Disclaimer: I own nothing.

I'm aware people have been begging me to finish this. I know it's Been a while. Had a busy time here with 100 year anniversary of ANZACs leaving Albany (my home town). My parents were down too. It's now coming into the busy silly season for work. I will update when I can. Never fear. It may take longer than some like but I will get there.

Warning: Chapter not for the faint hearted. Slightly graphic.

Gail and Holly walked exhausted into the hospital the following night. To say it had been a long day was an understatement. They had arrived at the Station at 9 and Gail had been grilled by first Oli then Internals. Holly had been spoken to by internals about previous Sam clashes. Gail was not a fan of internals in the slightest. It didnt help that her father sat in on the interview. Gail didnt even bother saying hello to him. She had been questioned over and over about what had happened not only the night before but leading up to the event. She had answered the best she could about the situations she knew about.

When one dared to question whether maybe Andy was using Hayley to get back at Sam Gail had blown her stack, called them moral-less assholes, reminded them who she was and reminded them about who exactly Hayley's family was. Then she walked out on them declaring that unless they had any smart questions then to leave her the fuck alone. She had paused at the door and added she knew all men stuck together but they really took the cake and if internals had any more questions they had better send a female investigator. She left them being chastised by her father. All internals were jerks.

She had then spent the rest of her shift doing paperwork and looking for any more clues on the killer that was terrorising the city. They were at a total loss due to the random attacks. Now with Andy in hospital and Sam in jail they were two investigators down.

Taking the elevator up to the third floor of the hospital they walked silently and solemnly to Andy's room hand in hand. Stepping inside they were hardly surprised to see Hayley there patiently holding a sleeping Andy's hand while Hayley's parents sat in other chairs by the window of the private room. Holly stepped over to greet her aunt and uncle with a hug while Gail stepped over to speak with Hayley after giving her an awkward one armed hug.

"Thought you'd like to know he's been remanded in custody until the investigators can work out any other charges. He's been ordered to undergo a psych assessment too" she passed on the information Oli had told her before she left the station.

"It's a start. It's the drugs which are the main issue" Hayley nodded and looked back at the battered face of her girlfriend. Anger surged deep inside her, not for the first time. God if she saw Sam now she just might kill him with her bare hands.

"The Magistrate is aware. Prosecutors and Justice Department have to look into a possible suitable place he can go after/during any jail sentence"

"Who are we kidding, he is barely going to serve time at all" Hayley muttered and Gail sighed, she was right. Sometimes the justice system let them all down. But mainly the victims, everything seemed to be in favour of the defendant. Everything was based on the defendants rights, too bad about the victims. Sometimes she just wished something would happen to the bleeding hearts or the magistrates who practically let the criminals off with a smack.

"Lets wait and see. The Magistrate might make an example of him being a cop"

"I won't hold my breath" Hayley sighed and Gail gently squeezed her shoulder.

"Well we will get some peace for a bit and we will take out a restraining order to protect her once he is out. His career is over and I'm sure once he is out he will be encouraged to move away"

"Encouraged or chased out?" Hayley cracked a smile

"I have no idea what you are talking about" Gail gave her a mock shocked and innocent look. Hayley chuckled.

Holly came over then and hugged her cousin before heading to the end of the bed to read the chart. She winced again upon seeing the injuries. Fractured eye socket and nose from face planting the wall. Her nose had been reset but might always be slightly crooked now. Some hairline fractures from the punch, which meant the drugs had really been pumping through Sam's body. They sounded bad but all in all they could have been worse, she could be released as early as tomorrow. That depended on if she was more awake tomorrow. Anaesthetic built up in the body from operations and Andy had had two operations in quick succession. According to her chart she had been out of it most of the day. She should come around a bit more tomorrow, hopefully enough for them to release her to Hayley's care.

She flicked a look up at up at her cousins lover and her friend. Her face told the tale of the power of the hit, swollen and bruised. Bit it would heal and hopefully with Sam in jail they could relax and enjoy life for a bit. She hoped anyway.

