Searching for Someone

Chapter 1

So this is a new story I'm working on! This is a partial AU, so Hiccup was never born in this story. This is a Stoick/OC pairing Stoick's wife is dead and I'll explain how she passed way later in the story. Alvin will be the main antagonist in this story and he's not super in character because I'm not overly knowledgable of him, but I know the basics! My OC takes on a few characteristics of Hiccup but nothing major. Other than she does have Toothless! I thought it would be cool for her to have him. So character description time!

So she is average height, kinda heavy build, long brown hair that is pulled up in a messy bun and bangs. She wears a fur jacket with a long sleeve black shirt, long black pants and furred boots. She's also has a dagger, don't know if that's important :3

Her name is Aurora, and she'll be in her early thirties, because I've heard that Stoick is about 36. Anyways I'll shut up now and give you the first chapter, please review and tell me what you think!

I crouched down next to the quiet running stream, taking handfuls of water and letting it run down my hands and arms taking the blood with it. I frowned at the gashes on my arms and the rather deep one along my abdomen. As I examined the wounds I heard my dragon Toothless growl, clearly upset that he hadn't been there to help me.

It had been the hundredth time of getting caught by Alvin. He was persistent, I would give him that. I had usually gotten away with a few scratches, nothing serious, but this time I had been hurt worse. I trailed my finger down the gash in my arm, remembering how it happened.


I grunted quietly as two Outcasts shoved me into a room where Alvin stood waiting for me.

"Well, Aurora, did you really think you'd be able to escape me again? I thought you'd know better by now," He said and I scowled at him as he came forward, his bearded face just inches from mine.

"I didn't think, I know I'll escape you, Alvin," I said to him not missing a beat. I had been trying to escape Alvin for about 12 years, he had found me when I was about 20. He took me in because I had no where to go and I figured going with him would be better than being alone.

The first year of living with Alvin was not bad, he treated me decent. That was until I found Toothless, I befriended the Night Fury and when I decided to show Alvin, believing he would be impressed, he got angry with me. He told me to kill Toothless otherwise he'd kill me, I couldn't do that though, so I staged an accident and Toothless got away. He hid in the forest and I would bring him food whenever I could. During those times Alvin started to become abusive, instead of getting drunk with the other Outcatsts he would get drunk around me, then he would get angry and beat me, cut me, he had even sexually abused me. After about another year, I decided it was time to try and escape, so I fixed up Toothless' tail good and tried escaping. Everytime I would stay free for almost a week until Alvin found me again.

"When are you going to stop Aurora?" He asked walking behind me.

"Silly Alvin, you know the word stop will not be incorporated into my daily routine," I told him with a dry chuckle.

Just like that I felt his arm wrap around me tight and pull me back against him," You think you'll get away with talking to me like that?"

"No...I don't, but what do I have to lose?" I said in a growl, turning my face away from his.

He clenched his teeth before smirking and letting out an evil chuckle," Oh always tried to act like you weren't afraid and though you may have gotten used to being beaten and cut, I know what still bothers you the most."

I let out a breath and squeezed my eyes shut as I felt his hand slide under my black shirt and go up until he reached my undergarment where he groped me. I shuddered in disgust, yes, I had gotten used to the beatings and getting cut, but the sexual abuse I could never get used to. I started shaking all over, my knees shaking heavily as I could feel Alvin touching me everywhere and his lips on my neck, where he roughly kissed, bit and sucked at, forming large bruises where he did so.

"What have I told you Aurora, you are mine and you will never escape me. I will do what I please to you, whether it be to release my anger, or to have my...pleasures, fulfilled," He growled into my ear before he let out a groaned as he pressed himself against my backside.

My knees gave out on me and I could no longer hold myself up. Alvin held me up and went to pull parts of my clothing off, only to have someone bardge in.

"What is it?!" Alvin shouted clearly displeased.

"Alvin, it's the Night Fury, I think he's breaking the chains!" The man shouted.

Alvin growled under his breath before roughly pushing me back up to stand," You are coming with me to stop that dragon of yours, and don't think we're finished here, we'll have plenty of time later to continue."

I shuddered in repulsion as he shoved me out the door, a hand under my shirt, around my waist holding tightly and leading me to where Toothless was.

I saw Toothless, chains around all four of his legs. My heart cried out to him, I glanced around, desperate to find a way to help me and Toothless escape. I felt Alvin's hand leave my waist for the moment, so I took the chance to act. When he turned back to me I plowed my elbow square on his nose. He staggered back, disorientated and in pain," Don't just stand there you idiots! Get her, don't let her get to that dragon!"

I ran as fast as my legs would carry me to the cage where Toothless was. Once there I grabbed the lever to open it and pulled as hard as I could. I wasn't as strong as the male Vikings so it made sense that I couldn't open as fast.

I heard the sound of the Outcasts approaching me so I ceased for the moment pulling out my dagger, spinning around to face the two men approaching me. They swung wild at me and I dodged most of them, only get a few small cuts. Finally I was able to get to one, sinking my dagger deep within him. As I did so I felt a blade slide along my left arm, leaving a burning trail. I cried out as I ripped the dagger out of the one. I whipped around to face the other, he came at me wildly and I ducked to dodge his swing before coming back up and slitting his throat.

I ran back over to the lever, pulling it the rest of the way. Toothless had already broken out of their weak chains so he bounded out and bent down a little signaling for me to climb on. I ran to him to get on and get away from this horrid place, but before I could I heard a cry and I felt a blade go along my abdomen. I went a few more steps then stopped feeling the sudden sensation of pain. I could hear Alvin's footsteps getting closer and closer. I heard Toothless roar before smacking Alvin away and helping me onto his back and flying away.

End Flashback

I was taken out of the memory when Toothless nudged me lightly. I looked over at his curious eyes," You're right bud, we should get going."

Toothless gave me his impression of a smile before I climbed onto his back my hands and legs shaking. He looked back at me worried," Don't worry Toothless, I'm fine, really, let's just get moving before Alvin finds us yet again."

He growled when I said Alvin, but dismissed it once he got off the ground and into the air. I smiled feeling the refreshing air on my face, though the intense pain in my side was making it less enjoyable. I needed to bind the wound, before I bled out, but I didn't have any materials. After five minutes of flying I started to feel dizzy and lightheaded. I felt myself fading into unconsciousness fast as I fell forward against Toothless.

I heard Toothless cry out to me, I knew he needed me to control his tail so he could fly but I could barely pick myself up. Only enough to see the beach we plummeted to before I was knocked unconscious.

So? How is it? Good? Bad? Please tell me! Obviously this is rated M for a reason! There is going to be a good amount of flashbacks about Alvin's abuse of Aurora. There is a possibility of some intimate scenes but I'm not that far yet! Just tell me what you guys think first! ALSO! I DO NOT OWN HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON OR ANY OF ITS CHARACTERS! I ONLY OWN MY OC AURORA!