Anything for John

Rated M

Disclaimer: I don't own Sherlock or Star Trek, or Khan, I just own the idea.

John was trying to spice up the bedroom when a little film came out that gave him an idea. Now will Sherlock go along with it? Established relationship and rated M for sexual activity and some language.

Ehehe. I hoped everyone enjoyed the last story. It was really nice seeing everyone enjoy it so much so I thought I would give you another. This one being more… for adults. So please enjoy.

Sherlock? JW

Yes John? SH

Remember that sci-fi movie we were watching the other day? JW

Be more specific John. SH

It was called Star Trek: Into Darkness. The one about the Enterprise and that villain named Khan. JW

Oh that awful thing. Yes about it. SH

Well I was wondering… since you look so much like Khan… and we really need to… um… spice things up in the bedroom… I was wonder if you could role play… as Khan… for me? JW. After John sent that text he was thoroughly embarrassed. He knew Sherlock was beginning to become bored of their vanilla sex so John though it would be a good idea to try something new. He also loved Khan. The way he walked, talked, carried himself. He was getting hot under the collar the whole movie, and he didn't even care that Khan was a murderer he was just plain hot!

Alright. I suppose I can do this for us. Our sex has been slowly decreasing over the past few months and vanilla is a little boring. What do you require of me John? SH

John was dumbfounded. He never actually thought that Sherlock would do it. He stared at the screen for a while before answering.

Um… tight black shirt, tight black pants… I guess that is it. Unless you want to wear combat boots. JW

Alright sounds fairly easy. Would you like for me to gel my hair as well? SH

'Holy shit he is going to kill me before I even see him.' John thought as he replied with a yes.

Very well. Then on a night of my picking I shall be Khan for you John. I shall be waiting… Captain. SH

John shivered. He loved when Sherlock called him captain. He felt so strong and powerful, but he knew exactly who would be in charge.

One night after a hard day at the clinic John rushed out and hailed a cab. He gave the address and the taxi took off.

Once he arrived home he paid the cabbie and entered the building. He noticed that Mrs. Hudson was gone.

"Sherlock?" John called out as he climbed the steps. He arrived to his floor to find the door closed but only a tiny crack alerted to him that it was open. John felt his instincts rear up in the back of his mind. Ready for anything he slowly opened the door to find Sherlock staring at the mantel.

John gasped silently. His hair was gelled back, black decorated his entire body including his black combat boots and his hands were perfectly placed at his sides. Sherlock was no more… Khan has appeared.

John licked his lips and took off his jumper quickly and as quietly as he could. He took in a deep breath and released.

"Why is there a man in that torpedo?" John asked. His voice was a little shaky, but he knew Sherlock wouldn't care.

"There are men and women in all of those torpedoes Captain I put them there." Sherlock said perfectly. John felt himself shiver at the performance. He knew Sherlock could act, but never this well. He was very accurate in his portrayal; it gave John goose flesh and the beginning of a very welcomed erection.

"Who is the hell are you?" John asked. Sherlock turned his face slightly and eyed John up and down then faced the mantel again.

"A remnant of the time long passed. Genetically engineered to be superior as so to lead others to peace in a world at war, but we were condemned as criminals. Forced into exile, for centuries we slept. Hoping when we awoke things would be different." Sherlock said.

John took a few steps forward and deviated from the script.

"I asked who you were. Not your background story, because I looked up John Harrison and he didn't even exist a year ago." John said in his Captain voice. Sherlock turned to face John and raised his eyebrow.

"John Harrison was a smoke screen to conceal my true identity. My name is… Khan." Sherlock said. John shivered and he knew Sherlock noticed as a small smirk came over the detective's lips. John licked his lips and took a step closer to Sherlock.

"Khan. Well why would a Starfleet admiral ask you for help?" John questioned.

"Because I am better." Sherlock said as he straightened his back further.

"At what?" John asked. He saw Sherlock's straight back and thought. 'How does his back not snap from the straightest?'

"Everything." Sherlock answered. Sherlock looked over John and then chuckled softly.