"So what's the verdict?" Hayley asked and Holly shrugged

"It's up to her doctors but it appears she should be able to go home tomorrow. Her face will be sore but it shouldn't stop her drinking or eating soft foods"

"Yeah. When she was awake today for lunch and dinner we were able to get some water and some soup into her" Hayley nodded and Holly put down the chart and walked over to Gail who appeared in her own little world as she stared at her friend, cuddling her from behind.

"Good. So as long as she has longer periods of wakefulness she could be released tomorrow evening. The next day at the latest."

"Thank God." Hayley breathed then turned to Andy when she uttered a low groan and moved in the bed. "She's waking again"

Gail pulled loose of Holly and moved to the other side of Andy as eyes blinked open and focused in on Hayley, a sigh of relief escaping Andy as she realised her love was still there. Andy's face felt like she had hit a brick wall, which technically she had done. Considering what she had been through with her shoulder it was manageable.

Movement to her other side drew her attention to Gail and Holly. She tried to smile at them but winced when it hurt her face.

"Idiot, always gotta do something stupid" Gail shook her head

"Pot kettle" Andy shot straight back and searched her friends serious face. "Well?" She asked and Gail knew what she meant without asking more.

"Remanded for 2 weeks. Internals are their usual cock head selves, will have to wait and see if they come up with more charges. He needs a psych eval and the Magistrate has ordered us and Justice to look into a drug programme." Gail shrugged "rumour has it the Commissioner's going to serve a notice on him"

"He always wanted to be a cop" Andy sighed

"Jesus Andy don't feel sorry for him, he made the choice, got involved with drugs" Gail shook her head exasperated. Her friend always been a soft touch.

"I'm more worried" Andy defended herself "it might tip him right over the edge"

"We will watch him" Gail promised and Andy sighed before turning back to Hayley "water love" and everyone watched in amusement as Hayley practically tripped over herself to pour a fresh cup and offer her lover the cup. "So well trained" Andy teased while taking a sip, grimacing at the effort it took.

"No just worried, want you back to healthy soon" Hayley sighed watching her lover take an awkward few sips before taking back the glass. "Harley and Paige rang, said to pass on their best wishes" she put the glass back on the bedside table. "Harley has finally moved in"

"Really?" Gail perked up at that comment "Harley sure did make Paige beg"

"She was worried about what Kevin's family would think. Paige said that they approved and that Kevin would too. They can see Harley adores Paige and the kids"

"Good. They coming up for New Years?" Holly spoke up this time.

"That's the plan. They said we owe them for two trips in a row" Hayley chuckled "I reminded Paige she was the one that moved away and fell for two Yanks"

They continued to banter for a few minutes, Andy mainly staying quiet and listening to it all happen before Gail's phone went off. Gail knew it was Chris by the ring tone. She frowned, Chris was still at work. Pulling it out of her pocket she swiped the screen to answer it.

"Hey, I'm just at the hospital"

"You need to come back in" Chris's voice was serious and Gail felt dread settle in her stomach

"Another one?"

"No, we got him" Chris's voice was flat for what should have been good news.

"Then why so down?" Gail looked around at everyone, including Holly who was listening carefully and seemed to realise exactly who they had but there seemed to be a catch.

"Gail he attacked Mel as she was leaving work" Chris informed and Gail felt the blood drain from her face with shock. Jesus H Christ.

"Is she ok?" She croaked as Holly hurried over to her and pulled her into a hug knowing instinctively something was wrong.

"Physically not too bad, some bruising. Mentally she is all over the place and berating herself. The guys in her crew were leaving too but she didn't think there was any danger as her car was virtually just outside the station. Bastard pulled up right beside her and tried to jab her with a syringe full of god knows what. She was able to fend him off until the guys caught up. They beat the leaving shit at him until Mel intervened. They held him down until we could get there."

"Holy fuck. Jesus she was lucky" Gail croaked, everyone had become really fond of Mel, she was great for Nick and their relationship was blossoming. He had finally found the right one. "How's Nick?"

"Oli has him sitting at the front desk, he tried to get into the interrogation room"

"Still an idiot" Gail muttered "what am I needed for?"

