Hoo boy, this is gonna be tough.

Hello everyone, Stretchy-Rat here. Yeah, I'm still alive. I know a lot of you have been waiting for me to update Equestria Girls and Mobius Boys for a LONG time, but I've got some bad news.

(Deep breath)

I have decided to cancel this fanfiction.

Pinkie: WHAT?! You can't!

What the, Pinkie, what are you doing here?

Pinkie: You saying that you're cancelling an MLP fic and DIDN'T expect me to pop up?

Fair point.

Pinkie: I'm here to tell you can't. So many people LOVE this fic, it's how you got your start. How can you just cancel it?!

You're right Pinkie, I DID get my start with this fic, but it really feels like its gone downhill for me. There are so many spelling mistakes and plot holes in it.

Pinkie: So what, ALL FF writers start out like that, but they get better over time.

I know, I know, but it feels unsatisfactory to me. I know I could do better, but I NEED to practice first. If I improve enough, I'll come back and do this fic again. It's not that I don't want to, but I need to improve myself and start from the beginning.

Pinkie: But what about the fans.

Which ones, the obsessive Sonic fans that complain whenever Sonic dates someone other than Amy and get riled up over one race, or do you mean the Bronies who would've complained if RD lost and get furious at the mere mention of Flash?

Pinkie: I... Fair point to you. I'll be going now.

Alright, Like I said people, as much as I want to continue this, I need to do some things to improve myself. Sorry everyone.

Guess I'll catch you on the flipside.