"Roxanne"- The Police
"Snow (Hey Oh)"- Red Hot Chili Peppers
"Too Shy"- Kajagoogoo (Highly Recommended)
"Love My Way"- Psychedelic Furs (Highly recommended)

Or... if you want to go full 1978:
"Night Fever"- BeeGees
"Into The Night"- Benny Mardones (Highly Recommended)
"I'll Be Around"- The Spinners
"Kiss You All Over"-Exile

Pearl blinked a couple of times, her vision no clearer than it had been twenty seconds ago.

The first thing she noticed was her nose, throbbing in pain.

With a soft groan, she turned her head to the side, feeling the sensitive, bruised cartilage and flesh pulsate against a cooler satin pillow sham. No doubt, she'd broken it.

She blinked a couple more times as she tried to remember how she had broken it.

I remember climbing over... a chair... no, a sofa... then... the floor... I fell on the floor... It broke... and then... Garnet.

She remembered hearing Garnet's voice. Her beautiful, beautiful voice...

...And then she remembered everything. The wardrobe, fighting with Amethyst, kicking her out, finding Garnet's outfit under the bed, finding her own outfit in the back of the closet, Rose's intrusion, Pearl narrowly escaping Rose, putting on the outfit, posing with the outfit...

...Falling into the water, setting up the boots to dry, finding the torn strap, nearly panicking, dashing like a mad woman through the earthly house, hearing the clicking doorknob and creaking door... the fall, the floor, the sickening crack...

The outfit! Was Pearl still wearing the robe over it?

Turning her head back up, she tried to blink away the blunt pain rooting deep into her sinuses and blinding her eyes with a stinging ache.

Pearl could see a blurred image of sparkling red. As she allowed her vision to adjust, she found the sparkling red vision to be a sparkling red ceiling, decorated with gently humming crystal arteries that looped around and out of the room.

Her head flopped to the side, and Pearl winced when her shattered, swollen nose touched the smooth satin again. She shut her eyes for a brief moment, processing her thoughts.

She knew who's room this was.

Oh no...Her heart jolted into acceleration. She knew who's room this was!

Pearl shot herself into an upright position and looked at her body, lying in this enormous bed. She was still wearing the leather outfit!

...And the strap was still torn!

I... I have to get out of here! She put her hands over her nose, wincing, and looked around for an exit...

"Glad to see you've woken up."

Pearl froze in her place at the sound of that soft, sultry accent coming from directly behind her.

Did she dare turn her head?

Of course she did.

Standing behind the headboard was Garnet, in her regal, authoritative power stance. She had on her gym outfit, red cotton muscle shirt damply clinging to her oiled body, fresh from a clearly rigorous workout. The light, musty (but certainly not unpleasant) scent of perspiration clung to her.

Pearl froze like a peasant in the prescence of such a powerful monarch.

Garnet's expression gave away nothing, leaving Pearl helplessly clueless.

The tall, imposing figure made the first advance, strolling around the bed while speaking in an indirect, rehearsed, perhaps even gently scolding tone. Pearl couldn't help but cling onto every word.

"I see you've found the little trinket I'd hidden." She then turned her gaze (blocked by the shades, of course) on Pearl head-on for the first time that night, checking her out, assessing. Pearl, feeling rather naked, sat there rigidly.

She was only able to breathe again when Garnet unexpectedly crossed her arms in a casual manner, cocking her head slightly and leaning on her right leg, as indicated by a shift of her hips to the right side.

She smiled and nodded approvingly. Speaking slowly, Garnet appraised Pearl. "Looks good on you. Very good." She cocked her head to the other side. "Tell me, Pearl. Do you like it?"

A moment of unintentional silence.

Only then did Pearl realize that not a word had passed her lips since coming to. She stalled answering her superior by opening her mouth and making the impression of stretching her jaw muscles (which, in retrospect, she perhaps needed to do anyway).

She just asked you a question, Pearl! Answer her! Her first words were a stuttering mess. "I l-like it... It looks n-nice..."

Garnet's smile depleted. "Just 'nice'?" Her voice refused to waver as she spoke. "Come now, Pearl. Tell me what you like about it."

The petite gem froze again. Very obviously.

The ever-observant Garnet, of course, didn't fail to notice. She sighed. "Not talking?"

