It seems that I still don't have enough of this story. Thank you for your amazing reviews, it really helped me to write more about these two lovebirds!


Being in a relationship with someone was not something that Hermione Granger was used to; and even if she didn't share a proper relationship made of love and respect with Severus Snape, at least, they were sharing something together: their bodies.

The beginning hadn't been easy, though. Severus didn't want her to come to his rooms, not wanting to be suspicious to the Headmistress' eyes, and he didn't want to come to her room either, even if she was alone most of the time. Hermione had accepted this situation during weeks, just seeing him between two classes, locking the door behind her in order to give her body to this tall and highly lustful man. Who would have thought that Severus Snape would have been a perfect lover? Sure, Hermione hadn't had the opportunity to have a lot of lovers, but she was perfectly sure that Severus was not the worst lovers of Hogwarts. His caresses were enough to make her shiver, while his kisses seemed to be made for her own lips; their sexual encounters were better and better with time passing by, and she was amazed to see that, during these moments of pure bliss, Severus stopped to look at her like a student, and considered her like the woman she now was.

And now, three months after the beginning of their affair –relationship not being the proper term to describe what they shared–, Hermione was waiting for him to come into her room. She had though so many time about this moment where they would be alone in a bedroom, with a bed at their disposition. What would it be like to have sex in a bed? Would it be different from her previous experiences? Hermione wouldn't deny the fact that she hadn't done things in the good order. Her first time had occurred in a pool, whilst the next ones had took place in a classroom, mostly. To have sex in a bed was something totally different to her, and she was dreading this moment, this unusual moment when kisses would be exchanged with a pillow as a witness.

The Gryffindor student had opted for a V-cut blue dress, short enough to let people see her knees, but long enough to hide what Severus wanted to see so much every time that she was with him. She remembered his hands sliding under the fabric of her dress every time that they were alone, his slender fingers searching for the warm of her centre. From time to time, he decided to replace his hands with his mouth, and he buried his head into her legs, gently caressing her with the tip of his tongue, eliciting an immense wave of pleasure through her whole body.

Suddenly, a knock could be heard at the door, and Hermione almost jumped. It was almost midnight already, and she hadn't even noticed that it was that late. She rose from the armchair that was next to the fireplace, a fireplace that was still working at this time of the year; the nights were still cold, and Hermione loved to see and hear a fire burning when she was alone.

When she opened the door, Severus Snape buried his dark eyes into her bright ones, a little smirk at the corner of his lips.

"We better hurry...," he drawled, while Hermione let him enter her room, closing the door behind him. Of course, they better hurried; none of them wanted to be caught in this illicit –but oh so exciting– position that they were in.

"... And now, we have all the time that we want," Severus concluded his sentence before pinning Hermione's body to the entrance door of her room. His lips were right away on hers, while his hands were everywhere: on her neck, gently squeezing it, on her breasts, on her hips; everywhere.

"So why rushing things?," Hermione muttered against his lips, wanting to share something different with her professor this time. No, she didn't want to have petals of roses everywhere around them, or candles for that matter. But she didn't want to rush things like they were used to, given their professor-student relationship. Having sex in a classroom was something, but being in a bedroom was another; and the young woman wanted to take advantage of this moment.

Severus raised a surprised eyebrow, and Hermione noticed that his smirk was just a memory now.

"I want you...," he tried to explained, as if it was enough to let him taking her right against the door.

"And I you," Hermione retorted with a smile. "But I've got a bed, you know..."

"I am not used to have sex in a bed with you."

"But I want to."

Severus wasn't the kind of man to abdicate so easily in front of a woman, and especially in front of someone younger than him. But Hermione was so beautiful with this raspberry lipstick on her lips and this attractive dress that he decided that he could go over his reluctance this time. With a sigh, he gave up.

"Alright. I am following you. But do not expect me to be a nice young boy in bed. You know who I am."

A smile on her face, Hermione took Severus by his hand and conducted him in her bedroom. Of course, she hadn't expected him to change so drastically just because they were about to make love in a bed; Severus wasn't a "nice young boy", far from it. He was a man, and wasn't reluctant to show it to her in many ways; the way that he used to make love to her was a proof enough of his virility.

When they entered her room, Severus couldn't help but let out a little disdainful noise.

"What a... Gryffindor's adornment," he snarled.

Hermione didn't even try to deny it. Of course, her bedroom was red and gold, and she was proud of showing her colours in such a manner.

"Close your eyes if you don't like it," she whispered before making him fall back onto her bed, her lips locked on his.

"I would miss the show if I did," Severus said when he eventually had the opportunity to talk.

