Naruto: Ultimate Maken Shinobi

Hello~. Welcome back to another chapter! Let's continue.

Chapter 16: A Day in Konoha and Another in Tenbi

Naruto opened his eyes to stare up at his ceiling again. He sighed as he knew it was still dark outside. It's only been two days since his stay at Konoha and he already knew the drill. Granted it's now been three nights, but he didn't count the first one as a day. Same with all the others.

Sighing, the blonde kicked his feet off the bed and gently placed them onto the floor. Getting up, he rolled his neck and shoulder to relief any stiffness.

Deciding to do what he had done yesterday, Naruto went out, shirtless, only dressed in leather pants and ankle boots, to go and do some morning exercise.



Naruto now sat up against a tree atop of the Hokage Monument. He watched as the sun started to rise. As he saw it in the horizon, he couldn't help, but greet it with a smile and wave, which caused it to shine brighter, as if it acknowledged his presence.

No doubt that had to have been the case.

Naruto looked over his body. He wasn't even really sweating. That was a problem.

Sighing, Naruto closed his eyes and enjoyed the Sun's rays hit his body. His bare chest tingled with excitement from feeling the Sun's ray make contact with it.

A thought suddenly came to Naruto's mind. Bringing up his thumb and index there appearing in golden flames in between their grasp, was the gold little box that held Naruto's new suit of weighted armor, made by Kenway himself. With probably a little help from Soto.

Naruto looked it over as the Sun's shine reflected off of its surface.

Naruto remembered how helpful the original armor was. It drained him so much one day that with his natural inhuman healing and adaptability, he was literally even stronger the next day, only to feel like on the brink of death that day.

Talk about that, that doesn't kill you can only make you stronger.

Though the armor didn't just help alone. Naruto had a rigorous training regime that would kill any normal human being. It prepared him for his epic fight with Wabisuke, but it was hell on him.

Naruto tapped his chin with his index finger as he contemplated on using the armor sooner than expected. It could help with his Koete reserves and his power over them and increase body strength.

"I do want to get stronger. Plus Koete is badass and increasing the reserves while at the same time properly controlling will help out in the long run. By a lot." Naruto said.

"You mean Muko." Kurama said.

'Shut up!' Naruto mentally shouted, causing Kurama to laugh.

"After getting so smart in just a few months, becoming Valedictorian in the process, you still confused the meaning of 'Muko' for 'Koete'. Ha!"

'So I sucked at reading and writing and it stuck with me for a while! Whatever! Blame these people.' Naruto argued, which only caused the Bijuu King to laugh even more. 'Stupid fox.' Naruto thought with annoyance.

"YOUTH!" Naruto turned his head to see Lee running up the trail. That's when the taijutsu enthusiast noticed his blonde rival. "Naruto-kun! How good it is to see you again! Out doing early morning training?"

"Yeah, but it sucks. Look at me. I've been up since four in the morning and no sweat. I think I'm getting too strong for my own good." Naruto said.

"Is that not a good thing?"

"Well yeah, but not when your goal is to surpass a selected group of assholes and you can't get the desired results you are looking for!" Naruto exclaimed feeling annoyed.

"Maybe you are advancing and your mind is not registering it, because you are so used to training too much." Lee suggested.

"Does something like that even exists?" Naruto asked.

"I believe so. I think I have felt that before. Now fight me!"

"Lee, not now." Naruto said.

"Just a quick one! I need to take every opportunity to get stronger!" Lee proclaimed with fire in his eyes and his fist pumped.

"… You're not going to stop bothering me unless I accept, are you?" Naruto questioned. Lee's answer was bending his knees with a hand up in a Goken style as it looked like flames surrounded his body. Naruto sighed. "Fine. Just hope you're okay with crawling all the way back home." Naruto said getting up to his feet. Naruto gestured for Lee to come at him, and so he did. Lee gave a cry as he pounced forward at Naruto, but the blonde simply punched him in the cheek, slamming him into the ground. "Ja ne." Naruto bid farewell with a wave as he walked away.

Lee managed to raise a thumbs up as his body shook and steam came off of his now red, swollen cheek.

Naruto looked back at the small golden box in hand. He tightened his fist, now deciding that this idea was the best one. Although perhaps, waiting a while wouldn't be so bad.

It all depends on the timing.



Azuki groaned as she woke up. She sat up, stretching causing her breasts to bounce. She got out of bed and walked out of her bedroom. She looked over to the kitchen, expecting the person she loved to be there cooking as always, but all she saw was an image of a transparent blonde, like a ghost, turning his head over and smiling at her.

"Ohayo Azuki-chan! You're looking beautiful today, as always." Naruto's voice rang in her head as the ghostly image vanished.

Azuki sighed as she now had a melancholic expression on her face. After a few silent moments, an arm wrapped around Azuki's neck and brought her closer to a body with the side of a large, soft globe pressed against the side of her head.

"I miss him too~!" Chacha whined with a quivering pouted lips and anime tears. Azuki sighed.

"Chacha, calm down." Azuki said, trying to get out of her friend's grasp, but she was too strong.

"I can't! Naruto-kun's not here to comfort me~!" Chacha whined.

"Yeah, that is true, but we can't always rely on Naruto to make our day." Azuki said with her arms crossed. 'Even though he was always the best at it.' Azuki thought with sad eyes.

"But I just want him here~."

"So do I, but we must remain strong and think about who we still have. Try that. It might make the pain go away." Azuki said. Chacha sniffed as she tried calm herself to take Azuki's words to heart.

"Kiss me, Azuki." Chacha said.

"What?!" Azuki exclaimed, flinching as she turned to Chacha.

"Naruto-kun is gone, so I'm down one lover! I need you to comfort me, so kiss me!" Chacha exclaimed as she then puckered her lips and tried to kiss Azuki. Azuki turned as red as her hair as she tried to keep Chacha's face away from her own the best she could.

"Chacha stop! That was a onetime thing, dammit! Please!" Azuki cried as she kept Chacha's lips at bay with a hand on the silvette's forehead.

"Nu unh. You said you were Chacha's girlfriend, so no way was it a onetime deal! Now kiss your Chacha-chan!" Chacha said with a grin as she continued to try and kiss Azuki.

"Chacha stop!" Azuki then went 'eep' as she felt Chacha use her free hand to fondle one of her breasts, making her moan.

"Still as soft as ever." Chacha complimented.

"Dammit Chacha!"


"W-W-Wait!" Azuki exclaimed as Chacha was so close to kissing Azuki right on the lips.

The two had stopped though, when they noticed that Kimi had passed them by with a melancholic look as she was slumped over.

"Hmm? Kimi?" Chacha spoke up as she stopped trying to kiss Azuki. Both she and the red head saw that Kimi simply opened the fridge and took out a juice pouch. Kimi stabbed the straw in and sipped from the juice.

"I miss the smell in the morning." Kimi said with a frown. She slowly walked back to her room. "Wake me when a month is over." Kimi said, passing by Azuki and Chacha.

Her roommates looked to see the loli walk back into her room, sluggishly closing the door. They looked to one another. Deciding to drop what they had been doing a moment ago, they went to check up on their little mangaka.

They opened the door and peaked their heads in.

"Kimi?" Chacha spoke up.

Kimi was lying face first on the bed in the dark. She looked heartbroken.

Azuki and Chacha went inside the room.

"Kimi, you okay? You look like someone used a maken to suck up all your energy. Did Takeru come her?" Chacha spoke up to break the ice.

"This is Naruto-kun's shirt. It's the only thing I have to remember him by. It's so sad." Kimi said with her voice muffled by her pillow.

"Oh Kimi, don't be sad." Chacha said sitting at the edge of the bed and placing a comforting hand on Kimi's back.

"Yeah. Besides, it's not like he's dead. He'll be back in twenty eight days. He won't be gone forever." Azuki said with her arms crossed. Kimi groaned in response. She picked her head up as she held the collar of her over-sized orange shirt with the right shoulder exposed from the size of the shirt.

"This was Naruto-kun's shirt. He gave it to me." Kimi said as she then took a big whiff of the shirt. "Oh~, it smells just like him. And me when we both-"

"I think we get it." Azuki said, not wanting to hear the end of that sentence.

"… Right here on this bed." Kimi finished, making Azuki groan with a blush.

"You're so lucky. I wish I had a shirt he wore with all his scent on it." Chacha said with a pout.

"Am I really the only sane one here." Azuki muttered with a hand on her forehead.

"Guys… I don't want to move for the next twenty eight days." Kimi said, putting her face back into her pillow.

"Well we can't have that." Azuki said.

"Yeah! You need Sun and exercise!" Chacha cheered with a grin.

"Naruto-kun loved those two things." Kimi said in a muffled voice.

"Then we shouldn't take it for granted! Today is beautiful and we will seize the day, just like our man!" Chacha cheered with a grin as she then grabbed Kimi and picked her up, having her sit on her shoulders. "Today, we'll have a girl's night out!" Chacha cheered with a grin.

"That does sound like a good idea." Azuki said with a smile and arms crossed.

"But… hmm…" Kimi couldn't argue with having a nice time with two of three of her most favorite people in the whole world. "I guess that will be nice." Kimi said.

"Great!" Chacha cheered as she ran out the room, making sure not to hit Kimi's head by the top of the doorframe. Chacha skidded next to the hole in the wall she made so long ago. "Imouto! We're going to have a girl's day out!" Chacha called out to Fu through the hole.

"Okay~! Sounds cool!" Fu called back.

"Hmph." Azuki smiled with her arms crossed, leaning against the door frame. 'It's nice to see that just because he's gone that warm light in all of us won't fade so easily.'



Kengo and Takeru had done some morning exercise together like they always did with Naruto. The only thing is that the blonde baka was not around for the next few weeks, so they had to make do with being a duo for a while.

Right now Kengo was crouched down, knees bent as he looked to the ground, while Takeru leaned against a tree with his arms crossed.

Silence reigned between them.

"So~… how are things with you and Yuka-senpai?" Takeru asked.

"Fine. We're still happy as always. How about you and Haruko?"

"Well, we're starting out slow, but I'm sure we'll get to some new point sooner or later. I mean it'll take a while, but I'm sure something else will happen."

"Mm." Kengo responded.

The two remained silent.

"You doing well with your spirit?" Takeru asked.

"Pretty well I guess. You?"



Silence again.

"… I miss Naruto." Takeru confessed.

"Me two. The dynamics between us are so off without him." Kengo said.

"Yeah. You two butting heads and me putting in my input here and there and at times trying to be a peace keeper. Those were fun times." Takeru said with a smile, remembering their interactions as a trio.

"If you were a peace keeper then don't look to me as a reference in the future." Kengo said.

"Hmph." Takeru pouted.

Silence again.

"So~… how are things with you and Haruko-san?" Kengo asked.

"Still the same." Takeru shrugged.

"The Same?! After You Kissed Her?! What the Hell?!" Kengo screamed, causing Takeru to flinch at the volume.

"Um… yeah."

"Unacceptable!" Kengo shouted as he stood up. "Dude, I know you're inexperienced and all, but come on~. It's been like over a week since then and still nothing?! That's It! You're taking her out!" Kengo shouted, pointing at Takeru.

"Huh? W-Wait!"

"No waiting! Haruko has been waiting for this for years. Yuka-chan told me!"

"For years?" Takeru questioned with shock. 'Haruko.'

"Okay, let's see. There's a nice restaurant with a balcony that gives you a good view of town with the moon shining high. Plus it's affordable for someone of low income like you." Kengo said checking details on his phone.

"Wait a minute, are you planning a date for me and Haruko?!"

"Someone has too! You're too inexperienced to know what the hell you are doing." Kengo said.

"Hey wait, shouldn't it matter that I ask Haruko out first?"

"It's called planning, moron. If you plan on going on a date with Haruko, you have to plan things out. That's what Naruto and I did. Half the time, but the first time is always important!" Kengo exclaimed.

"Um, well, maybe it might be too soon-"

"NO!" Kengo screamed, pointing at Takeru, making him fall onto his bottom. "You listen here. Kissing her last week and doing nothing to show you're interested in the pursuit of a relationship is stupid and vile! I refuse to have you as a friend if you end up breaking a piece of a girl's heart. And not just any girl, but the girl who has been in love with you since you were kids!" Kengo shouted, hovering over Takeru with a serious expression.

"S-S-Since we were kids?!" Takeru exclaimed with shock. "Wait, how you know this?!"

"One day I saw Naruto and Haruko hang out months ago. I was curious-"

"You mean jealous." Takeru corrected with half lidded eyes.

"Who's telling the story here? Anyway, I managed to hear some details on your past with Haruko and how sad she is that she wasn't with you at the time." Kengo explained, leaving Takeru speechless. "Now listen… do you love her?" Kengo asked.


"Do you love her?" Kengo asked again, making Takeru blush.

"Well, um, maybe." Takeru said scratching the back of his head.

"That's not a solid answer. I want a 'yes' or a 'no'. Do you, Takeru Ohyama, love Haruko Amaya?" Kengo asked.

Takeru knew Kengo was serious, if the look he was giving him was any indication of it, so he had to think it over. Takeru's cheeks turned red and gulp. He remember his dad said that when you don't have a clear answer on something important, the best thing to do is close your eyes and whatever pops into your head, you'll get your answer. His mom backed him up on that, so he figured it wasn't a load of shit. Takeru closed his eyes as he let his mind go blank.

All he saw was darkness for a while, but then a white light shined in his eyes. It was all white for a moment, but then he saw the back of a person. That person turned their head to him and smiled. It was an image of Haruko. She turned to him and wave with a blush on her cheeks.

Takeru suddenly blushed at the thought of his Haruko.

His eyes suddenly opened wide.

'Did I just think… my Haruko?' Takeru thought. His eyes softened as he knew the answer. "Yes. I do love Haruko." Takeru confessed.

"Then make the effort. Remember what I told Naruto back on Okinoshima, love is a two way street. Start showing your love for her. You need to put in more effort." Kengo said.

"Haruko doesn't put in effort either." Takeru said.

"That's because she's afraid. Which means you'll have to make the next move and put in more effort than originally intended. You have to be determined, macho and suave." Kengo said.

"Um… I think I can only be one of those things." Takeru said.

"Whatever." Kengo sighed with a shrug. "Either way, I believe I need some help." Kengo quickly pressed speed dial on his phone and put the device to his ear. "Yuka-chan, I'll need some help. We're going to fix a grand first date for Takeru and Haruko-san!" Kengo cheered with a fist thrust into the air.

'Oh jeez.' Takeru thought with new worry at the thought of Yuka getting involved.



Naruto had finished cooking a nice breakfast of steak and eggs with stir fry on the side. Naruto now was eating his meal. He looked around the apartment, sighing with sadness.

"Back to this. I hate being alone." Naruto said with a frown, before he continued eating. 'I wonder what the girls are doing. I hope none of them are down in the dumps. Oh who am I kidding? Of course they are, but they will remain strong since they still have each other. They'll survive.' Naruto thought of his three beautiful roommates/girlfriends. 'I wonder if those two knuckleheads are still doing morning training even though I'm not there. Either way, I know they'll remain strong. Although I hope the same can be said for Inaho-imouto. She's so sweet and cute that I'm worried if she's feeling blue that I'm gone.' Naruto shook his head. 'Come on Uzumaki! Have more faith in your sister. Besides, she'll have Haruko-nee-chan and Himegami-imouto to help keep her company. Same with Furan-chan when it comes to Yuka-senpai. She's scary, but a reliable friend. Got to respect that about her. Oh man, but what about Fu? I should have told her it would have been okay for her to sleep in the loft to be closer to Chacha-chan and not feel lonely at night. Then again the loft isn't the most comfortable place.' A new thought however suddenly popped in Naruto's head. He silently screamed as he grabbed the sides of his head. 'Oh Man! I forgot that I'll be missing the first week of school! I'll miss important studies! I don't want to lose my position as Valedictorian!' Naruto thought with worry. 'Right! I'll go to the Konoha library and get some mathematic books and science. Although I can't do history or English, because the history books here aren't the same and no one even knows what English is. Damn… I'm kind of screwed here.' Naruto thought with his arms crossed. 'Oh well, I still have time before worrying about that. Just relax and… find something to occupy my time. Yeah, sounds easy enough… I guess.' Naruto thought as he returned back to his meal.

After finishing his meal, Naruto cleaned his plate, but noticed that there was still more leftover. He sighed. That was kind of his problem. He kind of made a bigger meal than necessary. A new idea popped into his head as he served the leftovers in a container.

Putting on his wardrobe for the day. The same as always. Leather jacket, pants, ankle boots, you know the gist.

Naruto left his room and walked down the stairs. Once reaching the bottom he knocked on a door.

The door opened later to reveal the landlord, Itsuki.

"Oh, Naruto-san. Hello." Itsuki greeted the blonde.

"Ohayo Itsuki-san. I actually made a little too much for breakfast and figured you'd like some." Naruto said, extending the leftover breakfast.

"Oh that's nice, but you don't have to." Itsuki said.

"Don't worry about it. Besides, I'd be happy if you had some." Naruto said with a smile.

"Well… if you're offering." Itsuki said, taking the container of food.

"Arigatou." Naruto said with a bow and bright smile. "Ja ne. Have a good morning." Naruto said with a wave as he left.

Itsuki looked to the food in hand before closing his door.

"Well, guess I won't have to worry about making breakfast." Itsuki said as he walked over, placing the food on his table. Once he got the proper eating utensils, he opened the container, looking at the meal with interest. "Looks good." Itsuki said as he took his chopstick, picked up some of the stir fry and ate some, only for his eyes to widen with shock as so much flavor exploded inside his mouth. "SUGOI~~!"

Naruto heard Itsuki's loud cheer, making him smile.

"Made another happy customer." Naruto said, smiling as he walked away.



Walking down the streets, Naruto had a bored look on his face. Everyone looked to him, all having smiles on their faces, waving to him and greeting him. Naruto found the behavior odd since he wasn't used to it around here, but he waved and greeted them back nonetheless, so as not to be rude.

Naruto continued on until he noticed that he was now by the Yamanaka Flower Shop. Naruto thought of either going in or just pass by, but then a thought popped in his head, which had him decide to go in and buy some flowers.

Naruto walked in, stopping when a little brunette boy stared up at him. Naruto looked down to the kid with a stoic expression, while the kid stared at him in wonder.

"Isas, don't just stare like that. It's rude." The mother of the child, another brunette, said coming over and grasping her child by the hand. "Gomen, Uzumaki-sama." The woman said with an apologetic smile and bow.

"Hmm? –Sama?" Naruto questioned, blinking in surprise and confusion.

"Come now, Isas." The mother said as she headed out to door with her child.

"Ja ne." Isas said with a wave, that Naruto returned with a small smile on his face.

"Naruto-sama, eh?" Naruto turned his head to see Ino smirking at him with her hands on her hips.

"I'm just as surprised as you are." Naruto said, returning to a stoic demeanor with his hands in his pockets.

"So Naruto-sama~, what gives me the pleasure of you coming by?" Ino asked, teasing with a smile.

Naruto noticed a fair skinned, brunette woman with her hair tied in a bun with a red ribbon, strands of hair framing both sides of her face, hanging over her ears from behind them, and had brown pupil-less eyes. She wore a dark teal elegant dress, which sports an aquamarine colored gem below the collar.

The woman wore an apron which meant she was a worker there. Naruto deduced that it must be Ino's mom. It's the best answer he could come up with.

She was carrying three very heavy pots in her arms, which were taking a bit of a toll on her. Naruto knew something was going to happen right before it did.

The woman tripped over, alerting Ino.

"Mom!" Ino called out with worry, but suddenly Ino's mother was back on her feet, as if she never tripped.

Ino's mom blinked her eyes in surprise at what just happened.

"Are you okay, Yamanaka-sama?" Naruto asked. He stood next to her, holding the pots in one hand as they were stacked up like a tower.

"Oh. I'm fine, thank you, Naruto-sama." Ino's mother said.

"Tch. No need to be formal with the honorific. I'm still the punk kid who replaced your window display with fake flowers after all." Naruto said with a small smirk, making Ino's mother giggle with a smile.

"What happened?! I heard Ino yell!" Inoichi hurried form the back, only to see that everything was fine, with Naruto standing next to his wife with three heavy pots being easily held in his hand in a stacked formation. "Oh, Naruto. I see nothing is wrong then." Inoichi said, walking over. "I see you've met my wife, Arisu."

"It's an honor." Arisu said with a curtsy bow.

"The honor is all mine. I never believed you would be so elegant." Naruto said with a bow and his free hand over his heart.

"And I never took you for a gentleman." Arisu said with a smile as she and Naruto stood right back up.