"Search. Gotta go search his house for evidence. Oli said you can have tomorrow off in lieu."

"Fine i'll be there soon, who is the asshole anyway?" She asked while sending Holly apologetic looks

"Jesus you're not going to believe this, it's the grieving husband of the second victim, Peter Sinclair, the one who's been all over the news saying we weren't doing our job and hadn't caught the killer"

Gail pulled the phone away from her ear and stared at it for a second as if she hadn't heard right before placing it back against her ear.

"You're fucking shitting me"

Once Gail had hung up and relayed what had happened to the curious and shocked people in the room she had kissed Holly goodbye when her aunt had promised to see her safely home and hurried back to the station. It was a literal hive of activity and abuzz with subdued excitement. She saw a rookie on the front desk when she arrived and upon questioning him learnt Oli had sent Nick home with Mel who was still shook up and kept apologising to him for leaving on her own. Thankfully Nick hadn't been an ass about it although she knew deep down under the worry he would have been wondering what the hell she had been thinking.

Detectives were putting together a warrant to go search Sinclair's house and then would interview him on tonight's attack on Mel. That would be enough to hold him for tonight while they tried to locate evidence to link him to the other murder victims besides his wife and jogging partner. What Gail couldn't wrap her head around was why the wife was killed second, who was the first victim? Why kill the jogging partner and everyone else since? Though considering they hadn't even thought of him as a suspect he had done a pretty good job with the smoke screen.

Hurrying to the locker room she stripped and hastily dressed in her uniform before making her way to the busy command room where Tracy was with detectives from other divisions going through the cases. Tracy waved her over to where she was standing beside a guy that looked fresh out of the military. Tall and muscly with the short back and sides.

"Gail, this is Detective John Murray from 27. He is leading the warrant. I want you as second" Tracy informed her and she shrugged and shook the detectives hand. She hadn't seen him before, must have been brought in to help after Sam's...departure.

"Hey" she greeted not really liking the once over she received. Argh men, why did she waste so many years on them again? She turned back to Tracy "You owe Holly. We were looking forward to going home to a nice long bath and snuggling in bed" she informed Tracy who had to grin knowing exactly what Gail was doing and why.

"Oli gave you tomorrow off"

"Aha and I am sure Holly has to work" Gail grumbled realising her plan had worked and John was no longer showing interest but seemed curious about the byplay.

"Get over it, you two root like rabbits anyway" Tracy teased and Gail's mouth fell open in shock.

"We do not!"

"13" was all Tracy said and Gail's eyes narrowed dangerously

"Who told you?" She growled and John appeared suddenly confused

"13?" He asked and Gail shot Tracy a warning glare who pretended she didn't see it.

"Orgasms. It's her and Holly's record" she gleefully told while John seemed stunned and Gail struggled against a blush.

"If you are done telling strangers about my sex life can we get back to work, I want to get home to Holly sometime tonight" she grumbled and shot her amused friend a look "Just cause my brother struggles to give you 1" she added and Tracy laughed

"Oh trust me. He does a lot better than one" she informed and Gail clapped her hands over her ears.

""LA LA LA, not listening" she sang " And if I ever find out who told you I will kill them." She turned away and went to go sit with Chris, Dov, Gerald and some others while they waited for their briefing. She filled them in on how Andy was before Tracy got their attention and started the briefing, introducing John and telling them about the warrant.

"Look through everything, even the kids rooms" Tracy stated and it was a stark reminder that there were kids involved and now not only do they have their mothers death to contend with they find out their father did it. "His parents look after the kids while he allegedly works so expect them to be upset. Despite what they say be methodical and look for the smallest piece of evidence. Leave no stone unturned. A forensic team has been recalled to make sure all evidence is collected correctly. I want it all on tape, the whole search. I don't want any loopholes for defence to go through, no accusations of planting evidence rubbish. One room at a time and no one drift off"

Everyone nodded in understanding, there had been a case once where defence had accused an officer of planting crucial evidence. It didnt stick but made search procedures change drastically.

