Okay, these are some Destiel one shots, just very short Destiel stories (not smut). I'll post two or three each week, and I you have any ideas for a new one, please tell me! I don't own anything, I wish I did but I don't and if I did I'd be nice to the character (Eric Kripe that's for you), anyway just get reading!

Dean wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. A small tear fell down Castiel's cheek "but what if something happens to you... And I can't do anything?" Castiel and Dean had had this conversation before, and Dean always said the same thing: "nothing will happen to me, and if it does I will know you love me and I won't care" and then he would do that charming half smile.

This time was no different. "I know, Dean, but I would never forgive my self. Because you are the reason I have been able to forgive myself in the past... And if anything happe-" Castiel bit his lip, trying not to cry more than he already had, if he did maybe Dean wouldn't like him anymore and that was a worse nightmare than any other.

Dean hugged Cas, but not just a hug. More like a squeeze, a gentle squeeze, the kind that makes you feel like you fit perfectly in someone's arms. Dean never wanted to let go, he loved Castiel with all his heart. And no one, no one, could ever change his opinion. No matter how much wrong Cas did, no matter how many innocent people he killed, Dean would never once stop loving him. And Cas felt the same way.

Dean pulled away and looked into Castiel's blue, angel eyes and he just knew that he loved that man so much. Castiel pulled Dean back into another hug, and when they pulled away they kissed. Just gently, stroking their lips against each others for a split second. They pulled away and Cas looked at Dean and said "I... I love you Dean..." He smiled nervously.

"I love you too, Cas" Dean had been wanting to say that for ages. Castiel felt a tear roll down his cheek and Dean pulled him in for another hug.

So, although Cas was crying, they were the happiest people on heaven, hell and earth because they had a gift more powerful than any other.

When people say true love, they mean the stuff of fairy tales, the kind that wakes a sleeping princess. That kind normally isn't real. And it never has been. Until now, until this moment when Dean is holding Cas, knowing that he will never truly let go, knowing that Cas is all Dean cares about (and his brother of course, after all he is the one who got them together in the first place, but that's another story), knowing that they will stay together through thick and thin and that Castiel is the only reason Dean keeps going, and Dean is the only reason that Castiel keeps going, knowing that they will hold on to each other until they die and even after that. That, is true love.