Imagine: Alaric isn't dead, Elena's a vampire- Damon and her decided to be friends because they had eternity to figure out what they were. Stefan has gone missing for the time being. Tyler just returned to town. Kol isn't dead either.

Chapter 1: The Census

The red envelope appeared at each person's doorstep two days before the Valentine's Day ball at Mayor Lockwood's mansion. It was shiny with black lettering, a little too seductive for a town event. The task was simple, fill out the questionnaire, turn it into the volunteers, and then your match would be revealed at the dance.

Elena & Alaric:

Elena sat at her kitchen counter as Alaric moved around the room, groggily. He'd been out drinking all night long- again. She rolled her eyes, "You're not a vampire, Ric. Your alcohol tolerance isn't as high as Damon's."

"Or yours." Ric nodded as Elena winced at the undercut comment, "I'm sorry, Elena. I'm just not used to you being- being-"

"One of them." Elena nodded, "It's fine, you know. I get why it might be different for you. We need time to get back to the routine." She was lying through her teeth. Was it wrong to feel alive in death? Everyone wanted to change her, put her on a ridiculous diet, they wanted to do so much to alter her- and like usual, she didn't have a say in it because Damon liked to make her decisions for her.

Alaric didn't know how to deal with the transition but he was doing a lot better than Jeremy. Jeremy avoided sleeping at the house, he avoided having conversation with her, and he avoided looking at her. It was hard to be the parental-older-sister figure when he wasn't around to manage.

"Are you taking that survey thing?" Alaric tried to peek at her answers but she quickly covered the paper. Elena nodded as started to pour coffee in a chipped mug. "I thought you said only desperate people take surveys to find true love."

"I'm doing it for the fun of it." Elena shrugged but Alaric saw right through her façade, "Okay, Caroline says if I don't take the stupid survey she's going to create a dating profile and post my number on it, okay?"

"Yeah, I'd take the stupid survey too." Alaric laughed, "I'm going for a run. Do you want to join me?"

"Yeah, let me finish these three questions."

Jeremy & Matt:

Jeremy and Matt sat at the bar, looking quizzically at the survey. "What the fuck?" Jeremy thought out loud. "What position do you prefer? Dude, my sister's probably taking this survey!" Jeremy stopped talking for a second once he mentioned Elena. "This is ridiculous."

"And still, we are taking it because your ass got dumped by a witch and I haven't been with anyone in almost four months unless you count Rebekah." He sighed, "I need someone human and normal, even if it's for the night."

"Agreed." Jeremy and Matt high-fived. "Look at number 43. What do you prefer? A. Taking long walks on the beach. B. Looking at art in a museum. C. Going out with all of your friends."

"That's cliché." Matt rolled his eyes, "And C, duh?"

Caroline & Bonnie:

"A. Why would I want to hang out with all of my friends on a private date?" Caroline rolled her eyes as she and Bonnie looked over the survey. "No offense to my friends, but how am I supposed to flirt with someone like Matt in the way!"

"None taken. For real!" Bonnie put her feet in the water so she could begin her pedicure, "I hope I meet a great guy…I'm not saying I'm going to meet prince charming tonight, but it wouldn't hurt to have one night of romance."

"Me too." Caroline nodded, "I can't believe we are all single. And when I say all- I mean all. Elena is single, you're single, I'm single, Matt's single, Jeremy is single even Damon is single."

"It's sort of depressing."

Klaus & Rebekah:

"Klaus. Humor me. Take this survey, go to the dance." His sister demanded, "Even Kol's doing it…" She stood at the end of the couch he was lounging on. It was black but uncomfortable…She didn't know why Klaus insisted on sleeping on it.

"Alright, Rebekah." He shrugged, "I'll take the survey and go to your pathetic dance but don't expect me to be sober."

Rebekah snorted as she handed him the survey. "The questions are easy but apparently, scientifically? I don't know. They'll give you a number ranging from 100-670 at the door. Maybe you'll find Mrs. Mikaelson or something."

"You know I don't believe in marriage." Klaus said, "It's just a formality that tells people they can now have children. I can't have children, neither can you, so why should we get married?"

"You're a buzz kill."

"A what?" Klaus furrowed his brow, "I'm a buzz kill?"

"Yes, you take all the fun out of everything."