Hey everyone! Sorry it's taken me so long to update; life has been quite hectic lately. So, I decided to wrap up this story. Thank you all so much for the support and reviews and I'm hoping to write some one-shots and drabbles. If you hate this chapter, I'm sorry. :(

"…Come again?" Kendall inquired.

Amy shifted her phone so it was in a more comfortable position. "Do you wanna go out on a real date with me? One where we can pretend that Karma doesn't exist?"


The blonde blinked. "What? Why? I thought you liked me."

"I do," Kendall responded simply. "But this isn't the girl that I fell for."

"What do you mean? I'm still the same person!"

Kendall ignored her. "Plus, you're not you without Karma in your life and you know it. Even if she's not with you romantically, she's become a part of you, however big that part may be and I honestly believe that you wouldn't be able to live without her."

Amy glanced around at her surroundings and as if they were magnets, her eyes ended up being locked with Karma's who was across the courtyard. The redhead had a heartbroken expression on her face, but she had Liam right next to her who was talking to her. Amy clenched her jaw.

"What makes you say that?" she spat into the phone.

"Because you're staring at her right now." Amy whipped her head around, looking for the short brunette.

"Are you here?"

"Nope," Kendall chirped. "Alright, fine I am. I was gonna pick you up and see if you wanted to get some dinner." The blonde spotted the familiar car and gave a half hearted smile. "But even if I wasn't here I would've known you were looking at her." Amy scrunched her eyebrows.

"How so?"

"Because she's who you look for when you feel like you've hit bottom; she's who you want to tell everything to, the good and the bad, she's your number one."

Amy gave a hollowed laugh. "All best friends are like that."

"True," Kendall agreed. "But only loves could make you feel like you have waves crashing in your stomach that turn into clouds."

"…That's some description," Amy giggled.

"Don't tease me!"

The blonde giggled some more. "Sorry. And she does make me feel that, or some version of that. God help me, she does."

"Of course she does, which is why you need to stop staring at her like a lost puppy and get in the damn car."

Once in the car, Amy turned to the brunette. "So you won't go out with me because…"

Kendall rolled her eyes. "Because of the same thing I've told you a million times: you're not supposed to be with me."

"But you like me?" The other girl didn't answer. "If Karma wasn't in the picture, would you be with me?"

"Yes," Kendall said without hesitation. "But she is and I'm not going to cut her out of it." She went to start her car but Amy put her hand over the girl's and stopped it. "What?"

The blonde put her other hand on Kendall's cheek to turn her face and when they were looking at each other, Amy kissed her.

Kendall's squeak of surprise was muffled by the blonde's lips, which were trying to pry her mouth open. Amy vaguely felt the pressure Kendall was putting on her shoulders, no doubt a sign to get off, but she just kissed the brunette harder.

Kendall gave up and closed her eyes as she moved her hand away from Amy's shoulder to cup her cheek. Amy nipped her bottom lip, causing Kendall to gasp and the blonde thrust her tongue in. Kendall gave a soft whimper at the feeling of the blonde's tongue dancing with her own and maneuvered her hand until she was gripping the soft baby hairs at the blonde's neck.

Amy had moved her own hand to the brunette's thigh, rubbing tiny circles in her skin. Kendall felt the blonde move her hand a smidgen higher and felt excitement shoot through her. She was thinking that maybe this relationship could actually work when she heard a loud knock on the passenger side window.

Both girls sprang apart and stared wide eyed at the girl who was standing outside the car, glaring daggers at Kendall.

"Get off my girl!" Karma yelled, though it was muffled due to the glass. Amy blinked at her best friend's outburst; Kendall felt herself smile.

The blonde rolled down her window so she could talk with the seething redhead. "What?" she breathed out.

"I was telling this slut to-" Karma cut off suddenly and seemed to realize what she had just said. She cleared her throat and averted her gaze, staring at the ground before asking, "Amy, can I talk to you in private, please?"

The blonde continued to stare at Karma for another moment before Kendall subtlety nudged her, which brought her crashing back to reality and made her realize that Karma was waiting for her.

"Uh, sure," she said weakly and exited the car but not before glancing back at the brunette who was wearing a confused expression. As soon as her feet were on the pavement, Karma latched onto her hand and dragged her away from the car, away from everyone and up the stairs that led to the roof.

"I thought you hated heights," Amy muttered curiously.

"I do," Karma replied without turning around. "But I hate her even more."

Amy couldn't believe her ears. "Who? Kendall?"

Karma scoffed. "Who else?"

Amy blinked. "Okay, I'm confused. Why did you just go all Braxton back there?"

"Because she was kissing my girl!" The blonde's jaw dropped as did Karma's when she realized what she had said. The two girls stared at each other as silence enveloped them.

"Wh-what's that supposed to mean?" Amy stuttered out. Karma swallowed.

"It means," she began slowly. "that I don't like you kissing anyone else." Amy beat down the eruption of waves of happiness in her stomach; she couldn't get her hopes up like this.

"I'm not your girl, Karma," she pointed out quietly. "You're dating Liam, I'm dating Kendall-"

"She doesn't deserve you!" Karma blurted.

"Then who does?!" Amy shot back.

"I do!"

Amy sighed. "Karma, what are you saying?" she asked slowly.

"I'm saying…I'm saying that I hate it when you're with her instead of me. And that a-at first I thought it was just c-cause we didn't spend time together. But then I saw you guys kiss and I have never been so angry at someone in my entire life." Karma took a breath. "I don't want you with anyone else, Amy. I want you with me; in the friendship sense and the romantic sense."

The two girls stared at each other for a beat before Amy let out a watery laugh. Karma was quick to cup her face and wipe the tears that were falling down the blonde's face with her thumbs. And before she could over think it, she crashed her lips to Amy's. Now Amy understood what Kendall was talking about, and boy did she love the waves in her stomach.

November 23, 2013

Dear Journal-

I guess I shouldn't be surprised; from the moment I met Karma, I knew she was a go getter. I just thought that she wouldn't have made a move this quickly. I enjoy my time with Amy. She's nice and smart and funny, and she wondered why I liked her. God, she can be an idiot sometimes.

From the second I saw her and Karma together, I knew I had to help them. And by 'help them', I mean make Karma realize her true feelings for her best friend. If I'm being honest with myself, I wasn't sure if this was actually gonna work out. But someone had to have faith in the plan and God knows Amy didn't. But it did, and now there's a happy couple out there :)

I just hope they'll still wanna be friends with me still.


I apologize for this being so short, but I really needed to get this story wrapped up or I never would've finished it. Peace