Definite Pairings: ShinAya; HaruTaka; KonoEne (yes, I'm well aware of who these two actually are; pretty sure you should know by now with all the spoilers floating around...)
Possible Pairings: KanoKido; SetoMary; HibiHiyo

• Shintaro and Ayano switch places; Takane and Haruka switch places.
• Ayano is not a NEET.
• I ship KanoKido, so I can't exactly see them as siblings when they grow up [I'm also guilty of shipping SetoMary, ShinAya, and HaruTaka/KonoEne]
• Since I'm so used to calling "Marry" with only one "r," there might be random mistakes involving her… =7="
• I tried my best to keep them in character.
• I was inspired to write this after seeing JeanLuz comment this idea (on a single Ao!Konoha pic on DeviantART). Originally I didn't know how to make Ene and Konoha switch places until she said something involving Shintaro and Ayano also switching so she helped inspire me with that comment alone |D [i freaking you you awesome persona]

Disclaimer: Any similarities to characters, settings, scripts, actual schools, or stories from other pieces of literature or media are coincidental.


Summary: It had been 2 years since that one person died, and as strange as it was, Ayano was beginning to forget who died… Ayano Tateyama; currently 18 and will soon graduate from her high school. Konoha, her kind virtual companion, begins to wonder if Ayano and Takane both remember…

It was an odd day. August 15th… why did it make Ayano feel sad? It should make her feel happy! After all, she did meet her new best friend, Konoha.

…well, technically he was kind of like a shimeji she downloaded from some unknown email she received (except he didn't do repetitive things over and over again like those cuties)… and that he had to be moved to her phone for him to hang out with her outside of her house… but to her, he was her best friend! Right next to… huh? Who was she going to compare Konoha to…?

Konoha was a pretty cool guy to hang out with; well… technically she didn't hang out with many guys. Just her siblings, her dad, him… oh! Wasn't there one other person…? He was pretty smart, she thought… too bad she barely remembers him… all that she remembers was that he looked pretty handsome in that red scarf and red jersey jacket… was he part of the track team?

"You should start wearing red more often," he smiled patiently. "Remember? You said it to me before…"

She felt incredibly warm at the odd dream she had even if she couldn't remember his face. It was kind of weird at how he smiled. It was almost as if she'd never seen him… well, smile before!

She suddenly heard the screen thumping for a moment; thump, thump. "Mistress!" the voice came from the male voice in her computer. "Didn't you have that summer essay you needed to finish?" he frowned. "You promised that we'd go to the amusement park today if you managed to finish this… and here I was looking forward to seeing your siblings…" he said, somewhat disappointed.

The computer program then proceeded to waving his arms up and down, side to side, wildly at the girl who was spacing out. His outfit was simply made up of black and blue, blue being the main color while his pants were black; his hair was kind of teal, more on the blue side though; his headphones also had a tint of white. Sometimes Ayano wondered if he'd look better with red, but seeing that he didn't have any problems—though she thought it was nice that he looked so comfortable… but she felt useless knowing that no one needed her help at the moment.

Her cute little siblings… the three of them had a peculiar idea—to move into a house of their own so that they could have that hideout for their group, the Mekakushi-Dan. Well, they did have a point… the place wasn't big enough for them now that they were older. Although it worried her when they moved out two years ago, they were only 14 at that time… she figured at had to have been because of her father's prying over their red eyes for his friend's research. She knew her cute younger siblings weren't comfortable with that at all…

"Ah!" Ayano exclaimed, effectively snapping out of her reverie. "Sorry, and thanks for reminding me, Konoha!" she grinned sheepishly at the blue-haired male who let out a sigh, but he smiled nonetheless. "I just gotta come up with the conclusion and then I'll be done!" she exclaimed cheerfully, determination renewed and her fantasies of the red-wearing boy now pushed aside as she worked through the essay.

"I'm finally done!" Ayano exclaimed cheerfully, taking a stretch back until she accidentally knocked her down her bubble tea. "Ah! Noooo!" she exclaimed, rushing to grab whatever she was nearby—tissues. "M-my essay!" she panicked. "Dad was expecting it to be finished today!"

"Don't worry Mistress!" Konoha said cheerfully. "Luckily I managed to save it before that happened."

"Ah… thank you so much Konoha…" she sighed with relief, glancing at the screen before looking down at the messed up keyboard. "I guess we'll have to go buy a new keyboard soon. I'm sure dad wouldn't exactly mind if I did that after my summer lessons tomorrow…" she let out a sigh before taking her phone out for Konoha; she smiled serenely. "I can't wait to see them again…"

All Konoha could do was simply nod with a simple smile.