Roles were given to certain officers then, who was going through what door, who would carry the camera, who would secure the premises and those inside. Forensic would collect and record all evidence found.

Within 20 minutes they were heading for the suspects address in a convoy of cars including a forensic van. She just hoped they were able to finish the search before news got out of an arrest being made. The reporters had been like vultures lately, when they found out the killer was the person who they had interviewed regularly in the last few weeks then all bets were off.

As they pulled up to the large two story house in the suburbs everything was quiet. They exited their vehicles quietly and quickly and headed for the house, two officers heading around the back. It was 10pm at night, the house was mainly in darkness bar some lights in the lounge and the TV on indicating one person was up waiting. John knocked on the door, not too loud but loud enough to get someone's attention.

It wasn't too long before they heard the lock disengaging and the door opened to reveal Sinclair's mother. She appeared shocked to see them.

"Hello, is something wrong? Why are there so many police here?" She asked "Peter?" She clapped her hand over her mouth and seemed to sway. Gail brushed past John who appeared to have gone mute and caught the woman before she could fall.

"Ma'am your son is at the Police Station" she informed just as her husband came in demanding to know what was going on and taking over care of his wife. "I'm sorry sir, ma'am but we have a search warrant to search the house."

"A search warrant! That's outrageous. My son will be home soon" the man bellowed

"Your son is at our Station" John stepped forward and pointed back into the living room "I suggest you take a seat while I explain what's going on" he stated and gently started to guide them in that direction.

Five minutes later the suspects dad sat in stony silence consoling his weeping wife. The children having been woken by the anguished cries of denial from their grandmother had come running. They were 6 and 4 and didn't understand what was going on.

They had started the search in the downstairs areas, most knew they wouldn't find much in the lounge or kitchen but everything was searched. The bathroom and laundry were searched next before moving onto the office. Gail found a receipt for a storage locker and a set of keys in a locked drawer she forced, others seized phone bills they had located. John got on the phone to Tracy to start organising a warrant for the storage locker. The rest of the house including the garage yielded little evidence.

Tracy called, she had gotten a warrant for not only the storage but for Sinclair's work office. He was a veterinarian surgeon and she was sure there would be drugs and other items there of evidence. They believed that's where he had been sourcing drugs he must have been injecting the victims with. She had managed to get a hold of the manager of the storage and he was meeting them at the facility.

Upon arriving at the storage location they opened the door to the large shed to find it converted into a large refrigerator. Upon opening the door to that they were met with a grizzly sight of mutilated bodies both animal and human alike. As everyone turned and dry wretched as one, overcome with a foul smell that not even the refrigerated unit could contain now the door was open, Gail knew it was going to be a long night.

Holly greeted Gail wearily as she arrived at the storage units. She had been recalled herself as Tracy only wanted the best. Chloe had been sent to pick her up and Chauffeur her to where the others waited for her patiently.

Gail had been watching for Holly's arrival and perked up upon seeing her. John had whistled and she had elbowed him in the stomach before walking over to greet her lover.

"So the guy is a real nut job huh" Holly muttered.

"Seems like it. Psychopath comes to mind. Not sure what type of evil does that" Gail tipped her head towards the storage shed "want to check it out? Most of the smell is gone, just mind some of the upchuck"

"Charming as always love"

"Hey I'm providing you with some superb material for you next publication. Don't get snooty" Gail shot back and Holly rolled her eyes.

"Have you done the initial pan with the camera?"

"Yup, even had that fancy scanner in there doing a 3D digital image" Gail grinned "and original digital stills"

"Thorough. So now it's up to me?"

"Yup, we're pretty sure we can identify the in tact dead animals. But there's lumps of god knows what that's god knows how old we need you to look at and try and Catalogue to take back to the morgue"

"You take me on all the best dates Gail" Holly sighed as she headed to the boot of the car which Chloe popped so she could get out her lunchbox/forensic bag and her forensic suit and masks which she pulled on over her clothes. Gail thought she looked super nerdy. Which = super sexy. She followed Holly like a puppy back to the large shed and only stopped when John grabbed her.

