riders.

Astrid huffs. "You won't survive." She repeats.

"Take them down!" Ryker calls as archers started firing.

"Alright guys. You know what to do." Hiccup calls on Stormcall and Toothless, Snotlout, and Hookfang split off to start attack runs.

Astrid ducks down and explosions starts to happen all over the water and the ship boards. "Damn. I never expected it to be that rough."

"That's a Skrill. Everyone concentrate fire on tha…" Ryker was cut off by a roar.

Astrid grins as she sneaks down low on the deck. "I told you." She said seeing the white screaming death.

"What in Valhalla?!" Cadeyrn calls.

A heavy thud sound was heard as the ship creeks and rocks. "Where's…my…mates?" Calder asks glaring at almost all of them.

"It's him it's tharg!" One of them calls before spikes goes through his throat.

Calder held a glare as he pulled his arm spikes out of him. "Next!" He calls.

"Oh this one is feisty." Ryker says bringing out his sword.

Calder raises an eyebrow. "Really? Really?" He asks getting tired of everything as he stabs another one in the neck. "Do I look the type to be fucked with?"

"You will make a fine trophy and maybe I will find more like you. Maybe your family." Ryker says.

Calder could swear he heard something snap. "You mean this family?" He asks before snapping his fingers and Devastor screeches at the ship. "Devastor, destroy all but this ship." Calder says his rage in full control as his eyes seemed to turn red.

Astrid becomes wide eyed. "Calder. You better not be going feral again." She said under her breath.

Calder growls as spikes started coming up from his spine and his tail slams the boards of the deck, splintering the boards it hit.

"Ha ha! This one is a bit prize." Ryker said.

Calder says nothing as he disappears from sight.

They all look around. "Where'd he go?" One asks.

"Changewing powers huh?" Ryker asks suspicious before one by one, the hunters were killed by the invisible foe.

"Where is he?!" Cadeyrn calls.

"Be calm, he…" Ryker stopped, feeling blood drip onto his head.

"How do you want to die?" He hears.

"Where is he?" Cadeyrn asks looking up to the hunter who had their neck cut open so it would drip onto them.

"Did you ever try swinging behind you?" Toothless asks landing on the ship and stops Cadeyrn's sword with her own. "You never do, do you?"

Cadeyrn didn't answer as something grabbed his face and hoisted him upwards.

Toothless raises an eyebrow. "You should be in bed." She said seeing Calder looking ready to squeeze the viking's head.

"Did you just take a swing at Toothless?" Calder asks squeezing a bit harder, letting his talons dig into his flesh.

Cadeyrn lets out muffled shouts behind his holding hand and tries to peel himself away.

"That was a mistake." Calder says having the spikes on his tail extend, making it look like a spiked mace ready to swing when he saw Ryker charging at him.

Calder snorts and hauls Cadeyrn and throws him right at Ryker and sends them both flying into the wall when they crash into each other. "I'm going to kill you now." He said rubbing his spikes together and creating sparks.

"Calder, let's go." Astrid calls getting his attention.

Calder growls. "I'm going to kill them for hurting you."

"We have to go Calder. We have something more important to do." Astrid says with authority, causing Calder to flinch.

"Remember the debt you have acquired here today. For if not for her, you would die here." Calder says before jumping away.

Toothless shakes her head before taking off.

Astrid flies on Stormfly close to Calder for a while with the rest of the riders as Devastor followed.

"Okay. Why are you out of bed?" Astrid asks.

"You were missing for five days. I was worried. You can return to the island Devastor." Calder says. Hearing that Devastor growls and flies off in another direction.

After a bit, Calder glided to Stormfly's saddle before sitting down.

Astrid sighs and turns to him. "Calder, you…" She stops as she sees him sleeping and back to human.

"Astrid, hold onto him. He isn't secure." Hiccup says.

Astrid nods and turns around and wraps her arms around him. "Well…he saved our asses."

"Hey, what about me?" Snotlout calls.

Toothless holds up her sword. "Want to feel this instead?"

"I'm just asking for recognition." Snotlout says.

Hiccup chuckles. "Well maybe we can give you a little shock for your enjoyment." She said and Storm sparks a little.

"I just want food." Snotlout complains.

Toothless rolls her eyes. "Calm down. We'll get back home soon."

