After All These Years

Chapter 11:

The Big Reveal(s)

When Percy was seventeen, Annabeth left camp. One day, she was here, the next, she disappeared from camp. She's not dead, because Nico can't sense her spirit, and no Iris messages are revealing her location. Percy is offered a job to teach at a ADHD and Dyslexia School to find demigods, and accepts. But what happens when Percy meets a jet-black haired boy with big sea-green eyes, and gray specks?


"I feel bare. I didn't realize I wore my secrets as armor until they were gone and now everyone sees me as I really am."

~ Veronica Roth


Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians or any other branded item mentioned in this story. If I did, I would be famous and make millions and not be writing on FanFiction.

Piper POV:

- Saturday September 28, 2024 -

This wasn't good.

Annabeth just walked into the bar room and everyone has their jaws dropped.

Everyone was staring, while Percy and I already knew what was happening. Bobby and Casey just stood awkwardly, indicating they had no clue what was going on.

After a minutes of confusion, the first person to take any action to do something was Beckendorf.

"Back from the dead, I see?" he said, then chuckled.

Nico shot him a death glare and yelled, "She wasn't dead!" right at Beck.

Then, Silena just ran up to Annabeth, flung herself behind her, and hugged her right around the neck. She collapsed into Annabeth's arms and started sobbing.

Annabeth, being the strong and fierce woman she was, just stroked her back. All of us knew that the first sign of vulnerability is showing emotion. Chiron taught us all about that the first time we learned to swordfight.

Man, do I miss him?

While Silena was sobbing her eyes out on Annabeth's shoulder, not everyone was as ecstatic as dear Silena. Reyna, Calypso, Katie, and Hazel were giving her death glares. Jason wouldn't look at her, and Frank found his shoes quite fascinating. Nico and Will were just enjoying their drinks, and the Stolls looked extremely flabbergasted, like they didn't think they would ever see her again.

On the other hand, after Silena finally got off of Annabeth, Leo just walked over to Annabeth and gave her a high-five. "Long time no see, Princess."

She just laughed and said, "How's life going for you, Repair Boy?" Then, she pulled him into an endearing hug, nothing romantic of course (for obvious reasons), but just a sibling love kind of thing.

After what felt like eternity, Katie finally decided to say something. "Wow Annabeth. It's been ten years, and your first response is to come here and just say 'Long time no see'? Annabeth, do you know how much pain you've caused us over the years? We all suffered from your disappearance, but you want to know who suffered the most? Percy! The man who fell in love you!"

And just like that, the moment Percy and I were dreading came. Percy and I already had our "Oh My Gods! It's Annabeth!" moment, which is why everyone was confused as to why neither of us reacted in any way.

I could see the gears in Jason's eyes moving. Then his facial expression changed from confused to understand, but not in a good way. He looked between Annabeth and us. Then, with scorn apparent on his face, he contemplated, "They already knew, guys. Piper and Percy both already knew."

That moment seemed like the moment in movies when the villain is finally revealed to the audience. The moment when every single person gaspes and the plot twists.

The only problem is, none of us really knew who the real villain was at the moment.

Percy looked at Jason and just mumbled, "I only saw her for the first time a few days ago. Piper's the real one you should be blaming. She's already known this for a couple of weeks."

Now all eyes were on me. Yay.

Everyone was angry. Well, besides Casey and Bobby since they had no idea what was so crazy about seeing Annabeth.

I put my hands up, as a sign of defense. "I'm sorry, guys. It's Annabeth's story to tell, and now that she's here, she can tell you. It wouldn't have been right for me to tell you all before anyways."

Then, everyone averted their eyes back at Annabeth. She took a deep breath and started. "Well, on Percy's seventeenth birthday, Percy and I kind of slept-."

At the same moment, Leo started fake gagging, and everyone just waved their hands around as to say, "Stop!"

Annabeth continued after rolling her gray eyes. "Okay, so then I had a huge headache, and I realized that something happened the night before. I knew I could never get an abortion, but I didn't want to ruin Percy's life. So, I took a bus to Los Angeles to see my father's family."

Everyone groaned when Annabeth talked about her father. We all hate him, since he's such a big dick. Abandoning your child like that makes you a terrible person.

"Well, my dad kicked me out. My brothers still actually cared about me and found a friend who's sister was looking for a roommate. So while I was pregnant, I went to a private school, the a public school after These was born. I graduated and started taking classes for architecture at UCLA.