And what a show he had; laying on Hermione's bed, he had to raise himself on his elbows to see the young woman strip in front of him. Slowly, she managed to opened the back of her deep blue dress, her eyes still focused on the dark form of Severus on her bed. It was awkward to know that a man, a real one, was currently sitting on her own bed, looking at her. His dark eyes were full of lust, and Hermione took an immense amount of pleasure while stripping in front of him. She was no longer ashamed by her body in front of him; during these three months, Severus had showed her how attractive she was to his eyes, how excited he was when she was around.

Soon, she was almost naked, with just her black underwear on. Severus loved black underwear, and Hermione had learned her lesson. Now, when she knew that she was supposed to see him, she never thought twice about the colour of her panties or her bra: black it was.

The Potions Master let out a groan of approval, visibly delighted by the vision of her harmonious body. When he initiated a movement to join her, Hermione shook her head.

"You are supposed to stay in this bed tonight, Professor," she purred, taking a step toward him. "But you are not supposed to have so many clothes on, as far as I am concerned."

Severus noticed that Hermione still had her heels on, and he couldn't help but smile. It was the first time that he had the opportunity to see her with such shoes, and he wasn't disappointed: they were high-heeled and black, exactly the kind of shoes that he liked to see a woman wear. When his student bent over to cover his body with hers, Severus let his hands caress her back, not knowing if it was a good idea to unfasten her bra yet. But all that he wanted was to caress her breasts, to kiss them, to bite them, so he did. He felt Hermione smile against his lips, he tried to roll her over, in order to conduct their lovemaking.

"I'm in charge tonight," Hermione breathed, her long and curly hair falling on each side of her face, caressing Severus' face.

"Oh, no, you are not..."

Severus took her hips into his large hands, and turned them over, pressing his large body against her petite frame.

"Tonight," he whispered next to her ear, "you are mine, and I will show you how a man must treat his woman."

His woman: Hermione shivered when she heard this words coming from Severus' mouth. Usually, he never said a word about a relationship between them, avoiding a single reference at a notion of appurtenance; both of them were free to leave, free to begin a new life whenever it pleased them, since they didn't belong to each other.

Lost in her thoughts, Hermione hadn't even realised that Severus was almost naked against her, with just his boxer on. His body was warm against her, since it had been cover by the thick fabric of his robe just some seconds prior. When she noticed that she still had her heels on, she tried to get rid of them, but Severus took her ankle into his hand.

"Don't," he said, a warning into his obsidian eyes. "Keep them, they are perfect on you."

Hermione nodded, amazed by all the lust and desire that she could read into his eyes. He wanted her, desired her, and his cock pressed against her lower belly was a sign enough of this fact.

"I want you...," she purred, her hands sliding into his boxer, caressing his arse at the same time.

"You wanted to take things slow, Miss Granger," Severus said, raising from the bed. "We are going to take things slow then."

Hermione cursed herself inwardly. Why had she said such a thing in the first place? She wanted him, and she wanted him now. Standing up, Severus Snape looked at her lip a predator looked at his prey, his lips partly opened. Hermione stayed still, even if she just wanted to open her legs in a luscious and bold movement, urging this man to take her the way he was used to: wildly.

Seconds after, Severus let himself fall at her feet, forcing Hermione to put herself on her elbows like he had done before. His eyes were locked on the black panties that she was still wearing, and he let one of his hand wandering next to it, searching for this characteristic wetness, a sign of her arousal, her desire for him. The Potions Master smiled when his finger entered in contact with the wet fabric of her panties, eliciting a moan from the young woman. Oh, how much he wanted to take her right now, to slid into her hot and throbbing pussy, to make her his. How much he wanted to make her scream his name, to push himself as far as he could into her, to feel the illicitness of their relationship, to hear his moans of pleasure next to his ear... But what he wanted the most was to take her from behind, to see her beautiful arse while he pushed into her, to slap it in earnest when he would come into her hot and welcoming channel...

These ideas in mind, Severus let her to quickly get rid of her panties, taking care to let her heels on. He replaced Hermione in the centre of the bed, making her raising her knees, her heels on the mattress.

"Please...," Hermione moaned, wanting something on her body, anything.

Severus decided that it was time to please her. He placed himself between her legs, and he didn't wait a lot of time before kissing her shaved pussy. He was used to begin with kisses; soft kisses which quickly turned into hot and intense licks along her wet slit. From time to time, he sucked on her throbbing clitoris, this part of her anatomy which always seemed to want more; more kisses, more caresses, more attention. Severus did his best to give it everything that he had, focusing his attention upon it. Hermione was moaning, her back rested on the mattress, her eyes closed.

"I need more..."