"Whoa there lover girl. Forensics only"

"What?" Gail came out of her lusty daze and looked around. "Oh, yeah" John merely laughed

"You're whipped. You should marry the girl"

"Way ahead of you. I become Mrs Stewart in April and I can't wait" she grinned goofily and turned back to look at her fiancé who was scowling in consternation and concentration as she took in the mammoth task in front of her. This was going to take a while. Maybe days. She hurriedly backed out of the shed and looked seriously at Gail and the plain clothes detective beside her.

"I want a forensic tent here ASAP to cover the front shed door with, stop any contamination getting in and preserve the scene. I need my team recalled. I don't think you realise what you have found here. It's a collection of pure medical evilness and torture. Experimentation. The recent murders are his most public but by the looks of bodies in there and at a quick glance he has started with animals and worked his way up." She paused as the horror of what she was saying hit them and Gail fought off the rage and sadness that built in her, shaking with it. "I think you should get a team to start pulling all Unsolved missing persons and Unsolved murders that might be missing some...trophies" was all she could think to say.

Gail realised what she was saying and her gaze swung to the shed then Holly then back to the shed and bile rose in her throat. Oh God. John shakily pulled out his phone, face set but something Holly said gave him pause and made his stomach roll.

"You said he started with animals and worked his way up" he stared at the beautiful brunette hoping she wasn't about to tell him what he thought he was about to hear. She nodded, confirming his gut instinct.

"You need to include children" she whispered quietly. Everyone around him who heard that seemed to freeze in horror. Some needing a moment to compose themselves. Gail instinctually took a step towards Holly who held up a hand. "Don't, I'm in professional mode. Save it for later ok"

"Ok babe" Gail replied automatically even though her arms ached with the need to hold Holly, comfort her. She knew more than anyone else that what Holly and her team were about to go through was going to be a living nightmare that would affect them for months to come. She made a mental note right then to organise counselling for both of them.

"Oh and detective" Holly turned to John who was just bringing the phone up to his ear shakily and hoping he could deliver the news without his voice cracking. "You need to warn them we might be here a couple of days. 3 maybe and to start organising scene guards, I'm not a robot and need sleep" with that she turned and walked back into the shed. Gail watched her with a heavy heart as Holly called her team back together to have a few words. Her words of telling her team what they had, their horrified reactions, her orders to start recording again, from every item and every angle mingled with John telling Tracy of the horror they were facing.

She listened to Holly state they would start at the top left of the container near the door and run front to back on every shelf. They would do all the shelves running front to back before doing the back wall. The shelving was sophisticated, fixed on slides to get maximum shelving in. You could push shelving aside on the slides to get to the one you wanted. Gail thought there was 10 in all, all packed to the rafters. Holly was going to have to identify and tag every single item. Hundreds of them. It was going to be a long few days.

She looked at John as he closed his phone and sighed.

"Well?" She asked.

"Tracy said that it explains why he started to sweat and lawyered up when they mentioned searching his storage" he scratched his cheek as he stared sightlessly across the lot of the storage "Gail I think we just stumbled onto a case that might make the worst serial killers you can think of combined looked like pussy cats"

Gail said nothing. There was nothing to say.

Holly had been cataloging items for hours and had only moved about two meters along the first shelf when she found something that made her pause. It wasn't a body part but a wallet found with it and though in a relative bad condition a credit card inside was not. Something about the card was off but she couldn't put her finger on it. She was just about to put the wallet down to catalogue it when she realised what it was and her jaw dropped. She yelled at everyone to down tools while she hurried outside, through the forensic tent and looked around for Gail.

Gail and John were sitting in their own hastily erected tent to offer them some protection from the dropping temperature. They had declared the whole block of storage units a protected forensic area and crime scene. Chris and Dov sat in a patrol at the main entrance to keep people out. Mainly the circling buzzards, otherwise known as reporters that had gotten wind of something going on but as yet had no idea what. They believed it was another body and thankfully hadn't got wind of the arrest. Yet.