Pearl shook her head, ashamed for being such a cowardly fool. Say something, stupid, she growled at herself. You're wasting Garnet's time! She knew now that would never live this down.

Garnet resumed. "So, you're not talking. Funny, isn't that usually my problem?" She chuckled as Pearl realized that Garnet was trying to lighten the atmosphere with a self-humbling remark.

Pearl couldn't repress a smile.

The powerful gem put her hands back on her hips, and Pearl couldn't help but notice the close-fitting red muscle shirt ride up just a little bit and show off her bellybutton, the look of which, as a whole, was incredibly sexy.

"I knew it," said Garnet. "I just knew that outfit would look positively perfect on you the moment I saw it." She paused after that sentence, and it wasn't long before Pearl realized that the hard-to-read gem was waiting for Pearl to speak.

Just talk to her, Pearl. You can do this.

"S-So, you picked this out yourself?"

Garnet nodded.

"You, um, got my size j-just right. How did you kn-know?"

The crimson-clad gem turned her face to the side, smiling. "I just know these things."

Pearl wasn't expecting that. What does she mean? "U-Um, what do y-you mean... exa-actly?"

Garnet turned back toward Pearl. "If you're patient, then perhaps I'll show you one day." Pearl could have sworn, those pink shades glimmered with some kind of magic at that exact moment."Would you like that, Pearl?"

For the first time since coming to, Pearl knew what to say.

"I'd like that very much, Garnet."

Garnet nodded once. "I see you've had a little accident."

Accident? Pearl wasn't sure how to respond.

Garnet reached up and tapped the tip of her nose.

Puzzled at this odd gesture, Pearl hesitantly mimicked Garnet, tapping the tip of her own nose.

"Ow-Ouch!" Pearl yanked her hand back as she was reminded of her broken burl.

The enigmatic second-in-command screwed up her expression. "Hold still. Perhaps I can fix it."

"Y-You know how to fix it?"

The older gem nodded. "Do you trust me?"

"... Well, of-of course..."

"Then lie down, and hold still."

Pearl obeyed, taking a few deep breaths as she mentally prepared herself for treatment.

Garnet raised her hands above Pearl's face. Her gems sparkled with vitality as they were roused into action. Oh wow... Pearl held her breath, she'd never been this close to Garnet before.

Soft red light filled Pearl's spectrum, and a ticklish, tingling feeling numbed the pain in her shattered nose. Within a matter of seconds, her vision was completely fogged with the mist of pure magic.

And just as quickly as it begun, it was over. Garnet closed her fingers, and the red mist faded.

Pearl sniffed, and found that the blunt pain in her nose had vanished like invisible ink. Wow, it's really been fixed, she thought in astonishment, reaching up to touch it.

Pearl's attention flicked back to Garnet, as the exotic gem suddenly crossed her arms, and her lips uncurled into a pursed, stoic expression once more. "But..." Pearl felt her pulse throb from her wrists all the way into her shoulders. Now she was going to get it. "... I must inquire, dear Pearl. Exactly how did you come across my little gift for you?"

For the umpteenth time that day, Pearl couldn't form a single word. Dammit! It was beginning to irritate her. She knew it wasn't right or fair to leave Garnet hanging like that.

She made a face at herself, unsure if Garnet noticed it.

Sigh. No more lies.

Garnet waited patiently for Pearl to get her breath under control. Pearl puffed out her chest, and for the first time ever, spoke to Garnet with complete and utter confidence. She needed to be honest if she had any chance of regaining her respect and possible admiration.

"I found it in your closet. I was snooping through your room, because I wanted to know... about you, Garnet. I mean, I've known you for a... a few years... but you... you're secretive. Maybe it's my fault for not trying harder to reach out to you... but I was curious. You... you fascinate me, Garnet."

Yeah, Pearl thought. That probably could have been phrased a little better...

To her surprise, Garnet smiled warmly. "I... fascinate you?"

Oh. Pearl realized only then how overly romanticized the word 'fascinate' really sounded in normal conversation. I'm an idiot.

As if reading her mind, Garnet's response was frank. "You're not an idiot. As a matter of fact, you're... ahem... quite a-adorable."

Pearl cocked her head to the side and furrowed her brow, in an attempt to be a predictable tyke and ask Garnet to elaborate without having to speak.