"Where do you want these?" Naruto asked, referring to the stack of pots in his hand.

"Well I was going to put them on that shelf, so-" right when she pointed to the specific shelf, the pots were placed in a row on the shelf. "Oh." Arisu said with wide eyes.

"Not bad. You truly are fast." Inoichi said.

"Just like my father." Naruto said with a smile.

"So you know?" Inoichi asked with a shocked expression.

"I should. A son should know their father." Naruto said with a smirk and finger up.

"Inoichi, I never knew you knew who Naruto's father was." Arisu said with shock.

"Yeah, well, kind of hard not to since I and my team knew the guy. Hell everyone knew the guy, but I actually shared some sake with him. He never liked it though." Inoichi said.

Naruto's eyes were shadowed as he was silent with a stoic expression.

'Did I get my taste from mom then?' Naruto thought.

"You knew the Yondaime Hokage dad?" Ino asked with shock.

"Ino!" Inoichi exclaimed with shock that his daughter knew who Naruto's father was as well.

"The Yondaime?!" Arisu screamed with shock.

"Please keep your voice down, Arisu-sama. I don't wish for this tidbit to reach the ears of people who may gossip." Naruto calmly said.

"Oh. My apologies, Uzumaki-san." Arisu said as she gave another curtsy.

Naruto then looked to Ino, causing her to flinch as she could tell what he was silently saying.

"I won't speak. I promise." Ino said with a hand up as she used the other to cross her heart. Naruto stared at her for a few more moments, causing her to blush under her gaze, before he turned his attention back to Inoichi. This caused Ino to pout. 'I think I actually was liking his eyes on me.'

Arisu noticed her daughter's behavior, which made her giggle.

'Safe to say I never saw this coming.'

"To let you know Naruto, I never did see ill of you." Inoichi said.

"Thank you, but even if you did it still would have been alright. The past is the past anyway." Naruto said, making Inoichi smile.

"So Naruto, you here to by flowers for Forehead, hmm?" Ino asked with her arms crossed, making Naruto turn to her. "Or…" Ino's eyes gleamed as she then twirled her long bang. "Are you here just to see me?" Ino flirted, surprising her parents, making her own mother sigh at her behavior. Naruto turned to her with a stoic expression. She really liked that new look he had.

"What do you recommend for honoring the dead?" Naruto asked.

Safe to say everyone was shocked by that question.

"Oh… well, uh… let me go see." Ino said as she turned and left. 'How am I supposed to respond to that?!'

Inoichi chuckled at his daughter's change of mood. Arisu stared at her daughter with surprised eyes. She then smiled as she held her right cheek.

"Not bad." Arisu said, looking to Naruto.

"Hmm?" Naruto blinked his eyes, looking to her.

"Usually posies are the best choice." Ino said bring over a pot with posies to show them off to Naruto.

"Do they come in different colors?" Naruto asked.

"Well, yes they do."

"I'll take a bouquet with red, yellow and orange posies. Preferably with orange in the center surrounded by red and yellow." Naruto said.

"Okay. Coming right up." Ino said with a blush as she went off to make the bouquet. 'What's with me?' Ino thought holding her right blushing cheek. 'It's that look he's got. He looks so serious, but also like he doesn't give a crap! And the shape of that face. So angular. It's like the face I've dreamed of staring at when I was a kid. And it's Naruto's face of all people! Seriously, screw irony!' Ino thought as she arranged the bouquet.

"Arisu-sama, I want to ask… did you know a woman by the name of Kushina Uzumaki?" Naruto asked.

"Kushina-chan? Yes. Don't tell me she was your mother. Then again I should have known since you share the same last name and from what Ino has told me of how you used to act, your personalities seemed quite the same." Arisu said holding her right cheek.

"So you did know my mother?" Naruto asked.

"Yes I did. She was a part of the Haha Rengōgun (Allied Mothers Force) back in the day with myself and the other mothers of Konoha."

"Haha Rengōgun?" Ino questioned, turning her head to her mother.

"So you knew her? How was she like? Was she strong? Benevolent? A force of nature? Please, tell me dattebayo." Naruto said, getting excited to hear a story of his own mother. Arisu looked to him with wide eyes, before giggling with a pair of eye smiles.

"I see it now. You are definitely her son. Only someone related to her would have that verbal tick." Arisu said with a smile. "To answer your question. Yes, she was. She was up there with what we mothers like to call the Hageshī San (Fierce Three). Right up there with Yoshino Nara and Mebuki Haruno."

"Hmm… Should have guess Shikamaru and Sakura-chan's mothers would be some of the fiercest. I never knew them personally, only through hi and bye interactions, but I know they are scary. They have to be. Sakura had to gain her temper and ferocity somewhere, and only a fierce take charge woman would be the mother of a Nara. Especially when it's someone who has to make Shikamaru and his dad stay in line." Naruto said.

"Your mother was the most dangerous. Whenever she got angry, she was a beast, but when she got really angry, she became anger. We hadn't had trouble for the longest time because everyone was so scared to come by the being only known as, the Akai Shi (Red Death)." Arisu said with a smile and a hand on her chest.

"Sounds like her. How do you like that? My mom was a badass, dattebayo!" Naruto cheered with a toothy grin and a fist pumped. Arisu couldn't help, but laugh.

"Now I definitely see it! The resemblance is uncanny!" Arisu said as she continued to laugh.

'Man. Naruto's mom sounds like the total package.' Ino thought with a tired frown.

"You know, she got into arguments with Mebuki here and there. Although they weren't anything serious. They actually were friends back in the day."

"Really? My mom knew Sakura-chan's mother?" Naruto asked with surprise.

"Mm hmm. Although at first Mebuki picked fights with her to be known as the best back then, but Kushina whopped her good. That is until she helped her out with some cocky punks. Then they were a fierce combo! No one dared to mess with them when they were together." Arisu said with a smile.

"Well I'll be. Guess Sakura and I being friends was kind of in our blood." Naruto said with a smile.

"Yep. Down to the rocky start and everything. Except you always kissed her ass." Ino said with a smirk.

"I don't brown nose to anyone anymore." Naruto said with a stoic expression.

"I will admit, it is sort of odd to see you change personalities so quickly, Naruto-kun." Arisu said.

"Ara, I kind of practice that sort of behavior while I was gone, out of fun really, but more to look intimidating when trying to take charge. Guess it kind of stuck too well, eh?" Naruto said with an embarrassed smile as he scratched the back of his head. Arisu giggled, smiling at Naruto.

Inoichi couldn't help, but smile as he saw the exchange between his wife and Naruto.

'Well, safe to say his social skills improved.' Inoichi thought with a smile. "Say Naruto."

"Hmm?" Naruto turned to Inoichi.

"You've gotten better at talking to people."

"You mean I'm not a disrespectful brat anymore, eh?" Naruto said with a smirk.

"Guess those girls back at Tenbi taught you right, huh?" Ino said with a smile.

"Yeah. Haruko-nee-chan and Furan-chan pushed etiquette and things not to say and avoid into my head so much while I was there. Also helped that I was always surrounded by people, talking to them. Practice made perfect." Naruto said.

"So you're a ladies man, huh?" Inoichi said with a grin.

"I guess. Although ladies magnet was more of an accurate statement over there." Naruto said rubbing his chin.

"I see." Inoichi said, walking over and tightly grasping Naruto's shoulder, making the sunny blonde look over to him to see a serious expression. "Just letting you know, if you intend to seduce my daughter, be on your toes." Inoichi warned with a finger up.

"T-Tou-san!" Ino cried with embarrassment.

"Oh dear." Arisu said with a frown and holding her left cheek.

"No need to get defensive. I'm not interested." Naruto said with a stoic expression, surprising the family. "I won't deny that Ino-chan is beautiful." Naruto said, making Ino blush. "But I'm not interested in pursuing a relationship like that. It's not easy peaking my interest. For now, she is only a friend."

'Wow… I just got rejected in a cool manner. That kind of stings.' Ino thought with a frown.

"The posies ready, I see." Naruto said walking over to Ino.

"Oh, yes." Ino said with a blush. She gently handed Naruto the flowers.

"Arigatou, Bijin-san (Mrs. Beauty)." Naruto said, causing Ino to silently gasp as her blush thickened. Naruto walked towards the exit with the Yamanaka family staring at him. Ino blinked her eyes as she stared at him. She suddenly noticed a stack of ryo in her hand, shocking her that Naruto paid so quickly without anyone noticing. She counted the money, only to notice a few extra bucks.

"Naruto, wait!" Ino called out, but he was already gone. Ino stared at the exit with a blush still on her cheeks. She looked to the ground with her lips puckered out. "Yare yare. What a waste. He's gotten so much cooler too."

"So what's the problem? You can gain a man's interest. In fact, I wouldn't mind you and Naruto-kun dating." Arisu said with a smile and her arms crossed.

"Same here. He was never a bad kid. Well, he was, but I knew he would treat a woman right, even now." Inoichi said with a grin.

"Easier said than done. So long as Sakura's interested, no way am I getting near that fine piece of ass." Ino said with a pout.

"Language." Inoichi said.

"It's not like a challenge from Sakura has kept you from trying." Arisu said.

"This is different. If you thought Sakura and I were passionate when it came to Sasuke-"

"Passionate isn't the word I would choose." Inoichi said with a dull look; his eyes looking to the side.

"Then you have seen nothing yet when it comes to Sakura. She's head over heels for him. It's like if he said jump, she'd do it like a good little pup looking for love." Ino said.

"Hmm. Well at least she has better taste now. Sasuke is very handsome, but his attitude did seem pretty… irritating." Arisu confessed.

"Still Ino… don't give up!" Inoichi exclaimed with a grin, wink and thumbs up.

"What's with you dad?" Ino questioned.

"Hmm. A ladies magnet. Makes me wonder if the women here will be trying to get his attention. Depending if they think he's so attractive now." Inoichi said with a smirk.

"Trust me, honey, even a married woman will find that young lad attractive." Arisu said with a smile, her eyes closed and her hand on her left cheek with her other arm semi-crossed. Inoichi and Ino's eyes bulged when they heard that part.



Takeru was sitting against a tree, frowning with the back of his hand pressed against his right cheek. He glanced over at the 'love experts', Yuka and Kengo, who were planning Takeru and Haruko's date for today.

"After that, what do you think?" Kengo asked his girlfriend.

"Perhaps this." Yuka said with a smile, showing images and info on her own phone.

"Oh~, genius Yuka-chan! You are always so wise!" Kengo cooed as he embraced his girlfriend and snuggled his head into her neck, making her giggle.

"Are you two done yet?" Takeru asked.

"Almost. Now go on. Ask Haruko-san out." Yuka said, waving her hand in a 'shooing' motion as Kengo started sucking on her neck, making her giggle more.

"Already? Shouldn't I know the plan first?" Takeru asked.

"We'll message you. Now leave us." Kengo said then resumed to leave hickeys on Yuka's neck.

"But-" Yuka threw a kunai at Takeru, stabbing it into the tree, right beside Takeru's head, making him flinch with fear as he then ran off.

Kengo continued necking Yuka, making her giggle.

"A quickie?" Kengo asked.

"Mm~. Why not?" Yuka said as she and Kengo started discarding their clothes.



Back at the dorms, a door was kicked open as out came Chacha with Fu by her side.

"Time to Have a Fun Night with Only Sisters!" Chacha cheered with a fist thrust into the air.

"Hell Yeah!" Fu cheered with her own fist thrust up as well.

Chacha wore an orange tiger pattern tank top, black jean short shorts and black heels.

Fu wore a lime green tank top with jean short shorts and white shoes with six red strips on the side, three on each side.

Azuki giggled as she and Kimi walked out.

"Sometimes I keep forgetting that they're not blood related." Azuki said with a smile and her arms crossed.

"That's just how great their relationship is." Kimi said with a smile as Chacha and Fu wrapped their arms around the other's neck with wide, toothy grins on their faces.

Azuki was wearing a white and red horizontal striped, blue cigarette jeans with a black belt wrapped around the waist with a gold ring belt buckle, a jean jacket and the same shoes as Fu, white shoes with six red strips on the sides, three on each side.

Kimi wore a purple sun dress with a white belt wrapped around the waist with a light purple polka dot design and white flats.

"Hey look at that." Fu said, pointing to a cloud of dust coming towards the building.

"What's that?" Kimi wondered.

"Maybe it's a big bear." Chacha said.

Azuki blushed at the thought. She couldn't help herself. Even though knowing that a bear itself was a member of Mayonaka Mun Shakai, she couldn't help, but find the species cute… and unbeatable.

"No, wait… its Takeru." Chacha said as she got a better look at the oncoming runner.

"Oh." And just like that, Azuki's excitement dropped to zero as she had a dull look on her face.

"He's running pretty fast. I wonder if something spooked him." Fu said.

Takeru ran up the stairs until he got to his floor, barged into his dorm, passing by Inaho and Himegami, who were sitting at the kitchen table, and burst into the girls' room.

"Haruko! Will you go out on a date with me today?" Takeru quickly spoke out. However, in signature Takeru fashion, he barged in at a wrong time as Haruko was in her underwear, braless, as she stared at him with wide eyes. Haruko screamed as she turned around covering her breasts with her arms.

"Get Out!"

"I'm Sorry!" Takeru screamed as he ran out, slamming the door behind himself.

Haruko looked to the ground with a red blush, but she then gasped as she realized what he had just said when barging in.

"Ta-Take!" Haruko called out.

"Yes?!" Takeru called back; his back pressed against the door.

"Did you… did you ask me out?" Haruko asked.

"Um. Yeah I did." Takeru confessed, looking to the ground with a blush. "I… I should put in some effort, you know? I mean… I've liked you for the longest time and… Kengo told me that you've felt the same way for years now."

"Kengo knew?!"

"Yeah. Heh heh. He uh, kind of spied and you and Naruto when you both went to town together. Guess he got kind of jealous, as he usually got before dating Yuka, and heard everything you said to him." Takeru said with a nervous smile.

"I'm gonna kill him." Haruko said with a glare and tightened fist.

"Haruko… if I had known, then… I would have asked sooner, because… I've always really liked you and I can't even remember when it started. It always felt like forever, because I've felt I've known you for my whole life. I just want to-"


"Huh?" Takeru looked to the door.

"I said yes. I'll go out with you today." Haruko said. Takeru's eyes widened with shock as his cheeks turned red.

"You won't regret it! I promise!" Takeru exclaimed with a red blush.

Haruko smiled with a blush on her cheeks.

'I won't in the slightest.' Haruko thought, smiling softly as her cheeks were burning red.

Takeru fist pumped with a toothy grin on his face. However when he looked to the table, he saw Himegami smirking at him while Inaho had waterfalls of tears coming from her anime eyes and a cat-like frown on her face. All the while Monji was confused on what was happening. Human nature was so odd to the little kitten.

Takeru chuckle nervously, scratching the back of his head.

"Um, uh… I, uh… better go… freshen up." Takeru said before making a mad dash to the bathroom.

"You forgot your towel~." Himegami called out.

"Dammit!" Takeru cursed. Himegami giggled.

"He's so worked up that he forgot that the towels always remain in the bathroom. What a dork." Himegami said with a smirk as her fist was pressed lightly against her cheek. She then noticed Inaho looking down to her lap with the tears still coming.

"Maybe I did something wrong." Inaho said to herself.

"Don't feel that way. Love is… a real bee sting in the ass. People will choose whatever they want, and people like us might have no say in it. No matter how much we want to. To just be a part of that love." Himegami said.

"That doesn't help me feel better though." Inaho whined.

"Well at least you have another boyfriend to fall back on." Himegami said with a smile.

"Hmm? Another boyfriend? What are you talking about?" Inaho asked.

"You know. The fat one from the festival." Himegami clarified.

"Choji-kun? Don't be silly. We're just friends. Besides, I don't think he'd ever see me that way." Inaho said with a cat-like smile as she waved it off.

'… I wonder if this counts as 'blissful ignorance'.' Himegami thought with a dull expression.

"Plus he's not fat! He has muscle!" Inaho exclaimed, feeling the need to defend her friend.



Meanwhile as that went on, Chacha, Kimi, Azuki and Fu looked over the railing for a while as the cloud Takeru left behind faded.

"Hmm. Guess it was nothing major." Chacha said.

"Maybe he just had to go use the bathroom." Fu suggested.

"That must have been it." Chacha said.

"Enough with this. Can we please get a move on?" Azuki said.

"Hell yes! Let's go have some fun!" Chacha cheered with her fist thrust into the air. She then put a foot onto the railing and hopped off the edge.

"Yeah!" Fu cheered as she hopped onto the railing and then leaped off, following her sister.

"Let's go then." Azuki wrapped her arm around Kimi's torso and hopped over the railing.

The three landed gracefully upon the ground.

"To the mall!" Chacha cheered with a fist thrust into the air.

"Why the mall?" Azuki asked.

"I don't know. That's usually the place people like to go to." Chacha said.

"Boring~. There's a carnival! Let's go there!" Fu said.

"There's a carnival that I didn't even know about?! Then screw the mall! Let's head over!" Chacha exclaimed as she grab her sister and have her sit on her shoulders as she then ran off with Fu cheering at getting a piggyback from her elder sister.

"Hmph." Azuki smiled, shaking her head at the two.

"Azuki-nee-sama, you know I can use my own legs, right?" Kimi said, getting Azuki's attention that she was still holding the petite girl.

"Uh… gomen." Azuki said with an embarrassed blush.

"It's okay. I don't mind at all. In fact I rather like being carried by you." Kimi said looking up to Azuki with a smile and eye smiles. Azuki's eyes widened as her cheeks were red.

"Keep up slowpokes! Last ones at the carnival is a rotten egg!" Chacha called out.

"No! I refuse to be anything rotten! Let's go Azuki-nee-sama!" Kimi exclaimed with a determined expression, pointing ahead.

"Right!" Azuki said with a grin as she ran off after the two mocha skinned girls up ahead to catch up to and pass them.



Naruto made it to the memorial stone near his team's training ground. He stared at the stone with somber eyes. He scanned through the names on the rock. He saw Obito and Rin's names on the stone. One of those didn't belong on it.

After a moment, he found the names he was looking for.

'Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze.' Naruto mentally read the names. 'Hi mom. Hi dad.' Naruto spoke through his mind as he placed the bouquet of posies in front of the stone.

Naruto was on one knee, staring at the names of his parents on the stone itself. Naruto closed his eyes and brought his hands together to pray. He stayed there for a while now.

Someone had come by for their own visit to the memorial stone, but remained in the shadows of the trees, noticing someone else was there, praying.

The person had a sad smile on their face as they stared at the blonde.

After giving a prayer, Naruto brought his right fist to his mouth, kissed his thumb and then pressed it against his left pectoral, where his heart lied underneath.

"You can come out now." Naruto said. Kakashi came out of the shadows as Naruto stood up from the ground. "Thanks for giving me a few moments."

"Well, you look like you needed them." Kakashi said with eye smiles.

"You know it's funny. I did learn that you got your tardy habits from your old friend here." Naruto said, turning to Kakashi.

"Yeah, well, he would make up excuses such as helping old ladies with their bags. I guess I keep those terrible excuses alive." Kakashi said.

"Yeah~, except he was probably being more honest most of the time than you are." Naruto said looking to the side.

"Well then, I guess I'll have to help a weak, elderly woman next time I see one." Kakashi said with an eye smile.

"… You're a terrible liar." Naruto said, shaking his head, making Kakashi laugh.

Kakashi then looked over to the memorial stone. Naruto viewed Kakashi's demeanor. Despite wearing a mask, Naruto could feel the sadness and sense of guilt. He knew his sensei needed some time. Naruto walked over to a tree, sat down against it and had the second volume of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable in his hand. It had a book mark of Yu Yu Hakusho in between two certain pages, with Yusuke Urameshi on the bookmark. Naruto read in silence as he let his sensei give his words to his deceased friends.

Naruto will admit, he feels bad for not telling Kakashi that his teammate and best friend is still alive, but how can you tell him that when his old friend is the mastermind behind the Akatsuki and the successor to Madara Uchiha's goal for the future. Or is the correct term 'pawn'. Either way, he doesn't think it will be wise to tell him yet. Kakashi may act cool, but no doubt he'll instantly become an emotional person when he hears the truth. Even though he might get pissed later that his own student held this information from him, Naruto was willing to take the heat later instead of taking the chance which could accidently lead to a train wreck once known as Kakashi for a week or two… or more.

Although at least it will be smoother to tell Kakashi the person he cared for so much is still alive than Sasuke. That Uchiha idiot might actually try and invade Mayonaka Mun Shakai's base just to get Itachi back. He's not going to have 'I let my friend go on a suicide mission' on his conscience any time soon. Or ever.