"Stormfly, show them your speed." Astrid says holding onto Calder.

Stormfly's roars and quickly speeds off.

"He is such a hand full." Astrid says putting Calder into the bed after getting him out of the armor.

Aisling hums. "Was there much trouble?"

"He came out there incredibly sick to look for us. Frankly, I am surprised he didn't collapse sooner." Astrid says.

Aisling smiles. "That's my son for you."

Astrid sighs looking at him and running a hand through his hair. "So does he have your looks or his father's?" Astrid asks.

Aisling giggles. "More of his father. He got you didn't he? A handsome man getting a strong woman…considering I kicked the crap out of mine when I was younger."

"…why does that sound familiar?" Astrid asks thinking.

Aisling just gives a knowing smile.

"Well anyways, we got a new threat and I am glad we have more riders guarding the outpost now." Astrid says.

Aisling smirks. "More protection for your son?"

"Less worry from me when we go out on patrol." Astrid says.

Aisling grins. "Congratulations girl, you are growing into a fine leader. Heck, maybe surpass your chieftess."

"I doubt that. She is the chieftess. I will just guide the warriors." Astrid says.

Aisling hums. "Maybe, maybe not. Who knows, you could be there and belong alongside her."

"I am already on top of her sometimes." Astrid says laying down with Calder.

Aisling laughs as she walks out. "You're the best daughter in law ever…considering you're the only one."

"What about Toothless and Hiccup they are married as well?" Astrid says.

Aisling shrugs. "Passable."

"Calder, you better not do anything that risky again." Astrid says holding him after putting all of her attention back on him.

Calder grumbles as he sleepily wraps an arm around her. "Warm."

"That's my good husband." Astrid says petting him like when he is in his dragon form.

Calder just snorts.

"You miss us Ulf?" Astrid asks holding her son.

Ulf laughs and tries to hug her.

"Oh you want me huh?" Astrid asks pulling him into a hug.

"You know, you should feed him. I mean, when is the last time you breastfeed him?" Toothless asks.

Astrid nods. "Yeah, think you can watch sleepy head here?" She asks looking to Hiccup sleeping on the couch with her head in Toothless's lap.

"No problem. Go nurse." Toothless says.

Astrid smiles and takes Ulf away to his room. "Okay honey. Time to have your meal." She said rocking him.

"Momma." Ulf says happily.

Astrid chuckles and tickles his stomach. "That's right. I'm your momma." She said as he laughs.

"So how are you feeling sleeping beauty?" Toothless asks.

Hiccup yawns. "Tired from all the patrols."

"That all?" Toothless asks.

Hiccup looks up to her. "Well I'm a bit stressed until Calder comes out of his sickness."

"It's fine. Aisling says it isn't life threatening." Toothless says.

Hiccup groans. "I at least want some nights."

"So you happy? He forced himself out of bed despite how bad he must have felt to come looking for us." Toothless says.

Hiccup frowns a bit. "Hate it. He shouldn't have hurt himself that bad."

"Yet he did that for us." Toothless says.

Hiccup sighs. "I'm going to have to get some rope next time."

"I doubt that would stop him. So what now?" Toothless asks.

Hiccup sits up a bit. "Let's just make sure he doesn't push himself like that again."

"I mean about the hunters. They have taken a hit, but they are still out there." Toothless says.

Hiccup frowns. "We need to increase patrols."

"You think that is enough? Calder isn't going to let this go and if Calder wants them dead and that traitor amongst their ranks, then the berserkers are going to be hard to hold back and then there is the issue of the other clans and their relationship with the hunter." Toothless says.

"Alright, I get it. They basically declared war on Calder with kidnapping Astrid and attacking the rest of us." Hiccup says.

Toothless sighs. "We'll see what can we do. For now, all of it and making sure everyone is talking."

"Well on the bright side, we now know where Devastor is." Hiccup says.

Toothless chuckles. "And the fact he is still slightly afraid of us. It was nice meeting his mother too."

"Yeah…Toothless…after we deal with the hunters, why don't we head south to see the land the celts are from? I am sure I am not the only interested one." Hiccup says.

Toothless nods. "But…if you have a hatchling, would you go then?"

