
RESPONSE TO ShadowhunterCici02

Yay feminism! Thank you~! Another chapter and a hug for you! REI!

Rei: *sigh* *awkward one armed hug*


RESPONSE TO KagamineBanana:

Gah! NO! NOT THE GLOMP! *Struggles* Yep! But I do rather like sad songs...and twisted songs...*evil laughter* (Oh but I must distrust him! It's part of mah plot! *DEMENTED LAUGHTER*) Haz a hug!

Rei: *Wiggles eyebrow* Why hello~ gorgeous! *Hugs*



When I made it home I slammed my bedroom door so hard that the walls of my room shook slightly. On the walk home I had replayed the event at the park over and over in my head, only serving in riling myself up even more.

With a huff I pulled off my hoodie before flopping onto my bed, bouncing slightly as I kicked off my shoes. I rolled over onto my back and glared at the ceiling, still miffed.

I didn't understand why I was so angry, though. The Vocaloids were real and living in Kuro's house, I should be happy for her especially since her precious Len-kun was there. I even said so myself that I would help get the two together.

I sighed and rolled onto my side, taking off my glasses and putting them on the nightstand, and curling into a ball. Maybe I was just being childish. The Vocaloids had invaded our quiet little life so suddenly that they had kind of disrupted the flow of things.

Suddenly the reason why I was so angry and...jealous hit me like a tone of bricks.

I was scared...

Scared that the Vocaloids were going to tear mine and Kuro's friendship apart, make her forget about me.

I had never realized how completely attached and reliant of Kuro I had become.

I guess after spending so many years alone, and with no one to lean on, you immediately latch onto the first person to be nice to you.

I groaned and curled into a smaller ball.

What was wrong with me?




I woke up to the sound of my phone beeping quietly from under my pillow. I blinked away the blurriness in my vision and reached under my pillow, taking note that the sun had set and my room was almost pitch black.

I squinted at the burning brightness of the light when I flipped my phone open. I checked the time before checking my messages. 10:07pm.


Where'd you go?








Are you mad at me?




Whatever I did, I'm sorry...


The last two texts broke my heart. I wasn't mad at her per say...I was just a little jealous of the Vocaloids and…


I frowned, not sure if I should send her a reassuring text now or in the morning, but knowing Kuro she was probably beside herself with worry and was keeping herself up because of it. I finally relented with a sigh and typed out a quick and simple text.

The little ting that signalled that the message had been sent echoed in the room and I sighed, dropping my phone beside me and throwing and arm over my eyes.

"I should get more sleep" I mumbled and closed my eyes. "I'll head to Kuro's in the morning…"

Sent at 10:10pm

I'm not mad at you Kuro…I'll talk to you tomorrow.

Go to bed.





I woke to the smash of glass and loud cursing the next morning, making me wince.

I stood up carefully so my bed wouldn't creak then swiftly grabbed my shoulder bag and stuffed some clothes in it before slinging it over my head. I snatched up my phone and quickly checked the time before shoving it the back pocket of my jeans.


I heard the cursing getting louder and the heavy thumps of my dad's feet on the stairs. I quickly dashed to the window and threw it open before chucking myself out of it, grabbing onto the bare tree outside.

I lost my footing halfway down the tree and landed deep in a pile of snow. I struggled for a little bit but managed to get out, although I was now shivering as melting snow soaked my clothes and it didn't help that I wasn't wearing my jumper.

I dashed across the snow covered lawn, leaving deep footprints as I went. I hoped my dad didn't notice them I was going through enough shit, I didn't need him figuring out that I snuck out too.

I wandered the streets for around an hour, stopping to get a cheap cup of hot chocolate from the local Gloria Jean's before I headed to the park. Some of the snow had melted but the snow that remained was nice and thick but as I neared the Playground something caught my eye.

Everything was there from yesterday…

Luka's Taco Luka snow sculpture…

Miku and Rin's snow angels…

And the swings.

I just stared at the swings for awhile before I trudged over, slung my bag off my shoulder, and sat down on the same one Kuro had been sitting on yesterday. I sighed and leaned my head on one of the chains as I slowly swung back and forth.

I was angry at myself. Angry for being jealous of Len and Kuro…together… but I shouldn't have been, I should be happy for Kuro finding someone to be with, someone that she had loved for a long time at that.

Especially after…

I shook my head.


Now was not the time to think of that, that was in the past and wasn't important anymore.

I lazily flopped off of the swing and picked up my bag.

It was time to head to Kuro's.



I kicked snow from the steps as I made my way onto the porch. As I knocked on the bright blue door I took note of the car in the driveway, seems Kuro's mom was home. The door suddenly opened, drawing my attention away from the blue Ford*

Kuro's Mother was at the door with a polite smile on her face. "Oh, Kira! What can I do for you Honey?"

I gave Kuro's mom a small smile in return. "Hi Miss Tenshi…Is Kuro in? I was wondering if she and I could hang out…"

"Oh of course dear, of course! Come right in, Kuro's in her room planning for the big convention, you know how excited she is!" Miss Tenshi moved out of the doorway to let me in.

She ushered me up the stairs before turning away and heading into the kitchen. I smiled and sniffed. I could smell the deliciousness wafting from the kitchen in waves.

I stomped up the staired but then tip-toed to Kuro's room. I waited a moment before pulling back my foot and kicking forward. The door smashed open with ease and banged against the wall loudly, scary the absolute crap out of all the vocaloids but Kuro meirly blinked before glomping my to the ground with a hug.

"Kira-Nee~!" Kuro giggled as she rubbed her cheek against mine. Well...she was happy to see me. I gently pried her off, which she pouted at, and placed her back on her bed. Meanwhile the Vocaloids were still all staring at me like I had grown an extra had and had just came in and danced with rainbows coming out of my ass.

...Heehee...nyan cat...


"So~" I drawled, shoving my hands into my pockets and rocking back on my heels. "What's the plan for the Con?"

Kuro and Luka suddenly sent devious smiles my way.


R&R And you'll get peanutbutter!