As Ayano happily walked to the familiar looking house, she heard arguing and shouts coming from inside. She smiled thinly, knowing full well that Tsubomi Kido had a bit of a temper when the older girl wasn't looking.

Ayano knocked on the door and was greeted by the familiar sight of green—Kousuke Seto answered the door with a timid girl with long white hair hiding behind him.

"Good afternoon Kousuke-kun!" Ayano greeted, looking up at Seto; then smiling at Marry who reluctantly moved aside after knowing that it was just Ayano. "Hello there, Marry-chan."

"…H-hello, Ayano-san!" Marry exclaimed, evidently nervous.

Upon hearing the older girl's name, Kido had stopped arguing with Kano and ran up to the door.

"Good afternoon, Ayano-nee!" Kido exclaimed, somewhat happy at seeing the girl with the red scarf.

"Hello Tsubomi-chan," Ayano greeted happily.

Once Kano arrived, he had launched himself into hugging their older sister, shouting his greeting, "Hello Ayano-neechan!" he greeted happily.

"Oi, Get off of her you idiot!" Kido said irritably as she huffed, narrowing her eyes at the boy.

Ayano didn't mind as she continued with a smile, "I came by because I wanted to know if you guys wanted to come with me to the amusement park. Konoha wanted to go after seeing an ad on a YouTube video I was watching the other day."

Marry eyes had a sudden shine in them as she tugged on Seto's sleeve, urging him to agree as she stared at him with excitement. Seto, who was thinking about going anyway, knew that if he had thought otherwise, he couldn't have had the heart to say no to the shorter girl.

"Sounds like fun," Seto said with a smile; and once he said that, Kido knew that she couldn't really get away with not wanting to go…

A girl with white twin tails was looking left and right for someone. Her red eyes blankly staring at person to person, though her expression was blank, her eyes were showing determination even if she was lost. She outstretched a hand out to someone, though the white jersey jacket was huge on her, making the sleeves cover her hand as she placed it on someone's shoulder.

"Excuse me… but I'm looking for someone…" she said in a bland, almost sleepy-sounding tone of voice.

The female frowned. "…why don't you go to the police and ask for help?" she said, trying to be polite.

"…po…lice…?" she tilted her head, as if prompting the very 'polite' lady to explain what she was telling her.

As the woman decided to ignore that look, she tried to go on her merry way when the same girl had grabbed onto her arm.

"…I need to go look for someone…" the girl repeated, believing that the woman hadn't heard what she had requested earlier.

At that point, the woman grew frustrated as this conversation went back and forth, "please help me find someone…"; "go to the police!" and finally the woman had left the odd and peculiar girl into the hands of a lost Marry who had happened to be separated from her friends at the moment.

"Ah…um…" Marry fidgeted under the girl's stare.

"…please help me find someone…" the girl had requested.

"Ah-! O-okay…?" Marry had stuttered out nervously, also looking for her friends and Seto. "I-I'll help you… i-if you can… help me find my friends too…?" she murmured, avoiding eye contact. The girl nodded at Marry's request. "S-so… eto… who're you…?" she faltered as the girl continued to stare. Marry looked at the ground to avoid eye contact.

There was an awkward silence as the girl glanced around the area, looking left to right.

"…Ene…" the girl answered in a dull voice. "I don't really know anything else…"

"…oh…! Ene…" Marry looked flustered. "S-sorry for…"

"…what… are you apologizing for…?" Ene tilted her head, confused.

It had taken almost 30 minutes for everyone to find Marry… with her new 'friend,' Ene. 29 minutes and 38 seconds to be exact.

Once Marry had seen the familiar green outfit her best friend had always worn, she instantly ran up and jumped to hug him.

Ene had asked the group to help her look for her still missing friend (though if Kido had to guess, it had been the other way around whereas Ene was the one lost while her friend was out searching for the peculiar girl).

"So, what does your friend look like?" Ayano asked cheerfully.

Konoha hadn't been able to get a good look at Ene, though he didn't say anything and seemed to have been thinking deeply about something. No one noticed his silence yet.

"…she's about this tall…" Ene gestured; her friend seemed to be shorter than her.

"…don't you… can you be more descriptive?" Kido asked, twitching a bit.

Ene seemed a bit stumped until she saw a poster catching her eye. The white-haired female pointed directly at the poster.

"…she looks exactly like that… only this tall…" Ene said.

The group seemed startled.

