Hello there everyone and welcome back to 'The Chosen One' it's been a very long time but I am back on a regular basis with all my old stories and a new one! 'Double Agent' please check it out if you like the sound of it and I'm so glad to be back. Thank you to all of you for your patience

Indigo POV

I raced around the corner, panting heavily into the midnight air, quickly trying to catch my breath as I held myself against the wall. I'd managed to push down the Mastermind's conscious but who knows how long that could last for. It seems that he can take control at random moments particularly when I'm angry it seems. The team would be in danger around me, Tom said it himself pretty much. He attacked them, the Mastermind because I let him take over just like Tom thought. Until I figure out a way to get the Mastermind out of my head I couldn't risk putting them all in danger again.

"You're a fool A30, thinking that you can stop your only purpose in life"

"No, you're the fool, underestimating me, you created me to be intelligent, to be strong, strong enough to defeat you" Casting all doubt aside I ran into the night, knowing exactly where to go.


I watched Keri as she attempted to hack into the opening door at the Mayze, she looked haunted, I wouldn't be surprised if this place stirred up some old memories or feelings. She was locked up here for a long time with Libi. She'd be quiet on the entire walk over, my mind drifted to Lizzie my little sister who had no idea that any of this had existed, not until a few hours ago anyway but now she's involved in this war. She wants to be an MI9 agent, as much as I would hate to admit it she's not really a little kid anymore and as much as I wish she'd want me to, she doesn't need her big brother protecting her all the time.

"Any luck?"

"Not really, the last time we came through this door I destroyed the only control to the openings and the walls, yet again another reckless decision I made"

"Keri you're a good agent, scrap that an amazing agent, I wish you'd see that"
She turned to me and raised her eyebrows, watching me playfully.

"Just as good as Zoe?" she asked with a sarcastic tone in her voice.

"Why does that matter?" I replied, couldn't Keri see that I wasn't interested in Zoe? I had chosen her, my feelings for Zoe was a long time ago.

"You liked her didn't you?"

"Yeah I did, but notice that did. Past tense, it's you I want to be with otherwise I'd be with her wouldn't I?"

"I guess but do you think she knows that?"

"If she doesen't then I'll talk to her about it, but as long as you know how I feel about you that's the important thing"

"That and finding Indigo, getting the Mastermind out of her head, defeating KORPS and tracking down my 80 other sisters then yeah its one of the important things" Keri laughed, the first time I'd seen her laugh in a while, it suited her.

Suddenly the door hummed to life and jerkily opened revealing a dark corridor lying ahead.

"See you did it" I smiled cockily as I carefully entered the Mayze.

"We need to be careful, this time is going to be a lot more difficult than last time, the way the walls move is going to be completely unpredictable"

"Well I do have my phone again, we could just film the movements like last time" Keri pointed out climbing in after me, whipping her bright pink phone out of her pocket.

"But the battery is almost dead, you got your phone?" I sighed checking my pockets and rummaging around for my phone, I thought I had it with me but it must still be at the house.

"Back at the house, do you think we should call for backup?"

"Maybe, it'll be easier than just the two of us" She replied raising her phone to dial.

"Damn, no signal, should have guessed really"
"Maybe see if there's a signal outside?" I replied in a sarcastic mocking tone as a playful smile raised on her lips.

"You think genius?" She laughed as she stepped towards the exit. The doors whirred shut on her just as she was about to leave. I grabbed her wait and yanked her backwards before she got caught on the door, she gasped .

"Thanks Dan" She wheezed trying to catch her breath.

"Anytime, how do you think that was possible, last time we were here we'd cleared out this place, no one would be here to control the doors and even if there was, there is no way of controlling the doors"

"Indigo must be here with her powers she would be able to control them" Keri replied defiantly.

"It could be the Mastermind though, he's a genius and could probably operate them through some old computer or something" I stated

"If it was the Mastermind he'd be at KORPS HQ surely?"

"Maybe not, the best way to trick your enemy is to think like your enemy, the Mastermind would be able to read Indigo's thoughts and vice versa right? Maybe she gained control for a moment and he saw that she intended on coming here, a quiet deserted base where she could gather her thoughts and decide what to do next?"