And of course, the sensitive Garnet understood, and cooperated as best she knew how. "It's difficult to find a gem with your level of understanding in the area of self-awareness, morals and ethics. So many others, they live much too out in the open, taking advantage of their magical privileges and short-lived companionship with humans."

"...Like that dreadful Amethyst?" Pearl ventured, hoping that she was headed in the right direction.

"Yes. But dearest Pearl, you are hardly of that level. You understand what it means to fulfill your duties as a Crystal Gem, and you do so with hard work, dedication, and discipline, j-just as I do." Garnet then paused; she seemed very aware her words were teetering on the edge of a collapse, for Pearl had never heard her speak this long before. "I... I'm grateful that there is a gem like you in my vicinity, Pearl," Garnet finished with a shudder.

It was an odd thing to wrap up with. Pearl remembered Amethyst telling her that Garnet had a difficult time opening up around certain people, especially her. Right now, as Garnet made a sweet effort to choke out something comprehensible, it looked like she hadn't been lying.

This was unexpectedly reassuring. Garnet was standing there a nervous wreck, just like Pearl. There was no doubt in her mind now that this attraction was mutual. The realization hung in the hot air between them like a dramatically placed ballad in a French cabaret film.

Her heart thudded with anticipation as Garnet suddenly leaned forward, getting closer... closer... Pearl shuddered as she felt the gentle, radiant body heat cascade over her face, and soft lips brush across her own.

Pearl didn't have time to think of an appropriate reaction. She pressed her eager lips into Garnet's.

The two mature, disciplined gems shared a moment of rare, sweet indulgence in each other.

Garnet was pleasantly shocked with Pearl's zealous reaction. But, what really caught her by surprise had been her own body's counter-reaction, leaning further into Pearl's osculatory assault, flicking her tongue on the younger gem's thin, tender lips, stealing a well-deserved taste.

Pearl jumped back, startled by the foreign feeling of a wet tongue-tip.

Garnet felt herself blush, unnerved by her inability to hold back on the inexperienced gem that lay before her. "I'm sorry... you've never done this before?"

Pearl, blushing furiously, shook her head. What exactly was 'this' she was referring to?

Garnet averted her eyes, only indicated by a turn of her head. Despite her knowledge of female interaction and relations, she was unsure of how to handle this one, the first one that really mattered to her.

Pearl's hot blue blood circumvented her body as she fretted over her sudden retreat, aware that it wasn't received well. Oh jeez, did I do something wrong? Have I offended her? Oh... I can't ruin it now... "I'mreallysorryGarnet!" Pearl blurted out.

Gee, that was elegant, Pearl thought as she blushed harder. She wished more than anything that Garnet would say something... anything... just so that this odd tension would break.

Pearl noticed Garnet's palms sparkle with magenta and carnation pink as she raised her hands as if to say Have I frightened you? I swear I meant you no harm.

"N-Not a problem..."


Heavy silence. Nothing needed to be said, it was clear to them both where they wanted to go with this. Moving forward, however, was proving to be impossible, as it usually did with adolescents. Someone had to make the first move, to get this train going.

Pearl went for it.

"I... I'd like to do that... again? Please?" Okay, not my smoothest pickup, Pearl thought.

To her relief, Garnet smiled. "Okay." She sat on the bed beside Pearl, as Pearl's body tensed in anticipation and the sudden exposure to more intense body heat. "Hold still."

Before Pearl knew it, hot lips kissed hers once more. And once more, Pearl responded by kissing back.

The wet feeling of a tongue-tip flicking against her lips didn't frighten her this time. Pearl basked in the ticklish sensation, and soon found herself sticking her own tongue out from her lips and tasting Garnet.

Pearl shuddered as ecstasy vibrated through her inner organs, penetrating her bones and buzzing her nerves into submission to this heightened pleasure.

It wasn't hard for her to figure out how to kiss. It was a sort of game, a give-and-take with Garnet. And like most games, it became more advanced as time progressed.

A hand rested on Pearl's knee. She did her best not to flinch as she felt the palm-gem throb, noticeably warmer than before. The sudden rush of heat traveled up her leg, and a soft moan escaped Pearl's lips, quickly halted by Garnet slipping her tongue past the open mouth. She... really REALLY likes me, thought Pearl, as if nothing else could have proven it before now. She smiled into the kiss, confident in her advancements now.