"…you're friends with Momo Kisaragi the latest idol?!" Ayano exclaimed in awe and shock, looking back and forth between Ene and the poster. Ayano didn't look like it, but she had always been able to keep up with what's new and recent thanks to the girls that gossiped to Ayano when she was in some group projects.

Kido looked taken aback by the sudden news from Ene; Kano seemed amused but was mainly staring at the girl's red eyes, intrigued; Seto was somewhat confused along with Marry. However, the most startled one had been Konoha; his eyes widened largely at Ene when Ayano had turned to look at the poster of Momo.

"…Ene…?" Konoha whispered, staring at Ene with surprise.

"…yes…?" Ene tilted her head, staring blankly at the phone with Konoha.

"ENE!" a girl wearing a pink parka had shouted; she drew attention to herself simply from shouting even if her face was somewhat covered; she ran over to the white-haired girl and started to talk once everyone stopped paying attention to her. "Thank goodness you're here I was looking everywhere for you and-!" she noticed the group. "Ah… you must've helped my friend here…" the girl smiled sheepishly before bowing. "Thanks for helping her! Is there anything I could do to repay you for your help?" she asked.

"Huh? W-well… err… we didn't actually do anything… there's no need to thank us," Kido murmured. "Rather, we should be thanking her for staying with Marry," she glanced at Kano and narrowed her eyes before elbowing him in the stomach, whispering harshly, "You're being a creep; stop staring at her so much or else you'll chase her away!"

Kano ignored her glare, disregarding her warning as he smiled at both the girl and Ene.

"…you two… have rather interesting eyes…"

He smiled as the girl stared at him with confusion written on her face while Ene stared blankly at him.

Her confusion then switched to realization… "Are you…" she frowned, narrowing her red eyes.

Ayano looked frantic, worried that the girl knew exactly what they were talking about.

Momo Kisaragi, however, had reached a horrid misunderstanding.

"…hitting on me…?"

["Hmm…? …so you're back…"] the man had chuckled lightly as he sat in a chair normally found in school. ["…I see that you're still confused…"] he murmured quietly, holding no ill intent, no annoyance nor anger, no frustration, although she wasn't sure about sorrow…

He had short black hair; his eyes… they were almost dull… his red eyes didn't seem to match him wholeheartedly… yet they did; he wore a plain black t-shirt—normally it'd seem plain, but the shirt worked well with his red-sleeved jersey jacket; his pants were a light brown, and the white floor made his black and red shoes stand out.

Well, he seemed patient, as odd as that seemed to her; and it was almost as if he knew the answer to everything and nothing seemed weird anymore…

Even though he stood out to her overall… what caught her attention the most was his red scarf and eyes. She wondered why that scarf looked so familiar. Was it because they had matching scarves? The thought made her feel obsessed with a guy she didn't even know.

"…how… does it feel to have red eyes?" the back-haired girl asked, surprising even herself. She was outgoing, yes, but she had never started a conversation with the man in her dreams…

["…I don't know…"] he smiled, though it seemed lonely… sad, even.

"…are you… a red-wearing hero…?"

["…I wonder…"] he trailed off. ["…does it seem that way?"] She couldn't help but nod. ["…well, it's all interpretation in the end…"] he smiled with a bit of disbelief; he shook his head lightly as if to say 'what can you do?'

"…if I… if I had those red eyes… do you think that… I could also become a hero…?"

["…"] he was silent for a while.

"…I… I caught a glimpse… of my father's research… only the part on saving lives through the Heat Haze…" she was blabbering. "If I… then I could become a hero too… I could save those three children-!"

Why was she blabbering to a stranger? Why did he seem so familiar? She had kept these feelings bottles in for two years and she can't even remember why… so was there a reason why she's opening up so suddenly…?

["…no…"] he stopped her and her millions of questions all with that one, hope-crushing word. No.

"…why…? I could… this was why they're suffering… isn't it…?" she felt like crying.

It was tiresome. She couldn't think straight. No. Why did he say that one word? The method was terrifying, but surely she could become a hero too!

["…I can't tell you why…"] he simply answered with that same dull, tired, patient smile. ["…you yourself would have to remember… otherwise, you forgetting the promise would be acknowledged… and when that happens, you would cry; crying doesn't suit you."]

"Promise…? What promise…?" she frowned. It was rare for her to frown. She's a happy and cheerful person, she had told herself. She can't be frowning or angry or sad or—no, she couldn't, shouldn't, and wouldn't be crying or frowning or—

["I will be waiting until you remember."]

As he disappeared, she found herself calling out his name…

But that confused her because she didn't know his name, and her shouting was loud yet it seemed to be muted.

What was his name?

Even now it's but a simple mystery to her.