After a while, Naruto closed his manga as it vanished via golden flames, stood up and walk towards Kakashi, placing a hand on his sensei's shoulder.

"Thank you Naruto." Kakashi said, thanking his student for the time of silence.

"You know, even though it might be hard with how your past was like, you should try to make an effort to socialize more. Maybe find someone to love again." Naruto said.

"Well I love you." Kakashi said, looking to Naruto.

"I'm flattered, but I'm already in a committed relation… ships." Naruto said, making Kakashi chuckle with eye smiles.

"Either way, I think I'm too old for dating." Kakashi said, turning his head back to the stone.

"You're only thirty." Naruto retorted. "Sensei, seriously, find some love or make some. I'm sure your wife wouldn't mind." Naruto said with a smirk as he held up Kakashi's copy of Icha Icha Tactics in his hand.

"That's not a funny joke, Naruto." Kakashi said, taking his book back.

"Who's joking? You spend so much time with those books you're practically married to the series." Naruto said.

"Well…" Kakashi couldn't help, but frown as he stared at the book cover.

"If you're afraid to love than don't be. Love maybe a bitch sometimes, but it's still magical and can bring a much needed warmth to your heart." Naruto said with a soft smile.

"I'm not afraid, Naruto." Kakashi said, pocketing his book.

"Oh good. I thought we were screwed there for a second." Naruto said with a joking smile as he patted Kakashi on the back. "Try making some effort. You're one of Konoha's most eligible bachelors. I'm sure if you try, you'll find someone to grow old with." Naruto said with a smile.

"Hmm." Kakashi rolled his eyes.

"You know what you need? Someone to practice with."


"Yeah, you know, go on a date with a beautiful woman. See how you fare and if something clicks, keep going or if not, then it'll be a good first step." Naruto said with a smile, wrapping his arm around his sensei's shoulders.

"Hmm. Well, you seem to know a thing or two of what you're talking about."

"Well, when you have a relationship with more than one woman, you tend to know things from experience." Naruto snapped his fingers. "You know who could be a good practice woman?"

"Let me guess…" Kakashi had a tired look in his eye as he had a feeling he knew who Naruto was going to suggest.

"Shizune-nee-chan!" Naruto exclaimed with a wide smile.

"Of course." Kakashi said with a sweat drop. "Look, Naruto, I don't know what you see, but I don't think things would work out."

"You won't know unless you try. Besides, she'll need it as much as you do. She overworks herself to the bone that she needs a break. She needs a nice meal to a restaurant that serves some of the finest wine, speaking to a man who even if he can't display interest in her, will still show interest in spending time with her. Talking to her. It's a basic need all women have, dattebayo." Naruto said, still smiling.

"… Well… I guess that makes sense, but me of all people-"

"Not another word. Just try." Naruto said.


"I said not another word. Try." Naruto said with a stoic look. Kakashi had a deep frown under his mask as his eye looked exhausted just from being intimidatingly ordered by his student. Kakashi sighed, seeing no way around it, he just nodded to get things over with. "Great! Let's go tell her!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Wait, what?" Kakashi questioned, right before they were consumed by a flash of golden light.



Tsunade was staring blankly down at an already signed paper sheet. A bottle occupied in one hand and the other hand pressed against her cheek.

'I hate this job.' The door suddenly opened to reveal Shizune with a stack of more paperwork. 'Oh joy.' Tsunade thought sarcastically.

"More paperwork for you, Tsunade-sama." Shizune said, groaning from carrying so much paper in hand.

"I can see that, Shizune. I do have eyes." Tsunade said.

"Are you drinking again?" Shizune asked, trying to peek her head out to the side to get a better view of her master.

"No. Why do you ask?" Tsunade asked, playing innocent as she quickly hid the bottle under the desk.

"Just a hunch is all."

Suddenly a golden light flashed in the center of the room.

"Ohayo Baa-chan!" Naruto greeted the Hokage with a grin and wave, with Kakashi still wrapped by his other arm.

"AHEE!" Shizune screamed as she jumped back, accidentally letting the papers fly. Luckily Naruto quickly had Golden Asura grab every single paper and place them in a stack on Tsunade's desk faster than the eye could see. Shizune blushed in embarrassment of being so startled, but was relieved to see all the papers were on her sensei's desk. 'Convenient.' Shizune thought, blinking her eyes as she dust off imaginary dirt from his kimono.

"What do you want, brat? Looking to take that promotion now?"

"Nah. Still not interested." Naruto said waving it off. "I just came to ask something of you. Oh and Kakashi came along as well."

"I can see that." Tsunade said. 'Looks like he's his captive.' Tsunade felt pity for the copy-nin. "So what do you want?"

"Well, while I was paying my respect to my parents, the concept of family went into my mind. So I wanted to ask… about the red head who surrendered when we caught Sasuke months ago. Can I see her?" Naruto asked, surprising everyone in the room.

"What? How the hell did she get involved with… oh no, don't tell me. The red hair-"

"Yep. She's an Uzumaki just like us. Except she kept the trademark hair." Naruto said with a smile and eye smiles.

"Naruto, I'm not sure that's wise. Sure, you can kick anyone's ass nowadays, but she is a criminal."

"A suspected criminal. Granted assisting Sasuke when he was a missing-nin at the time was a federal offence, but since Sasuke is pardon, then shouldn't she have at least some leeway?"

"Why are you so interested? Sure, she's an Uzumaki, which makes her family, but she's loud and annoying."

"Same goes for us, so what's the hell?" Naruto retorted with his hands on his hips.

"The hell is, is that she is still registered as an enemy at the time."

"But is she registered as an actual threat?" Naruto questioned.

"… No."

"So what if I acted as a parole officer for her?" Naruto suggested with a smirk.

"You'd have to be a Chunin or Jonin for that." Tsunade said.

"Or get recommended by your Jonin sensei." Naruto said with a smile and finger up.

'Oh, he's good.' Tsunade thought with a smirk. "So Kakashi, do you recommend this?" Tsunade asked looking to Kakashi.

Kakashi was in a pickle. Granted he trusted Naruto, but to drag him here like this. Kami, there is no way for him to win right now, so he just decided to roll with the punches.

"Yes Tsunade-sama. I do recommend him." Kakashi said.

"Hn. Alright. I guess I'll allow you visitation rights and to be her parole officer. When I see fit that she isn't any real danger. Just don't underestimate her."

"Of course. After all, she is an Uzumaki." Naruto said with a smile. "By the way, baa-chan, since I'm the only known male Uzumaki on record, maybe I should get, oh I don't know, the position of head to the clan."

"You're asking a little bit much from me today." Tsunade said with narrowed eyes.

"Maybe, but what's the hassle of naming me clan leader? I mean it's not like there's another registered male Uzumaki out there." Naruto said with a shrug.

"He does have a point. So far, Naruto-kun is the only known Uzumaki, besides the prisoner Karin, in the elemental nations. Maybe he should earn the right." Shizune said, backing Naruto up.

"… Naruto, do you know what it means to be head to a clan?" Tsunade asked.

"The best guess I got is that I will be expected to take the position of leadership that entails political responsibility as the representative of said party, determining the image of the clan through their actions and choices, along with keeping track of the affairs of one's clan and territory, and be the main cog of the workings of the clan. It is not an easy job and could risk myself being a target for assassination. And also a target of ridicule if I represent my clan poorly in important meetings."

"… Correct. So not to doubt your skills, but are you sure you can take on the responsibility?" Tsunade asked.

"I have been in political debates before and have some leadership experience, so yes, I do believe I am prepared for the responsibility." Naruto said standing up straight with his hands behind his back.

"Well then, if you're so sure, then I guess I might be able to do something." Tsunade said with a shrug.

"Great." Naruto said with a smile.

"The only downside is that I'll have to do more paperwork." Tsunade said with a frown.

"It's the price of responsibility." Shizune said with a tired smile. "I'll get the forms."

"Why rush? We're not in a hurry." Naruto said. "By the way Shizune-nee-chan, you don't seem so good." Naruto said, holding his chin.

"What do you mean? I feel great! Full of energy!" Shizune said, flexing her biceps.

"Maybe physically, but mentally, I don't know. When was the last time you had a day off?" Naruto asked.

"Not once since she's been on that throne." Shizune said with a dull look, pointing at the surprised Tsunade.

"Then maybe you should take the rest of the day off. I could just leave a clone to help baa-chan here with her paperwork." Naruto suggested with a smile.

"Oh joy." Tsunade said with a pout and moving her finger in a circular motion, pointing up.

"I don't think so. I feel a lot more reassured if I stayed-"

"When was the last time you had a nice cooked meal?" Naruto asked appearing next to Shizune, holding his chin.

"Uh, well, I, um… hmm…"

"You don't even remember, do you?" Naruto said with narrowed eyes.

"Well… I'm always stuck here making sure Tsunade-sama doesn't get behind! I've been mainly having microwaved food for breakfast, lunch and dinner." Shizune admitted with a pout.

Tsunade stared at Shizune with wide eyes. She never knew she had it so bad just to help her own sorry ass out.

"Shizune, take the next two hours off." Tsunade said.

"What? But Tsunade-sama-"

"No buts. Take a break. You need it." Tsunade said with a serious expression.

"You heard her. Go get some breakfast, or brunch. Whatever meal time it is." Naruto said with a grin, with his arm wrapped around Shizune's shoulders. "Oi Kaka-sensei, why don't you take Shizune to that restaurant you were telling me about earlier back at the memorial stone?" Naruto suggested with a grin.

"Uh… well…"

"He's kind of nervous because he hasn't spent any alone time with a woman in… honestly I don't think ever." Naruto whispered to Shizune, a bit too loudly.

"I heard that, you know." Kakashi said with a dull anime eye.

"Oh good, he has ear." Naruto said with a smile, making Kakashi sweat drop. "Go on, you both need something to eat. It'll make the day better." Naruto said lightly pushing Shizune towards Kakashi.

"Um, well, uh…" Shizune felt something push her leg, making her look down to see Tonton pushing her head against Shizune's leg to push her closer to Kakashi. "You too, Tonton?"

"Oink." Tonton responded with an agreeing expression.

Shizune frowned. Maybe she did need at least a two hour break. Kami, when did she ever have a break that was more than an hour?

"I guess if you're willing to join me, we could have a meal together." Kakashi said, scratching the back of his head.

"Uh, sure. That would be fine. I suppose." Shizune said, looking to the side with a red blush on her cheeks and her fist pressed against the bottom of her lip.

"Good. Now go on. There's a little more I wanted to discuss with baa-chan." Naruto said as he started pushing the two towards the door.

"Shizune, meet me at the hospital in two hours." Tsunade said.

"Why?" Shizune asked, turning her head to Tsunade as Naruto lightly pushed her and Kakashi out the doorway.

"Since this blonde baka is back in the reserves, he'll need another physical today." Tsunade said pointing to Naruto, surprising her fellow blonde Uzumaki. "And no genjutsus." Tsunade warned with narrowed eyes.

Naruto had wide exaggerated eyes and a quivering lip as he whined.

"Well… I guess we'll leave you two." Kakashi said as he and Shizune walked off.

Naruto closed the door once they were gone. Turning to Tsunade, he put his hands together and begged.



Well, begging was getting him nowhere.

"So what else brat?"

"I think we should discuss the Akatsuki." Naruto said with a serious expression, catching Tsunade off guard, who in turn had a serious expression.

"Take a seat." Tsunade said, gesturing for Naruto to sit down in the seat in front of her desk. Naruto strolled over and sat on the chair, as he readied to give Tsunade all the information he knew on the Akatsuki.



Chacha, Fu, Azuki and Kimi came made it to the carnival, and upon entering, with special orange bands wrapped around their left wrists, they all looked around the place with intrigue as it looked to be filled with games and ride.

"Oh~~." Chacha and Fu said as they stared up at a large rollercoaster.

"Gut Buster. Cool name." Chacha said with a grin. Fu suddenly ran off. "Imouto, where are you going?"

"I want to see how accurate that name is, so I'm off to eat some junk food and then get on! Carpe Diem!" Fu cried out with cheer as she ran off with her fists thrust into the air.

"Whoa! Wait for me! I want to join too!" Chacha cheered as she sped off, creating a cloud of dust behind her.

Azuki sighed with a smile, hands on her hips as she shook her head.

"I hope we don't lose them." Kimi said.

"I'm sure we'll find them later." Azuki said with a smile. "Guess it's just you and me now." Azuki noticed Kimi looked to her back with somber eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Hmm? Oh, sorry. It's just… it's orange." Kimi said, earning an understanding look from the red head. "I really miss him. It's so hard to be in a good mood when you're so used to him being around."

"True. That knucklehead knew how to make the day a little more fun." Azuki said with a semi-arm cross and holding her chin. Kimi smiled.

"I wish he were here." Kimi said, looking up to the sky. The Sun reminded her of him so much. Azuki frowned, feeling sad for Kimi. She knelt down a bit and grabbed Kimi's shoulder.

"How about we try a ride." Azuki suggested with a smile.

"Okay. Um… how about that one." Kimi pointed over to a ride that had carts in the shape of… foxes.

"Huh. Odd choice for a design." Azuki said.

"I want to try it!" Kimi exclaimed with joy as her eyes sparkled and her fist pressed against her chin. A cute smile on her face. Azuki sighed at her friend's behavior, but she couldn't help, but smile as Kimi did indeed looked cute right now.

"Alright. Let's go." Azuki said with a smile as she stood up straight. Kimi cheered with joy as she and Azuki headed over. Walking over, the two were silent with the only noise being the citizens around them. Kimi had suddenly reached her hand over and grasped Azuki's. Azuki looked down to their interlocked hands, then looked to, who was staring straight ahead with a smile on her face.

"I never went to a fair with a sister before." Kimi said, smiling a bright smile. Azuki stared at her with wide eyes for a moment. The red head smiled at Kimi, before looking ahead as well.



Takeru was looking himself over in a mirror. After he took a shower, he went to his loft, only to find pre-prepared clothes laid out for him. At first he thought it was thanks to one of the other girls or Haruko, but the moment he saw a kunai stabbed onto the wooden surface with a drawing of a face with a smile and eye smiles on its face, he knew it was from the wonder duo of love.

Takeru was now dressed in a black blazer jacket that was unbutton, revealing a tight white shirt that showed off his muscular physique, blue jeans, black belt around the waist and black shoes.

"I guess I look… presentable today." Takeru said, trying to straighten out his tight white shirt.

"Well look at you. You actually can clean up nicely." Himegami said with a smirk and her arms crossed.

"So what? You think it's good?" Takeru asked, turning to Himegami.

"It's good enough on you." Himegami answered.

"Then that's good for me." Takeru said with a smile. The sound of footsteps made their way over to them as suddenly a corsage was extended to him.

"Here!" Takeru looked to see it was from Inaho. "Give this to Haruko-senpai! She'll love it!" Inaho exclaimed with a cat-like smile.

Takeru stared at her, surprised by her actions. His eyes softened with a soft smile on his face. Takeru nodded as he then took the flower.

"Thank you Inaho." Takeru said placing a hand in her shoulder, making her blush. Takeru suddenly heard the jingle on his phone, meaning he got a text. Taking it out he looked to the message to see it was sent by Kengo, giving him instructions on what to do once he and Haruko left the dorm.

"Who's messaging you?" Inaho asked.

"Just Kengo." Takeru said.

"That fool. I swear, it's like when romance hits, he always wants to be a part of it somehow." Himegami said with her eyes closed.

"How do you know it has to do with romance?" Takeru questioned.

"Why else would he bother to text you right now?" Himegami retorted.

"… Good point." Takeru said, pocketing his phone. 'Although if he didn't know about the date, then I'd swear he'd have a sixth sense. Or seven after that creepy heart connection thing he shares with Yuka-senpai.'

Suddenly the door to the girls' room opened, catching everyone's attention, leading them to be met with the sight of Haruko.

Haruko wore a sleeveless, turtleneck light pink dress that extended pass her knees, but she had a small slit on the left side to reveal some of her leg, and she wore white open toed heels. She also had two thick white plastic bracelets around her left wrist.

Takeru stared at Haruko with a shocked and amazed expression. His eyes very wide and his cheeks heated. He felt a massive effect from the look of Haruko alone.

Haruko blushed red with a small smile on her face. She was looking to the side for a moment, but when she noticed Takeru staring at her, she couldn't help, but look away, holding her right cheek as her faced heated up more.

"I-I don't mind if you want to look, but only for a bit." Haruko said meekly.

"Oh, sorry. It's just, well… you're very beautiful, Haruko-chan." Takeru said, feeling nervous, but still felt passion take over his heart. Haruko looked to him in surprise, but then smiled. Seeing nothing happening, unless you count staring as something, Inaho and Himegami decided to help by nudging Takeru and pointing to the corsage, bring him back to reality. "Oh, right. I, um… have this for you. Please, allow me to put it on for you." Takeru said as he walked over to give Haruko her corsage.

Haruko blushed, seeing the light pink carnations in his hand. She smiled as he started wrapping it around her right wrist.

"You know, it's not even prom night yet and you already got me one of these." Haruko said, smiling.

"We have a prom?" Takeru asked with confusion. Haruko just giggled with her tongue out, making Takeru chuckle as he returned to fixing the corsage. "There. Perfect." Takeru said with a smile as he successfully wrapped the corsage around Haruko's wrist. Takeru offered Haruko his arm, making her smile as she accepted it; wrapping her arms around his own. The two headed for the door with smiles on their faces, but they couldn't help, but look away with blush on their faces. They couldn't believe this was really happening. "Oh!" Takeru opened the door and offered Haruko to leave first. "Ladies first."

Haruko giggled, seeing that he was trying really hard to make the date perfect.

"Thank you, Take-chan." Haruko said with a smile as she walked out first, with Takeru following, closing the door behind himself.

Inaho and Himegami stared at the door for a few moments.

"That was really nice. What you did just now." Himegami said, still staring at the door.

Inaho looked to the ground.

"I want him to be happy. Even if it's not with me, I at least want to help him move forward in the direction he wants to, you know?" Inaho said with a sad cat-like smile. "I wonder if this is what Naruto-ni-sama felt when it came to Sakura-san back then."

Himegami's eyes softened.

"Maybe you can ask him when he comes back."

"Yeah." Inaho said with a nod. "Speaking of ni-sama, I wish he hadn't gone. I really want to drown my sorrow by eating one of his famous cakes. How cruel." Inaho said with waterfall tears going down her eyes.

Kodama just sighed as she patted Inaho's head.



"And that's the skinny." Naruto said.

Tsunade was just speechless. Gob smacked by what Naruto had told her.

A figure head with the Eyes of the Sage. Jiraiya's old students being the creators of the Akatsuki, who were once aligned with good, until tragedy struck, and a mastermind behind it all, being the same man who let loose and controlled the Kyuubi itself to attack Konoha all those years ago.

Now was a perfect time for a drink.

Taking out her hidden bottle from earlier, Tsunade chugged down some of the bottle's content.

"Oi, don't be greedy. Give me some too." Naruto said. Tsunade brought a finger up, gesturing him to wait a moment. After a good chug, she sighed and handed Naruto the bottle. The younger Uzumaki looked to the bottle with dull eyes and then brought it upside down to reveal only a single drop was left. "You cut me deep, baa-chan." Naruto said.

"Things… are just getting more complicated." Tsunade said rubbing the temples of her head.

"Yeah. They are." Naruto said with a nod. "Letting you know, despite how unethical this sounds, when we see the plant guy, we have to destroy him at all cost."

"You mean Zetsu? Why is that? He's just a scout."

"Trust me, he's more than a scout. I'm mainly referring to the black half, Black Zetsu. He has to be eliminated at all costs." Naruto said.

"Eliminated? You sound like a man who has killed before." Tsunade said. Naruto's eyes soften a bit. Tsunade looked in shock, noticing something wrong. "Wait… have you-"

"Few times. First two, I was so scared I wasn't even aware of the horror I had done. The next was when Takeru got shot in the back. Then the next three all in the same day. Bastard kept switching bodies." Naruto said.

"Switching bodies? Naruto, what kind of people have you faced in these past months?" Tsunade questioned.

"Enough to know that if I storm the castle, then it'd a suicide mission on my part." Naruto said, shocking Tsunade.

'Are there people really that tough? Stronger than this little baka? Goddamn.' Tsunade thought with shock and a sense of fear.

"Well, since we're done here, I guess I'll go head out." Naruto said standing up.

"Don't forget about your physical soon." Tsunade pointed out.

"Yes, mom." Naruto said with an eye roll.