There was a commotion at the entrance of the tent they were using as a command centre to keep in contact with the station. Since Holly had said they might be there for days the big wigs had decided they couldn't run it at the Station and needed a command centre close. They were expecting to be relieved at 7 by more detectives and maybe an inspector or two. Gail couldn't wait. Right now she wondered what the commotion was and looked at John who was on the phone. She hoped a reporter hadn't snuck in.

She was just about to head out and see when Holly came storming in, followed by the manager of the units, followed by a flustered rookie. Gail rolled her eyes

"Gail tell the over eager snot nosed rookie if he touches me one more time I will break his hand" Holly growled as she approached. Gail shot the kid a glare that had him freezing in his tracks.

"Rookie not only is Dr Stewart our forensic pathologist who is allowed in this tent she also happens to be my fiancé. You're treading on thin ground"

"But you said not to let anyone in" the rookie stuttered

"Grab a clue. I meant any reporters or anyone else that might try and sneak in" Gail gave him a withering look "get back outside"

"But what about him" the rookie pointed at the manager and Gail merely intensified her glare and pointed to the tent entrance. The rookie sighed, turned and trudged back outside, huddling close to the tent to avoid wind chill.

Gail looked at both Holly and the manager, both of which had something clutched in their hands and seemed to be bearing some news. She turned to Holly first just as John came up beside her.

"I found some interesting evidence" holly stated "how old is our killer?"

"27 why?" John replied

"That would give him an 87 date of birth" Holly nodded before holding up the item in her hand. Gail and John peered at it and blankly noticed it was a men's wallet. Gail shrugged. "Look at the credit card and drivers licence."

Gail looked but other than being old couldn't see what Holly was on about. She looked again, reading all the information before it struck her

"Holy shit" she swore, which received a reproachful look from Holly

"What?" John asked still not seeing it.

"The cards expire in 1990" Gail pointed out and John just shook his head. "Our killer was only 3 in 1990" she clarified and saw the understanding etch across John's face.

"Which means he couldn't have killed that person" Holly added.

"Which brings me to what I have found." stated the manager of the units "The current owner only came into possession 10 years ago but before that it belonged to an older male of the same surname. First name Michael?"

"The father?" John was aghast.

"But these units were only built in 2000" the manager stated. "Before that there was a meat packing warehouse I believe" he paused and his mouth hung open "oh my god... You don't think"

"John get back on the phone. Get them to send a team to go pick up the father and get someone researching this address and the meat packing factory. We need to know who owned it and why it shut down."

"On it" John pulled out his phone "think I will get them to bring more supplies too. Generator, lights, station phones, laptops"

Gail waved him away and turned back to Holly

"Good find babe" she sent her lover a wink then nodded at the manager "sir likewise, that information could be crucial"

"I have a computer in my office. Internet connection. I could go do research" he offered and she nodded merely to get rid of him, doubting he would find anything useful. "Stay away from reporters, word of this gets out I'm arresting your ass for obstruction"

"Yes ma'am. I wont" he nodded then hastily left eager to please.

Holly smirked and looked at Gail

"A regular little Sherlock Holmes"

"Hey it's good information" Gail shot back "he took the initiative, we have been busy relaying information and recording I hadn't even thought of obtaining any files" she held up the paperwork in question "I had better get onto the paperwork declaring we are seizing it" she sighed "How far have you gotten along?"

"Still on first shelf, about 2 meters along" Holly sighed and taking off her glasses wearily rubbed her tired eyes.

"Holy shit, forget days this could take you weeks" Gail groaned

"It would go faster if I was less thorough and less tired"

"Can't we call someone in, someone who can help you?"

"There aren't many that I would trust to be as thorough as me" Holly sighed which caused a blonde eyebrow to raise and a smirk to appear but Gail couldn't argue. Holly was the best. "Dr Smythe in Vancouver. If we can get him here. The others I trust are American and hold no jurisdiction here"

"I'll get onto the bosses about Dr Smythe. If he gets here by tomorrow afternoon you can brief him and get some rest. Not ideal but until then just take your time and have plenty of breaks. I'll try organise us some coffee facilities and some food. Some more chairs to have a break in."

