I'm sorry that I haven't written anything in a while, I have had many ideas but when I sit to write them down I blank out. I used to have a lot more time on my hands when I worked overnights, so it was much easier to write as things came to me. I'm taking advantage of the fact that I'm off and have a pretty wicked headache (and therefore can't do the work I was planning to do around my house today) to get this out. I am severely emotionally compromised by the finale…between Outlaw Queen (if they don't fix that I don't know how I'll handle it!) and Belle (I absolutely adore her after this episode) and so many CaptainSwan feels (both those we saw and moments that I'm picturing off-screen). I've got several different ideas for this episode, so I might be doling a few of these out during the hiatus. As well as maybe going back and getting some done from the rest of this season.

((Aaand I am still wanting to get around to my Pitch Black multi-chapter fic, Maybe one of these days haha))



"Swan, come celebrate. For I may not be the Savior, but I have just saved the day." Emma looked up from the table at Granny's where she'd been planning with Kristoff, Elsa and Anna, surprised and confused by Killian's entrance. She noticed the others perk up, and held out her hand cautiously.

"Hang on don't get your hopes up yet." Killian was pouring rum from his flask into two teacups, which seemed odd to her. Any celebratory drinks they'd shared in the past had been sharing his flask. "Okay, what exactly are we celebrating?"

"The portal to Arendelle, I have found it. So, bottom's up." He was saying things she could expect him to say, but there was no hint of playful flourish. His normally-expressive eyes were dull, making him seem arrogant. Where he would have been putting on a show for the others while seeking her approval with his eyes, there was only steel in his gaze as he watched her. They both downed the alcohol, Emma watching him closely.

"You…found a portal."

"Well I found Gold, and he told me where to locate one. A door in the ballroom of that lakeside mansion. Yes, it appears our Rumplestiltskin has turned over a new leaf." Worry that Killian had struck a deal with the Dark One seized her for a moment, and she wondered if that was why he was acting strange.

"Apparently dozens of leaves. Are you sure we can trust him?"

"Positive. The Crocodile truly has changed. He gave me a long-winded explanation about the portal, about how it brought the snow queen into this land…which I don't…recall…but the important thing is, it works. All they have to do is walk through it." Warning bells started going off inside of Emma…her superpower wasn't telling her that he was lying, but his behavior was starting to say otherwise. He was giving her too many useless details, and skimming over the rest of the story. The tone of his voice had become almost bored. The longer they talked, the more strange he seemed.

"Then we should go."

"Brilliant, you do that. I alas, bruised myself during the curse. Really need to get it seen to." He started to brush past her, but she stopped him. He has stood beside her no matter what…even before they really knew each other, he flirted with her and gave her sass while lying on the ground with broken ribs…he would not allow something as minor as bruising to stop him from being with her. Sure, he may shy away from 'hero moments', but something really wasn't right. Her hand reached up to stroke his cheek, willing him to open up to her.

"Hey, Killian, what's wrong? You are acting strange." For a split second, she could see a flicker of the affection she was so used to, the corners of his lips twitched ever so slightly, before he shook his head, and that forced happiness she'd seen after their kiss in the mansion returned.

"Nothing. I'm fine." When he leaned forward, she met him halfway. The instant their lips touched, her suspicion was solidified. Even at his most hesitant, Killian could never hold back when they kissed. Their last several embraces had been…off…to say the least, but nothing like this. There was just…nothing. No give, no take…no response to her whatsoever. When she pulled back and opened her eyes, Emma felt as though she were staring into the gaze of a stranger. "See you around…love."

Before the blonde could even contemplate the way he almost rolled his eyes in annoyance as he stepped away, or the way his usual term of affection sounded more like a sneer, Killian's step faltered and he took hold of her wrist. She watched in shock as his eyes dropped to his hand, clinging to her so tightly that he was shaking. His jaw clenched, his face revealing an internal battle for a beat, before he abruptly dropped her arm and rushed out. Emma stared after him with fear creeping into her heart at the knowledge that something was seriously wrong with her pirate.

She turned after a moment to glance at her friends who were all staring at her in concern. The Savior took a deep breath. First things first, she had to get them to this portal (taking backup, of course, because if something is wrong with Killian, chances are there's some kind of catch). As soon as they were safely home, she would find out what was wrong with Killian, and deal with whoever thought it would be a good idea to hurt him.


Emma and Killian found themselves alone in the hallway of Granny's Inn, and Emma was terrified. She cradled Killian's heart in her hands, and could still hear her mother's reassuring instructions to return it safely to his chest. He'd entrusted her with the brightly pulsing organ, with his life, and she was terrified. What if she did it wrong? What if she hurt him? She glanced up at him, and saw nothing but trust and peace in his eyes. He searched her face for a moment before giving her his typical smirk.

"Just be gen-" Emma's heart clenched at the startled grunt that came from Killian as she shoved his heart abruptly back into place. He stumbled back a step, and she followed, her hand never leaving his chest as he breathed through it for a second. His eyes fluttered open, and an intense look settled over his face. The Savior scrambled to ease his anger.

"Sorry…I just thought if I did it quickly, it'd be like ripping off a-" Not anger. The way his lips crashed into hers, and his hand came up to cradle her head, and he backed her against the doorjamb, and his hips pinned hers as he kissed her…definitely not anger. Instead, he conveyed all of the things that she had been missing since Gold had taken his heart. The fact that his intensity had been his need for her coming back to him was thrilling…and the lack of fear attached to that realization was exhilarating.

Killian drew back after a moment. Not ready to be done kissing him, she pressed forward, but he wouldn't let her. They breathed each other in, foreheads pressed together. "I told you, Swan. I'm a survivor." They looked up into one another's eyes, and Emma was overwhelmed by the tenderness and adoration in his warm blue gaze. She bit her lip and returned his grin. She let her had fall back against the wall and soaked up the face of the man before her…a man completely and utterly smitten. She couldn't be more grateful for the fact that he was a survivor…that no matter what he'd been through, it had brought him to her, and continued to bring him back to her. She reached up and stroked his cheek again. Her heart melted when, instead of brushing her off as he'd done the last two times, he turned his had and pressed a tender, loving kiss to her palm.