"Yes…truth be told, I have been thinking about this for a while. Our village's population just keeps growing. No longer do we lose so many like before we met. I don't think Berk will be able to accommodate all of us much longer. In a few generations, the island will easily be overpopulated and Calder's original home is still being attempted to being tamed and not ready for a full blown city yet. Also, the other clans will have to deal with this problem as well." Hiccup says.

Toothless looks worried to her. "Mapping new land, right?"

"Yeah…I am worried for the future Toothless. Berk has done well for us for years, but every year, it will get more crowded. How long can it support us?" Hiccup asks.

Toothless smiles a bit. "Makes you want to go back to the old days where everything was simple."

"Yeah…dad was the one who brought this up and he was quite worried over it. The other chiefs have realized this as well and have been discussing options." Hiccup says.

Toothless sighs and runs a claw over her side. "I see. So the best way is to just find new land."

"Yes and when dad told me that, I remember the island Calder told me about the one where the Celts come from." Hiccup says.

Toothless sighs. "Let's have children first, then we can go. Besides, I'm not going to have my hatchling while flying."

"We wouldn't be flying. We would be sailing." Hiccup says making Toothless turn green.

Toothless gulps. "Don't remind me."

"Oh, you didn't like the rocking. Back and forth." Hiccup says smirking.

Toothless barfs in her mouth again and covers her mouth. "Damn you." She said muffled as she rushes out.

Hiccup chuckles as she leans up.

"I hate you Hiccup!" Toothless calls.

"Come on Astrid, let me up." Calder says wanting to get out of the bed.

Astrid shakes her head. "Nope. You are still sick."

"Can't I at least walk around?" Calder asks bored.

Astrid hums. "I guess you are well enough for that."

"Can you walk me to the couch?" Calder asks.

Astrid nods and helps him up. "Silly dragon boy."

"What about you dragon girl?" Calder says leaning against her.

Astrid chuckles. "Doing fine here."

"Really?" Calder asks letting her lead him.

Astrid nods. "The other two want a fun night now."

"Well we can give them space so we can get some sleep." Calder jokes.

Astrid raises an eyebrow. "I thought you wanted to get up and walk?"

"Give it a moment." Calder says.

Astrid sighs. "Well you had to rile them up and treat them like dragoness…is Hiccup growing scales?"

"Not to my knowledge." Calder says holding onto her.

Astrid chuckles. "It would be funny though. Then you could go as crazy as you want."

"If she does, I think that means that what happened to her and Toothless had more long term effects to them than what we thought." Calder says.

"Like a weak poison wound that you didn't know about?" Astrid asks.

Calder gives her a playfully glare. "Hey, I was busy working. Give me a break."

"Down boy. You can have at me later." Astrid teases sitting him into his chair.

Calder hums and wraps an arm around her waist and brings her close. "Or I could do you right here and make you sing a different tune."

"You could but Ulf needs his mom right now." Astrid says.

Calder chuckles and let's her go. "Okay. Go on. Treat our child."

"Thanks and please don't go start a full scale war." Astrid says.

"No promises." Calder said teasingly.

"Calder." Astrid says leaning in.

"There will be blood for what they did to you and the others." Calder says.

Astrid smiles and kisses his cheek. "Good dragon." She said before walking off.

"So were you teasing me or is Hiccup really growing scales?" Calder asks.

Astrid smirks. "No dear Calder. She has the softest skin to ever be touched by a calloused hand and claw." She dramatizes.

"Are you still upset she is heavier on one part of the body than you?" Calder asks.

Astrid frowns to him. "She still can't beat me in a real fight."

"I love you still." Calder says.

Astrid smiles and kisses his cheek again. "Good boy. Now if you'll excuse me." She said before walking away.

Calder sighs and leans back, smiling oblivious to the world at the time. A few moans make his head perk in that direction and turn towards Hiccup's and Toothless's room. "Okay girls. Come on out."

"Ah, that isn't much fun." Toothless says.

"Yeah Calder. Why don't you come inside and join?" Hiccup asks chuckling.

"Because I am having a hard time walking and I am comfortable here." Calder calls.

Toothless opens the door and peeks her head out. "Are you okay?"

"Just happy to be out of bed even if I can only sit up." Calder says.

"Oh, sounds like someone needs attention." Hiccup says looking to Toothless.