"I'd like to believe it's her but maybe you're right, I just want my sister back"
"I know you do, I'm just saying we need to be prepared for anything. Keri nodded, pushing her hair out of her face. As she headed up the corridor, holding her own effortlessly

"Keri?" I called after her "What are you doing?" She turned back to me, her face deadly serious.

"I'm going to find my sister, are you coming?"
"We should really wait for back up"
"Back up isn't coming Dan, we have no signal and besides if they do show up it might not be for hours, we could have found Indigo in that time"

"Fine but we need to be careful and not do anything reckless, promise?"

"I promise, now lets go"
"Somehow I don't believe you, but fine"


I tied my hair back , staring at my reflection in the mirror. I looked more grown up then I did when I first joined MI9 only a year ago, finding out I was a genetic copy of the Mastermind was like me finally finding out who I was after years of uncertainty but the truth was, the biggest mystery was yet to come, 86 sisters or clones were hidden all across the world, I'd already failed Kloe and Indigo, and now I was failing Keri too. I couldn't stop her and Dan from leaving to find the Mayze. It wasn't like I could even go after them, I have no idea where that base is and I doubt the others would tell me. I thought of Indigo, on her own surviving somewhere, she might still be the Mastermind however. I left the bathroom and headed back down stairs to where Aneisha and Tom were training Lizzie in the ways of being an agent, I passed by them into the kitchen where Stella and Frank were discussing Keri and Dan.

"Stella, we need to go after them, the last time they were in the Mayze they barely made it out alive"

"I want to agree with you, I really do but our main priority has to be the final assault on KORPS, going after Dan and Keri would be a waste of resources"

"Can you hear yourself? You don't even agree with what you're saying, the greatest threat to this world is the Mastermind who is currently in the body of a defenceless thirteen year old girl" Frank retorted.

"If Keri and Dan find her which I doubt they will, they'll be in contact but right now the priority is destroying KORPS for good"

"Why can't we do both" I asked, stepping into view of them after listening in. they both jumped in fright after hearing me.

"Both?" Stella echoed, clearly still in pain from her wound.

"Some of us go to the Mayze to get Dan and Keri, if the Mastermind is there we neutralise him, the others attack KORPS HQ"

"Zoe that is completely dangerous, we'd need the whole team to attack the base and more people going AWOL is the last thing we need" Stella sighed sinking down into her chair.

"No she's right" Aneisha called as the three of them entered the room.

"If Tom and Zoe go to the Mayze they'll be able to navigate their way round. The rest of us head to KORPS to attack" she pointed out.

"Neish is right, it's a good plan between us me and Zoe will be able to reach the Sternum level which is most likely where Dan and Keri are headed" Tom nodded.

Stella sighed watching all of us with narrowed eyes as her voice became slightly more serious.

"You do realise the two of you will be completely alone? If you get into trouble no back up will be coming"

"We understand, nothing is going to stop me from finding my sister" I snapped, I couldn't fail Keri again. I barely knew her we hadn't really had time to get to know each other and I couldn't quite put my finger on it but I wanted to protect her. I needed to.

Indigo POV

The Mayze was pretty much deserted on the sternum level, just as Keri had described. The old lab was full of old experiments and practically ancient computers but I manged to seal the doors, there would be no way for me to escape until I had managed to find a way to get the Mastermind out of my head and have him destroyed forever.

"You can't keep us down here" The Masterminds voice echoed inside my head. Our head.

"I can see into your thoughts Indigo, you're scared if you let me in you'll never have to be scared again I promise"

"Yeah right, your attempts to trick me into submitting to you are never going to work"

"How about how we attacked your friends earlier?"

"You mean how YOU attacked my friends?" I snapped back, anger bubbling away inside as I clenched my fists tight.

"You let me do it, you had control there I know you did, you can't lie to me Indigo, I'm the one person you can never lie to, don't you want to know what happened to them?"

"What do you mean? What happened?"

"You killed them Indigo, you killed your friends"