"Watch your tone with me young man." Tsunade said, making Naruto smile, before he turn and went to leave. Tsunade sighed as she leaned back in her chair. 'Let's see. I got a good hour and forty five before Shizune comes back. That's enough time to get through half my stock.' Tsunade thought with a smile as she pulled out more sake from out of nowhere.



Naruto whistled, walking down the streets of Konoha. He had some time alone and… well he feels he's done enough of that.

"Maybe I should hang out with someone for a while." Naruto said to himself. That's when he noticed Sasuke walking down the street as well. He appeared next to him. "Oi, Sasuke, want to hang out for a bit?" Naruto asked.


"You off training instead?" Naruto asked with half lidded eyes.


"Do you at least know where Sakura-chan is?"

"She's working at the hospital."

"Oh. Thanks." Naruto said, before he walked away.

Sasuke glanced to the blonde's retreating form.

"Hmm. It's so much easier now." Sasuke said with his eyes closed. "There's no fun in it anymore."

Naruto pouted, walking away with his hands in his pockets.

"Hmm. Guess I could hang out with someone from another team. Lee is out since his idea of hanging out would be another spar. That reminds me, he did managed to get home, right?" Naruto wondered to himself.



Atop of the Hokage Monument, remained Lee with his cheek still swollen.

"Still painful."



"I don't know about Tenten. She might just want to talk about weapons alone. Don't want a one track conversation. That's just annoying." Naruto said. He then snapped his fingers. "Neji and Hinata! Maybe they'd like to hang!" Naruto exclaimed with a smile. He sped off, causing a shockwave that built up so much wind that nearby people flew from the ground a bit and landed on the ground a moment later.

"What the hell was that?" A random villager questioned with fear.



A moment later at the Hyuuga clan compound, a pair of guards, one with green shaggy hair hidden in a bandana-like hitai-ate and the other with shoulder length blue hair tied in a small ponytail at the end, were on gate duty, when the new blonde nightmare of the Hyuuga clan appeared in front of them. After a moment or two, the sound of a roar was heard as harsh winds erupted throughout the area, forcing the guards to shield their faces with their arms. However, they started to fly away, but luckily for them, Naruto summoned a pair of golden Kurama chakra arms to extend and grabbed their torsos, keeping them from flying into the sky.

Once the winds vanished, Naruto placed them back onto the ground, before retracting the chakra arms back.

"Ohayo." Naruto bowed to the two guards. "Are Neji Hyuuga and Hinata Hyuuga here today?" Naruto asked.

"Uh, well… unfortunately Neji is out on a mission, while Hinata is being trained by her father." The green haired guard said.

"Her father?" Naruto questioned with a raised eyebrow. "Hmm. I thought he stopped doing that in favor of Hanabi." Naruto said.

"Things became different. Especially after the new jutsu she came up with it, Hiashi-sama became interested again." The blue haired guard said.

"New jutsu? No way! What is it?!" Naruto asked with new excitement.

"Uh… upon secrecy, it is best we keep any jutsu of our clan hidden from others."

Naruto stared at them with a thin lipped mouth.

"Please, Uzumaki-san, understand. The two are very important individuals in the clan and so will be busy at times." The blue haired guard said. Naruto continued to stare at them.

"Now if you will, please leave. I don't want to sound rude, but your presence is a bit unnerving to people around here. No offense." The green haired guard said.

"… This better not have to do that fact that your clan's techniques are mostly useless against me." Naruto said with a dull, stoic look. The guards' mouths quivered for a moment as they tried to keep their composure, but they were afraid of the bomb. "Please inform Neji-san and Hinata-chan that I was here the next time you see them. Sayonara." Naruto said, turning and walking away with his hands in his pockets. "Pussies." Naruto said, causing the Hyuugas' eyes to widen as the blonde then vanished in a flash of golden light.

The pair of Hyuugas sighed with relief that Naruto was gone.

The door to the clan's compound quickly opened, as a large gate could be opened up, to reveal a group of Hyuuga shinobi.

"What happened?" One of the Hyuuga shinobi asked.

"Nothing. He was just here." The green haired Hyuuga said.

"Who?" All the Hyuuga looked to see Hiashi behind them all with his daughters beside him.

"Uzumaki san, Hiashi-sama." The blue haired Hyuuga informed.

"Naruto-kun?" Hinata questioned with surprise and a blush.

"And you told him to leave?" Hiashi asked with his arms crossed.

"Well, Hinata-sama was busy with training and Neji-san is on a short mission to Suna, so we figured it was better he left for now as to not be a disturbance, Hiashi-sama." The green haired Hyuuga gate guard said.

Hiashi closed his eyes for a few moments.

"The next time he comes by, invite him for tea." Hiashi said, surprising his clansmen.

"Tou-san." Hinata spoke her father's name, surprised by his words.

"We show him that like all of Konoha, we consider him an ally." Hiashi said as he started walking back towards the training room, leaving surprised Hyuugas. Hinata couldn't help, but smile at her father's decision.

As Hiashi was walking, he pass by his father.

"Are you sure it is wise to invite him in? The clan seems to be fearful of him now. It could bring some unwanted paranoia to have him within the walls." Hiashi's father said.

"I figured that, but it is better to make him feel like an ally than someone we distrust. He has been considered a pariah for a long time, so showing him kindness will give us some form of credibility from him." Hiashi reasoned. His father couldn't help, but nod in agreement at that logic.

The two departed ways.



Naruto was sitting on the roof of a building with his fist pressed against his left cheek. He had half lidded eyes and a frown as he thought of who else to hang out with.

"I could go with Kiba, but I'm not sure if the dogs will act up. Plus his mom is pretty scary. She's like a territorial alpha who will try and intimidate any strong individual to show off her dominance. Don't want to deal with that bullshit." Naruto said. "Maybe Shika. Yeah, that seems good."

Naruto vanished in a flash of gold. He traveled throughout the village towards the Nara compound.

Making it there, he went up to Shikamaru's house.

Yoshino was sweeping the back porch where her husband and son played their favorite game, shogi. She suddenly heard a knock, making her turn to see Naruto.

"Sorry for the intrusion, Nara-san, but I was wondering if your son was here." Naruto said.

"Sorry Uzumaki-san, but my son is currently on a mission." Yoshino informed.

"He wouldn't happen to be on a mission with Neji Hyuuga, would he?" Naruto asked.

"Yes. Along with Choji Akimichi." Yoshino said.

"Darn. Well that's another person off the list." Naruto said with a pout.

"What list?" Yoshino asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I was trying to find someone to hang out with, but so far it my team and Team 10 are busy. Sasuke is out training and doesn't want to be bothered, Sakura-chan and Ino are working, Hinata is busy training with her father and now Neji, Shikamaru and Choji are out on a mission." Naruto complained.

"What about Tenten-san or Kiba?"

"I don't know about Tenten. I mean so far she's been so obsessed with the weapons of… the place I've been in for the past few months, that I figured that's all she wants to talk about, and I hate one track conversations." Naruto said.

"You shouldn't be so rude. Tenten might be able to talk to you about more subjects." Yoshino said, going mother mode on Naruto.

"I guess. I don't really know her very well, so I guess I shouldn't speculate like that." Naruto said as he rubbed his chin.

"Well what about Kiba then?"

"He's an okay choice. It's just I don't think I can go over to his place without his mother challenging me to see who's a true alpha." Naruto said rubbing the back of his head.

"… Okay, I'll admit, that's a smart move there." Yoshino said.

"Oh by the way, I heard you were one of the Hageshī San, with my mother and Sakura-chan's mother." Naruto said.

"So you know about Kushina. Yep. She was fierce. Obviously I knew how to take command better, but your mother knew how to bring the pain. Especially when people-"

"Let me guess. Insulted her hair?" Naruto asked with a smirk.

"Yep. Something she really hated was when you compared it to a tomato. She always hated that." Yoshino said with a smile.

"Sounds right." Naruto said with a smirk.

"Although I don't think she was as fierce as you were with the Uchiha yesterday, but she really knew how to leave blood on the pavement. Kind of difficult to explain that mess. Especially when she scarred kids."

"I bet most of them were boys. At least they learned early not to mess with women."

"They better have." Yoshino said with a laugh. Naruto laughed with her, but then he blushed as he thought of something.

"Um… you wouldn't mind telling me more about my mom, do you?" Naruto asked, looking to the side, rubbing the back of his head. Yoshino smiled.

"Come in. I'll make tea."



Sasuke was in the middle of training ground three. He stared at his left hand. With a mental command, it burst with lightning. Sasuke blinked his eyes as he then commanded it to stop. He reignited his hand with lightning. He extended it forward and with some concentration, shot a dragon made of lightning forward, striking a tree, causing it to explode.

Sasuke smirked, but he noticed a big piece of the destroyed tree came at him. He brought hand up to block and when it made contact, the piece broke to pieces again. Sasuke looked to his hand in shock to see that his Susano'o armor had encased it like real armor. And he didn't even had his sharingan out. Sasuke grinned with delight. He then laughed a bit.

"Amazing. The dobe wasn't wrong. Element does grant me better control over my power. New abilities I wouldn't have unlocked without it. I just wished I had known this earlier." Sasuke said with a grin as his Susano'o armored hand burst with lightning. "However… I only took a little from Kodama. If I had more, I can only imagine the new heights I'd go to. I'd equal the dobe with that power. Now the question is how to gain more." Sasuke said to himself. "Oh well." Sasuke closed his eyes with a smirk as he disabled his lightning. "I'll find a way. Somehow. I'm okay with being a little patient. At least for a while." Sasuke said, smirking as he stared at his Susano'o armored arm.



"So that's how you beat my son. You are very crafty… and cruel." Yoshino said with a smile.

"Well, I knew I couldn't beat a Nara in shogi or in intelligence yet, so the best I could resort to was messing with her head. Sorry about that." Naruto said with an embarrassed grin and scratching the back of his head.

"Don't be. My son needed to be taken down a peg anyway." Yoshino said with a grin and fist pumped.

'Moms can be a bit… tough.' Naruto thought with a smirk. Suddenly the theme of Fist of the North Star was heard, surprising the pair. (UBASHA!).

"What in the hell is that?" Yoshino questioned, standing up, grabbing her frying pan as she looked around for any intruders.

"Sorry. That was my alarm." Naruto said, standing up, taking his phone out and turning off his alarm.

"What is that?" Yoshino questioned, looking to the phone.

"It's my phone."

"That's a phone? It looks like something from the future." Yoshino said with surprised eyes.

"It's something I got from three of my favorite girls back at Tenbi." Naruto said staring at the phone for a moment, remembering his roommates/girlfriends, before pocketing it. "I have to go to the hospital for a physical. Thank you for inviting me into your home, Yoshino-sama." Naruto said with smile and politely bowing to Yoshino.

"Oh, don't worry about it. It was my pleasure. I barely get any visitors so this was nice. Better than having to constantly hear troublesome every other sentence." Yoshino said with a smile and wave, making Naruto laugh.

"Well, I hope to speak with you again before I have to go again. Thank you for the tea. You were a gracious host." Naruto said with a smile and bow again, before flashing away.

"He's going to leave again? Hmm." Yoshino said with surprised eyes as she put away the frying pan.



Naruto easily and quickly made it to the hospital. He sighed as he stared at the building.

"Some real bad memories here." Naruto said, before he walked right through the doors; hands in pockets. The nurse sitting at the front desk was humming as she did paperwork, but a shadow blocked some of her light. She looked up, only to flinch with fear as she saw the serious look on Naruto's face. Naruto did look intimidating nowadays with a serious look. "Uzumaki Naruto. I am here for a physical upon request from the Hokage, Senju Tsunade." Naruto informed with a calm tone.

"Eto…" The nurse was kind of nervous in his presence.

"Naruto-kun." Naruto turned to see Shizune. "Come with me. Tsunade-sama is already prepped for your physical. Just follow me." Shizune said with a smile.

"A physical done by the boss, eh? I feel honored." Naruto said as he followed Shizune. As the pair walked down the hall, the blonde of the two looked over to see Shizune smiling cheerfully. "You seem happier than you were two hours ago. Guessing your date with Kakashi-sensei must have been nice." Naruto said with a smirk.

"Shut up. It was no date." Shizune said, nudging Naruto's arm, still retaining a smile though. "Although I will admit, it was nice having some time off, having a fresh cooked meal and talking with a friend."

"A handsome friend at that too." Naruto said with a grin as he playfully and gently nudged Shizune's side.

"How would you even know he's handsome? You've never seen his actual face from what I recall from those stories." Shizune said with a smirk and her arms crossed.

"I don't need to see it personally to know what's underneath." Naruto then leaned in and whispered with narrowed, cheeky eyes. "He's got a beauty mark right here." As he tapped under the left corner of his mouth, shocking Shizune.

"Naruto." Naruto and Shizune looked to see Sakura, dressed in her doctor's clothes, which were pretty much her civilian clothes of white short sleeve shirt, sleeveless red vest, blue skirt and her usual long shinobi boots, but she also had a long doctor's coat on. "I'm surprised you're here. How come?" Sakura asked with a smile, happy to see her blonde crush.

"Tsunade wants a physical. Guess because I'm technically back in the reserves that it's mandatory." Naruto said.

"You're not off there." Shizune said with a smile.

"Well, better hurry off. The old woman is rather impatient. It's a common Uzumaki trait after all." Naruto said.

"Good call." Shizune said as she and Naruto head off again.

"See you later, Sakura-chan." Naruto said as he and Shizune pass by her. Sakura had a saddened expression as the blonde just walked away.

'Not even a smile my way.' Sakura thought with a frown and somber eyes. Wabisuke's words rang in her head again.

"Spend time with him more. Suffer with him. Stay with him at his lowest points. Never give up on him, even if he becomes a lost cause to all, including himself. Do all that, then you'll know what real love is."

Sakura became determined with a matching expression to boot. She quickly turned on her heels to face the two.

"Ano!" Naruto and Shizune stopped and turned to Sakura. "I… I was hoping… if I could help." Sakura said with a blush. Naruto and Shizune stared at her with wide, surprised eyes, with the blonde of the two blushing at the thought of Sakura performing a physical on him.

"Uh…" Naruto couldn't even form a sentence. Only resorting to looking to Shizune.

"Well… I'm sure its fine." Shizune said with a smile and shrug. Naruto's eyes were shadowed as he frowned with his blush darkening in color.

"G-Good!" Sakura exclaimed with a smile and blush.

"Just don't get any lude thoughts." Shizune said, turning and walking ahead, leaving Naruto and Sakura standing with their faces red and mouths gone for the moment. "Well hurry up, before Tsunade-sama starts to hunt you down." Shizune said.

"R-Right." Naruto said as he followed Shizune, with now only his cheeks being red, as he managed to calm himself a bit.

Sakura remained still with the same expression, but she managed to break out of her own trance and hurried to catch up.

The three made it to the designated room. Going in, there Tsunade was, drinking some water. Naruto took a few sniffs.

"Did you take an aspirin?" Naruto asked.

"Good, you're here." Tsunade said, placing the water on a nearby desk.

'How can he smell an aspirin?' Sakura thought, surprised by Naruto's amazing sense of smell.

"Sakura." Tsunade spoke up.

"Hai, shishou." Sakura responded to her master.

"Why did you come?" Tsunade asked.

"I… I wanted to assist in the physical, in any way I can." Sakura said with a blush.

"Hmm." Tsunade narrowed her eyes at Sakura, making her apprentice sweat a bit. "Don't get any ideas now. Other than that you're welcomed to stay." Tsunade said. "Alright Naruto, we'll start with the simple things." Tsunade said as she brought out a wooden tongue depressor. Naruto opened his mouth, allowing Tsunade to use it, bringing down his tongue so she could get a clear view of his throat. "Healthy." Tsunade said, pulling the tongue depressor away from Naruto's mouth. "Keep your mouth open." Tsunade ordered as she grabbed a thermometer. She put in his mouth, but suddenly as she pressed the button, her eyes widened as the temperature was rising at an exponential rate. "What in the world?!" Tsunade exclaimed with pure shock.

The meter hit the limit, blinking as it said all zeros. Tsunade pulled out the end of the thermometer, only to gain a shocked expression to see it had melted. Naruto swished something in his mouth, then spat it out onto the floor to reveal melted metal and plastic mixed together.

The women stared at the melted mess on the floor with pure shock. Naruto just stared at the mess with a stoic expression, but with half lidded eyes. He noticed the women staring at him with shock.

"Part of the bloodline." Naruto said with a shrug.

"Alright then. Disrobe." Tsunade ordered.

Naruto sighed. He started taking his clothes off. Sakura was prepared for this. She swore she is going to stay strong, no matter how hot Naruto's exposed body may be, and she will stay strong and be a professional, as expected of her.

… Although that was kind of dashed when Naruto was now only in his underwear.

Sakura's eyes widened as she stared at Naruto's chiseled form. His muscles were tight and showed in all the right places. His calves looked strong enough to cut diamonds. His biceps were large, yet appropriate for his body, and those abs… and the pectorals… dear kami, the front of his body was a marvel.

"Dear goodness, Naruto-kun. What kind of workout do you normally do?" Shizune questioned with a blush as she had her hand over her mouth.

"The painful kind, but now things suck! I can't even get a proper sweat in the morning! I ran around the village a hundred times and nothing!" Naruto shouted with annoyance.

"Oh don't be a drama queen. Like that could actually be possible." Shizune said with a smile, eye smiles and wave of dismiss.

"… Get me to a treadmill." Naruto said with a frown.



Nurses had been crowded outside the doorway of a room. They all were staring in awe as Uzumaki Naruto was running on a treadmill with a bored look on his face and suction cups with wires connected all around his body, keeping track of his heartbeat and blow flow, which was shockingly calm.

Tsunade, Shizune and Sakura were staring in pure shock as Naruto was easily going farther than any superhuman would go, and they have some serious super humans. After all, this treadmill was designed for men like Gai. With the taijutsu specialist being the only one to use this one.

However, sadly, like the ones before, the treadmill couldn't handle going pass its limit and got fried. Naruto stopped just as it broke down.

Naruto took off the suction cup wires and got off the now broken treadmill.

"What's next?" Naruto asked.

"Weight." Tsunade said, pointing to a weight scale. As Naruto walked by, Tsunade leaned over to Shizune and whispered. "We're going to need nine new treadmills."

Shizune nodded, mentally writing that down.

Naruto stood on the scale, standing up straight. Shizune examined the numbers and was shocked by the number.

"Naruto-kun, this says you're two hundred and fifteen pounds." Shizune said.

"Get out! Seriously?!" Naruto exclaimed with pure shock. "Holy crap… I'm a super heavyweight." Naruto said with wide eyes as he got off the scale.

The nursed whispered amongst themselves, amazed by Naruto's physical prowess so far.

"Well, let's continue." Tsunade said.

After a few more routine test, Naruto was done… or at least he was hoping he was.

"Well that's all, but one." Tsunade said. "No genjutsu this time. No way am I being tricked again. I'm getting the specific measurements, understand?" Tsunade said with a serious expression, pointing at Naruto.

Naruto turned red as he instinctively covered the front of his baggy underwear, accidentally giving away what the final test was, making all the nurses blush red, along with Sakura and Shizune.

"Alright, all of you leave. Except you Shizune." Tsunade ordered. The nurses whined, wanting to see how much more of a man Naruto really was. "No whining! Leave! You too, Sakura."

"What?! But I'm a professional! I can handle this." Sakura argued, wanting to stay.

"Trust me, it's more for Naruto's sake, then your own." Tsunade said, pointing her thumb to Naruto, making Sakura realize his face was glowing red. Sakura blushed red and nodded, understanding the situation. Sighing, she turned and left the room, closing the door on her way out. "Alright Naruto, you know what to do." Tsunade said.

Naruto groaned as he gripped the waist band of his underwear.

Outside, Sakura was pouting with her arms crossed. All the nurses already left, but she stayed close by. She wanted to help in any way possible. Then again, the thought of…

Sakura shook her head, trying to rid any perverted thoughts.

'Although… I guess it wouldn't hurt to… check.' Sakura slowly and carefully, opened the door, looking through the crack of it. Oh, bad move. The moment she looked in, her eyes bulged as there in all its glory, with the underpants covering it a moment ago on the floor now, was Naruto's 'gift'. After that all she saw was some red, a good amount, and fell as everything turned white.

"AHEEE!" Shizune screamed with an exaggerated shocked expression and hand hovering over her mouth.

"Yakamashii~…" Naruto groaned out through his gritted teeth as his face was completely red with his eyes shadowed.

Tsunade cleared her throat.

"Shizune… be a professional." Tsunade spoke.

"Me?! You're eyes are glued to it!" Shizune retorted, pointing at Tsunade, who, indeed, couldn't stop staring at Naruto's 'tool' with bulging eyes.

