Teacher's pet

So look who is still alive! (me *hum hum*) Hey guys, I have two weeks of hell in front of me so I needed some distraction and thought I could write a Chapter for you guys . So anyway spelling issues and such can't help it I have dyslexia. (that's the freaking hardest word to spell in the English languageā€¦.. -.-)

I don't own Naruto.




Naruto's arms where handcuffed to two chains that was hanging from the roof, so that he was forced to stand on his tiptoes. His body hurt His master had whipped him 30 times in a row with the nine-tails. Naruto knew that he still was being punished he had stayed out late and he had come home drunk. And he had not told his master anything about it.

So, when he had stumbled home drunk and so late, he had been replaced with a furious and worried Itachi. Naruto's half assed explanation had not been good enough. Itachi had dragged him to their bedroom and from there he had chained him up and then silently started to whip him hard.

Naruto had only been able to scream and scream. Itachi had not talked during all 30 laches. After he was done he had left the room and Naruto chained. Naruto did not know the time or how long he had been in the room.

Naruto signed and scolded himself that he had listened to Kiba when he had come with the good idea of having a party to celebrate there last day in high school. Sure, they still had a week left but now all the grades where placed and could not be changed.

Still he should have known that everything out of Kiba was stupid. But Naruto had like it and he really wanted to celebrate because this secrete between him and Itachi could soon stop and Itachi had promised that the would move to another city where they could live like a real couple and Itachi had also promised that Naruto would not need to work or leave the house he could live as a house sub or slave. And now Naruto was worried that Itachi would leave him.


Itachi was furious his pet had left for the night talking about going to the library, from the beginning Itachi had known that his pet was lying but he had let him bee and thought that he and some other kids was going out and celebrate he had told his slut to be home by 22.00 and not to drink anything alcoholic. And both rules had been broken, no text message no calls nothing. So when the pet stumbled home drunk and so late. The worry in Itachi had been relived and then the anger had come to him full force.

Itachi had punished the slut hard but he was still angry and then left. It was not good dom behaviour, but he was afraid that he would hurt his pet to much if he had stayed he really needed to calm down. Then he heard it

"Master, please don't leave me *Sniff* blease blease Master I am sorry."

Itachi felt his heart twitch and then he slowly turned towards the playroom. He heard the tears in his pet's eyes. And he all his anger disappeared, and he blamed himself for leaving his pet alone after a so hard and heavy scene he hurried towards the door and open it.


Naruto cried and cried he hoped that he could be forgiven then he heard the door open and his master stepped inside the playroom he did not look so angry out anymore. But he was still scared that Itachi would leave him.

"I am so sorry pet, I should not have left like that."

Naruto looked at his master and felt how his master put him down from the roof. Then his master lifted him with his strong arms and carried him to their bed.

"Master I, I "

"Don't talk, you need to sleep."

And Naruto fell asleep


Itachi walked up with his pet sleeping next to him. And he slightly pressed him closer to himself just to make sure that he was real and that he was healthy and not hurt in anyway. That had probably worried him the most that his little pet would be hurt or worse maybe raped many things could happen when youth was out in the dark.

Itachi's hand slowly dragged over his pet's back he found the welts after the whipping and he felt stupid. 'How could he have been so careless with his most prized possession?' Itachi shook his head to get rid of all evil thoughts. He got up from the bed and walked over to the bathroom where he got the tube of cream. He then walked back to the bed and slowly shook his pet's shoulder.

Naruto's eyes slowly opened, and he grinned up at Itachi. "Hi Master slept well, what is the time?" "10 am, pet. I should check your back so that there is no lasting damage. Turn around" Naruto rolled over to his stomach and placed his head on his forearms. Itachi started to slowly massage in the cream on his back. His pet started to slowly doze off again and Itachi let him.

While he worked Itachi thought about everything he had learned recently. Just the other week Pain had got arrested for rape and assault, this had changed Itachi's whole world at least sexually. He had started to understand that everything about domination and control that he had learned from Pain was wrong. He had started to do some research online and talked with more experiences dominants online. He had checked out some areas in other cities where there existed large community's and he hoped that after his pet was out of high school that he could slowly introduce his pet to the safe and normal life of a submissive.


Naruto felt his masters hand stop from the massage he had been enjoying. He turned his head and looked over towards his master "what's the matter master? What are you thinking about?" his master looked like he just now realised that Naruto was before him. "Nothing pet I was just thinking about how much I need to learn to be a good master to you" Naruto looked over his master and started to wriggle his ass as an invitation.

"Master can start by fucking his slut hard. Please?" His master raised his eyebrows. "Is that right? You mean that you have earned that?" Naruto started to roll over again and then placed his head on his master's lap. "I have been bad and should be punished but master should also make it up to me for the failed punishment yesterday, right?" Itachi started to laugh "Yes pet, I will give in to your manipulation today. "

He then lifted Naruto again and carried him to the playroom again. Itachi needed to make sure that yesterdays fiasco had not scared of the playroom. Naruto got placed on the playrooms bed on his back and then he lifted his arms towards the headboard where some leather restrains where waiting for his hands. And like he thought his master placed his wrist in the handcuffs and then his master walked over to on of the walls and then came back with some ankle cuffs, Naruto then got bent in half while Itachi bound his ankles to the headboard as well.


Itachi watch his pets face while bound him to the bed. He knew how much his pet loved to be bent like this and then fucked. This morning everything would be for his pet's pleasure.

Itachi got some lube and started to push his finger inside his pet's hole. After he had coated the inside of the tight hole he started to lube his own cock, and then pushed inside. "it burns,, ahhh ahh master master". His pet sounded breathless and so happy. "You like it slut, you like when it hurts take it". Itachi pulled out his cock and then he pushed it inside again, he repeated this action a couple of times before he started to fuck his pet faster and faster.

So tight little slut so good" Itachi felt how close he was to coming he had not fuck his pet like this in awhile and the closeness the tenderness was so high that he could not stop himself. "Master I need to come please let me come." His pet's moan made Itachi fuck him harder he then started to jack his pet off, "Come with me pet now". Itachi pushed in hard a last time and then his pet spilled right after him. "That was lovely master. Could we take a bath now?" Naruto blinked his eyes prettily up at his master and then Itachi started to laugh again and kissed his pet.


So, well that was that. Done once again. I hope that everyone understood that my previous chapter did not have anything with how BDSM works in the real world and just some fantasies from my side. I also hope that you guys like this "new" Itachi. Don't be to angry with me that there where so little sex in this chapter. So see ya all next time. Love Jennifer.