She made the next move, reaching out to touch the hand on her knee, which had moved up toward the middle of her thigh. She entwined her fingers with Garnet's.

The hand moved further up her thigh, but Pearl didn't budge. Garnet then slipped her slim fingers underneath the leather strap that hugged Pearl's hips and held her tight pants in place. Then, in one swift motion, SHIRRRRIP! She tore the leather clean off of Pearl's legs.

Startled, Pearl broke the kiss. She looked up at the severed pair of pants hanging in the air by one finger, mouth agape.

"How... How did you do... that?"

Garnet's lips curled into a little smile as she looked at the floor and mumbled, "Practice."

Pearl smiled. "You've been practicing?"

Though it was barely noticeable, Garnet's cheeks became even redder. "I'm glad it worked this time..."

Pearl decided right then and there that Garnet could not have looked cuter, not even if she tried. And at that moment, all inhibitions were cast aside, for after all this time, Garnet would now be hers.

The lithe, pastel gem lunged for Garnet, hopping onto the powerful gem's lap, throwing her arms around muscular shoulders and squeezing her long-awaited prize. She smacked her lips against Garnet's, and at that moment, everything headed into the gutter.

Garnet fell back on her bed, bringing Pearl with her. While she lovingly kissed and caressed the younger adolescent, she reminded herself over and over that it was crucial that this not escalate too quickly. It was still her goal that the virgin before her have the best 'first time' possible, unlike her own rough, abusive experience with that awful duo of Diamond and Black Spinel.

But, that's a story for another day.

Meanwhile, the tingling feeling in Pearl's loins was back in full swing, this time with an intense burn of anticipation. Before she could stop herself, her hips gently started to rock back and forth against Garnet's gray-and-orange yoga pants, thanks of course to her limber spine. Was she aware of what her body was doing? Maybe, but even if she had been, she likely wouldn't have thought much of it.

Garnet needed to get this novice under control, before things could spin out of hand. She wrapped one arm around the slim gem's hips, and pressed them up against her own, in an attempt to shift Pearl's focus from the instinctive motions to the intimate sensations. Then, in order to seal her in, she brought her other arm around, rested her elbow gently but firmly over the pastel gem's shoulder blades, and ran her long, dark fingers through the gingery hair. She took care not to make Pearl feel trapped or uncomfortable, as such a position could have been interpreted so.

It worked. Pearl caught on quickly, and combed her slim, bony fingers through the thick locks of dark, curly hair above Garnet's shoulders. All the while continuing to explore the introverted gem's mouth with her little tongue.

She'd been squinting most of the time, not ready to shut her eyes and miss a change of expression in Garnet's face. Not that anything was easy to see, of course. The glowing red lights in the bedroom had dimmed down to a deep crimson, darkening the far corners of the room and shining a soft orange spotlight on the bed. Garnet, having a magic synchronization with her own bedroom, had proudly done this herself.

Pearl briefly broke the intense kiss for air. She got right back to her osculation soon after, greedily inhaling Garnet's warm scent. It was better than any store-bought perfume. She shuddered audibly a couple of times, a tad louder than she'd intended.

"Shhh..." Garnet whispered ever so softly. She pulled away and smiled. "Let's not attract unwanted attention now, shall we?" the crimson gem purred.

Pearl could feel her cheekbones burn. "Right... sorry."

The younger gem didn't need to see Garnet's eyes to see her eyelashes flutter. "Not to worry, dear." Pearl's heart fluttered in response.

Garnet pursed her lips. "Darling Pearl, how would you feel about taking this underneath the bed covers?" the exotic gem turned her face demurely to the side.

Pearl nodded with enthusiasm, flashing a toothy grin.

Without shifting their position, Garnet single-handedly pulled the dark red comforter over the two of them. The orange spotlight suddenly became dimmer, and the atmosphere became clouded with their collective body heat. It was all the more enticing for Pearl.

It was at that moment Pearl felt slim, hot fingers delicately but intently trail down her side and tuck themselves underneath her stomach, touching the rivets that ran all the way down the sternum to the belly of the leather suit.

She heard a tiny click, followed by another one further up the center of her rib cage, and then a sudden, foolish realization dawned on Pearl.