"Shizune!" Tsunade shouted with an exaggerated pissed look.

"Gomen!" Shizune flinched with fear with her eyes closed and hands up.

"Can we get this over with, please? And also the door is still a bit open." Naruto spoke up.

"Shizune, close the door." Tsunade ordered.

"Hai, Tsunade-sama." Shizune said with a bow. She walked over to fully close the door, but she noticed something outside. Looking through the crack, her eyes widened as she saw Sakura on the floor.

"AHEE! Sakura!" Shizune shouted with her jaw dropped.

"What happened?!" Naruto exclaimed with concern, hearing Sakura's name.

"She-she… she's unconscious with blood coming from her nose!" Shizune exclaimed. Naruto burned red at the information. Tsunade sighed.

"Sakura, what kind of name are you giving for us women when you act so naughty." Tsunade said, rubbing her forehead.

"The blood is pool!" Shizune cried out.

"THEN GET HER TO A DAMN ROOM FOR A BLOOD TRANFUSION! NOW!" Naruto screamed with an extremely pissed off look. His anger was so powerful that the room literally cracked with new fissures. The doorframe broke apart from his rage, causing Shizune to scream.

"AHEE! H-HAI!" Shizune screamed as she immediately grabbed Sakura and sprinted off to get her a blood transfusion. A nurse passing by saw Shizune sprinting off with Sakura. When she turned her head, she gasped seeing Naruto's size. Naruto quickly summoned Golden Asura appeared and closed the door so to spare Naruto from any more humiliation.

Naruto growled with rage and his eyes closed.

"Baa-chan… get it over with before I go on a rampage." Naruto growled as he had a red aura surrounding himself.

"You know most men would be proud of what you got there." Tsunade said with a smiling, trying to break the ice.

"Well I'm not like most men." Naruto said with an annoyed, stoic look.

"You can say that again." Tsunade said with dull eyes, looking towards the cracks all over the room.



Takeru and Haruko had been eating at this wonderful restaurant that Takeru had suggested they try. Although in actuality, it was Kengo and Yuka who suggested it through a text on his phone. He wondered if they are currently following them right now.

The restaurant looked night, especially on the balcony seating they were at. In fact nothing was wrong at all. At least with the restaurant. I mean the food was great, the view was perfect, you could see a good chunk of Tenbi and the atmosphere… well I think we covered it was beautiful.

It's just that our lovely couple was acting pretty… meek.

They had been staring down at their meals and eating them. Their cheeks were red as they were too nervous to look one another in the eyes or even speak. The honestly never expected to get this far in a relationship with their childhood crush. Despite how nerve wracking it is, it's still nice to be on a date with your crush.

"Would the mousier and madam care for anything else?" A waiter asked the couple.

"Uh, no." Haruko flinched with a red blush.

"Everything is fine, thank you." Takeru said with a red blush.

"Okay. If you need anything, remember, ask Nijiiro." The waiter, known as Nijiiro, said with a smile before leaving.

The two continued to stare nervously at their meal, still embarrassed to look one another in the eye.

Takeru's eyes became somber.

'What am I doing? I wanted this, right?' Takeru thought, mentally berating himself for not acting grateful, instead of being nervous. Was he actually waiting for instructions from Kengo and Yuka? No, he couldn't be. Or at least shouldn't be. He knew that. 'I… I have to make an effort.' Takeru thought with a new determined expression. "Haruko…"

"Hmm?" Haruko looked up to Takeru. Takeru put on a smile as he looked up to her.

"You look beautiful." Takeru said, smiling with his cheeks red. Haruko looked surprised with her cheeks heating up a bit more.

"Oh… Th-thank you." Haruko said with a bashful smile as she blushed more.

"I'm sorry if I'm acting all nervous. It's just… well… I've liked you for the longest time. I never thought this would happen at all." Takeru said looking down again, shocking Haruko. "Say um… do you remember that time in the forest? You know with those leaves?" Takeru asked. Haruko giggled, making him look up at her again.

"How could I ever forget? We were being chased by all kinds of animals. Monkeys, deer, rabbits, birds. All because they wanted to eat some leaves that we made a circlet from." Haruko said, as she couldn't help, but laugh.

"Sorry about that. If I had known that they'd go crazy for them-"

"Don't be. It was still really sweet of you." Haruko said with a smile. "Although I wish I could say the same for when we first met."

"Eh?" Takeru chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head. "Sorry. I knew it would get you riled up, and get me a beating from my mom, but I don't regret it. After all… I got to see your pretty face." Takeru said with a calm, happy smile.

Haruko stared at him with wide eyes. She smiled as her cheeks turned pink.

"At least you weren't perverted back then like you are now." Haruko joked with a smile and her eyes closed. Takeru laughed with embarrassment at how true that statement is. Even now, Haruko still takes jab at his pervatism. She wasn't wrong. "The view does look nice here." Takeru looked to see Haruko smiling at the view with the sun in the background that will set soon.

"Yeah, it does." Takeru said with a smile, glancing at the view, but his eyes returned to Haruko. "But it doesn't have my attention." Takeru said, causing Haruko to look to him. He flinched and looked back at his meal in embarrassment.

Haruko blushed, but she couldn't help, but smile. She looked to Takeru's free hand on the table. She slowly reached her hand over to Takeru's. She was feeling kind of nervous to make such a move. Her cheeks were turning red as her fingers reached close enough to brush against his hand. However she started feeling so nervous at what she was trying to do that she froze. Her eyes got a little somber. She was slowly pulling back, but suddenly Takeru's hand shot forward and interlocked with Haruko's.

Haruko gasped, staring at their connected hands with wide eyes. She looked to Takeru to see that his eyes remained on his meal, continuing to eat, but having a smile on his face and his cheeks burning red. Haruko smiled as she looked down to her meal as well. She tightly, yet gently interlocked her fingers around Takeru's, making them both happy with wide smiles on their faces.

Away from them, Kengo and Yuka, were in disguise watching the whole thing.

Kengo was dressed in a white dress shirt, black dress vest, black slacks, black shiny dress shoes and a black fedora. Yuka was dressed in a black long dress, long dark gray dress gloves, black with silver heels and a large black dress hat on.

"Well, it seems things are turning out nicely." Yuka said with a smile.

"They're still kids though." Kengo said with a smirk.

"Well they can't be as mature as us, when it comes to our relationship." Yuka said with a smile as she and Kengo held hands.



Azuki, Kimi, Chacha and Fu were sitting at a table, resting a bit.

Azuki groaned with annoyance as she doused her jean jacket with water and then wringed it tightly in her hands.

"Sorry Azuki. Didn't mean to hit bullseye with you up there." Chacha said with an embarrassed smile and scratching the back of her head.

"Still, you got to admit it was awesome! Chacha-nee-chan's barf went flying like a homing missile!" Fu exclaimed with a grin. Azuki just gave the mint haired girl a dull look. "Just saying." Fu said with a nervous smile and shrug.

"Here." Kimi said, extending a bottle of perfume to Azuki. "I'm sure it'll smell better with this." Kimi said.

"Thanks Kimi." Azuki said, grabbing the perfume and spraying it on her jean jacket. "Where did you get this anyway?"

"I… borrowed it." Kimi said with an innocent smile.

"Where'd my perfume go?!" A woman exclaimed.

Chacha and Fu giggled.

"Violet Haze?" Azuki questioned with a smirk. Kimi couldn't help, but blush red with an embarrassed smile and rubbing the back of her head. "Better give it back before we get into some kind of trouble." Azuki said, handing Kimi back the 'borrowed' bottle.

"Okay. Violet Haze." Kimi summoned her spirit, which quickly grabbed the bottle and put it back where it was faster than a normal human could see.

Chacha sighed. Resting her elbow on the table and pressing her fist against her chin, she looked up to the sky, staring at the Sun.

"Don't go staring up there too long. You'll go blind." Azuki said.

"There it is again." Chacha said.

"What again?" Fu asked.

"Another reminder of Naruto-kun." Chacha said. "First the sun, now the thought of him healing my eyes from blindness."

"Do you think he can really do that?" Fu asked with new interest.

"Most likely. Naruto-kun is the best." Chacha said, smiling to Fu.

"Yeah. He sure is." Kimi said with a blush and smile. She then looked to her intertwined hands. "I've been thinking."

"Hmm?" The others looked to her.

"Well… Naruto-kun is strong. Really strong. No doubt he's going to be the strongest when he gets older, but… I'm just a human." Kimi said with somber eyes.

"So what?" Azuki said. "Just because we're human and he's… only half."

"Or is he mostly human and only a small percentage of him is demi-god." Fu wondered.

"Doesn't matter. My point is, just because we're considered a little bit lower in tier to him, doesn't mean we should doubt ourselves in any way."

"I know that, but… there are people stronger than him, and I'm… I want to change that. Where I stand!" Kimi exclaimed as she gained new pride and a look of determination. "Starting tomorrow… I'm training my butt off to become the best in Tenbi!" Kimi exclaimed with new stride, surprising her friends. "Violet Haze is super powerful, but I don't want to rely on her all the time. If I do, she'll be as much as my greatest weakness as she is my greatest strength. As cool as she is, I have to limit my usage of her in battle. I need to build up muscle!" Kimi exclaimed with new determination as she flexed her small biceps. Not liking the look of them, she closed her eyes and tightened her mouth as she tried flexing them more to show at least a bump. "Am I showing a bump?"

Azuki, Chacha and Fu laughed.

"Kimi, as great as it sounds, I don't think muscle is what you need." Azuki said, placing her hand on Kimi's shoulder, causing her to stop trying to flex.

"Yeah. You're more limber, so maybe you should do more gymnastics to be more flexible. That way you'd glide all around the battlefield, avoiding hits and using you maken really fast!" Fu exclaimed, moving her finger around fast, like she was writing something with a pen.

"But I'm the only one who doesn't use her hands or feet for battle. Even Uruchi-san and Himegami-sama use their fists once in a while." Kimi complained, looking to her small fists.

"Only when hitting perverts and losers." Azuki said.

"Honestly I don't see you using hand to hand combat, Kimi." Chacha said.

"But I want to." Kimi whined with a pout. "Oh! I could learn Kung Fu!" Kimi exclaimed.

"Kung Fu? I don't know." Azuki said.

"My tou-san knows Kung Fu! He's a sensei back home! He even taught my ni-san!" Kimi said with new energy.

"I didn't know you have a brother." Chacha said.

"Nobody asked." Kimi said.

"Do you have any… siblings, nee-chan?" Fu asked, hoping she'd be Chacha's only sibling. A selfish thought, but she loves Chacha so much! She can't help, but want to be her only sister.

"Oh yeah, a few." Chacha said with a smile and wave. Well that hope went out the window. "I'm the third oldest! My mom is super fruitful. She had my eldest brother, then my second eldest brother two years later, then me a few years later, then my next three sisters, then my little brother, then-"

"Goddamn Chacha, how many siblings you got?"

"Seventeen!" Chacha exclaimed with a proud grin, making the other three's jaws drop. "Well, I have seventeen now anyway." Chacha said, still grinning as she suddenly hugged Fu. "And she's right here, going to Tenbi with me! I couldn't be happier, unless Naruto-kun fell from the sky to be with us!" Chacha said with a huge toothy grin.

Fu looked to Chacha with wide eyes. They became teary eyed as the young mocha skinned girl had a quivering smile.

"I love you, nee-chan." Fu said hugging Chacha, who smiled down at her little sister.

"I would have killed for a sister when I was younger. I only have brothers. One older, another younger." Kimi said.

"Would have?" Azuki questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Well… I have three sisters now." Kimi said with an embarrassed blush; her eyes looking to the ground as she twiddled her fingers. Kimi glanced up at Azuki, but then looked back down as her blush deepened. Azuki's eyes widened as she blushed now too. Azuki cleared her throat looking to the side nervously. However, the red head slowly brought her hands forward, and then brought Kimi closer to hug her. Kimi's eyes widened as she then looked up to see Azuki's eyes looking to the side as Azuki felt embarrassed to show public affection. Kimi smiled with teary eyes. "I love you too, Azuki-nee-sama." Kimi said, closing her eyes as she returned the hug.

"Aw~~." Chacha and Fu cooed at the display of sisterly affection between the two.

"It's sweet having a little sister, isn't it, Azuki-chan?" Chacha asked with a knowing grin.

"Shut it." Azuki said upon instinct. Although when she looked down to Kimi, who snuggled into the hug more, she couldn't help, but smile as she rubbed the top of the loli girl's head.

"I still wish Naruto-kun was here… but I'm more than happy to have you all here." Kimi said as her smile widened.

Azuki's eyes softened as she stared down at Kimi.

'Yeah. I'm happy too… but I can't help, but wonder what that knucklehead is up to.' Azuki thought as she looked to the sky.

"Don't go blind staring at the Sun~." Chacha teased.

"Shut it!"



Naruto had his arms crossed and was looking to the side with an embarrassed blush. He was currently sitting on a hospital bed, now wearing his underwear again.

"Well… safe to say it's a record… that will never be beat." Tsunade said with a blush, writing down the length, width and girth of Naruto's… tool. Her statement made Naruto's cheeks burn red with embarrassment. "You know, unless your kids inherit that same gift."

"Oh no! This thing is more pain than it's worth! I can't even put it in pants properly without wasting a few minutes with a lot of effort! Let them have nine inchers instead!" Naruto exclaimed with annoyance. Tsunade stared at him with wide eyes.

"Those must be some annoying minutes." Tsunade said.

"This thing is the reason I try to wear baggy pants." Naruto said with a pout, his arms crossed tighter and eyes looking to the side.

"And yet now you wear tight ones instead, because?" Tsunade questioned with a raised eyebrow and half lidded eyes.

"Those pants are actually specially made. Form fitting, yet disguises it as part of one of my legs. Although it hurts to get a boner sometimes since it's not all the way- why the fuck am I telling you this?! Enough about my dick!" Naruto shouted.

"Keep it down! We're in a hospital for Kami's sake. Besides, you're probably making all the men here jealous from just screaming about it." Tsunade scolded. Naruto screamed with annoyance, before falling onto the bed with his arms out to the side.

"Can I go now?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah sure. Just fill out some forms before you go though." Tsunade said. Naruto hopped to his feet to put on his pants. "So, guessing you had a physical done at Tenbi, has your lovely lady Aki ever-"

"Don't tease me Baa-chan." Naruto said, narrowing his eyes at the smirking Hokage.

"I'm asking out of inquiry." Tsunade said with a shrug. Her smirk not leaving her face.

"Sure you were." Naruto said, trying to buckle his pants, but a bulge from his underwear popped out of his unzipped area. "Goddammit~." Naruto cursed with annoyance.

"Do you need a few minutes alone?"



Sakura opened her eyes wide, now staring up at the ceiling.

"Hmm? What just…"

"Good. You're up." Shizune said as she walking up, leaning her head over to be in the pinkette's line of sight.

"Shizune? What had happe-" Sakura's eyes widened as she remembered that the last thing she saw was a completely bare Naruto with his *bleep* hanging out. Sakura's nose shot out blood as she quickly sat up, only to accidentally slam her above average sized forehead into Shizune's.

"Ow! Hey!" Shizune exclaimed, now rubbing her forehead, with Sakura mirroring her actions.

"I saw Naruto… ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-"

"I know what you're going to say, but calm yourself. Last thing we want is another blood transfusion." Shizune said with her hands on her hips.

"Blood trans…" Sakura looked over to see a big bag of blood on a stand with a tube connecting to it and her arm. "Did I bleed that much?!"

"Mm hmm. Enough to drown a colony of cockroaches." Shizune said. "Next time listen to Tsunade-sama when she says stay out of the room. That also means peeking inside."

"Ha… hai." Sakura said with her face burning red.

'Still, I'm shocked I even stayed conscious long enough. To think Naruto was packing that.' Shizune thought.

"Wait! Isn't the last part of a shinobi's physical-"

"Yes. It is." Shizune said before Sakura spoke anymore about Naruto's gift.

"Then Naruto will be leaving!" Sakura exclaimed. She quickly, yet carefully pulled out the needle connected to the transfusion tube and got out of bed. "Eh? Why am I only in my underwear?!" Sakura quickly asked as she covered herself the best she could.

"I'm afraid that your little 'accident' was messy enough to stain the majority of your clothes." Shizune said.

"I have a spare wardrobe in my locker." Sakura said as she grabbed the sheet and covered herself. "I'll return this!" Sakura exclaimed as she ran out the room.

"Sakura, wait!" Shizune called out as she ran out the room to see Sakura making a mad dash for.

"I'll return this when I'm done!" Sakura called back as she turned the corner.

"Seriously, what's gotten into her? She's acting more like Naruto was back when he was a loud, reckless idiot. At least whenever he's involved" Shizune said with a frown. Shizune sighed. "Ah, young love. It's so sweet." Shizune said with a smile, blush and holding her left cheek.

Sakura huffed as she ran down the hall to the locker room to get her clothes. She was about to pass the room where Naruto was having his physical, when said blonde walked out, fully clothed, and accidentally stepped on the sheet covering Sakura, causing it to slip off the alabaster skinned girl's body. Sakura screamed as she was now exposed in her underwear in the middle of the hallway. It only got worse when she noticed Naruto staring at her in surprise.

Sakura was frozen for a second, her cheeks red, as she and her crush stared at one another. Tsunade came to see the sight of her apprentice in her apparel.

"Oh my." Tsunade said.

Sakura quickly grabbed the sheet and tried pulling it, but Naruto was like a rock, standing strong over it. Once he moved his foot, Sakura fell back onto her bottom. Groaning, Sakura rubbed her tailbone, only to remember a moment later that she was only in her underwear. Sakura quickly ran off, tying the sheet around herself.

"I'll meet with you in a second Naruto!" Sakura called out as she ran pass a nurse and a patient in a wheelchair, before turning the corner.

Naruto blinked his eyes as he and Tsunade stared down the hall Sakura left down.

"Must be my birthday." Naruto said with a smile and eye smiles. Lady Tsunade looked at him with a dull look. "Well, later." Naruto said, walking away with a wave. "Buy me a drink sometime Baa-chan." Naruto said.

"Me, treat a kid like you? You might not be able to handle that sort of juice." Tsunade said with a smirk and arms crossed.

"Invite me out and I'll show you how much I can handle. Spoiler. I can drink you under the table." Naruto said with a smirk before continued on his way.

Tsunade chuckled with a smile.

"I'm just so proud of him." Tsunade said as she wiped away an imaginary tear.



Naruto walked out of the hospital with his hands in his pockets. After walking a bit, he stopped and looked to the Sun.

'I'm not used to the time difference here. Plus it seems odd. From what Sakura has told me, it's like the Sun tries to align right in this world, but something is causing difficulties. Maybe it's my imagination, but after the past few months that I have, I don't think I can really question the limit of things anymore.' Naruto thought.

"Naruto!" Naruto turned to see Sakura run up to him with a wave.

"Tch. Fugawarina." (Perv) Naruto said with a sneer as he turned and walked away with his hands in his pockets, causing Sakura's face to morph in a mix of shock, sadness and embarrassment, as she froze in place for a moment. She quickly got out of it and hurried up after him.

"Look, I'm sorry. I just wanted to help and-"

"Cut the bull crap, I sense a bit of lust earlier." Naruto said, making Sakura shut her lip for a moment.

"I'm sorry. I… well… people can be curious." Sakura said.

'Did she actually just say that?!' Naruto thought with shock.

'Did I Actually Just Say That?!' Sakura thought, shocked by her response.

"You know I ought to get some payback by stripping you naked! How do you like that?!" Naruto shouted, pointing at Sakura with an annoyed expression on his face. Sakura screamed as she felt her body tingle.

"No! Not until we're married!" Sakura screamed, covering her body. Naruto just stared at her with wide eyes, while she stared back with bulging eyes as her face turned red.

A few moments of awkward silence later.

"I'll just ignore that." Naruto said, turning back and walking away.

Sakura mentally screamed as she crouched down holding the sides of her head as her teeth were grit a bit.

'What is wrong with me?! Why do I act like such a baka loser around him?! It's Naruto! What Is Wrong With Me?!' Sakura mentally screamed as her cheeks turned red. Sakura stood straight back up. 'Calm down Sakura. Take a breather.' Sakura tooth in a deep breath through her nose then exhaled. 'Just think over the situation. What can you do to get close to Naruto? To bond with him.' Sakura thought. Luckily she didn't need to think so long as she remembered something. "Naruto, wait!" Sakura called out as she ran off to catch up.

"Kami, she never gives up, even when she humiliates herself in front of the baka she wants to jump on." Kurama said within Naruto's head.

