Castiel clumsily fumbled with the notecards in his hand. He read each one of the pickup lines Gabriel had given him. They were all pretty lame, but it was all he had. He cleared his throat before approaching Dean Winchester. The bar was crowded and Castiel had to push his way though to get a good angle. "uh, excuse me" Cas poked Dean lightly on the shoulder, causing him to turn around. His piercing green eyes stunned Castiel and caused him to drop over half of the cards in his hand. Great, Castiel thought to himself as he frantically picked up the cards again. When he looked back at Dean he was smiling at the clumsy guy in the dirty trench coat. Castiel smiled apologetically. "did, uh, did it hurt when, um.." Castiel tried to read Gabriels messy handwriting but failed. In that moment a tall guy pushed through the crowd, causing Cas to, yet again, drop the cards. "I'm really sorry you're just.. You're really pretty" He finally managed to say. He felt that he was unable to look away from those damned green eyes. Dean Winchesters' smile grew bigger and eventually became a huge grin. Castiel smiled back, unsure of wether it was a good thing.

"nah but I scraped my knee crawling out of hell" Dean said, amusement in his voice. Castiel tilted his head in confusion. Dean only laughed and turned around to the bar, ordering a drink for Cas.