Of course the rivets were buttons, dummy! Pearl silently scolded herself. Think about how much time you could have saved if you had figured that out earlier! Idiot! Pearl would've facepalmed herself at that moment, had Garnet not been distracting her so efficiently, for not a moment later she noticed a marked change in the constriction of her upper body. Surely enough, Garnet had stripped her chest bare, and tucked the faux-leather top under her bed covers.

My breasts! She can see them! Pearl compulsively folded her arms over her chest, blushing and ashamed of herself.

Garnet cocked her head to the side. "Something wrong?"

Pearl could only blush harder, unsure of what to say.

With gentle, warm movements, Garnet lifted Pearl's arms away from her chest. "There's no need to feel ashamed, dear. It is only you and I right now."

I guess she doesn't mind, thought Pearl. Maybe I shouldn't be afraid of moving forward with this.

As if she could hear her thoughts, Garnet shushed her. "Don't be shy, darling. I like you. You should like yourself, too."

Pride made Pearl's chest swell a bit.

"But, not because I say you should," Garnet chuckled, revealing a sheepish, luminous smile.

Her hot breath began to soften the small blue nipples, and the atmosphere of the situation gave Pearl a sudden, primal urge to touch her own body.

Without taking her eyes off of Garnet, Pearl straddled the taller gem's waist, shivering at the sudden contact her bare thighs had with the powerful washboard of an abdomen. Raising her hands up to her chest, she ever so delicately fumbled and fingered her warm, soft untouchables. She'd rarely done it before. It created a strange, neural pleasure. One Pearl felt like she could get used to. She couldn't help but blush and pant at this endorphin rush.

Garnet crossed her arms in quiet, haughty amusement, smiling that reassuring, loving smile that betrayed her contentment with the nearly denuded gem squirming on top of her. She smiled not out of lust, immaturity or mischief, but out of the overflowing passion that she'd quietly directed toward the petite gem for quite some time.

I knew I made the right decision in pursuing her affections, thought Garnet. She approaches everything with just the right amount of certainty. I could teach her so much, and now I know how.

Lightly taking an ivory hand in her own, Garnet guided the younger gem under her own shirt. It would only be fair that she denude herself for Pearl as well.

Pearl got the hint. A tiny, feminine squeak escaped her lips as she one-handedly lifted Garnet's lightly damp shirt away from her broiling bod. She lifted her long arms up, so that Pearl wouldn't need to take her other hand away from her breast. Although even with the aid, it was still a challenge getting the tight tank-top past the enormous afro.

But now it was off, and cast aside.

Pearl took a minute to appreciate Garnet's body. Powerful shoulders, rock-hard abdominals, breasts compressed by a tight red sports bra... the body of an uncontested Olympian.

The lithe gem straddling Garnet's waist was all too eager at this point to see Garnet in all her vulnerability. Still unready to remove her hand from her own breast, Pearl single-handedly reached behind the crimson gem's shoulders.

To her surprise, Garnet propped herself on her elbows. "This should make it easier," she said.

Pearl chuckled, unable to form words at this point. She presumed Garnet's bra again, slipping her fingertips over her shoulder.

"Good girl..." said Garnet, cocking her head to the side.

Pearl's hands shook as she unhooked the tight fabric. She hardly had time to prepare herself for the sudden pop that released the older gem's breasts from the compress.

The breath evacuated her petite lungs as Pearl laid her eyes upon Garnet's pride. Goodness, she's so... well-endowed... Pearl wasn't entirely sure she could handle this much soft curve.

But... she was determined to prove herself to Garnet. She reached out with her free hand and caressed the one on her right. Her fingertips tingled as they made contact with the soft, hot flesh.

It was with such admiration and respect that Pearl had her first queer experience. And of course, she had the gem of her dreams in her grasp.

But how to seal the deal? Surely things couldn't go back to the way they had been before, with Pearl admiring Garnet from afar, the memories of this magic evening growing cold and neglected. She simply couldn't have that.

Tears formed in her eyes. Or rather, she needed to get Garnet's attention, and her face couldn't unscrew its tight, euphoric smile.

"What is the matter, Pearl?"

The pastel gem folded her arms across her chest once more. "I'm scared, Garnet."

Garnet paused, waiting for Pearl to continue.