'Got to admire that about her.' Naruto thought as he stopped and turned back to Sakura. 'Hey, wait a minute!' Naruto realized the words 'baka she wants to jump on' from that comment.

"Naruto!" Sakura stopped in front of him. "Can we train now?" Sakura asked.

"Hmm?" Naruto blinked his eyes.

"You promised… that we'd train." Sakura said, rubbing her arm as she looked to the side.

"Oh yeah, I did. Well then, come on." Naruto said.

"Right now? I need my training gear first."

"No you don't. A real fighter fights in anything. You can be wearing a damn dress and still kick ass. Now come on." Naruto said, walking away with a wave gesturing for Sakura to follow.

Sakura blinked her eyes and sighed. She followed him all the way to a training ground.



Naruto guided Sakura to their old training ground.

"You're strong, but like I said before, you need to practice on focusing your strength into small shots." Naruto said.

"So what do you suggest?" Sakura said.

"Easy. Seeing as you're a medical-nin you've learned where the vital areas are. Liver, temple, femoral artery, etcetera. So hit my points." Naruto said turning to her.

"What?! Are you nuts! I'll kill you!" Sakura screamed.

"Trust me, you won't kill me. One, I'm too hard. Second, I can regrow my cells at a pace that would make any doctor beg to examine my unique body." Naruto said.

"Naruto, don't be overconfident." Sakura said with a stern expression, and her fists to her hips.

Naruto stared at him with a dull look. He took off his leather jacket, put it on the floor, then took out his curved knife, given to him by Chacha and with wind chakra and element wrapped around the blade, he cut his arm off. Sakura screamed with horror at the sight.

"NARUTO! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" Sakura screamed with terror.

"YAKAMASHII!" Naruto shouted with annoyance, causing Sakura to immediately zip her lip, but she still shook with fear at the severed arm on the floor. Naruto bent down, grabbed the arm and then reattached it with a gold glow at the ends of the severed areas. Once he released his hold, he showed off that his arm was reattached as he brought up his hand and flexed his fingers. "Now once again… come at my points." Naruto said. Sakura stared at him with wide eyes. "Now!" Naruto ordered.

Sakura flinched, but got into her fighting stance. Sakura roared, charging forward with her fist cocked back.

"Wrong." Naruto said as he grabbed Sakura's fist before she hit his left temple. "You're still putting too much strength into one punch. You have to have a proper amount." Naruto said, releasing her fist. "Again." Sakura went for a hard punch to Naruto's liver. "Wrong." Naruto said grabbing the wrist. "You're putting too much strength. When you do, you're turning yourself into a glass tank. You need proper agility and speed. Plus… you're going to need to be flexible. I suggest gymnastics and yoga." Naruto said.

"Uh… okay." Sakura said blinking her eyes.

"I'm going to make some clones for you to fight. They'll teach you how to do it right, plus it'll help you with fighting more than one person at a time. In fact, I think I'll have them teach you Krav Maga." Naruto said, releasing Sakura's wrist.

"What's that?" Sakura asked.

"It's the art of combating more than one opponent at a time." Naruto said.

"Naruto, I can already do that. I am a kunoichi after all." Sakura said with her hands on her hips.

"Just trust me on this Sakura-chan." Naruto said as he tossed up some tiny purple scrolls up into the air that dispersed into clouds of smoke. Three Kage Bushin fell from the sky and surrounded Sakura. "You three know what to do. Hand above the waist and no punching in the breasts." Naruto said.

"Yare yare, boss. Have a little faith in us. We are you after all." A Naruto clone said.

"Yeah, we're not dumb." Another said, tapping the side of his head.

"Just reckless." The last one said with a shrug.

"That's what worries me sometimes." Naruto said with a smirk.

"Screw you! You know you're precision and hand eye coordination is off the charts, so don't be a dick!" The first Naruto clone shouted, pointing at the original.

"Hmph." Naruto's smirk widened as he closed his eyes.

"Naruto, where did you ever get the idea for those clone scrolls?" Sakura asked.

"I learned it from my son from another Naruto." Naruto said, turning around and walking away with his hands in his pockets.

"Oh… Wait! WHAT?!" Sakura screamed.

"Oh right, you don't know. In the manga about my hypothetical life back at Maken world I ended up with Hinata and had two cute kids. A smart mouth little pain in the ass who complains that his dad, the Hokage is not around, yet bitches when he actually makes the effort to be with his family, Named Boruto 'Bolt' Uzumaki, and an adorable little girl named Himawari Uzumaki. I got the idea from the boy." Naruto said with a smirk, turning around and sitting on a boulder.

"What… what happened to the 'me' in the story? What happened to us?" Sakura asked, knowing she wasn't going to like the answer.

"There was no us. Before the final confrontation with a powerful enemy, named Toneri, you had told me, or at least the cannon 'me' that a girl's feelings can never change. That my love for you only was the result of competing against Sasuke. A love born from a rivalry." Naruto said.

"That's Horrible!" Sakura shouted. "And besides, a person's feelings can change! I love you now."

"True, I guess." Naruto said with his arms crossed and a shrug. Sakura frown and looked to the ground.

"Do you… do you love me?" Sakura asked timidly, looking up to Naruto.

Naruto scratched his chin, tilting his head as his eyes looked to the side.

"Hard to say." Naruto said. Sakura frowned, looking to the ground with sadness. "But…" Sakura looked up with hope. "There could be hope." Naruto said with a shrug. Sakura smiled with a blush. "Hajime."

A Naruto clone sent a chop towards the back of Sakura's neck, but stopped before contact, making Sakura gasp and looked to the clone.

"Always keep focus. Even when in a moment of comfort, be ten percent focused." The clone said.

Sakura nodded as she got serious. Getting into a fighting stance, Sakura glared at the clones.

"Two hours." The original Naruto said, bringing two fingers up. "You got two hours of training today. Understand?"

"Hai!" Sakura shouted as she then leaped, spun and went for a heel kick to a clone's left temple, but the clone stopped it with his hand.

"Not bad." The clone said with a smirk.

Naruto closed his eyes and thought about what to do. An idea came to mind to help him with his control over his growing power. Naruto raised his right hand up as golden flames appeared for a moment as now a glass cup was in his hand. Golden Asura suddenly took it, appeared next to the river, took some water and reappeared back to Naruto, giving its host the glass.

Naruto took the glass in both hands as his spirit vanished. Taking in a deep breath, Naruto concentrated Koete Energy to his hands and into the glass, causing the water to ripple. He then slowly moved the cup, hanging it upside down with the water still in the cup.

Sakura went for a two combo punch to a clone's right left temple and liver that the clone blocked. Sakura quickly bent forward, sending a kick to a clone coming at her from behind, while sending a punch forward, almost clocking the clone in front of her in the junk had it not jumped back.

"Kami damn, we didn't mean for that vital to be included!" The clone in front of her shouted.

Sakura quickly got back into her stance, but looked in shock to see Naruto concentrating as he held a glass filled with water upside down, with the water still inside the glass. Naruto raised it up a bit to see some drops falling.

"Yare yare. Apparently I need a little more control. I can only imagine the bad results of using one of the two alone." Naruto said with a frown.

'Sugoi. He can keep the water from falling out of the glass while it's upside down!' Sakura thought with amazement.

"OI! What the Hell Are You Looking At?!" A clone shouted. Sakura turned only to get punched in the face. Sakura fell to the floor, groaning as she held her cheek.

"What the… hell?" Sakura said as she rubbed her bruised cheek.

"It's your own fault. On the field, that would have been it. Focus or else that won't be the last." The clone that hit Sakura said with a stern serious expression and his arms crossed.

Sakura rubbed her cheek as she got to her feet and back into her stance.

'I can't lose focus, no matter how cool Naruto is becoming. I have to stay focus!' Sakura thought with new determination.



Back in Maken World, Takeru and Haruko were walking through the streets with their hands interlocked. They had gotten a little more comfortable now with showing affection, even in a public place, even if it is a small showing.

Takeru wasn't sure what to do next. This is his… well not first date. His first was with Himegami, but still this is important because this is his first date with his girlfriend.

'Girlfriend. I actually have a girlfriend. And… it's Haruko.' Takeru thought turning his head to his date with a smile. Haruko noticed his attention was now on her.

"What is it?" Haruko asked.

"Nothing. It's just… I'm happy you're my girlfriend." Takeru said with a blush and eye smiles as he scratched his left cheek with his finger. Haruko's eyes widened. She blushed and smiled, looking to the ground, feeling a bit bashful from Takeru's words.

"Oh Take~." Haruko said as she wrapped her arms around Takeru's arm and rested her head on his shoulder. Takeru's blush increased at the sudden action. He looked to the side with an embarrassed, but happy smile. Takeru suddenly got a text on his phone. Taking it out, he saw a new text from Kengo and Yuka. "What is it?"

"Nothing. Just something from Kengo. You know, there's this bakery I think we should try. You might like it." Takeru said with a smile.

"It won't be as good as Naruto's though." Haruko said with a soft smile.

"Yeah, that's true, but who can beat Naruto's cooking?" Takeru said with a soft smile as well. Haruko smiled with somber eyes.

"I've been thinking about him."

"Me too. Tenbi's no fun without him."

"True." Haruko looked to the sky. "You think he's happy over there?"

"Truth be told… no." Takeru said looking to the sky as well. "At least, I don't see it. Naruto's never liked being alone and even though he's got friends there… at night I can-"

"You can stop there." Haruko said with a frown.

"Sorry." Takeru said, rubbing the back of his head.

"I didn't mean to sound rude, it's just… well, a sister doesn't like the thought of her little brother feeling sad." Haruko said with a frown.

"Yeah, I hear you. Naruto is like a brother to me too, and that thought doesn't sit right." Takeru said. "I'm sorry Haruko."

"It's okay. I just feel worse for the others. Himegami won't admit it, but she really misses him, and Inaho, forget about it, she cries every time he invades her thoughts. I can only imagine how his girlfriend's feel." Haruko said.

"Yeah. Azuki-senpai, Chacha-senpai and Kimi-senpai have to be pretty damn sad and lonely that he isn't around." Takeru said.

"I actually think Furan is feeling the most pain." Haruko said.

"Furan-senpai? I always thought she was so strong willed." Takeru said.

"And she is, but… for Furan, Naruto was something so amazing to her." Haruko's eyes became somber. "After so long, Furan found a man she could trust. To fall in love with. Maybe he wasn't everything she wanted, but he became so much more to her. Someone she can't live without."

"I'm sure she'll survive the month." Takeru said.

"… I hope so. I think she's still working at the school right now." Haruko said.

"She's working?" Takeru asked with surprise. Haruko nodded with a somber expression. Takeru felt saddened. He didn't expect that, but he could tell Haruko felt saddened by it. Takeru thought about what to do. What someone like Usui or Naruto would do with their girls at this moment? So he did what came to mind. He gently gripped Haruko's chin, surprising her as he brought her over to look to him and then he locked lips with her, shocking her for a moment. It was a quick kiss, but needed. "Let's not worry about this kind of stuff. I know it's hard for everyone, but we at least owe it to Naruto and ourselves to have a nice time. So let's do that, alright?" Takeru said in a soft voice.

Haruko smiled with a blush, nodding.


Haruko rested her head on Takeru's shoulder, smiling as she snuggled up to him.

'Guess I did it right.' Takeru thought with a smile and blush as he looked ahead.



Back in the security club's meeting room, Furan was busy doing paperwork. She hadn't told anyone she'd be here. She actually wanted to be alone anyway.

It's been some hell of a past few months. First a manga character comes to their world, a new organization comes by giving trouble, a new team comes by which leads to an unsteady alliance, she falls in love with the manga character, she gives herself to him on her own accord, the bastard who took something very precious from her had finally gotten what he deserved and more, and now the character she fell in love with is gone for a month. Not to mention the woman she looked up to when she was nine has had her soul taken and could be lost forever by now for all she knew, but… she didn't want to think about that.

Furan stopped writing, sighing as she then stood up and took a drink of water from the glass next to her. Putting it down, she sighed again. She looked to the sky to see the sunset.

The Sun… another reminder of Naruto.

"I just can never stop thinking of you." Furan said with a sad smile. Furan sighed again as she sat down on the seat with her hands pressed onto the sides of her head. Furan stared down at the paperwork in front of her for a few moments. "Dammit." Furan softly cursed as she grabbed her pen and started writing on the paperwork.



Sometime later in Shinobi world, Naruto was walking through the streets with Sakura on his back; his jacket wrapped around her.

Sakura was banged up a bit from the training she had. She started to open her eyes to notice she was being carried.

"Awake, eh?" Naruto said, looking ahead.

"Naruto… how did I do?" Sakura asked.

"Pretty good. You're learning." Naruto said.

"So are you, apparently." Sakura said with a soft smile.

"Even a god-like being such as myself needs to improve." Naruto said. Sakura giggled.

"You're too overconfident now." Sakura said with a smile.

"Overconfident… yeah." Naruto said. Now that he thought about it… should he really tell his friends about his… lineage?

"Naruto... that exercise you were doing… what was it?" Sakura asked.

"Something I learned from Jojo. Thought it would be interesting to try. The key is to focus your energy to your fingertips to keep the water in place. So far I've been training to keep the water in, but there had been a few drops. I'm trying to improve that and to get to a better level of control." Naruto explained.

"And what would that level of control be?" Sakura asked.

"The end goal is to take the entire water from the glass and keep it in place in its same form with just one finger." Naruto said.

"Is that really possible?" Sakura asked with pure shock.

"Should be. Nothing seems impossible for chakra and element, especially when mixed together." Naruto said. Sakura softly smiled.

"You look to be improving every day."

"Little by little, sadly, but that's how things are like." Naruto said. "You're improving as well. One of my clones at least felt the force behind the blow aimed to the solar plexus."

"But it didn't land." Sakura said.

"I know. I'm proud." Naruto said with a smile. Sakura blushed and smiled.

"We're getting closer, aren't we?" Sakura said with her eyes closed as she nuzzled her head into his neck.

"Hmm?" Naruto looked to her with semi-widen eyes.

"I'll stay close to you... and love you. I hope you'll love me the same way as you do the others you've given a piece of your heart to." Sakura said softly, making Naruto blush red.

"Nani?" Naruto spoke with shock and surprise. Naruto continued to stare at Sakura who had her eyes closed, staying silent. Naruto blinked his eyes. He suddenly smiled. 'Yare yare. So mean of you Sakura-chan… pretending to be asleep.' Naruto thought, closing his eyes for a moment before looking ahead.



Tsunade sighed as she was force, erm, convinced to do paperwork courtesy of her assistant Shizune.

"I need a break." Tsunade said.

"You had one half an hour ago." Shizune said with her hands on her hips.

"Isn't that enough time for one?" Tsunade questioned, playing innocent. Shizune just gave her an annoyed look.

"Not really." A voice spoke, making them turn to see Naruto in the corner with his arms crossed. "Yare yare. What's wrong with you Baa-chan? For a Senju and Uzumaki, you're pretty lazy." Naruto said with a smirk.

"Shut it brat, or do you want a new crack in the skull of yours?" Tsunade said with annoyance and a fist up.

"I'd commend you if you somehow broke through the skin." Naruto said with a smile, pushing off the corner wall.

"What do you want now?" Tsunade asked.

"It's about this girl."


"No, no. Things are fine with her. To be honest, she just won't stop sticking to me." Naruto said. "It's actually about another girl who I crossed paths with months ago."

"Hmm… let me guess… she's a certain redhead in prison." Tsunade said. Naruto nodded. "Why is she so important?"

"She's my cousin. Well, our cousin." Naruto said.

"An Uzumaki. Kind of figured. She has red hair and I sensed special chakra from her." Tsunade said. "What do you want with her?"

"I want to visit her. Maybe take her out behind those bars and treat her to a real meal." Naruto said.

"Naruto, you know she is a dangerous-"

"No. No she isn't. Like so many others under his 'employment'." Naruto did air quotes for the word employment. "Karin hates Orochimaru. The only reason she was around is because… sadly, she has a thing for Sasuke." Naruto said with a pout. "In fact that has to be the reason she surrendered back at that old Uchiha hideout. Just to stay close to him." Naruto said.

"Naruto, why are you so interested in this girl who has proven to be our enemy?" Tsunade asked.

"She doesn't have to be our enemy. Sasuke is a good guy… kind of. Anyway, the point is, so long as Sasuke is fine with the idea of staying in Konoha, so will she. She's an Uzumaki who can sense chakra from yards, rivaling a Hyuuga's Byakugan. Not to mention she can also heal people by letting them absorb her chakra through biting her."

"Ew." Shizune said with a disgusted frown.

"Yeah, imagine that. Also, imagine her being a part of the shinobi corps medical division. Teaching her medical ninjutsu could help in the long run. She's passé at this point of being a sort of medic, but to actually refine those skills could be useful for the medical division."

"So you believe she's useful to Konoha." Tsunade stated with a raised eyebrow.

"She can be. She just needs someone to trust. She won't leave without Sasuke, so all that's need is to give her a reason to trust us. Maybe a certain person could treat her well. Like they'd treat any other from their home." Naruto said.

"Trying to use that silver tongue on me, you little punk." Tsunade said with a smirk and her fingers interlocked. "Fine. I guess you have appealed to my generous side. Besides, I don't have much to worry about since I don't see anyone here escaping under your watchful eye."

"So I have permission to take her out for the night?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah, sure. Just let me write something for you so the guards know you have y permission." Tsunade said.

"Arigatou, baa-san." Naruto said with a smile.

'There he goes using that one again. Guess that name's more sincere now.' Tsunade thought as she took out a scroll.

"Naruto-kun… if what you said about her is true, then what if Sasuke decides to leave Konoha again?" Shizune asked.

"We'll worry about that when it happens." Naruto said with a smile.



Naruto made it to Sakura's home. Once he climbed up the stairs, he summoned Golden Asura's fist to gently knock on the Haruno family's door. Upon a few moments, Mebuki answered the door.

"Yo~. Sorry to intrude, Haruno-san, but I came to drop someone off for you." Naruto said, gesturing to Sakura, who was 'sleeping' on his back.

"Oh my lord! What happened to her?!" Mebuki asked with urgency.

"Just some training I've been giving her." Naruto answered.

"What kind of training?! You've been throwing rocks at?! Look at her~. My baby." Mebuki said with worry for her daughter. "You should practice some restrain! Not everyone can take a licking like you. You really should learn to hold back and think before you initiate any action." Mebuki said, looking to Naruto with her hands on her hips.

"… Sakura really does get her tough, no nonsense attitude from you, dattebayo." Naruto said with slightly wide eyes.

"That's how you survive in this world." Mebuki said with a smirk and her arms crossed. "Come on in. You can take her to her bed." Mebuki said, gesturing for Naruto to come in, but then she stopped and pointed at him. "Don't get any fresh ideas with that." Mebuki warned with a stern expression before walking in. Naruto blinked his eyes.

"Fresh? Man, that's an old saying." Naruto said, before walking in.

Inside, Kizashi was whistling as he read a book while sitting at the dining table. He noticed Naruto with Sakura on his back come in with his wife.

"Sakura! What happened to her?!" Kizashi asked with shock.

"Training." Naruto simply answered.

"Oh, alright." Kizashi said, calming down.

"Kizashi! Don't be so passive!" Mebuki scolded her husband with her hands on her hips.

"What? It's not anything new. She's come back worse from training with the Hokage." Kizashi said with a shrug.

"That's not the point. You're the father of this household, you must be strict and stern."

"… Isn't that what you do?" Kizashi said.

"Ugh." Mebuki groaned, rubbing her forehead.

Naruto couldn't help, but giggle with a smile and eye smiles.

"I'll take her to her room." Naruto said as he walked away.

"Her room is-"

"I know where it is. Room with the balcony. I've visited through there enough times to remember. Plus I know by her scent covering a certain room. Oh and by the way, that six day old roast smells like it's going to expire in twenty four hours. Just a little heads up. I'll leave that up to you." Naruto said as he went down the hall.

Mebuki and Kizashi stared at him with wide eyes. Mebuki went over to the fridge and opened it, taking out a container with a roast in it.

"How did he…"

"He's super ninja." Kizashi said with a shrug.

Naruto gently opened up Sakura's bedroom door with Golden Asura's hand and walked right in. He looked around the room. Seemed pretty standard for a girl's room. It wasn't super girly or really girly at all, just a simple bedroom.

Naruto walked over to Sakura's bed, and gently placed her on the bed. Sakura sighed as she turned on her side. Naruto's jacket was still wrapped around her.

Naruto stared at her, but his eyes lingered to her forehead. He smiled to see no scratch or any injury on it.