Anything you want, Severus thought inwardly, and he inserted his tongue into her pussy, gently stroking her inner walls, going as far as he could. He could feel her clitoris right under his nose, and the Potions Master moved his head in rhythm in order to caress her with every part of his body: tongue, mouth, chin, nose, everything was giving pleasure to Hermione, and Severus knew that she was close. She was close to let everything go, to give up, to reach this climax that she was looking for for so long. Severus accelerated his movements, not paying attention to the fact that he was almost running out of air in his position.

"I'm com–... I'm coming!," Hermione suddenly shouted, her hands pushing onto Severus' head, urging her to lick her harder; and to lick her harder, her Professor did. She then tried to calm down, to try to breathe slowly, while Severus went to her face to share her fluids with her in the most erotic kiss. Hermione tasted herself, amused by the situation, but most of all, she was aroused by it.

She was licking the rest of her juices on Severus' chin when she felt his hard cock between her legs, gently caressing her still sensitive clitoris at each movement of the both of them. Being in a bed changed everything, she thought. She now had the weight of this man on her; she could feel how heavy he was, how full she would soon be when he would enter her, when he would fill her with this thick cock that was laying between her legs for now.

Severus gently sucked her neck, and Hermione knew that she would have a mark the day after.

"I want to fuck you so bad...," he muttered against her soft skin, and Hermione closed her eyes, her mouth half-opened. Severus' words had always been enough to make her lose her mind. His voice, his deep baritone voice always had such an effect on her, but now, this effect was multiplied, and she knew that she couldn't wait much before begging him to take her.

"Then take me...," she whispered, surrounding his hips with her legs, taking care not to hurt him with her heels.

Severus kissed her passionately a last time before freeing himself from her embrace.

"Turn around," he just said, his eyes darker than ever. His gaze didn't leave her when she did as he had said, and Hermione wet her lower lip, knowing perfectly what her teacher wanted. She went on all fours, her arse pointing at the Potions Master, not even ashamed by her position. If it was what was needed to have what she wanted, she gladly did it.

Severus took her by surprise, literally; he didn't even warn her that he was about to penetrate her, and a second later, he was fully inside her warm canal, thrusting hard into her. Hermione let out a moan, half from surprise, half from pleasure. Severus was so far into her that she thought that he would tear her apart. But instead of the pain that she thought she would feel, it was just pleasure, more and more pleasure with time passing by. He took her hair into his fist, urging her to arch her back, and his lips were soon sealed with hers, his tongue sliding into her mouth with force. Severus' body was moving against hers, and Hermione knew that if someone was looking at their lovemaking at this point, he wouldn't see any sign of love; he would see a couple having sex in the most bestial way, not taking care of hurting each other. All that Severus and Hermione wanted was to reach their climax –again for her–, this moment of pure bliss.

Severus' balls were caressing Hermione's clitoris at each thrust, and Hermione had to let go of his mouth, overwhelmed by this sensation that she knew too well.

"Sev...," she moaned, her eyes almost closed, searching for her own pleasure.

"Take me deep into you, witch, take all of my cock... Everything is for you, everything...," Severus muttered next to her ear, biting her lobe from time to time.

He too was close, he knew it. He could almost feel his balls tighten, waiting for this release into the hot canal of the young woman who was under him. Knowing that he couldn't wait too much longer, Severus let go of her hair and righted himself, his hands now locked on Hermione's arse cheeks, his gaze fixed on this point where they were joined. His cock was sliding with ease into her pussy, thanks to all the fluids that she was producing.

Soon, the Potions Master couldn't go any further; with a roar, he emptied himself into Hermione, his hands clenched on her arse, eyes closed. Hermione followed him soon after, clenching around his still hard cock, moaning until she couldn't do it any longer. She then let her body enter in contact with the mattress, dragging Severus' body in her movement. He stayed upon her body for several minutes, then he rolled over, not wanting to crush her.

"Stay," Hermione muttered when she noticed that Severus was looking for his boxer.

He gave her a side glance, but didn't stop to put his underwear back.

"It is late."

"Then stay," she said again, raising herself on her forearms in order to look at him.

"Hermione, don't," he sighed. Hermione noticed that it was the first time that he used her name after their lovemaking. "But thank you for this moment," he continued before bending over and kiss her.

She didn't even have the time to say something more; seconds later, Severus left her, right after having put her robe back. The silence in the room then replaced Severus as Hermione's companion. With a sigh, she slid under the sheets, knowing that she would sleep alone tonight... again.

Wow wow, no, I don't plan to write a drama this time, DON'T WORRY. But I still don't know how far this story will go though... It's up to you, folks! I'm currently working on the next chapter of Becoming One, and this one is taking me a lot of time. In the mean time, let me know what you think in a review. :)