A/N: I do not own, please don't sue me. I also apologize for the lengthy time in between updates. Writer's block sucks. Hopefully this will get me back into the groove. Remember, this is a FEMSLASH. It is rated M for a reason. If that offends you, or you're too young to read stuff like this, or you're just a dick; don't read it. Anywho, story time. Enjoy, and please review. ~MUHRISSEE


As soon as I heard his voice I squealed like a little girl and ran towards him, "JAZZY!" I yelled as I jumped on him, hugging him fiercely. As soon as I was in his arms, two resounding growls echoed off the walls. I sheepishly looked back at Bella who looked very unhappy to see me in his arms. I untangled from him and rushed back to her side.

"It's okay honey, it's only Jasper." Wait. Who was that other growl from then? I looked at him expectantly.

Jasper shifted to the right to reveal a young girl, probably in her early twenties with shoulder length brown hair and crimson eyes. "Everybody, this is my mate, Alexa. Alexa, this is most of my family."

I was the first to break out of my trance. "Hello, my name's Alice, and this is my mate Bella." I introduced pulling Bells with me. That was enough for everyone to begin introducing themselves. I studied Jasper, he looked happier than I had ever seen him. He locked eyes with me, obviously feeling my happiness and joy. He smiled and sent me a wave of gratitude.

"Well, now that introductions are over, would anyone mind filling me in on why Bella is a vampire and where the hell is Edward?"

All the response he got was single growl that came from everyone of us. Emmett stepped up and said, "Bella is a vampire now because Eddie boy was an idiot and tried to drain her." Jasper growled. "Don't worry bro, we took care of him."

"And I couldn't be happier," Bella added. "Speaking of happy things though, Ali and I have an announcement. We're getting married!" She said happily, looking into my eyes.

"And it's about damn time," Rose smiled as she came over to hug us. The rest of the family congratulated us and spread the love around. Jasper seemed very giddy, probably from all the feelings going around.

"Jazz..I'm so happy you're home. And, Alexa?" I paused as everyone became suddenly quiet. I smiled my biggest smile and continued, "Welcome to the family."


I hate to admit it, but I was insanely jealous when I saw Alice run into Jasper's arms. I knew logically she was mine but my inner beast roared with displeasure. As soon as she returned to me and Jasper introduced Alexa, my inner beast calmed down. It had been a long and stressful 48 hours and all I wanted to do was be alone with Ali and relax.

Alice must have sensed my unease because she said "Carlisle, before we go I wanted to talk to you about Bella's gift, or should I say gifts."

Gifts? What the fuck is she talking about?

"Of course, shall we retire to my study?" He said instantly going into scientist mode.

I had to stifle a giggle as I pictured Carlisle in a lab coat studying rats on a wheel. Ali looked at me like I had grown another head as I followed her up the stairs...good god does she have a perfect ass. I wanted to reach up and..

Before I could even finish my thought Alice had me pinned to the wall and was kissing my neck before she whispered in my ear, "Patience my love, no need to start something you can't finish just yet." And with that she continued down the hall towards Carlisle's study leaving me dumbfounded and horny.

Once I regained my composure I walked into his study to find Alice already filling him in on our hunt.

"..Carlisle, she craved the animal blood. She said it was the best thing she'd ever smelled. And then there's her eyes obviously. I've never heard of any vampire with eyes like that. Or that they craved animal blood." She finished, looking worried. I moved to sit next to her and hold her hand.

"Does that mean something went wrong? That there's something wrong with me?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

Carlisle was silent for a very long time, obviously in deep thought, then he slowly got up and grabbed one of his many leather bound tomes and began flipping through it. "Ahh, I thought that I had heard something similar before." He paused as he sat down next to us again. "You see, during my time with the Volturi, I observed many things, and you know me, I like to take notes." He cleared his throat. "There was a story, a myth, or so we thought, that there would be a vampire that could control all of the elements. She would be the balance between our world and the humans. She wouldn't need the blood of humans to survive. It was actually the story of her that made me realize I wasn't an anomaly that others could drink animal blood as well." He put the book down on his desk. "Bella, my daughter. I think you're the one they describe in the myth. I know you're young but I'd like to test a few theories of mine soon.."

"Dad." Alice started. "She's only been a vampire for a few hours. You have forever. Let her enjoy this for a bit, kay?" I couldn't help but chuckle a little, Alice actually sounded like a spoiled child towards the end.

"Of course, you're right." He replied.

"I'm always right." She smirked back at him.

"Are you going to show her-" Carlisle started but Alice cut him off.


By this point I was thoroughly confused. I looked back and forth between her and Carlisle, who had a very guilty look on his face. I was about to ask what was going on, when Esme knocked and walked into the room.

"Alice, honey, your father can't hold anything in, you know that." Then she looked at him, "Come on, let's go for a hunt." She took his hand and practically dragged him from the room.

"Alice?" I questioned.

She sighed. "I had such a surprise planned for you. Oh well, it'll still be perfect." She kissed me lightly on the lips. "Go for a run with me?"

I nodded and we took off through the forest, following a small path behind the mansion. After a couple miles, she slowed down. "I love you so much, Bella. I wanted this to be a grand surprise but with everything that has happened in the last week, I just want to start sharing this with you already."

"I love you too, my Alice. But I am thoroughly confused right now, mind filling me in on this grand surprise?" I asked, wrapping my arms around her waist.

She nodded then climbed on top of me, kissing me fiercely. After a moment she pulled back and I felt her small hands cover my eyes. "Walk fifty yards to the north." Was her simple command. I slowly walked the distance, quite enjoying having Alice so close to me. She climbed off of me when I stopped, her hands never leaving my face. "Welcome home," She whispered as she removed her hands.

I looked at the sight before me, it was a beautiful log cabin. with large windows all over. "Home?" I whispered back, not trusting my voice.

"Our home." She smiled, taking my hand and leading me inside. The outside had all the rustic charm but the inside was exceptionally modern. She showed me all around, the kitchen, the living room, then we got to a rather long room with french doors that separated the room halfway through. "This is your study for whatever you'd like and attached is my studio, for my art and designing."

"I love it. You designed all this?"

"With Esme's help." She kissed my lips. "For us."

"I only have one question." I said, as I kissed her neck.

"Hmm?" Was all she could manage.

I smirked. "Where's the bedroom?" Her pupils dilated and she growled before tackling me to the ground.

"Who says we need the bedroom?" She replied before attacking my lips with hers.