Note: Hehehe!


Chapter 20

It'd been two weeks, and Sai had yet to learn anything new. He'd been keeping an eye on Sasuke, who seemed to be keeping an eye on Kurama. It had become more evident that Sasuke knew about Naruto's other personality. Sai wanted so bad to help him but summer vacation was in a few days. Students were taking their last final exam today, and the seniors would be graduating tomorrow morning. It was all happening too fast, and that wasn't good. Still, the young man was more determined than ever. He was going to save Naruto from himself, whatever the cost. At lunch, when Sasuke wasn't around, Sai asked Naruto to meet him in the gym under the bleachers.

The beast agreed, and the two met in the dimly lit room directly after sunset. However, Kurama was not alone. Sasuke had come with him and was waiting by the gym doors, more so to make sure that no harm came to Naruto's body than to aid the asshole who'd claimed it for his own. Kurama and Sai faced each other silently for a few minutes before either one spoke.

"You never finished what you were saying the other day." Sai began.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Kurama spat.

"Yes you do, so spit it out now!" Sai demanded in a tone unlike his usually calm one.

Kurama glared at him for a moment, and then smirked. The beast slinked away from the teen's eyes, and moved directly behind him, blowing a small amount of air into Sai's right ear. "Himself, he's hiding from himself. The brat needs protection from his own thoughts, from his own past. He needs someone to shelter him from the thoughts that are eating away at him from the inside out." Kurama pinned the teen up against the wall, their faces only centimeters away from one another. Sai was in shock, he couldn't move. In fact, he couldn't even fathom why it was that his body seemed to be immobilized; all he knew was that he was paralyzed with fear. "What's wrong little birdy?" Kurama chirped, moving his face closer to Sai's neck, tracing it with his breath. "Your lion can't save you now, can he? Does the truth burn that much? Or is it that you've started to fall for me instead of Naru?" Kurama opened his mouth to sink his teeth into the boy's neck, in a way so as to kill, but quickly found himself on the floor. Sasuke had thrown the beast to the ground and was now looming over him.

"I wondered what was taking so long." Sasuke sighed.

"What the fuck was that for?" Kurama spat.

"Un, to get you off I suppose." Sasuke shrugged.

"I figured that wise guy! But why?"

"Because this is still Naruto's body, and I don't want him to commit a crime. Besides," Sasuke said, "you still have to tell us what's been bothering Naruto so much that he's allowed you to take over."

"You guys really want to know?" The teens nodded. "He's been thinking about his childhood, the bits and pieces that he's begun to remember. If he does remember, he'll know how to get rid of me. That's why I have to take over, so that I can continue to live."

"And what exactly does he want to know?" Sai asked.

"Who his parents really were."


Of course it had been Sai. It was midnight, and Sasuke had just gotten back from the graduation party Kakashi and Iruka had thrown for him and Naruto, with the help of Itachi and Deidara of course. He'd only just gotten Kurama in bed when there was a loud knocking at his door. So he was rather annoyed when he opened it to find Sai.

"Sasuke," Sai began, "I was doing some digging after we talked to Kurama, and after the graduation ceremony, and I think I know where Naruto's parents used to work. If you really love him, come with me to the facility tomorrow. We can figure out what happened to him there, and hopefully get rid of Kurama for good."

Sasuke looked at the other raven, he looked serious. "Alright, but we better go now. Kurama may not be willing to let us take him there if he knows whats going on." Sai nodded in agreement. "Let's quickly pack our things in my car, and get going. Do you have the address?"

"Yes. But first, let's visit his god father. If I recall correctly, Miss Tsunade's file on Naruto says that he lives with him."

"Ok then," Sasuke said, "let's do this. Wait, how do you know about his file?"

Sai blushed. "I broke into the headmaster's office before coming here."

Sasuke shook his head. "Idiot."

However, neither of them knew that at that very moment, Naruto was beginning to fight back for his body.


It was dark. Naruto couldn't see a thing and yet, he could see everything. He seemed to be standing on nothing, and yet he was standing on a thin layer of water, watching as his every step created ripple after ripple. Like a stone being tossed into a pond.

"Kurama!" Naruto shouted. "Show yourself bastard!"

A pair of fiery red eyes appeared in front of the blond teen. A man stepped forward and a grin was spread across his face. "You called?"


Note: Well, next chapter is going to be a bit of an eye opener. Hope you enjoy.