So it had been a fun ride…yup that means that this weird and completely random story has come to an end. I do plan on updating 'Final Masquerade' too, but I would like it if anyone would be willing to give me feedback…please give me something for that story!

Yea so as I said before, this is the final chapter. It is inspired by a picture I found on deviant art- Hang in there, Joan…zzz by charlestanart. Gotta give credit where credit is due right? Anyway thank you all for your support and reviews on this story-this is Snoopykid signing off on this story! Have a good night!

Fun Times in Frozen

In the days since Hans left to return to the Southern Isles and Elsa managing to convince Anna that Todd did not belong in the castle, things returned to a normal routine around the castle. Kristoff had gone back to his routine with the harvesters, and that had also meant that Elsa had gone back to working her normal shift…meaning that Anna was once again back to her routine. What that was exactly was anyone's guess.

Anna paced the halls and sighed with boredom. For the first time in forever…she was alone. Totally and utterly alone. As per Elsa's request, she was asked not to knock on the door to her sister's study. Because of all the chaos that had ensued with Hans's stay, Elsa had fallen majorly behind on her work. Olaf was off doing who knows what, and Kristoff was on a trip for the day and would not be back till late. Anna sighed again, but this time with nostalgia as she found herself in a familiar room…and in front of a familiar painting, "Well Joan here we are."

The painting towered over her as she turned her back on it. Then smirking to herself she ran towards the couch and summersaulted over it, landing on her back on the cushions underneath her hero, "I still got it, wouldn't you say?" Anna asked smiling, albeit sadly.

As per usual the painting remained silent, however this did not deter Anna from her musings, "It's funny you know? I did not have to worry about being bored until now. I always had something to do, or someone to hang with. But Hans left, Olaf is off exploring, Kristoff is out, and Elsa…she locked herself up in her study." Then she gasped as she jumped off the couch and faced Joan, waving her hands frantically as she backtracked, "Not purposely and not like the last time. No, she is just really busy. She is Queen after all and she did fall behind on a lot of things. I understand completely, but…" She settled down and looked at the floor, "That does not still stop me from wonder sometimes if it will go back to the way it was you know?"

Anna stopped talking and looked up at the painting and into the fierce eyes of the warrior and she then felt instant comfort, "You are right. Elsa would not do that. Everything is fine. I just wish there was a way I could save her from that evil paperwork…" Then she started laughing as she collapsed (rather un-lady like I might add) back into the couch, "Just like we tried to save her from that evil warlock, remember Joan?"

Ceasing her laughter she sighed heavily, "Those were the days weren't they?" Sitting up quickly again Anna looked at Joan of Arc with a glint in her eye and smiled, "Hey Joan? Want to go on an adventure? For old times' sake?"

Minutes later, many servants were getting out of the way as the Princess was sock sliding down the halls with a blonde haired doll in her hand and wooden sword, "Excuse me! Sorry! Make way!" Anna called out as she scrambled with a sharp turn down another hall.

Kai and Gerda jumped out of the way as they saw the Princess coming towards them, "Sorry!" Anna called back and they saw her enter a room.

Kai and Gerda looked at the door where the Princess entered with a bewildered look, "Do we-?" Gerda started to ask.

Kai held up his hand, "No. I personally do not want to know. I do not care to know."

Just then they heard Anna's voice, "Ok Joan! Let's save Elsa! Behold I am Princess Anna of Arendelle! To arms me fellow countrymen!"

Gerda now shot Kai a look and motioned to the door. Heaving a sigh of resignation, he shrugged, "Ok maybe just one look."

They quietly approached the door and opened it just as quietly, not like that would matter anyway, because Anna was too busy on her task. The sight they saw brought back so many memories that it was surreal. They saw her in a knight helmet, the wooden sword that she used when she was actually training with the soldiers on how to practice the skill was attached to her hip, and she even had the wooden stick horse that she was pretending to ride on, "Oh my god." Gerda sighed out. Kai had no words, just seeing her like this, it was like she was ten years old again.

Anna rode around on her stick horse and started talking again, "We are here to fight the evil warlock Count Desmond! He has captured our beloved queen! We shall not rest until she is returned to us! Now we march! For Arendelle! For Elsa!" They saw her motion to the large cabinet in the room and sure enough they saw the famous Elsa doll that Anna would drag almost everywhere with her. Slowly they backed away from the door and closed it as they heard Anna's voice of, "Charge!"

Kai and Gerda exchange another look, "So what now?" Kai asked looking at her.

Gerda shook her head, "I would suggest getting Elsa but…"

"Let's check on her in a bit." Kai suggested.

"That works."

Later that day Olaf approached the door when he heard Anna's voice. He had returned from his trip into town, but decided to return to the castle, "Hi Anna!"

Anna spun around, "Halt intruder!"