"I'm worried, Garnet."

Garnet sat up. She knew exactly what Pearl was going to say. She'd felt the same impending terror crushing her insides many times before. She'd known it all too well. "You're afraid. You're afraid that we will not be seeing each other after this, are you not?"

"Well... won't we?"

Garnet smiled a soft, reassuring smile that lifted a weight off of Pearl's rib cage. "I'd love to continue seeing you after this." She gently laced her arms underneath Pearl's and held the nude half of her body close to her own. "I feel like I'm in a good place with you, darling."

Pearl felt touched. She couldn't think of anything to say. As her little heart beat like a jackhammer, she pressed her lips against Garnet's neck, inhaling her clean scent and basking in her unusual body heat.

A light gasp, shakily a moan, left Garnet's lips. Pearl's heart skipped a beat. What a beautiful voice... you could be a singer, Garnet. So soft and subtle and deep...

"Ahem, pardon. That was... rather unorthodox of me," Garnet said in a low, sheepish mumble.

I see... you're still nervous, thought Pearl with an odd trickle of enthusiasm creeping up her throat. We'll have to do this together if we want to work past this awkward stage...

Pearl nuzzled into Garnet's neck. She pursed her lips and felt the steady, precious throb of underneath warm skin. The taller gem hardly seemed to realize it, but she was moaning so very softly as Pearl graced her neck and face with little nibbles.

I could just devour you, thought Pearl, positively enraptured in this little moment under the covers.

So very enraptured she was, she didn't seem to notice that Garnet was passively kicking the gray-and-orange spandex off of her legs. It came as a pleasant surprise when long, bare legs became entangled with her own. Of course, some reshuffling ensued, and as Pearl squirmed and slithered into a more comfortable position (never having slept on top of someone before), her knee grazed something wet, labial in texture, and quite noticeably hot. Very hot... with a peculiar scent to it...

The pastel gem stopped dead. Her stomach did a flip-flop.

Dare I continue?

She could have sworn that Garnet had the gift of legilimency, for at that moment, the older gem whispered, "It's okay. It's good. Very good."

"Are... are you sure?"

"It's alright, darling."

Pearl took a deep breath. "Okay..."

The inexperienced one wasn't sure what would work the best. The knee, or her hands, the way she'd done it to herself?

She decided on the knee. After all, it was already there. Pearl started slowly, testing out her angle. I think she likes that. Wait, what if she likes this one more? Oh, I should do this one again... Oh, that was a cute noise. Can I make her repeat it?

A startling wince from Garnet made Pearl's movements come to a sudden halt. She was then further puzzled as Garnet very audibly tried to hold back a longer, louder, shuddering moan that seemed to swim through her body. The crimson gem sat up, and Pearl once again got a full view of the tall woman's breasts, holding her breath as she watched them jiggle a little bit as the dark areolas puckered up again.

What a gorgeous woman, thought Pearl, briefly distracted. The look that the powerful gem's bare body created made her look so true, so intimate, so vulnerable.

"That was quite pleasant", breathed Garnet. "You did lovely". Her pink shades glinted.

It was then that Pearl realized just how hot, wet and slippery her knee had become. She noted the heat that had crept up both pairs of legs.

Instinctively, Pearl bit her knuckle. She couldn't suppress a giggle of euphoria as her face burned. Garnet's left hand glowed with intensity as she removed the fingers in the pastel gem's mouth, and placed them on a hardening nipple.

Pearl got the hint. She gingerly rubbed the sensitive bud, fingerprinting it. This close, she could see every quiver, every miniscule shake that the soft mounds responded to every little fondle with.

Saliva seeped in from under her tongue.

Maybe I could...

Pearl sucked her lips to dampen them. She so wanted to taste it. Just a little taste...

Drawing her hand back to Garnet's hip, the pastel gem leaned forward. The tip of her tongue poked out of her lips. Her heart fluttered, bringing a warm buzz back into her blood.

A tap. Pearl nearly lost control right then and there.

It was an incredible feeling. The most tender flesh in the body surrounded the tiny jewel at the top, as if it were swaddled up by the finest silk comforter in the world.

Pearl took great care not to let her teeth clamp down on Garnet, though it wasn't easy. She so terribly wanted to just swallow this royal pillow whole.