"Sounds divine." Holly sighed. "I could go a coffee right now"

"I'll get onto it" Gail promised and knowing they couldn't kiss or hug merely squeezed her arm and watched her leave. She turned to find John still on the phone but watching.

"Anything to request?" He asked and she put out her hand to get the phone. He sighed and handed it over "it's your boss."


"Hey darling, I hear its bad over there" Oli greeted and Gail sighed

"Oli I can safely say Canada has never seen anything like it. So besides what John has requested which I presume is everything to run this command post I have a few other things"

"Shoot darling"

"Holly has requested the assistance of Dr Smythe from Vancouver. She trusts him or her."

"I will get onto her boss" he promised. "What else?"

"Desks, chairs for breaks and for gods sake get us some coffee and food and a good supply of water" she grumbled "I'm not sure if they have facilities here but some will start needing comfort breaks soon"

"Don't worry darling. I will send someone out on a coffee run if you message me what to order"

"Thanks Oli"

They spoke for a few more minutes, bouncing ideas off each other before they hung up. 5 minutes later she was texting orders through for coffees and telling him no one cared what food they had as long as it was filling.

About an hour after that they downed tools as Tracy and her brother had arrived bearing a stack of pizzas, burgers and fries, coffee and water. Her brother had driven the car driving a trailer filled with folder tables, chairs, generator and lights (the forensic team could get the ones they were borrowing back and stop whining)

In the back of the car were laptops, a printer, paper, pens, electrical boards, station mobile phones, chargers and even a heater. They set up table and chairs for now so they could eat. Nothing like a 3am snack. Tracy reported to Holly that Dr Smythe would be there to take over by midday.

John was sent home and would be back the following afternoon but Gail refused to go until Holly did. Gail asked if they had gotten the killers father yet but Tracy shook her head.

"They were calling in the Emergency Task Force now we think the father will know we are alert to him. We are treating it like he has hostages."

Crap. His wife and grand kids. That was not a good situation to be in. Gail merely nodded wearily and saw Holly back off to work. She then assisted Tracy and her brother setting up the tent and returning forensics property. Tracy let the poor guy standing guard on the tent stand inside the entrance as rain started to tumble down to make matters worse. A radio had been provided and was tuned into the local news station which was only speculating.

At 6am the Police radio was alive with chatter. They were at the new suspects house. There was no answer at their attempt to make contact over the phone and negotiate. No movement inside the house and no lights on. They were holding their positions until they could come up with a plan to enter the house. They needed the layout first.

At 7am Oli, Gail's father and their relief arrived bearing breakfast. Same coffee orders as before minus Johns and including Tracy and Steves. Gail called Oli a cheap ass for getting half price McDonalds but no one complained about their mcmuffins, hot cakes, rolls, wraps and hash browns.

Most of the forensic team went home as their relief arrived. Gail was ordered to go home but refused until Holly did. She was sitting in the tent when the ETF made entrance to the house of their suspect. She was horrified to hear three dead inside but was shocked to learn their suspect was one of them along with the wife and their granddaughter. The grandson was nowhere to be seen.

"You've got to be shitting me" Gail groaned as a night of hard work and leads seemed to go down the drain.

"What does this mean?" An inspector asked

"It means that while our killer might be an apprentice his father wasn't the master" Gail shot back and received blank looks except for her fathers glare and Olis smirk. Gail rolled her eyes. "Star wars. The dark side always had one master and one apprentice"

"Now is not the right time to quote your stupid love for Star Wars" her father growled

"It's not stupid" Gail shot back

"No indeed" Oli chimed in "it might be extremely accurate and it may be the boy was taken as the new apprentice. You said the father owned the unit before him right"

"Yup. Michael" Gail nodded and pointed at the file "or so the file says"

"Michael?" Oli frowned "but I thought our killer was Peter Junior?" He looked at the others for confirmation. Everyone nodded and there was a sudden mad scramble for information. Oli headed for the laptops and sat in front of one typing furiously. Gail hurried over to him kicking herself for not paying attention to the fathers name. She watched as he researched their killer who didn't have a lot on him, in fact by jumping Mel it was the first time he came to Police attention other than as the grieving husband.