"What is so funny?" John said. He quickly came back into the Captain role and Sherlock quickly took John by the collar and held him close.

"You, Captain. You seem very… interested in me. I am very interested in you." Sherlock said as he leaned in and licked at John's neck. John gasped and tried to press himself closer but Sherlock kept him at the distance he wanted. "Tell me Captain, when was the last time you were so interested in someone? Hmm a month, a year?" Sherlock whispered in John's ear.

"That is none of your business Khan." John gritted his teeth. John was becoming painfully hard and he was ecstatic about it. Sherlock pulled John closer and pressed himself against John. John whimpered and tried to create friction against him and Sherlock.

"Oh Captain you are so desperate aren't you? So needy and painfully hard. Pathetic really. I expected more really." Sherlock said as he grabbed some black that was placed on the desk next to the couch and quickly and tightly tied John's hand behind his back. Sherlock leaned in and licked John's earlobe.

"Tell me if your shoulder begins to hurt and we can try something else ok." Sherlock said. John nodded and lightly kissed Sherlock's cheek. Sherlock smiled and then went back into Khan.

He gripped the knot he made and dragged John to the bedroom. John began to fight against the restraints and Sherlock pushed him hard against the wall.

"Captain I am not afraid to dislocate your shoulders. Stop fighting it." Sherlock said. John stopped struggling and was then pushed into their room. Sherlock closed and locked the door. John turned and slowly took a step back. Sherlock smiled and strode over and just held John close to him.

"Please indulge me Captain. Is my crew safe and in their cyrotubes?" Sherlock asked as he pulled John's chin to look at him.

"Yes. They are safe. No one has touched them since they were loaded into the torpedo launchers." John said. He felt Sherlock squeeze a little and then lightly flick his head to the side. Sherlock tugged John's ropes and tossed him onto the bed. John landed with an oomph and Sherlock took off his boots. John readjusted himself into a more comfortable position and Sherlock looked at John with a face.

John shook his head no and then winked at Sherlock. Sherlock understood and proceeded to flip John over. He undid the ropes and then rolled John over. John didn't have time to respond when Sherlock pinned his arms about him and retied the ropes. This time is was tighter than before and Sherlock even tied them to the headboard.

"Now, Captain I am willing to negotiate with you. My crew for your crew. Meaning if you give me my crew I will let your crew live." Sherlock said as he ran his fingers down John's arms.

"Never. You are just going to blow us up when you receive them. I'm not stupid Khan." John said. He was twitching a little when Sherlock's fingers reached his armpits. Sherlock sneered and pulled John up by the collar.

"You are very stupid Captain, but since you are not going to give me what I want. I guess I will just take it, but first I want something else." Sherlock said with a wicked grin. John acted confused and then Sherlock palmed his erection roughly.

John groaned loudly and pressed against Sherlock's hand. Sherlock removed his hand and removed John's shoes. He placed the shoes on the floor and went over to his closet. He grabbed an awful looking tie and when back to John. He leaned over him and roughly thrusted the tie into John's mouth and tied it tightly. John was slightly shaking at this point and Sherlock just smiled.

"Nervous Captain?" Sherlock chuckled darkly. John shook his head no and tugged at the ropes. Sherlock pinned down his hands and pressed hard.

"That is a good way to lose your hands Captain. Refrain yourself from doing that if you value your hands." Sherlock said as he released John's hands. John nodded slightly and relaxed his arms against the bed. Sherlock lifted John's shirt so that his nipples showed and then tugged down his pants and threw them off the bed.

Sherlock smiled and licked his thumb before rubbing it over John's nipple. John sucked in a breath and slowly released. Sherlock took his forefinger and began to twist and pull on the dusty nub. He leaned down and began to lick and suck at John's other. John began to squirm and lifted his hips against Sherlock's. Sherlock chuckled and began to roughly bite and suck at John's chest. He ran his mouth down the middle of John's chest and stopped at his belly button. Sherlock dipped his tongue inside and then blew gently on it. John groaned and arched his back.