"My goodness..." said Garnet, combing her long fingers through Pearl's hair, rubbing the delicately tapered fingers against the scalp.

Focus on the... nnhh... sensations, Pearl told herself. She took note of everything her nerves were telling her at this exact moment.

The energy crackling like electricity between her tongue and the nipple whenever she grazed it. The raw, wet pleasure burning and soaking her thong (the only bit of clothing she had left). Her fingers curling into powerful shoulders, surely leaving indents, maybe even cuts. Two palm-gems warming her thighs as slim fingers gave them a hot little squeeze.

Pearl couldn't hold back her moans anymore. They rumbled and tumbled out of her throat as she raised her head.


Hair was starting to stick to her sweat-slicked forehead. A dim, yet stunningly radiant light shone from her gem. She looked down at Garnet. The curls of dark hair were beginning to to unfurl from her distinctly coiffed style, and her shades had started to slip out of place, crookedly revealing a bright blue eye. It looked right at an awe-struck Pearl.

Screw the formalities, thought Pearl. I'm ready.

She raised a hand, and snatched the glasses form the crimson gem's face in a wild blur. She set them aside (or rather, let them fall to the floor with a tinkling crash).

One blue, the other red? Fascinating... Pearl thought, smiling. She had failed to notice the the third eyelid in the middle of Garnet's forehead, she was so hopped up.

The bony gem immediately lunged forward and started peppering Garnet's fine, handsome jawline with kisses. Pearl felt a smile lift the Brit's normally static expression.

The palm-gems clasped around Pearl's legs had moved around to her front. Garnet slipped her index fingers underneath the leather, pleasantly surprised as Pearl helped her pull the sticky undergarment off.

Pearl didn't even wait long enough to get it off of her ankle. She wrapped her her arms around Garnet's waist, and squeezed the powerful gem. The soft, bountiful breasts pressed against Pearl's own like living, loving pillows with emotion and energy rising form the dark skin, passing directly into her own like a warm, magic aura. And maybe it was.

Of course, her loins burned with a deep, carnal desire. And as far as Pearl knew, there couldn't be a method to this madness, at least at this point in the game.

So, she did what her body told her to do.

She brought her knees up, and daintily straddled Garnet's waist again, wincing in ecstasy as her leaking core came in contact with a toned, hot stomach.

The pastel gem then got to work contracting and uncontracting, tightening and untightening her abdominal muscles in order to move her wet nether lips back and forth across the skin.

Oh gosh... oh golly... she said in her head, unable to form anything but wet, shallow gasps of conditioning, with the occasional rattle of her vocal chords producing soft, beastly growls.

Her pleasure steadily increased as she watched Garnet's face change. Her relatively small but luminescent eyes lidded and flickered with elegant revelry as she was swept up in a wave of the raw, hot passion Pearl was exerting all over her.

The petite one's could feel Garnet inhaling and exhaling with mounting enthusiasm. But then, she stopped and held her breath.

Pearl was dumbfounded. She felt... cut off. She wants me to stop? I don't underst...

"Enough..." breathed Garnet at last, securing her sweaty hands and beating gems around her novice's hips.

Wha... What? Has she changed her mind? Pearl fretted. She knew she couldn't bear being cut off now.

"I... wish to please you dear."

With that, the Brit lifted her left leg, and brought it around Pearl's hip, enveloping her in an oddly comforting embrace.

Only then did Pearl realize just how close to Garnet she was. Her moistened little button had nosed itself out of its home, and was now rubbing up against something that felt eerily similar in texture and sensation.

But of course, it all paled in comparison to the sudden spread of her vulnerability, at last being exposed to someone that wasn't herself. Garnet had prompted her petals to open up into a beautiful blossom, and greeted it with a sort of steamy sunshine rising from own bloom. Gosh, it's warm, thought Pearl, barely able to form or stick with a coherent thought at this point, distracted. Her flower was ripe, dripping with juice and burning wild with the desire within. She could feel Garnet's heat as well, beckoning the pastel gem closer, closer...

Omigosh, was all Pearl could think to say, caught up in the anticipation of...

...It was impossible to keep track of what happened after that.