Toothless hums in thought. "How would you like a dragoness's body right now?"

"I would like the company." Calder says.

Toothless chuckles and steps out and over to him before sitting in his lap. "Better?"

"Yes, but where is our chieftess?" Calder asks.

Hiccup sits on his other leg. "Right dragon boy."

"I see. So Toothless, you mind checking Hiccup? Astrid says she is starting to grow scales like us." Calder says.

Toothless raises an eyebrow and grabs Hiccup and looks her over. "Hum." She hums and pulls at her dress to see beneath her clothing.

"I am not growing scales." Hiccup says before Calder spots something on the back of her head under her hair.

"Hiccup." Calder says.

Hiccup looks to him as Toothless pulls down her dress. "What?"

"Toothless, raise her hair up in the back." Calder says.

Toothless grabs her hair and lifts it up to look. "The heck…"

"Hiccup, tell me. How does this feel?" Calder says touching her on the place with a single claw.

Hiccup raises her eyebrow feeling that. "Why does it feel like a stick is scratching that?"

"Hiccup, more about you was changed than we first thought…wait, these weren't here before." Calder says thinking on it.

Hiccup reaches up and tries to feel where he scratched. "What is it?"

"Scales. Dragon scales." Calder says.

Hiccup stops and slowly feels around the small patch. "But I…"

"We should examine this more." Calder says.

Toothless moves more of her hair. "There should be a second patch then." She said trying to look.

"I'm not seeing one and trust me. Recently, I checked her body very closely." Calder says.

Hiccup rolls her eyes. "That's an understatement."

"Before or after you left to meet the new tribe?" Toothless asks.

"Before." Calder says shamelessly.

Hiccup raises an eyebrow at him.

"Before we bathed." Calder says putting his head on Hiccup's shoulder.

Hiccup sighs. "Yeah. He would have noticed."

"Could it be from that?" Calder asks.

Hiccup shrugs. "Maybe…maybe not. Who knows as of now."

"We still know nothing about the sight and no one besides the twins are crazy enough to go back but we don't want to risk them becoming dragon like. They are enough of a hassle as is." Calder says.

Toothless puffs out smoke. "Damn straight."

"So what is the plan?" Calder asks.

Hiccup shrugs. "We need to get the Chiefs together for a bit and see what we can do for them. At that point, we can maybe strike back either together or with help right behind us."

"Hiccup, tell me you are not just going to let them go." Calder says.

Hiccup shakes her head. "Not after what happened I won't. Like you, no one messes with my family."

"One thing is for sure they don't know it, but their market just dwindled greatly." Calder says wrapping his arms around their waists.

Hiccup chuckles. "Yeah, but I have a feeling you want a little extra out of us."

"Not up for that at the moment. Still recovering." Calder says before kissing both girls cheeks.

Toothless chuckles. "Then why are you touching our flanks?"

"You never said I couldn't feel you up." Calder says.

Toothless smirks. "So you want to feel, but you don't want to do? Is that right?"

"I don't do things half heartedly." Calder says before he felt a claw running along him.

Toothless hums as she runs the claw close to his joints. "I see. Then I guess I should follow."

"So do you see what I see?" Calder asks spying Ulf crawling in.

Toothless stops clawing him and smiles over to Ulf. "Hello little hatchling."

"If he is here, Astrid or Aisling can't be far behind." Hiccup says.

Toothless chuckles as she gets off of Calder and goes to Ulf before picking him up. "Did you want to see us little hatchling?" She asks cradling him.

Ulf coos as he held onto her outfit for support.

Toothless chuckles and brings them to the other two and sits down on Calder's leg again. "Look. It's daddy."

"Hey there Ulf. How is my boy?" Calder asks poking his stomach lightly.

Ulf giggles and tries to reach for him.

"Calder, is Ulf in here? I turn around for a moment and he was gone." Astrid says coming in.

Calder chuckles. "Come and take a look hun."

"Oh there you are. You find you father?" Astrid asks looking down to him.

Ulf laughs and slaps his chest at an attempt to grab him.

"Look. He's already learning on how to discipline Calder like Astrid." Hiccup jokes.

Calder gives a playful frowns. "Hey. You're supposed to be on my side." He said poking his stomach.