Olaf gasped as he found Anna's wooden sword pointed at him. Raising his stick arms in surrender, he stuttered out, "Uhm…ok?"

Anna was internally smirking as she saw him flinching and just decided to drag him into the game, "Are you the reinforcements that come to join us in our finest hour?"

Olaf was still confused, but responded with, "Uhm…sure? What's going on?"

"Joan and I are battling the evil warlock Desmond who captured Elsa!"

"What?! No! That fiend!" Olaf yelled in outrage. Then he paused, "Who is this Desmond?"

Anna started explaining the scenario and just then Kristoff entered the room. He had returned back early from his trip and once he was done taking care of Sven, he went looking for Anna. It was when he was passing by this hallway, that he heard Olaf and Anna's voices. However this was not the welcome home he was expecting. Kristoff found a wooden sword pointed right at him, "This is Desmond!" Anna said in a dangerous tone.

"Uhm…what?" Kristoff asked, "I am Kristoff."

"No you are Desmond. The evil warlock who imprisoned Elsa." Anna pointed over his shoulder and he looked to see a doll that looked like Elsa sitting on the cabinet.

"You monster!" Olaf yelled furiously.

Poor Kristoff was still not understanding what was going on, "I am confused. Who, the what, and the why?!"

Anna groaned and broke her character as a General of Arendelle's finest army and back to the Princess that everyone knew and loved, "Just play along." She bit out.


"Please. Play along." Anna now begged.

Olaf was busy fighting imaginary soldiers, and Kristoff sighed, "What do I have to do?"

"Just use your imagination. You are the evil warlock Desmond and we have to try and save Elsa." Anna said happily as she motioned to the painting and Olaf.

"Uhm ok…uhm…I do not know how to do this." He admitted.

Anna looked at him sadly, at least when she had Elsa when she did in their childhood, they would play make believe all the time. Never did she think that Kristoff would not know how to play, "Just follow my lead. Crazy trust exercise?"

Kristoff smiled, "Ok crazy trust exercise."

Anna smiled at him and then resumed her character, "Quickly Olaf! Joan! Desmond just set more of his soldiers on us!"

Kristoff took this as his queue and said, "Uhm…come my army! Attack!" His voice was unsure and slightly wary but one look at Anna he suddenly felt confident, "We cannot let them near the queen!" Looking around he found a stick in the corner and held it up like a staff, "Defeat Arendelle!"

"Go!" Anna yelled and while Olaf was battling the 'soldiers', Anna attacked Kristoff.

Kristoff was stunned as he moved to defend himself against Anna's assault. To him it was a good thing that she was only using a wooden sword, otherwise he would have surely been in trouble. Anna smiled at him, "The guards and soldiers gave me a few lessons." She said softly as she got back into her attack position.

"A few?" Kristoff asked as he took his stance.

"Ok a lot. But what else was I supposed to do in a castle for thirteen years?"

"Touché." They smirked at each other and resumed character.

It was getting toward dinner time and none of the servants had seen the princess, ice master, the snowman, or the queen since breakfast; they had decided to alert Kai and Gerda. Upon hearing the news, they also remembered not seeing Anna since the early morning, however also realizing that they had not heard from the queen all day, they decided to check on the queen first. Seeing the study door still closed they knocked on the door, "Come in."

When they entered, they found Elsa staring at the papers in front of her with her head in her hands, "Everything ok?" Gerda asked gently.

"Yes, just a bit overwhelming. I did not realize I let this much work go." Elsa explained looking up at them. Seeing their look she asked, "Everything ok?"

"Yes," Kai said assumingly, "it's just that we were a bit worried because you skipped lunch is all and no one had seen you since this morning."

"Lunch?" Elsa questioned and sure enough there was suddenly a clock started to chime six times, "Wow, I did not realize how late it was." Then she thought of her sister, and how Anna had not come to knock on her door all day. She knew that she had requested that Anna just leave her alone for the day, but she was still expecting (make that hoping) that Anna would have at least let her know how late it was, "Where is Anna? How has she been all day?"

Gerda and Kai exchanged a look. Last they saw was her playing in the painting room, "We were about to go find her." Gerda answered.

Elsa sighed and pushed the chair away from her desk and made a move to stand, wincing in the process because of how stiff she was, "No that is not necessary. I will go look for her. However if you can get the table ready, I am sure we will be down for dinner soon."

"As you wish." Kai said.

As they turned to leave, Elsa had another thought, "What about Olaf and Kristoff? Has anyone seen them?"

"Not that we are aware of. At least I have not." Gerda answered.

"Neither have I." Kai said, "Should we still set the table for them?"

Elsa thought it over and nodded, "Yes please." They bowed and left. Elsa sighed and stretched. How was it that she was only twenty-one, and yet she felt like she was fifty-something? Sighing again, she made the effort to cross the room, and went on a long search for her sister.