"Not a scratch on the forehead. Good." Naruto said with a smile and soft eyes. "Still wide and charming." Naruto said as he knelt down. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead. "The most beautiful feature on you." Naruto said, smiling as he stood up with his hands in his pockets. Sakura couldn't help, but smile and blush red.

Sakura's parents looked into the room through the crack in the door, seeing the whole things. They couldn't help, but smile at Naruto's actions. He wasn't trying anything fresh as they call it, but he did do something sweet that made them happy Sakura had someone like him in her life.

"Oyasumi Sakura-chan. See you in the morning." Naruto said, smiling softly. He turned and headed for the door. Sakura's parents quickly and quietly scrambled over back to the dining room and sat in their seats, pretending they saw nothing before Naruto came out of the room. "Oyasumi." Naruto said with a bow before heading to the door.

"Wait, what about your jacket?" Mebuki asked.

"She can hold onto it. I have more where that came from anyway." Naruto said.

"You know Naruto, if I may be so bold, but lately it looks like you've gain Sakura's fancy." Kizashi said with a grin, making Naruto blush red.

"Kizashi~." Mebuki groaned her husband's name with annoyance as she pressed her fingers against her forehead. He suddenly appeared next to Naruto and wrapped an arm around his neck. Good thing he was two inches taller than Naruto.

"I'm glad she likes you now. Better than the Uchiha." Kizashi said with a grin. "I hope you don't give up on her." Kizashi said with a smile, patting Naruto on the shoulder.

Naruto blinked his eyes, surprised by Kizashi's support.

"Well… she won't give up on me, so I'll do the same, but things have changed." Naruto said, rubbing the back of his head.

"Well it's all a part of growing up, including in new environments. All I ask is for Sakura to at least stay on your mind and by your side."

"You won't have to worry about that." Naruto said with a smile.

"Trust me, I know I don't. I ain't no Worry Shirley." Kizashi said with a laugh.

"Ugh. His horrible puns." Mebuki said rubbing her temples. "I don't even think that could be a joke."

"Heh. That's actually kind of funny." Naruto said with a grin and small laugh as Kizashi laughed.

'Please don't encourage him.' Mebuki mentally begged with a frown.

"Well I won't keep you. Hey in fact, come over for dinner sometime." Kizashi said with a grin.

"Arigatou yo." Naruto said with a smile. Naruto then left the Haruno household.

Kizashi went back to the dinner table and continued with his book.

"I like him." Kizashi said with a smile to his wife. Mebuki couldn't help, but smile back.

Back in Sakura's room, she slowly opened one eye to see that she was now alone in her room. Now she couldn't help herself.

Sakura sat up and thrust her fists into the air.

'Yatta~!' Sakura thought with a huge toothy grin. She noticed that she still had Naruto's jacket wrapped around her body. She gripped the jacket and wrapped it tighter around her body. She smiled and blushed thinking of her blonde love. 'He…' Sakura lightly touched her forehead. 'He really does love my forehead.' Sakura thought with a red blush.

"Happy, I see." Sakura opened her eyes and looked to see her mother smiling at her with her arms crossed. Sakura squealed with embarrassment.

"I-I-I just woke up and…"

Mebuki giggled at her daughter's behavior.

"You really do like him, do you?" Mebuki asked. Sakura's eyes softened.

"Yes, but… I want it to be more than that." Sakura said.

"Hmm?" Mebuki blinked her eyes in surprise.

"I mean I do. I really love him. I can't stop thinking about him and a future we could have, but… people keep telling me that I don't know what real love is." Sakura said with a frown.

"Well, who does?" Mebuki said with a shrug.

"Naruto and the people he's gotten to know these past few months apparently." Sakura said with a deeper frown.

"That was actually a trick question. Your kaa-san knows love." Mebuki said jabbing her thumb to her chest with her other hand on her hip. She then sat down onto her daughter's bed. "Sakura, love is-"

"A feeling that's not easy to understand. It's a strong commitment that only you yourself can decide. It's never guaranteed that you'll be loved back, but it doesn't make it any less meaningful. Love is where you want to be with that person, be by their side, suffer with them, and grow with them, etcetera. There is so many complicated yet simple things when it comes to love, and it can give you such a major headache that you can't help, but want to punch someone or something through a wall." Sakura said.

"… One, don't interrupt someone Sakura, and second, I guess you do know a few things about love. But it's one thing to know of love and to feel it. Sakura, you are still young. Even though the life of a shinobi can end short, that doesn't mean you don't have a chance at a full time of life for you. Just take your time and get to know Naruto and you'll truly understand love. That is, if you really love Naruto." Mebuki said with a motherly smile and her hand on Sakura's shoulder.

"I Do!" Sakura immediately shouted with sparkling eyes.

"Okay, okay, I can see that." Mebuki said with her hands up and a nervous smile at her daughter's exuberant energy. Mebuki then kissed her daughter on her forehead, before getting up. "Get some sleep honey. You look like you need it." Mebuki said with a smile, before she left her daughter's room, closing the door behind herself.

Sakura sighed as she laid on her bed, looking up at the ceiling. Sakura touched her forehead.

"Oh man, mom kissed me right over where Naruto did. Not cool." Sakura said with a pout. However when she was reminded of Naruto's jacket, still around her, she couldn't help, but smile and snuggle up to it. "Arigatou, Naruto." She said as she closed her eyes.



Naruto was walking down the dirt road with his eyes closed and hands in his pockets. He raised a hand up as he caught a scroll in hand. Naruto looked to it and smirked.

"Where's your coat, boss?" Naruto's clone said as he appeared next to him.

"I'm letting Sakura hold onto it." Naruto said as the scroll vanished via flames.

"How romantic." The clone said with a smirk.

"Yakamashii. Just dispel." Naruto said with his eyes close, but still had a smirk as his clone dispelled, giving him all the information it received from its meeting with the Hokage. "So that's where my cousin is." Flames surrounded Naruto's torso for a moment, before a new black leather fur collared jacket appeared on him. "Well… don't want to keep her waiting."



Inside a prison cell, Karin was getting annoyed. Right now she was growling as she stomped on a picture of Team 7, with Sasuke's face cut out, so the only ones she was showing anger towards Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi.

Karin then crumpled up the photo and tossed it away, before sitting against a wall.

'I hate this. Normally I don't act like this, but that stupid bright chakra I've been feeling lately has been giving me a bad itch! It's too big and too bright! Ugh.' Karin thought with annoyance as she wrapped her arms around her legs. 'I feel like I'm somehow responding to it. I feel energy in myself just from being near the same area as it. What kind of chakra is that?' Karin thought before closing her eyes. However they shot open as she suddenly gasped. 'Wait… its closer now! Is it… It's Heading This Way!' Karin thought as she got to her feet. Her heart raced as she felt the source coming closer.

"Hmm? What are you doing here?" One of the guard shinobi asked with shock. The sound of something being caught was heard. She heard paper unraveled. "Oh… well if it's from the Hokage."

The other guard chuckled.

"Guess we got nothing to worry about tonight. Like she'll be dumb enough to try anything with this kind of guard dog around." The other shinobi guard joked with a grin.

"Shut it! I'm so sorry for his disrespect."

"It's alright." A voice spoke.

'That voice… it sounds familiar.' Karin thought, feeling uneasy as she started backing away into the corner.

"Oi, red, you got a visitor. He's going to be taking you out for a while." One of the guards said right before they opened the prison gate, allowing whoever came to see her in.

It was one of the last people she expected to see her.

"Yo." Naruto greeted Karin with a smile and hand up. Karin blinked her eyes in surprise, but then she gained a scowl.

"Of all the people it had to be you." Karin said with narrowed eyes.

"You could have had no visitors." Naruto said.

"Your chakra is gross!" Karin shouted with an anime expression and pointing a finger at him.

"Eh?" Naruto raised an eyebrow.

"Seriously! I've been feeling it for days now! It's too damn bright and big that it makes me itch too much with new energy! Dammit!" Karin screamed as she scratched her body.

Naruto blinked his half lidded eyes.

"Yare yare. Your odd one alright." Naruto said with his hands in his pockets.

"What do you want?!" Karin shouted, pointing at him.

"Can't a man just visit a family member?" Naruto said with a smile and shrug.

"Family member?" Karin questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Sasuke never told you my last name, did he? I'm Naruto Uzumaki, son of The Yellow Flash, Minato Namikaze and Konoha's Red Hot Habanero, Kushina Uzumaki." Naruto introduced himself with a smile and the tip of his thumb pressed to his heart.

Karin blinked her eyes.

"You don't look like an Uzumaki." Karin said with her hands on her hips.

"It's cause of the hair, right? I get my natural hair color and shape from my old man." Naruto said, rubbing the top of his head.

"Kushina Uzumaki. I think I've heard that name from Orochimaru's database." Karin said with her arms crossed.

"Makes sense. The pedo-snake liked to know everything about a lot of people. Especially special ones from awesome clan's like my mother." Naruto said with his arms crossed.

"Why'd you come?" Karin asked with her eyes closed and turning her head away.

"I figured you want to have a fresh meal, on me." Naruto said with a calm smile.

"Planning to poison me, huh?" Karin said with narrowed eyes.

"Hey, it's a suggestion. You can come, or you could stay here and have prison food again." Naruto said with a smirk as he turned and started walking away. Karin looked to the side, thinking things over. "So you coming?" Naruto asked as he was outside the prison cell.

Karin looked around. She then started to growl with annoyance.

'Screw It!' Karin thought as she ran out of the cell and stopped in front of the smiling blonde.

"Let's get some dinner." Naruto said, smiling as he walked away with Karin. The guard looked to the retreating Uzumaki pair.

Karin tried to move away a bit, but Naruto wrapped an arm around her and brought her closer, making her shiver.

"Gross." Karin said, making Naruto chuckle.

"Cousins, huh." The first guard said.

"Who knew?" The second one said with a shrug, but then he realized something. "Wait! Did he say he was the Yondaime's son?!" The guard exclaimed, causing the other to gasp as they both looked to the blonde walking away.

"… It makes… so much sense."



Back at Maken World, Azuki, Kimi, Chacha and Fu were walking down the street with ice cream cones in hand.

"Ugh, I've eaten so much today. I might throw up." Fu said, rubbing her tummy.

"Don't do it around me." Azuki said moving a bit away from Fu.

"Oh don't be so mean, Azuki-chan~." Chacha said with a grin as she wrapped her arm around Azuki's neck and brought her close to her.

"It took me an hour to squeeze your vomit out of my jacket before. I'm not taking the chance." Azuki said with a frown.

"Oh look." Kimi said, pointing to someplace. The others looked to see a cute sight.

Sitting at an outside table was Takeru and Haruko, sipping on straws, drinking the same smoothie.

"Huh. Didn't think that would happen. At least not so soon." Azuki said with a smirk.

"Hey Haru-" Azuki suddenly put her hand over Chacha's mouth to keep her from speaking.

"Don't spoil their moment. None of us like it when someone interrupts our dates with Naruto, so why bother others?" Azuki said with a smirk. She shivered as she pulled her hand back. "Ew! You licked my hand!" Azuki exclaimed as she wiped her hand on her shirt.

"You're right! We shouldn't interrupt them!" Chacha agreed with a toothy grin. She noticed her sister was pouting. "What's wrong imouto?"

"Not all of us had dates with Naruto-kun." Fu said with her lips out as she pouted more. Chacha gasped.

"I forgot! You never had a date with Naruto-kun, right?" Chacha asked. Fu shook her head with a red blush. "Well then I will help you!" Chacha cheered with a grin, wrapping her arm around Fu's neck and bringing her close, causing the side of Fu's face to be pressed against Chacha's breast. "I'll tell you everything about Naruto-kun to give you one hell of an advantage. I'll even tell you the best spots that gets a big~ moaning pleasure." Chacha said with a grin.

"What?! Wait!" Fu exclaimed as her entire face was red.

"Come on! I'll tell you the rest when we get back home! There are some juicy stuff you have to know!" Chacha said with a huge grin as she marched off, dragging Fu along, holding her tight.

"Help." Fu said with an embarrassed frown.

"Should we do something?" Kimi asked Azuki.

"Nah. It's between sisters. We should respect their business." Azuki said with a smirk.

"I suppose that's true." Kimi said with a smile. "So since it's just us, what can we do as sisters?" Kimi asked with a hopeful smile and red blush. Azuki blinked her eyes as her cheeks turned red.

"Well, um… uh… we… I ha… I haven't done something like this in about a year or two." Azuki said scratching the top of her head with her index finger.

At the top of a building, Kengo and Yuka stood up watching the whole thing. Kengo, crouched down with a hand pressed against his cheek, smirked, happy to see that Naruto's roommates and Fu were doing alright now. His eyes then looked to Takeru and Haruko who were laughing.

"You think we should let them be now?" Kengo asked Yuka.

"Hmm~. Yes. I believe it's time to release the training wheels. The rest I'm sure will come naturally." Yuka said with a smile.

"Good." Kengo said with a smile as he stood straight back up. Kengo embrace Yuka, who followed by giggling as she snuggled up to him.

"Let's go home. I think we've thought about others enough today." Yuka said with a smile.

"I agree. Let's focus on us." Kengo said with a smile as he and Yuka shared a kiss before they vanished in a flash of green light.



Naruto took his cousin Karin to Yakiniku Q. Konoha's favorite Korean Barbeque restaurant.

(How the hell does that work, if there is no Korea in the Naruto Universe?)

'How the hell do we have a Korean Barbeque place when there is no Korea in this world?' Naruto thought with a raised eyebrow as he leaned back in his seat. He looked to Karin who was looking to the side. "You're awfully quiet. Not really something an Uzumaki is known for. At least not on the job that is." Naruto said with a smirk.

"I don't feel like talking." Karin said.

"Then I'll just stare at you in silence." Naruto said.

"Creep." Karin said with a sneer. After a few moments of silence, she glanced over at Naruto to see him staring at her with a calm, stoic look. Karin looked away with narrowed eyes, still not liking that she was alone with this idiot. She glanced over again to see him still staring at her. She looked away again, but started to sweat as her heart rate increased. She really didn't want to look at him again, but her body couldn't help itself as her eyes slowly looked back to Naruto to see him continuing to stare at her. "Stop Staring At Me Like That! It's Creepy!" Karin screamed with an annoyed anime face, pointing at Naruto.

"There we go. A classic Uzumaki outburst." Naruto said with a smile.

"Well hot shot, if you are an Uzumaki, why don't you give an outburst?" Karin said with her arms crossed.

"I don't feel like it. In the past few months, I made good friends that helped me mature. If you had known me beforehand, you would consider me a loudmouth, immature idiot who surprises people when he has a decent idea." Naruto said with a smile.

"So basically the opposite of Sasuke." Karin simplified.

"I guess that's the best way of putting it." Naruto said rubbing the bridge of his nose with his index finger.

"What a loser." Karin said with her head raised high.

"Trying to put on that front. Yare yare. Guess all girls can be pains like that. As if Sakura and Ino weren't enough." Naruto said with a smirk and his eyes closed. Karin growled with annoyance.

"Trying to act cool is not your thing." Karin said.

"How would you know? You and I never spent quality time together as a family." Naruto said with a smile.

"We're not family." Karin said.

"By blood, yes, but I understand what you mean. Look, I could have left you back in that cell, but I wanted to get to know a member of my clan. Plus you're not so bad. Loud, yeah, but that's us Uzumakis. Plus so far you are pretty fun, even if you are being a pain to me." Naruto said with a smile.

"What is with you and the concept of family?" Karin questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"You know what I am. After all you worked with that pedo, Orochimaru and his sex toy, Kabuto." Naruto said, causing Karin to show a momentary sign of weakness and giggle at that. "See, you laughed a bit." Naruto said smiling.

"Doesn't mean I like you." Karin said, turning her head to the side.

"Eh, we'll get there." Naruto said pouring some tea in Karin's cup.

"What the? When did you get that tea pot and those cups?" Karin questioned.

"Get to know me and I might tell you some secrets." Naruto said with a smile, finishing pouring tea for the both of them. "I'm the Jinchuriki of the Kyuubi, you obviously know that. In fact, I'm sure you had to have known that seeing as only the Uzumaki clan have strong enough bodies and chakra reserves to contain that certain bijuu."

"Actually… no I didn't. I never really knew that." Karin said with wide eyes.

"Really? Huh. Guess the snake kept that info to himself. He pretty much knew almost everything, so obviously he had to know that, like he knew the identities of my parents, no doubt. Although now that I think about it, since he had you, I'm shocked he didn't just decided to come after me when I was a weak adolescent, kidnap me and transfer the big nine into you. He would have had a jinchuriki that he could easily control." Naruto pointed out. Karin grimaced.

"I'm so glad that thought never came to mind." Karin said, rubbing her arm, happy to not be a jinchuriki puppet. "Thank goodness he's dead."

"Well… yeah, but he can come back." Naruto said.

"What?!" Karin exclaimed with shock. "How?"

"The Curse Mark. He left his own essence inside it. With a certain jutsu, called Kaija Hōin (Evil Releasing Method). All that's needed is a curse mark and enough of his DNA to create a body for his consciousness and he's back." Naruto said.

"How… how do you know this?" Karin asked with pure shock.

"Believe it or not, the place I was in for the past few months have extensive knowledge on the things within the five great nations and the smaller countries." Naruto said with a calm expression and fingers interlocked. Karin stared at him with wide eyes, before they softened a bit.

"Why are you telling me this? It seems like such delicate information that you're speaking about and you aren't afraid anyone would hear this and use it against you?" Karin questioned.

"Hmm. Now that you mention it, I guess as a shinobi I should keep my lip shut about this kind of stuff, even if I am in my own home village." Naruto said looking up to the side, scratching the bridge of his nose with his finger. "Bah. I think I'm just pretty cocky then. But when you counter a technique that even made Itachi Uchiha of all people, someone stronger than Orochimaru and all the members of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, want to shit a brick, I guess you can't help, but feel a little untouchable." Naruto said with a shrug.

"Countered a technique that scares Itachi Uchiha. You mean one of Sasuke's techniques?" Karin asked.

"Mm hmm." Naruto nodded. "It's called Kirin. An ingenious technique where Sasuke used his Chidori as a basis, sort of a lightning rod if you will, to connect and control the lightning within stormy clouds that he can create by shooting some fire jutsu into the sky. The lightning takes the form of a giant giraffe, which actually looks more like a dragon in hindsight, and with his own direction, Sasuke can launch the technique at his target. It wasn't an easy jutsu to counter since it travelled at the speed of actual lightning, but I did it. Sasuke didn't even have to worry much if I have survived because the jutsu actually doesn't use up much chakra. Well you know, unless you count the fire jutsu beforehand, then that's a different story." Naruto explained with a smile, but then he noticed the look on Karin's face.

"Sugoi~. Sasuke, you really are amazing." Karin said with a red blush and some drool.

"Yare yare. I just had to have a cousin in love with the teme." Naruto said with a frown, causing Karin to flinch.

"I don't have any feelings for Sasuke!" Karin shouted, adjusting her glasses.

"Funny. I thought there was something between you two, since he does talk about you sometimes." Naruto said.

"Really?" Karin asked with new hope as she blushed at the thought.

"No, but now I know you do have a thing for the emo." Naruto said with a smile, before he laughed.

"Oi! You Asshole! How Dare You!" Karin screamed with a shaking fist.

"Calm down. It's not like a girl having feelings for the teme is an odd thing. In fact around here, you'd be considered strange if you didn't."

"Really?" Karin questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Well that's how I see it." Naruto said. Karin's eyes looked to the side. "So listen, I know why you like the teme. Or at least where it all started." Naruto said, making Karin blush red. "Is the fact that he saved your life really the only reason?" Naruto asked.

"Well… it started my attraction towards him, but as I spent time with him, I just started getting closer that it soon started becoming more. I felt like I needed him, and I felt happy that he needed me. It felt like it was meant to be. That we needed each other, you know?" Karin said with a soft tone and eyes.

Naruto smiled softly.

"Yeah. I get the feeling." Naruto said, nodding.

"Why am I telling you this?" Karin wondered to herself.

"Because it's easy to trust family." Naruto said, as if it were obvious. "I know it's weird, seeing as we only just started spending time together, but the feeling comes natural. Trust me, it makes no sense sometimes, but as you get used to it, it just because… clear yet hazy."

"What the hell does that mean?" Karin questioned with a confused frown.

"Like I said, makes no sense sometimes." Naruto said with a grin, making Karin sigh.

"You're definitely an odd one." Karin said as she took her cup of tea. "Although… I will admit… I am having a nice time." Karin said with a smile as she sip some of her tea. Naruto smiled.

