Caroline Forbes, doting daughter of Mystic Falls Sheriff, was dumbfounded for once in her life. In the past thirty minutes things had changed greatly for her. Originally, Caroline's intent was to come back to her dull hometown and save the one friend her mother had left. Instead, she watched him have his heart ripped out. Not to mention her childhood BFF being burnt to death and her former lover being decapitated. Things had changed... To say the least.

The problem at hand for Caroline however, was not the loss of those three individuals. It was how her mother would react. How was Caroline "control freak" Forbes going to take control back and make things better for the one person in her life that had never done her any wrong.

"There is an option sweetheart " Caroline heard from the doorway. She looked to see Klaus standing there, arms crossed.

"you know how I feel about you getting in my head" Caroline said looking at her mate with a disapproving glare

"I couldn't help myself when I could sense your distress all the way downstairs." Klaus said coming in the room and sitting next to Caroline on the bed, pulling her closer to him. She happily leaned into him.

"I don't know if I can do that to her" Caroline said looking down

"I would be willing to do it " Klaus said looking at her lovingly

"all I want... Have ever wanted... Was for my mom to be happy. To not have to wake up every morning and worry about what supernatural creature she would have to fight off. I want normal for her, she deserves normal." Caroline said in one breath.

"then let's give her normal. " Klaus said with a smile to the woman in his arms "just don't tell anyone that I did something nice for another being."

"Heaven forbid we ruin your mass murderer psychopath image " Caroline snickered "alright, I need to go find Bonnie and let her in on the plan. I know my mom hasn't been on vervain for a bit. They ran out and were waiting on the next load"

"how fortunate for us" Klaus smirked evilly

"Oh yea because compelling my mom to forget her life is a very fortunate thing. " Caroline said looking at him like he was crazy

" I didn't mean it like that love, I simply meant that with everything going awry lately that it's a relief something going our way." Klaus' answer was smooth and calculated.

"Oh... I'm sorry " Caroline said ashamed"I'm just really in bad way right now. "

" I know love, but we will get through this. I promise you. "Klaus kissed her lovingly trying to reassure her that it will all be okay.

Caroline really liked at the man before her. He amazed her with his dedication and loyalty and... Love. He was absolutely, painfully in love with her. She was fortunate to find a love like this after only a few short years on this planet, whereas Klaus had waited for her to come along for a thousand years. She would do her best to make his wait worth it. Caroline kissed Klaus with so much love and adoration that he felt like his heart would explode. She loved him, that much he was sure, that's why Klaus would break through the gates of hell and kill hades himself if she needed it. But she didn't, right now she just needed him.

"alright I have to go now or I never will " Caroline said giving him a little smile

" are you sure you're ok with doing this Caroline? I will do it for you. " Klaus said

" i know you would, thank you for that. But I think I should do this. "Caroline said

" well then I'll be here waiting or just a phone call away" Klaus said kissing her again

"until then " Caroline said kissing him one last time and running off to brief Bonnie before they headed to meet the sheriff at the grill.

Inside The Grill

"thank you for coming and doing this Caroline, it means a lot. I know you don't have the same relationship with Elena." Liz said grabbing Caroline's hand.

Caroline and Bonnie both had the scene of Elena burning to death still fresh in their minds. The corner of Bonnie's mouth went up a bit.

"well I only came back because I love you. I want to make sure you're alright" Caroline said, switching to a more hushed tone "how long have you been off vervain anyway? It's not safe mom."

"about a week, but don't worry I will have more on my doorstep tomorrow morning" Liz said with a reassuring smile for her daughter and Bonnie.

Caroline and Bonnie looked at each other. Bonnie have her a small, sad nod and Caroline looked back to her mom, pupils dilating. Once Caroline was sure her mom was under her compulsion she began.

"after you leave here tonight you will go home and start packing the most important things to you and some clothes. There will be an envelope on the kitchen table in the morning with a plane ticket, house lease, credit cards and a set of keys. You will go to the airport and get on the plane. Once you land you will start your new life. You will forget about Mystic Falls. You will forget about the supernatural but will continue to take vervain daily for the rest of your life. A weekly supply will be sent to you." a tear slipped from Caroline's eye and she felt Bonnie rub her back lightly "you will forget about me. I died four years back in the car crash. But I love you, we had an amazing relationship and I will always be with you. You will meet someone and be happy and fall in love. You will live out a normal... Human life"

Once Caroline was done it took Liz a moment for the compulsion to set in but soon the haze was lifted off of her and she smiled.

"sorry honey I must have drifted off there for a minute " Liz said shaking her head a bit

"it's OK mom you are working like five billion hours a week" Caroline said with a genuine smile to her mother. She would miss her but wanted a real life for her mom.

"I'm glad you two are doing well " Liz said with a smile to both of the girls

" thank you mom, we are both happy" Caroline said with a smile

"good you deserve it " Liz said giving her daughter a loving smile