Fifteen minutes later, she was even more exhausted than when she began. She had searched everywhere for her sister: her (Anna's) room, then her own room, the library, the gardens, and the ballroom. Where else could she be? Coming upon another door, she took a deep breath and reached for the knob. This was the last stop on the list, if Anna was not in here then she did not know where else to look. Opening the door she came upon a sight to behold.

Laying on the floor, she saw Kristoff and Olaf laying against the edge of the couch on the floor snoring away with Kristoff hugging a staff and Olaf leaning his head on him, the small flurry not even waking the ice harvester. On the couch she saw Anna sprawled out hugging a wooden sword and a doll. However upon closer expectation she sees that it is not just any doll, but the doll. This brought a bitter sweet smile to the queen's face as she was pushed into a memory:

The day marked two years since the accident. Elsa was walking mournfully down the hallway, desperately trying to conceal her emotions. After all this time, she was still disheartened that she had not been able to control her powers. Sighing she was heading back to her room when she heard a voice coming from the portrait room, "We did it Joan! We saved Elsa from the evil warlock Desmond!"

Elsa paused at her sister's voice, "What in the-?" She made a move to look, but stopped herself from getting close to the door, "No." She said to herself, "I have to stay away. I am not safe…Anna would not be safe."

Shaking her head, she pretended not to have heard anything…and that would have worked if she did not hear, "Do you think Elsa would come out now that we have saved her?" Elsa winced and stopped her movement, "Good night Joan. Good night Elsa…"

Elsa sighed and took a deep breath, while toying with her gloves, "Just once…that is all I ask. Just once. Please." Closing her eyes, she steeled her emotions, "Conceal. Don't feel. Don't let it show." Opening her eyes, she walked toward the door and poked her head inside.

She saw that it was the portrait room and underneath the painting she recognized as Joan of Arc, was her sleeping baby sister. Anna was hugging a small wooden sword and the doll. Elsa's heart swelled, she had let Anna keep the small dolls when they had been separated and was surprised that Anna still had them.

Seeing that Anna was shivering slightly, she noticed that there was a blanket hanging over the one edge of the couch. Elsa knew she had to walk away, less she lose control, but something over-road the fleeing sensation, so she hesitantly stepped into the room. Just seeing her little sister, brought warmth that Elsa did not know she had. Taking the blanket, she knelt down and tucked her sister in. Subconsciously Anna leaned in to her touch, which caused Elsa to stiffen, but then Anna sighed in comfort and for the first time in forever, Elsa smiled with content, "I love you Anna. Always."

As Elsa made a move to leave she could swear that she heard Anna say, "Love you too Elsa."

Seeing the same sight, she jumped when she heard someone cough silently. Turning she sees Kai holding two blankets, "We can take care of them if you want-"

"No…its fine. I'll take them." Elsa said gently as she took the blankets from him.

Kai smiled, "Shall I tell them one for tonight?"

Elsa looked at them and sighed, "I suppose." Kai nodded and left the room, however he paused at the door to watch.

The first thing Elsa did was place a blanket over Kristoff and Olaf. She knew that her small flurry that she had made for the snowman would keep him from melting. As she looked at them, she felt a small warmth for her friends. As she looked at Kristoff, she could see that he really did care for Anna and he had become her closest friend, "Thank you for being here for her." She whispered quietly. Kristoff shifted in his sleep a bit, but otherwise remained asleep.

Then she moved towards her sister. After all these years, she was doing something she thought she would never do again. Taking the second blanket, she made a move to cover her sister, that is when she heard Anna sigh, "Elsa?"

Elsa paused and saw Anna open one eye, "Hey snowflake." She responded gently.

Anna sighed again and looked to see Kristoff and Olaf, "I guess I wore us out."

"I suppose you did."

Anna looked at Elsa this time, "You look tired. You worked hard."

"I did, but you look as equally tired. Take a nap, I'll wake you up later." Elsa said as she tossed the blanket over her sister.

As she made a move to leave, she felt her sister grab her hand, "Stay. Please."

Elsa looked at her and sighed, "For a bit. Move over."

Anna moved over and Elsa laid on the couch with her sister. Elsa felt Anna snuggle her head against her back and Elsa pulled the blanket over them, "Elsa?"


"I love you."

Elsa smiled tiredly and felt her own eyes start to close, "I love you too Anna. Always."

Anna smiled and the last thing Elsa heard was, "We did it Joan. We finally did it."

Gerda approached Kai moments later, "Dinner is ready. Where are they?"

Kai placed a finger to his lips and pointed to the room. Gerda poked her head in and saw the princess, the queen, the snowman, and the ice harvester sleeping, "Everything is back to normal."

"Yes. Yes it is." He said and silently he shut the door and they left to inform the staff that no one was eating right at that moment.