"I don't get why he killed his wife and has been taunting us in public. It seems to go against everything he was trained to do" Gail stated as Oli then ran up Michael Sinclair.

"No one knows, he isn't talking" Oli sighed as their search came up with 50 Michael Sinclair's. Gail grabbed the file provided to them from the storage manager and searched through the papers until she found the lease agreement between the company and Michael Sinclair. It provided a middle name of Anthony and a DOB of 11/08/65.

"She must have done something really bad to piss him off" Gail sighed as Oli searched for any link as to who this person was and how he was linked to their killer.

"I need to get a car over to his house, see what they can find" Oli reached for the phone but Gail stopped him as the picture they uploaded from there licensing centre came up and she realised that wasn't the man who was at the killers house last night. She relayed that information to Oli.

"Maybe we should tell Peter his daughter and parents are dead"

"He already knows" Gail's father cut in "Just got word that the detectives told him hoping to get him to break. He didnt bat an eyelid"

"Wow I think he just took over as asshole parent of the year from you and mum" Gail quipped and turned back to Oli not giving him time to come back "you should send ETF"

"Seriously?" Her father rolled his eyes

"This guy killed three of his own kin and has the boy as hostage. He might be holed up somewhere in the house or he might have even rigged a surprise" Gail paused then took off out of the tent like a shot screaming "Holly stop, don't touch another thing"

Holly was busy studying what appeared to be a tattoo on a piece of flesh when Gail came tearing in yelling at her to stop. She looked like the devil himself was chasing her. "Gail you are contaminating our crime scene!" She scolded her lover.

"Everyone out. You don't touch another thing until ETF and the bomb squad determine there are no hidden surprises" Gail ordered and Holly tipped her head to the side.

"You think you know something?" Holly asked as she and her team did as Gail asked and left the shed, heading through the forensic tent and into the command centre.

"I know they just found our killers parents and daughter dead, he knows and isn't talking. The son is missing. All we have to go on is a name and the fact he has been killing his whole life and never been caught." Gail stated "now Peter is threatening to blow holes in that"

"So that means what?" Oli asked Gail.

"Cover tracks, no loose ends. Everything gets destroyed and if he is smart as we know he is he would have planned it in advance."

"Which means we move this dam tent back as far as we can get it" Oli ordered the detectives who nodded

"I got it!" Everyone turned as one startled as the Manager of the facility ran into the tent waving paper around. Gail groaned, she forgot she had let him go off to do research "In 1996 you guys started investigating reports of workers from the meat packing plant going missing over the years. Most were drifters but one guy was a recluse, lived at home with his mum. She reported him missing, got an investigation going and within weeks BOOM. Place goes up. Written off as a gas explosion" He handed the file over to Gail who gave them to a hovering detective.

"Please tell me there are no gas lines here"

"Nope only electricity and old sewer lines. Otherwise back to back storage"

"Back to back?" Gail asked

"Yup, just rows of side by side sheds that run back to back" he confirmed.

Gail looked at Oli and could see he was thinking what she was.

"I want the names of the owners for every shed in these back to back rows and I want them yesterday" Oli told the guy. For a big dumb looking guy he was pretty clued in as he turned tail and ran back out of the tent. Oli turned to a detective manning the phone and barked "Get me ETF here pronto and another team at Michael Sinclair's address. And for gods sake lets move this tent back. Now"

Suddenly no one was tired as adrenaline pumped through veins and people moved hastily to do as instructed. Gail was furious when Holly insisted they needed to preserve what she had catalogued so far. Most had been taken back to the morgue but there were a few items that hadn't been transferred back. Gail hot footed it after her stubborn lover demanding she stop.

Yes yes I know. It's darker than usual. There is no sex etc. But it will come and maybe a holiday up to the cabin will be well deserved after this. ;-p. I apologise for any mistakes. Have been working on this furiously to get out and have brain drain. please review nicely.