"Then, I had an internship at Architectures of Los Angeles. After college, I was promoted to business manager, and then Vice President. The CEO of the company didn't have any children, and after she died, she left all of the company to me. So, I've been managing the business for the last few years. That's all."

There were blank stares all around. Jason and Frank were able to face Annabeth's direction. Calypso's, Katie's and Hazel's faces had soften up a little, while Reyna was trying to look mad. Beckendorf was comforting Silena as she kept sobbing. Leo just quietly shook his head in disapproval.

Annabeth looked like she was about to cry, but I knew that she was a strong woman.

But since when did strong mean concealing your emotions?

Annabeth looked back up at everyone and awkwardly smiled. "Is there anything that I need to catch up on? I feel like ten years really makes a difference."

Jason laughed spitefully and without looking at Annabeth, he said, "If you want to catch up on anything at all, just look Piper's ring finger."

Suddenly, Annabeth turned my way and took my hand and started examining my finger. Her face lit up with realization. "Oh my Gods, Pipes! You're getting married? Why didn't you tell me before?"

I laughed and being the snarky person that I am, I replied saying, "It's kind of hard to tell you when it only happened this afternoon."

Annabeth gasped. "Holy shit, Pipes. How did he do it?"

So then, of course I told everyone the story, since I hadn't told them previously. The simple he asked me on top of a mountain and that corny crap. Silena was so emotionally touched that she started sobbing.

Everyone looked at her strangely, including Casey and Bobby. Beckendorf has this expression on his face as though he was giving up. "Silena, I think now is as good of a time to tell them as any."

Silena looked up from Beckendorf's embrace and sighed. "I'm pregnant."

That was unexpected. Everyone gasped dramatically as an audience would when something big is revealed.

Everyone started going over to her and starting congratulating her, but all she did was start sobbing. She collapsed back into Beckendorf's arms and cried. And this time, not of happiness.

Beckendorf got the understanding that we needed Silena to elaborate, but she obviously did not have the capacity to talk. He let out a huge breath and then proceeded to talk.

"So we found out a month or so ago that Silena was pregnant. At the time, she was twenty-two weeks pregnant, so she is around twenty-six weeks pregnant right now. We, of course, we overjoyed when we found out the news, but on the way back from the doctor's office, we saw Rachel and Chiron near my cabin." He looked down at the ground and took another breath.

Already, the rest of the room knew that something bad was coming up. Whenever you see Rachel and Chiron waiting for you in front of your cabin, a new quest is on the way.

Beckendorf's eyes started watering at this point. "When we came into my room, Chiron congratulated us immediately, meaning the prophecy had something to do with the child," he said as he patted her semi-protruding belly.

"He immediately told us the prophecy Rachel has recited." After taking the pause, he started to recite the words he had burned into his memory.

"The child of love and fire and two children of split godly blood,

Will create the world's next battle over godly love,

Faith in these children will lead to two men dead,

One god will forever be forced to bleed red"

Immediately, Annabeth's face glossed over with horror. Two children of split godly blood.

Theseus is the only known child of split godly blood. Well, other than Silena and Beckendorf's unborn child. But that was already covered in the child of love and fire

As soon as Percy noticed this, he went over to Annabeth and started to comfort her as best as possible. Even if he didn't know These as well as Annabeth, Theseus was his son too.

All of the demigods in the room seemed to lower their heads in sorrow. Not only for the fact that Silena and Beckendorf child would be apart of a prophecy, but also due to the scare that if they did have children with their significant other, the child would be in relatively grave danger.

I looked over at Silena and nodded solemnly in her direction. She thanked me with her watering eyes and then proceeded to bury her face back into Beckendorf's chest. My eyes started to water due to the fact that my niece or nephew could be in grave danger.

After I realized that I started crying, Jason came over to me and gave me a big hug. After I buried my eyes into his chest, he started patting my back and whispering words of affection.

Isn't that just great? The day I get engaged is the same day as I find out that my half-sister's unborn child will determine the rest of my future.

Annabeth POV:

All that was rushing through my head was the fact that Theseus could be in grave danger. After being on so many prophecies, I would never wish this experience of a child. Ever.

Percy walked over to me, stood awkwardly next to me and started trying to talk to me. Oh course that stupid Seaweed Brain would think that talking to me would make me feel happier in this situation!

"Hey Annabeth. I know this is hard, but These will be alright. He's a fighter and will definitely defeat whatever horrid thing he will fight in this prophecy. From what I've seen from him, he's definitely got your determination and bravery. There's no way anything-"

Before he could say anything else, I just found his chest and buried my sobbing face into it. Who cares if this dress shirt that looks amazing on him gets soaked in mascara? My child will have to suffer so much worse than a mascara stain.