"Sensitive Captain. Shame, I could play with you all day." Sherlock said into John's belly. He nipped around the belly button and then ran his tongue over John's happy trail. Sherlock tucked his thumbs into John's boxers and tugged them off slowly.

John lifted his hips and Sherlock discarded the boxers onto the floor. He was upright and looked down at John.

"You are a marvelous specimen Captain. Very interesting indeed." Sherlock said quietly. John grunted and Sherlock ran his fingers over John's erect cock. John turned his head and pressed down for more.

"Oh no Captain, I am going to take my time with you. Making you grunt and moan under the gag. If you are good I may release it so you can scream my name when I make you cum so hard." Sherlock said as he ran his fingers over John's cock again. Over and over Sherlock just ran his fingers over the sensitive organ. By the fourth time John was panting and bucking wildly. Sherlock reached over and grabbed the lube from the bedside drawer. He slicked up his palm and wrapped it snuggly around John's cock.

He slowly began to move his hand up and down. John breathed in relief and groaned at the leisure pace. Sherlock smiled and began to work faster. He knew John was getting close so he removed his hand and grabbed the lube again. He grabbed John's legs and placed them above his hips.

Sherlock lubed up 3 fingers and slowly inserted one into John. John pushed himself onto Sherlock's finger and moaned loudly when Sherlock began to stretch him. Sherlock brushed against John's prostate and John cried out. Sherlock worked in another finger and scissored his fingers. Sherlock used his free hand and pulled John's gag out.

"Ah… more please. Khan please." John pleaded. Sherlock complied at added the third finger and moved them quickly to stretch John adequately. John was a moaning mess and he begged Sherlock to go faster.

Sherlock took out his fingers and quickly lubed himself up. Sherlock lined himself up with John quickly but gently entered John.

"Oh… Khan!" John moaned. Sherlock smirked and slowly slid out until on the head was inside John. He stayed like that for a moment then slammed back inside. The head hitting John's prostate with deadly accuracy. John groaned and Sherlock began a steady and quick rhythm. John's prostate was being hit with every thrust and John could feel himself slowly coming closer to climax.

Sherlock sped up his thrusts and John groaned louder and louder. Sherlock just smirked and moaned at John's heat. John felt a familiar heat pooling into his stomach. John felt a heated coil grow tighter in his cock.

"Oh… Khan… I'm gonna… gonna. AH Sherlock." John screamed when he climaxed over his and Sherlock's chest. He clenched down and Sherlock began to wildly thrust into him. Sherlock groaned out his climax and then collapsed onto John's chest. Sherlock and John were panting harshly but then they began to calm down. John huffed a breath.

"God Sherlock… that was amazing. Love it was brilliant." John said. Sherlock pushed himself up. He pulled out of John and wiped himself and John with a wet cloth. He untied John and began to rub John's shoulder.

"It was rather fantastic. I will admit… it was enjoyable to be Khan." Sherlock said with a small smile. John took Sherlock's hand in his own and pressed a kiss to it.

"Thank you Sherlock. I… just thank you." John said.

"You're welcome John. I am glad you enjoyed yourself immensely. How is your shoulder?" Sherlock asked. John could see Sherlock was a little worried and John waved him off.

"My shoulder is fine Sherlock." John said as he sat up and kissed Sherlock gently. Sherlock responded and leaned John back down on the bed. They kept kissing for a while until John accidently yawned.

They both chuckled and Sherlock got off of John and laid next to him on his side. John curled into Sherlock's chest and pressed a kiss over his heart.

"I love you Sherlock." John said sleepily.

"I love you too John." Sherlock said. He looked down and chuckled slightly.

"Wha?" John asked.

"Nothing. Just maybe next time will you dress up for me… as a hobbit?" Sherlock laughed. John smacked Sherlock with his pillow and chuckled with him.

:D SMUT story CHECK! Awesome I really loved this one. Hopefully I got Khan right… I probably didn't but hey I tried. If you enjoyed please R&R. Thanks and love ya!