Ulf laughs and hits him again. "Bah."

Astrid grins. "Nope. He's mommy's little warrior. Aren't you?" She asks tickling his stomach and he laughs as he tries to grab her finger.

"Also Astrid, you were right." Calder says.

Astrid hums. "What about?" She asks still tickling Ulf.

"Look at the back of Hiccup's head under her hair." Calder says.

Astrid hums as she moves Hiccup's hair and stops. "What the heck is…?"

"Dragon scales. Purple ones too." Calder answers.

Astrid lightly touches the scale patch. "Huh. Feels like it too."

"You called it." Calder says.

Astrid nods as she kept feeling.

"Will it keep spreading is my thought." Toothless says as Ulf stomach rumbles, bringing them all back to reality.

Hiccup sighs. "Time to feed him. Astrid?"

"Come here my little warrior." Astrid says reaching for him.

Ulf laughs and grabs onto her and holds on as she carries him off. "Good luck." Toothless said teasingly.

"Now back to caring for our husband." Hiccup says.

"You ok?" Calder asks as they sailed to a meeting taking place on Vaskr.

Hiccup nods slowly. "Yeah. Fine." She said looking to the island ahead.

"You sure? Your stomach starting to say otherwise." Calder says.

Hiccup looks down a bit. "At least you got me."

"I was surprised when I was told you were with child like Astrid was." Calder says leaning onto her shoulder as she sat down in her chair.

Hiccup leans on him back. "Are you happy?"

"That is my question. So how is your site? Those scales have spread since last month." Calder says.

Hiccup reaches up to her eyes where the scales were. "It's fine. Not itchy either."

"Are you sure?" Calder asks concerned.

Hiccup nods and rubs at them. "Feels like it. Are you more worried?"

"Of course. I care for you." Calder says cupping her cheek.

Hiccup leans into his hand. "I love you Calder."

"So anything like improved vision or anything?" Calder asks.

Hiccup shakes her head. "Must be appearance for now."

"…so impending motherhood? How are you dealing with that?" Astrid asks.

Hiccup shrugs. "Honestly…scared."

"You want to talk about it?" Astrid offers as Toothless hums happily.

Hiccup nods. "Sure."

"Should I leave?" Calder asks.

Astrid nods. "Toothless, take him away. I'll deal with Hiccup here."

"Right." Toothless says before getting off the bed and walks over.

Calder smiles as Toothless pulls him up and leads him off as he watches Astrid to Hiccup. "You think she would be fine?" He asks Toothless.

"Oh yes, having a hatchling is no serious danger." Toothless says as they walk onto the deck of the ship.

Calder raises an eyebrow. "But she is a changed. She could have a different way and maybe more dangerous."

"You don't need to worry." Toothless says rubbing his back.

Calder sighs. "I'm your husband. It's my job to worry."

"And that is sweet." Toothless says pulling him into her hold.

Calder smiles a bit. "But you are tough dragons and vikings."

"I think that our Hiccup is becoming like you. How do you feel about that?" Toothless asks.

Calder chuckles. "Very scared she's going to take my job."

"Seriously Calder. I can practically smell your worry." Toothless says.

Cinder chuckles. "That easy to pick out huh?"

"I think the fish realize it." Toothless jokes.

Calder hits her shoulder lightly. "Shut up."

"Oh someone is definitely feeling better." Toothless says.

Calder smiles. "Guess I am. I am with you girls."

"Oh, who is my husband?" Toothless asks teasing him as she pets his head.

Calder rolls his eyes. "Me my dragoness."

"That is right." Toothless teases.

Calder sighs and starts scratching her head. "And who's my wife?"

"Which one of the three?" Toothless asks cheekily.

Calder messages her ear fin as he smirks. "Care to rephrase that?"

"Which one of the three?" Toothless asks.

Calder scratches under her chin. "Which one of my wives is a strong dragon queen?"

"Me and Hiccup." Toothless says.

Calder hums as he kept scratching. "I see. So you two are really going at each other."

"Maybe." Toothless says.

Calder smirks. "So those moans weren't anything?"

"Oh that was Hiccup." Toothless says.

Calder hums. "Hiccup did that? What did you do?"

"That is my secret." Toothless says.

Calder smirks. "Oh. A challenge."