Hands moved, palm-gems glowed, palm-gems glowed, palm-gems rubbed, lips twitched, teeth bit down on lips (but not out of spite), long legs licked, longer legs kicked, a forehead-gem shone, eyelashes fluttered, the mattress groaned as the springs bent and creaked, tongues entwined, breath was hot, breath was heavy, a third eye blinked and lidded, arms looped around hourglass waists, cores dripped and burned and throbbed and crackled and ground together, muscles and tendons tensed and relaxed, contracted and subcontracted, an ecstatic moan here, a soft purr there...

A kiss, a soft lick, a loving caress, a heated palm-gem rub-down, an arching of the back, and suddenly so many things were happening all at once, and so many different noises were being made by the duo, and the only things to be seen were two red lights and a white light, and now nothing made sense and nothing had to make sense, and now itwasallcomingtogetherandPearlcoulddonothingbutshoutinincrediblyhotsexyblissfulecstasylikenothingshe'deverfeltbeforeand...!

The moment ricocheted between the two, like a sudden realization of a well-contrived prophetic omen, or a perfectly placed chord in a soulful ballad, one that you would kill to hear just one more time.

It didn't finish too abruptly, the moment more so quite daintily sailed back down to earth on a sweet breeze.

And that was now how Pearl felt, lying here next to Garnet, the incredible experience still tenderly brushing between the two sweaty, panting bodies.

Before Pearl could reflect, she heard something new, something melodic. She recognized the tune immediately. Turning her tired head to the side, she gazed at the adolescent with the multicolored eyes.

"I... I love that song." I love you.

"As do I, dear." Marry me, Garnet. Marry me like the humans do.

"May I sing it with you?" What an odd question. Why did I... Oh who cares? I did it with her. I really did it with her! I did it! I DID IT!

Garnet could only smile.

"You're such a romantic," cooed Pearl as she traced little circles below Garnet's breasts with her index finger quite lovingly.

The Brit chuckled. "Only when it matters, dear," she murmured softly.

"When wouldn't it matter?"

"If it weren't you." Garnet then raised her hand on the side opposite Pearl, letting the gentle red magic illuminate the pitch-dark room. She then tenderly cupped Pearl's face. "You know, you fascinate me, too."

The pastel gem's heart did a little jumping-jack.

"There are many subtleties you possess that I can't help but admire. Rarities, if you will."

"Rarities?" Pearl reciprocated.

"Yes. Darling rarities."

Pearl felt her chest swell just a little bit. She very much liked to think of herself as a rarity. After all, that was how a pearl here on Earth was valued.

"And a rarity must be treated like one," Garnet continued, combing a hand through her dark curly locks, one by one letting them spring back into their relative location. She turned her head to the side, and used her other hand to pet the other adolescent's hair with her long fingers. "You deserve nothing short, my pet."

"Baby, you're too much," Pearl snickered, blushing and giggling at her own use of the word.

For hours, the duo exchanged sweet words, each and every one more syrupy and sticky and gooey than the last. One might have almost found it sickening after a while. Almost.

Was it love? The dreaded L-word? Maybe. Was it an inebriating cocktail of dopamine and serotonin softening the ordinarily tough gems up? Perhaps. Was it one of the most glorious experiences they had every shared?


Of course, word got around quickly. Neither Pearl nor Garnet were surprised that it had been that little purple twat, whom shall remain nameless, that made sure everyone knew. At this time in human culture, the homosexual movement, the big coming out party, was still slowly and not always surely clawing itself above ground, risking each and every neck for the respect it so desired.

As it played out, the tiny community of Beach City felt itself torn more than two ways as to what the newcomers Garnet and Pearl (you had to say their names together now) meant for the future. As the community divided itself, the new couple were met with criticism, cruelty, and compassion.

Oddly enough, it didn't affect them as much as you'd think it would.

They were Crystal Gems, first and foremost. Unlike many others, neither Garnet nor Pearl would allow their sexualities to define who they were. They would let their individualities shine through, and let nothing dampen them.

Even today, they still choose to keep it under wraps. After all, intimacy was a value they shared, one they still share today.

And for absolutely infinite and countless reasons, they couldn't be happier with each other. Always and forever...

Can you tell where I got lazy? Hopefully it doesn't show through.

It's done everyone! Thanks for sticking with it for so long! I love Pearlnet so much, you guys don't even know.

And this certainly won't be the last you will see from me with these cuties!