Hi all, writer of The Adventures of Arian here. I know it's been a while since I posted a chapter so I thought I'd give you all a update.
First of all, I'd like to thank all of you for taking the time to read about the adventures of the titular hero. Arian has grown on me more than I thought he would, and I often find myself thinking of new ways to torture the poor guy. But if even the small number of you who do read this hadn't taken the time to do so, I don't know if Arians story would have developed into the fun adventure it has become. So thank you.
Secondly, the story has been on hiatus for a while now because I've been busy trying to catch up with myself. Initially I wrote the first five chapters and then posted them weekly, but over time I started scrambling to keep up. So I have been working quietly on the story in my free time, preparing chapters so I can post them on a weekly basis again. I can't guarantee when that will be, but I'm aiming to have it done soon.
I promise the next chapter to come out will be worth the wait, as it will be action packed and will feature the return of a villain we haven't seen in a while! So get excited for that.
Thank you guys for your patience, I promise Arian and his hang of misfits will be back in action soon!