"Yes it is." Toothless says.

Calder chuckles and reaches around and hooks an arm around her chest. "I accept."

"Then do it." Toothless says poking his chest.

Calder leans over. "Later. When we are alone. When we are somewhere comfortable."

"You best keep that promise to me." Toothless threatens smirking.

Calder grins. "Oh I will. I don't go back on my word when it comes to family."

"We should get ready. We will be making landfall soon." Toothless says.

Calder nods. "Let's go." He said leading her down again the ship.

"I have to check on Hiccup." Toothless says.

Calder pushes her along. "Go on. She might need you."

"What do you think, boy or girl?" Toothless asks.

Calder hums. "I say girl."

"I will say son. Let's see who is right in the end." Toothless says.

Calder kisses her cheek. "And I'll wait on that."

"When you lose, you will have to do something for me." Toothless teases.

Calder chuckles. "And if you lose, you have to do the same."

"We shall see." Toothless says wrapping their tails together.

Calder pulls his tail and makes her pull to him as he wraps his arms around her. "And look who shall win."

"The one with maternal instincts." Toothless says.

Calder taps her sides. "And the one who gives them what want? What about him?"

"He gets the pleasure of their company." Toothless says cheekily.

Calder smirks and reaches a hand to her rear. "And some good assets in their possessions."

"Exactly." Toothless says smirking.

Calder chuckles pervertedly and leans on her. "You better get going and give your own advice to Hiccup."

"Motherhood for her before me. I am a little jealous." Toothless says.

Calder hums. "But you will get yours soon enough. And then there will be more hatchlings running around for all of us."

"Oh, is that a promise?" Toothless asks.

Calder nods. "I told you. I don't skimp."

"Well then." Toothless says before kissing him.

Calder chuckles into the kiss as he held her before pushing her head away. "Who's a good queen?"

"Me and Toothless." Hiccup says walking up.

Calder smiles to her. "Feeling better?"

"Somewhat." Hiccup says walking up and squeezes Calder's tail.

Calder yelps and falls to the ground.

"Now that you are level with my stomach, why don't you say hi to our child?" Hiccup asks.

Calder groans as he looks up and sees Ulf in front of him before patting his head. "Hey son. You being good for your mommies?"

"I meant in here." Hiccup says patting her stomach softly.

Calder smiles and chuckles. "Hello little hatchling. You in there?" He calls humorously.

Ulf, seeing this, starts to climb on Calder's back trying to climb up to his head.

Calder sighs. "At least one of us is having fun."

"Just leave the talks to me." Hiccup says petting his head.

Calder purrs. "You are the chieftess."

"And you are the chief. Just second in command." Astrid says helping Ulf up to his father's head.

Calder groans. "Great. I'm a statue."

"Ok you, straighten up. We are docking." Hiccup says.

Calder looks up to her. "Get him off first."

"You can get your son." Astrid says making Calder reach up and grab Ulf and bring him in front of him.

Ulf laughs and pats his muzzle.

"Hey son. Having fun?" Calder asks.

"Gah!" Ulf cheers and pats his muzzle again.

"What do you think Hiccup? Battle axe, spear, or sword?" Astrid asks.

Hiccup hums. "Try the battle axe."

"You like that idea Ulf?" Astrid asks as their clan starts to secure the ship to the dock.

Ulf laughs and hugs Calder's snout.

"Come on. Let's see what the settlement looks like." Hiccup says.

Calder smiles as he carries Ulf. "It would be interesting to see how much has changed." He said following hem.

"Our landing point has really changed." Hiccup says looking at the heavily fortified port with several ballistas.

Calder nods as he looks around. "And we reuse the buildings here too. What the others would give to see this."

"Whoa there, calm yourself Leaf." A voice says riding a duckbill dinosaur.

They all look to the duckbill as it rushes around the area and sees Alvin riding it. "Huh. Alvin changed as well." Astrid said watching it all.

"Well if it ain't the riders." Alvin says reigning his steed in.

Calder gives a wave. "Hello Alvin. Any problems?"

"Besides the occasional incursion by those night stalkers, not really. We throw up enough fires in front of them and they back off quickly." Alvin said

Calder nods. "Good. Anything special to report?"