"Sorry it took so long." A waiter said coming by with plates of meat.

"Shinpai nai (No worries)." Naruto said with a smile. Naruto took a pair of chopsticks and faster than the eye could see, he quickly placed the meat on the grill, then suddenly spices appeared in front of Naruto, and he quickly put certain amounts on the meat, then with a ram seal fire burst from the grill, shocking Karin and the waiter, before perfectly cooked meat appeared on grill. Naruto quickly took all the meat and put them all perfectly on the plate, putting them in a whirlpool motion, then once done, a bottle of some sort of sauce appeared in hand via flames and then poured it all over the meat. "Itadakimasu." Naruto said as the bottle of sauce the spices vanished via golden flames. "Try some." Naruto said, gesturing for his cousin to have some.

Karin stared at the meat with awe, along with the waiter. Karin took a pair of chopsticks, grabbed a piece of meat and then slowly brought it to her mouth and ate it. Her eyes shot open. She suddenly started eating the meat on the plate.

"We'll probably need more." Naruto said to the waiter with a smile.

"Uh, yeah, sure." The waiter said, still in awe at the quickest cooking he had ever seen. Plus he felt his mouth water from the smell of the food.

"Here." Naruto said extending a piece of meat to him with a new pair of chopsticks. "Have one. I'm sure you won't get in trouble so long as I offer." Naruto said with a smile. The waiter looked around to see if there was anyone watching. Seeing that the coast was clear, he quickly took the meat in hand and ate it, only for his eyes to become stars as he moaned with delight.

"You have to be a chef." The waiter said.

"I already am." Naruto said with a smile. The waiter smiled and bowed before heading off to get more meat.

"So you're a chef. An actual chef." Karin said with a mouth full of juicy meat.

"That's my occupation back at Tenbi. Well that and being a badass, but I don't have to try at that." Naruto said with a smirk.

"Very modest." Karin said with a smirk, before swallowing her food. "So how did you convince the Hokage to let me out for the night?"

"I have a way with words. Plus, she and I are pretty close. I am kind of close to Sandaime, Yondaime and Godaime Hokage." Naruto said taking a piece of meat.

"The Yondaime especially." Karin said with a smile taking three pieces.

"Yeah. Try not spreading that around. Last thing I want is to be recognized or praised as my father's spawn." Naruto said before eating the piece of meat.

"Understood." Karin said as she chewed on her food.

"You know I discussed something else with the Hokage, in case you want to know. After all you should since it has to do with you." Naruto said after swallowing his food.

"Hmm?" Karin looked to Naruto.



Sakura was leaning against her balcony with a smile. Naruto's jacket was still securely wrapped around her body. Her smile widened as she ran her fingers down the zipper of the jacket. She blushed, just thinking about him. Closing her eyes, she touched her forehead and felt a special warmth thinking about the kiss he gave it. The compliment, the warmth of the kiss and the feeling of love from it all. She couldn't ask for more.

Well… maybe she could.

"What's with his taste anyway?" Sakura heard a girl's voice. Sakura looked down to see three girls around her age walking down the streets. "Do you think he likes them small?" A sun kissed short haired blonde asked.

"Probably. He's always been after Sakura back in the day, and you've seen how big her own are." A platinum blonde with braided ponytail extending to her lower back and bangs framing the sides of her head said with a smirk as she pretended to squeeze imaginary breasts as she and her friends laughed. Sakura scowled down at them.

"He didn't have to be so rude. 'I don't have time for small little things. I want to hang with Karin. Ja ne.'" The dark haired of the three with her hair in a shoulder length pony tail, hime bangs that were parted in the middle and strands of hair framing the sides of her face said, giving a bad tough guy impersonation of Naruto. "Small things. Has he seen our breasts?"

"Hey you three." The trio turned only to flinch with fear as Sakura landed onto the ground.

"You're talking about Naruto, aren't you? Where is he?" Sakura asked with narrowed dangerous eyes.



"This better not be why you brought me all the way to have dinner with you." Karin said with her arms crossed and narrowed eyes as the waiter brought more meat.

"No, of course not. Today I just wanted to have dinner with a family member." Naruto said with a smile as he put the meat on the grill in the center of the table. "But I don't like the fact that my cousin will be kept in a prison cell, when she never really did anything horrible to earn a stay there."

"You don't know what I've done." Karin said as he eyes looked to the side.

"I know that you've lived a life where you only pleased others. Never doing things the way you wanted to do them." Naruto said with closed eyes as he put spices on the cooking meat. Karin's eyes softened at how true those words are. "Everything you did was to stay in a place that you could belong to. So long as you followed some asshole of Kusa, Orochimaru or even the only guy who actually treated you better than all the others, Sasuke. That's why you surrendered, isn't it? To get close to him."

"Yeah, so what of it?" Karin said with a sneer.

"Well… I don't like the idea of you being in a cage and I don't want you to stay there forever. So I talked with the Hokage. I persuaded her that you would be good for the medical division. I know she would have wanted to let me take you out tonight, but you know politics. You have to give her a reason for this so those old farts on the council won't reprimand her."

"And here I thought the Hokage had complete power over the village." Karin said looking to Naruto.

"She does, but the council has such influence on the village that you don't know what could happen. Perhaps a coup for all we know." Naruto said as he controlled the fire of the grill to burst with momentary fire, cooking the meat to perfection. "Either way, this can benefit you." Naruto said as he started stacking the meat on the plate again in a whirlpool fashion. "Through a probation, you can work for Konoha, learn medical arts and ninjutsu, and get your own place, away from that cage. Plus you'll have a chance to bump into Sasuke." Naruto said with a smile as he uncorked a bottle of sauce. "Want some on this batch?"

"Just a bit." Karin said. Naruto nodded as he put sauce on the meat. "Where did you get that sauce?"

"Made it myself." Naruto said with a smile, finishing sprinkling sauce on the meat.

"Nice." Karin said as she took a piece in a pair of chopsticks and had some, moaning with delight. "Say I want this… who will be keeping an eye on me?"

"ANBU of course. I'd volunteer, but I got the feeling baa-san is going to want me to do missions. Plus I made some promises to help build up a few precious people's strength." Naruto said with a calm smile. "Trust me though. People are good here, and if I sense any ill intent towards you, I'll take care of it." Naruto said with a stoic yet stern expression as he clenched his fist with golden fire bursting around it. Karin looked to him with wide eyes. She sensed no lies from him. She could tell he was being genuine.

"Thanks." Karin said with a blush as she ate some more meat. Naruto smiled at her as the fire faded away. "So how strong are you?"

"Strong enough not to sweat after running a hundred laps around the village. Damn, man. What a pain that is." Naruto said with a frown, resting his cheek on his hand.

"That's a pain to you? Orochimaru would kill an entire nation just to have that body of yours." Karin said, pointing her chopstick at Naruto, before taking a drink of her cup of tea.

"Ew, don't say that. I'm into girls." Naruto said with a disgusted look. Karin covered her mouth to make sure she didn't spit out any tea. Karin swallowed it and laughed, holding her gut.

"Stop it with the snake-pedo jokes, you're killing me!" Karin said as she laughed. Naruto couldn't help, but grin, happy to see Karin having fun. Suddenly an arm wrapped around Naruto's neck and brought the side of his face to a squishy globe.

"Hmm. Smaller than a certain H-cup, but still a pretty damn good size, so I say… Anko." Naruto said with a stoic expression.

"You guess right, sweet ass." Anko said with a grin as she then laughed. "Nice joke about that baka, Orochi-teme, Na-ru-to-kun~." Anko said as she poked Naruto's cheek, causing the blonde to sigh.

"Yare yare. Careful with the marks. They're sensitive." Naruto said with closed eyes and arms crossed.

"Really~?" Anko asked with a grin. She suddenly slowly started to lick Naruto's cheek, making him shiver, and moan at the sensation, but he still tried to keep his composure.

Karin stared at the scene with a dull, stoic expression.

'So this is Anko… Orochimaru's old apprentice. Definitely a stark contrast from Sasuke-kun.' Karin looked to see that the Snake Mistress had a bottle of sake in hand. 'So she's drunk. Explains the behavior.'

"Now what are you hiding her? Hmm~?" Anko asked with a red blush and devious smile as her hand reached down to the front of Naruto's pants.

"If you enjoy staying conscious while having a bender, keep your hands off the good, onna." Naruto said with a stoic, annoyed expression.

"Mm~. You're no fun when you don't squirm or get embarrassed, but you sure do light a fire in my soul. I just want to break you so bad~." Anko said with a red blush and wide smile.

"Should I leave?" Karin asked.

"Yes." Anko said.

"No." Naruto answered with a dull expression.



Sakura was hiding behind a fence, staring at the entrance of Yakiniku Q, waiting for Naruto to come out. She just hoped he wasn't super hungry like he was back at the festival in Tenbi.

Sakura had narrowed eyes as she continued to stare at the front of the restaurant. People may consider her a stalker… well… he knowledge is that she is looking out for her teammate. Whatever red head he is with, she knew it wasn't Azuki somehow because those three bitches said she had small breasts like her.

… Maybe she should have clocked them before hurrying off.

Either way, she needed to see who it was. She wanted to protect Naruto from any kind of harlot.

"What are you doing?" A voice asked, causing Sakura to flinch with fear of getting caught. She turned only to see it was Sasuke.

"Oh. It's just you Sasuke." Sakura said, feeling a bit relieved. Sasuke remained silent. Sakura blushed. "Well, I was… I heard Naruto was with some strange girl. A red head with small breasts. Obviously that's not Azuki-san, so I got curious, but worried, because all the girls in this village only love him for his looks, muscles and power. It's not my fault to be a little defensive for my teammate." Sakura said with a red blush. Sasuke continued to stare at her with a stoic expression. "Well I didn't ever have to do this with you because you always reject girls. Naruto's more warm hearted then you." Sakura said, still retaining her blush. Sasuke continued to stare at her. "Stop looking at me like that!" Sakura shouted.

"He's coming out." Sasuke said alerting Sakura. Sakura quickly turned to see Naruto exit out of Yakiniku Q with a drunk Anko resting against his left side as he supported her with her arm wrapped around his neck and by his right side was Karin.

"Her?! That girl?! What is she doing out of her prison cell?!" Sakura exclaimed with shock.

Sasuke blinked his eyes, staring at Karin.

"You going to take me home and please me, Foxy-kun~?" Anko purred, rubbing her cheek against Naruto's.

"Keep dreaming. I don't stick my dick unless I get permission." Naruto said with a stoic look.

"Permission, smermission. Let's go to my place and do it!" Anko said as she then licked Naruto's cheek.

"Wait a while." Naruto said with a dull look as a clone appeared on the other side of Anko, grabbed her and now carried her bridal style.

"Oh~, I like where this is going." Anko said with a grin.

"Keep thinking about it, it could end up in your dreams tonight." The clone said with a stoic expression.

"Oh~, I think I'm falling in love." Anko said as she wrapped her arms around the clone's neck and rubbed her cheek against his own.

"Take her back home. And try to avoid any bases." Naruto ordered his clone.

"Aw~, you're being such a party pooper, Naruto-kun~." Anko said with a pout as she then stuck her tongue out.

"Where does she live exactly?" The clone asked with a raised eyebrow.

"At the hotel in-"

"Nice try." The clone said with a dull look as Anko gave a cheeky grin.

Naruto scratched his chin as a thought came to mind. It's something he wanted to try out.

"Golden Asura." Naruto spoke as he summoned his spirit, shocking Karin at its new presence. The spirit floated over to Anko and pressed its fingers against the side of Anko's head, causing her head to perk up with curiosity. Suddenly the fingers went inside her head, shocking everyone. Naruto's eyes were wide, but he remained calm. He sensed that his spirit caused no harm so he continued. He suddenly felt information coming to his mind. All info from Anko. Naruto blinked his eyes. 'Damn… she knows her stuff. Kind of tempting.' Naruto thought.

Golden Asura pulled its fingers out of Anko's head and placed its other hand atop of the Naruto clone's head, causing a momentary glow. The clone blinked its eyes once Golden Asura brought its hand back and vanished.

"What the hell was that?" The clone asked.

"I thought of something when I had Golden Asura connect to Shikamaru yesterday. It connected to his soul kind of like Kousu, and if memory serves me right, Kousu was able to brainwash people through connecting to their souls, so I decided to see if I could connect to Anko through her soul. It was the first time, but it worked, apparently." Naruto said with his hands in his pockets. His clone stared at him with an annoyed, stoic expression. "Don't go looking at me like that. I hate Kousu more than anyone, but if you got the ability, use it."

"And yet you tried testing it on Anko instead of a clone. Real nice there, boss." The clone said with a stoic expression.

"Don't go giving me sass. Just buzz off and take her home." Naruto said to his clone.

"Hmph." The clone closed its eyes and started walking away.

"And no 'sleeping'!"

"You don't need to keep reminding me!" The clone shouted back.

Karin stared at the scene with blinking eyes. She looked to Naruto to see him staring at his retreating clone.

"So~, what was that all about?" Karin asked.

"Yesterday I used my spirit, Golden Asura, the being you just saw to connect to Shikamaru Nara. The thing is I noticed is that somehow I felt I connected to more than his body. That day I noticed that it was similar to someone else's ability. An enemy I faced in the past. A disgusting bastard that has done so much horror centuries ago and for some recent years now. I never hated anyone more than him. Orochimaru, despite the horrors he's done, doesn't piss me off more than what this guy has done. Either because Orochimaru did give those he worked on power like he promised or because that vile bastard hurt people I am very close to. Nonetheless, there is no one I hate more than him. The fact that I have an ability similar to his own burns my soul with rage and disgust. I don't want to have anything in common with that fucker." Naruto said with his face twisted into silent rage, anger and hatred.

"Your chakra is kind of flaring a bit." Karin said. Naruto looked to his arm.

"I don't see any chakra." Naruto said.

"Well I do. To me you look really odd. Your hair and clothes look like they're shining gold while your skin is glowing like you came out of heaven's sauna." Karin said, adjusting her glasses. Naruto blinked his eyes, staring at Karin. "I don't know this guy you hate, but despite having an ability similar to his doesn't bring you anywhere close to his level, not even an inch down to his own. It's the actions that matter. I mean, look at Sasuke. He had abilities similar to Orochimaru and now has abilities similar to Itachi from what I heard he did yesterday from the guards. He hates those guys, but he doesn't let any of that derail him into thinking he's anywhere near their level as evil. You should take a page from that." Karin said.

Sasuke eyes softened when he heard what Karin said of Itachi. He didn't blame her. After all, she doesn't know the truth about him, but it still hurt him to know that's the common view people have on him.

Naruto stared at Karin.

"Tch. Learning something like that from Sasuke. It feels rather embarrassing that I'm learning something emotionally beneficial from him of all people." Naruto said rubbing the top of his head.

"You don't need to be a dick about it!" Karin exclaimed as she slapped Naruto's arm. "Ow!" Karin cried as she waved her hand and blew on it to rid the pain of hitting Naruto.

"Careful. I've gotten more durable than a bijuu." Naruto said.

Sakura pulled away, letting her back rest against the fence.

"Why is he with her? Granted she seems nice now, but why spend time with her all of a sudden?" Sakura wondered.

"They're cousins." Sasuke answered, shocking Sakura. "He told me back at Tenbi, after I picked a fight with him on the roof."

"Her… and Naruto… cousins?" Sakura questioned with shock.

"I was shocked too. However it makes sense when you think about it. They are both loud, hotheads that can get punch happy and shift from one emotion to another faster than someone can turn around." Sasuke said.

"Well that's kind of rude." Naruto said poking his head out from the side, causing Sakura to scream from the sudden startle at Naruto's presence.

"Sasuke-kun!" Karin cheered as she jumped to him and hugged him. Sasuke sweated a bit at Karin's sudden contact.

"Not all Uzumakis are that way, dattebayo. Just most of us." Naruto said with his hands in his pockets. "Glad to see you're out of bed." Naruto said smiling at Sakura.

"Well, I do make quick recoveries." Sakura said with a blush and embarrassed smile, turning her head to the side with her fist to her chin. She looked to Karin, seeing that she snuggled against an uncomfortable Sasuke's chest. "So you two are cousins… you don't even look similar." Sakura said.

"More like I don't look like her. The truth is, Uzumakis have a common trait among themselves. They all have blood red-like hair. I don't share that quality because I get my dad's hair color and shape, instead of my mother's beautiful straight hair." Naruto said, running his fingers through his hair. "Tsunade doesn't have her own for pretty much the same reason. No doubt getting her hair color from one of her parents, because I don't see how she can get blonde from the spawn of the Shodaime and Mito Uzumaki."

"So the Hokage's an Uzumaki too. Well that sure explains a lot." Karin said. "You know any other Uzumakis?"

"I know of one, but that's just about it." Naruto said. "By the way, out of curiosity, do any of you know what happened to the other two, Jugo and Suigetsu?"

"Suigetsu was sent back to Kiri with Kubikiribocho, or at least that was the plan until he somehow escaped his escorts. Jugo is now at Blood Prison, being treated for his mental instabilities." Sasuke answered.

"Nice concern there for your other members." Naruto said.

"I formed Hebi for one purpose and it's done. What happens afterwards is not my business. Only their own." Sasuke said with closed eyes.

"Yare yare daze. Show a little compassion. At least for Jugo." Naruto said.

"It's not like I never appreciated the help. Hebi's just done. That's it." Sasuke said with closed eyes. Karin frowned at Sasuke's behavior to his temporary team. At least she knows he did appreciate what they did for him.

"So… you're going back to prison, are you Karin?" Sakura asked.

"Yeah." Karin said, pulling back from Sasuke and looking to the ground. Sasuke looked to Karin. He didn't show it, but he did feel bad for her. She doesn't deserved to be caged just for following him. She doesn't deserve to suffer.

"She won't have to worry about staying long though." Naruto said, catching Sasuke and Sakura's attention. "I discussed it with the Hokage. Seeing as she does not have a criminal record, except, you know, deciding to work with a missing-nin at the time." Sasuke's eyes narrowed a bit at that mention. "I managed to persuade the Hokage into giving Karin here a period of probation, where she'll work in Konoha's medical division. She'll learn medical arts and ninjutsu which she'll use to assist doctors in helping and saving patience. She'll have her own place of stay and be part of Konoha's bracket."

"So wait, she'll be working for Konoha?!" Sakura exclaimed.

"That a problem? I don't want to stay caged up, and helping others sounds fine as long as it's the end of my getting bit days." Karin said with a shrug. She then started rubbing herself against Sasuke. "Plus I'll be able to spend time with you Sasuke~."

Sasuke sighed.

"At least you won't be in prison." Sasuke said with closed eyes. Karin gasped with wide eyes and a blush.

'He does care!' Karin thought as she smiled with teary eyes.

Naruto smiled at the scene. Sakura looked to Naruto. Seeing the smile on his face, she couldn't help, but smile. However he then frowned.

"Karin… I don't want to, but…"

"I know. Let's go, cousin." Karin said with a sad smile. Naruto nodded.

"See you two later." Naruto said to Sasuke and Karin.

"By Sasuke." Karin said with a sad smile. Sasuke patted her shoulder, making her smile.

Karin and Naruto then walked away.

Sasuke and Sakura stared at their retreating form.

"So you do feel bad about what's happened to them." Sakura said. Sasuke closed his eyes.

"I don't even have a say in what happens now. I wished better for them, but now things are no longer in my control." Sasuke said.

Sakura had sad soft eyes. Her stomach suddenly growl, making her blush red as Sasuke looked to her.

"Sorry. I haven't eat dinner." Sakura said with a frown, holding her stomach.

"Come on. I'll treat you." Sasuke said, walking away.

"You're treating me to dinner?" Sakura questioned. Sasuke stopped and looked to her with a stoic expression. Sakura smiled. "I must be pretty lucky then to have. Being treated to dinner by Sasuke Uchiha of all things." Sakura said following.

"Don't get any ideas."

"Please. That time is done. My dream is to be Sakura Uzumaki now." Sakura said with a proud smile and her head held up high.

"Hmph." Sasuke smirked with his eyes closed.

From afar, Naruto and Karin were walking.



"Thanks for tonight. I really appreciate it." Karin said with a smile, turning her head to Naruto.

"What else is family for?" Naruto said with a smile, wrapping his arm around Karin's shoulders. Karin smiled, happy to have someone like Naruto now. A true family member looking out for her. It reminded her of the good days with her own mother.

End of Chapter 16

Just a small chapter of showing how people from both worlds are doing so far. Felt it would be nice.

Now! Next Chapter, Naruto goes on a mission for the first time in months!

And, well… prepare for some Kenshiro levels of badass

Takeshi1225, Out!