Well, it's not like this mascara stain is the most terrible thing that's ever happened to him.

As I was sobbing into the crook of Percy's neck, he rubbed the upper part of my back. As much as how wonderful it felt to be in Percy's embrace, it was hard to focus on that when my baby could be in danger.

Percy kept talking, but one thing he said resonated with me. "Before this prophecy actually comes true, two more children need to be born. Silena and Beck's child hasn't been born yet, and These is the only known split godly blood child any of us know. These has time before he has to suffer his own quest. Make most of the time he has left before he grows up."

In that moment, I realized that Percy was right. I did need to make the most of the time that I had left before Theseus grew up.

And that means that Percy needs to make the most of this time as well.

I lifted my head from Percy's chest and looked up at him. "Percy?"

He looked down at me with his bright curious sea-green eyes. It was almost magical how similar his eyes were to Theseus's eyes. No matter who owned the pair of eyes, just staring into them made me calm down a little. "Yes, Annabeth?"

I let out a long sigh and states, "You're right. I should spend most of my time with him until he's old enough to make his own decisions." Percy nodded his head in accordance.

Just Breath, Annabeth. This is the right choice.

I had a tiny smile on my face and said, "You should also be able to make the most of your time with him too."

Percy's straight face turned to a small smile, but I could tell from his eyes that he was overjoyed. He looked straight and me and beamed, "Oh my Gods, Annabeth! Thank you so much!" Then, he hugged me really tight and squeezed me as hard as possible.

I laughed but stated, "We will have to work all of this out, though. Come to my house after the school day is over. Theseus is going to go to Nathalia's house after the school day is over, so we can talk then." After giving him my address, I walked over to the bar while we walked towards an upset looking Casey.

And for some odd reason, after watching the two of them, I felt upset as well.

Theseus POV:

Mom was out somewhere, as usual. At the moment, I was having a sleepover at Avery's house and we currently finished watching Finding Nemo. Nemo had always been one of my favorite movie characters growing up. We both only have one parent, got separated from our fathers, and have fun swimming.

Nemo eventually found his dad. He gives me hope that one day I might find mine too.

At the moment, Nathalia and Avery were over in the corner talking about something. Hunter was getting food from her (AMAZING) vending machine. The thing was literally stalked with cheesecake to deli meats!

I walked over to the vending machine and got myself a peanut butter and nutella sandwich. Hunter seemed to get a tuna sandwich.

Ugh, people who eat fish are rude to the society. If we can survive off of plants, why do we need to kill innocent fish? Or animals in general?

If you couldn't tell, I am a vegetarian. (And no, if you eat fish, you are not a vegetarian).

Hunter came up to me and said, "So, did your mom ever tell you about what happened when she came into our class the other?"

I looked at him and shook my head. "Not really. All she said was that it was important."

Hunter just said, "Hmm," and the continued to eat his (disgusting) tuna sandwich. "So, These, how long as you liked Nathalia for?"

My eyes popped and stared directly at him. I haven't told anyone that I'm in love with her. It's not like he would understand. "Wait? Pshh, no! I would never like her!"

Wow, Theseus. Aren't you a spectacular liar?

Hunter just laugh and spoke, "Don't worry. You aren't the only one who has feelings for their best friend."After letting out a long sigh, Hunter then turned to look across the room where Nathalia and Avery were sitting. Specifically, he was looking at Avery.

Oh thank Gods! I thought he was looking at Nathalia at first.

For the next two minutes, we just stared at them laughing and glowing while talking to each other.

Nathalia looks beautiful when she smiles. Gods, she looks beautiful all the time.

After Hunter and I noticed that we were staring, we walked over towards the foosball and took one of the handles. After a couple of games, I discovered that Hunter is unbeatable at foosball.

It's good that he is good at something. He's a good friend, and all you want from good friends is for them to succeed. No matter what happens to you guys.


I would like to apologize for lying to all of you guys! I really wanted to update after a month, but I had some much other work to do. Also, I had major writer's block, but I'm semi-happy where this chapter went.


IF ANY OF FEEL AS THOUGH NO ONE LOVES YOU, I LOVE EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU GUYS. Please PM me here or message me at jaspercabeth on tumblr.

I really care about what you all think, so please review/follow/favorite if you liked this much of the story. Also, do not be afraid to post constructive criticism.

I love you all and happy NO SCHOOL SOON (for all of the Americans).

Love you all,