"Well besides trying to train these things, the other chiefs are here already." Alvin says scratching his huge beard.

Calder nods and looks to Hiccup. "Shall we?"

"Yes." Hiccup says before leading them in.

"So what's all this about?" Alvin asks getting off the dinosaur.

Hiccup sighs. "We have hunters sailing around and it just caused trouble with us. We are making a meeting to discuss what to do."

"They attack Hiccup directly." Calder says getting Alvin to know how serious this was.

Hiccup nods. "That too. We just need to worry about them attack in directly because we kinda angered them all with our own attack."

"They also have a traitor to the berserkers amongst them." Calder adds.

"I see. They are renegades then." Alvin says.

Astrid hums. "We just have to hope we can move quickly. Who knows how far they spread."

"There is one advantage we have. We know they are traders mostly dealing in dragon market." Hiccup says.

Alvin hums. "Well that's hard to do at times. There are only so many islands to do that kind of business."

"Exactly and Hiccup says if the clans put an embargo on such things, it will really hurt them." Calder says carrying his son.

Ulf coos and looks up to him at that as he reaches for him. Calder smiles and leans down and nuzzles him. Ulf giggles and tries to hug his snout.

"So you planning on hurting them were it hurts the most and make them either come and talk or attack a well fortified location huh?" Alvin asks liking the idea.

Calder holds up a finger. "Let's deal with the meeting and then talk plans."

"So um…when did you discover the…" Alvin stops clearing his throat so Hiccup got he was referring to.

Hiccup sighs. "Just a few days ago."

"So…this mean you have given up going back to being a male?" Alvin asks.

Hiccup nods as she blushes. "Guess so. Can't really change with a kid growing inside me."

"I guess no…is that dragon scales?" Alvin whispers to her.

Hiccup nods. "Yeah. Another reason."

"I will show you the way." Alvin says.

"So when did you come to the colony?" Calder asks.

"Not long after when Hiccup became chief, me and my followers thought taming a legendarily dangerous island is something worthy to fight for." Alvin says.

"Long as you are not killing it." Calder said warningly.

"You kidding? We are fighting many monsters and we get all the food and drinks we can ask for." Alvin says.

Calder sighs. "And there's the Alvin we know and like."

"So what has been your favorite and what was your most difficult kills and hunts here so far?" Astrid asks.

"Favorite hunt and kill? I would say that huge carnivore we hunted with the T-Rex. Smaller than her but put up one heck of a fight before we brought it down." Alvin says chuckling.

Calder rolls his eyes. "Of course it would be. This island is full of surprises."

"Now for for the ones I found the most difficult for hunting and killing is also the same. Those things you call night stalkers. We were asked to bring a few of their corpses back so we could try and develop an antidote. Needless to say, we had to be quite cautious on that one." Alvin says.

Hiccup hums. "They are unpredictable. Hard to keep track of too."

"And one bite and well, I don't need to tell you what their venom does." Alvin says.

Calder shivers at that.

"Yeah. That is the worst thing about them." Hiccup says.

"Just keep them away." Calder snarls.

"So you speak of an antidote. Any progress on that?" Hiccup asks.

Alvin sighs. "Close, we just need more of those buggers."

"Good luck on that." Hiccup says as they near the mead hall.

Calder tickles Ulf's stomach and makes him laugh as they reach the hall. "Okay. Now let's hope we can come up with some food plans."

"Calder, you stay in the mead hall while I meet the other chiefs." Hiccup instructs.

Calder nods. "No problem here." He said still tickling Ulf.

"I will stay with Ulf as well." Astrid informs.

Hiccup nods. "Toothless." She said as she sees Toothless tickling Ulf as well.

"I am going with you. Don't worry." Toothless says.

Hiccup takes her hand. "Come on dragon girl." She teases as she pulls her along.

"See you soon Ulf." Toothless calls.

"So now we get the trouble?" Hiccup asks drawing on the large map.

"If they do have the gall to attack a chief, it does say they are a threat to all of us."


A/N: And this is where this story ends for us. We slowly started to realize that this one went off the rails a bit. For a long while, since we stopped writing on this one, we have been working on another story. Another HTTYD story. Once we have a chapter ready and edited, it will be posted up, but not as of now. So...enjoy what we have here and see what it could have been in the end.