Milori was awoken by a sudden sound of a cell door creaking open. Everything was a blur, but then he saw a figure being tossed into the cell next to him. He rubbed his eyes furiously to bring them into focus. Moments later he saw his best friend sitting in a cell beside him, "What are you doing here?"

"I was punched a sparrowman in the face..." Red replied.

"What! Who?"


"Awesome," he high fived his friend.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure he framed you."

"What!" Milori yelled.

"Hey!" one of the guards roared, "Keep it down over there!"

"What!" Milori whisper screamed.

"Yeah, and there's one other thing..." Milori stared at him confused, but the confusion slowly turned to anger as he explained why he punched Benedict. "He ordered her favorite dish and everything-"

"You know what... I don't want to hear anymore! I'm already in a bad enough mood as it is."

"But Milori, do you know what this means? We can prove that you're innocent!"

"But how are we supposed to do that! They'll never believe us considering you punched him and I've been sitting in this cell for the past few days."

"I can request a visitor still, and I can just request Snow and-"

"No! She's gonna be too mad at you to actually listen considering you basically ditched her at the restaurant."

"True, then who do I request?"

"I think I have an idea..."

Meanwhile Clarion had gotten Benedict down to the infirmary, but all the nurses were either busy or unavailable. She then took it upon herself to fix him up. His nose was obviously broken, but the blood was the real struggle. She absolutely hated the sight of the crimson liquid.

Clarion took a cloth and lightly began wiping the blood from his face. She winced when he flinched from the pain, "Hold still, it will hurt less."

He could see the pain and fear in her eyes and did as he was told. Benedict nearly screamed when she wiped the blood from the broken area of his nose. Clarion apologized instantly.

Eventually the blood was gone and the only task left was to fix his nose. "Now, I'm going to do a spell that will mend your nose, and it's probably going to hurt... a lot."

"Don't worry, I think I can handle it."

"Okay..." she did the spell and there was instant pain as he gripped the chair he sat in tightly. Clarion apologized once more.

"Don't be apologizing to me, you're the Queen and you're helping me more than hurting me. Besides I should be the one apologizing to you for making you take care of all the blood. I know it disgusts you because of your fear."

"Thank you," she managed, "But you don't really need to apologize."

"Alright, but I can still say thank you," he said as he leaned forward and kissed her cheek.

Clarion was caught completely off guard and froze as Benedict left. Did he really just do that? She never thought anyone would have the courage to do that except for Milori, but when he first stole a kiss from her he was being arrogant about it, but she hadn't minded and it in fact had made her laugh. This on the other hand was different. A sparrowman she had just become friends with kissed her.

The next morning, Vidia was dragged down to the prison cells, and against her will if I might add. "I didn't do anything, let me go!"

The guards let go of Vidia and she went tumbling into the cell bars. Laughter rang out and she became infuriated, "What's the big deal!" She then saw Milori and Redleaf sitting in cells laughing. "You two! Oh, if you weren't in those cells-"

"No, no, no, we just need your help," Red said.

"My help?"

"You're the only one that's going to believe us."

"And why should I believe you?"

"Because we'll reward you."

"I'm listening, but wait a minute, what are you doing in here?"

"I punched Benedict in the face."

"Nice," she high fived the minister.

The two sparrowman explained what had happened and that Milori had in fact been framed. So to prove his innocence they wanted her to do a little spying and be their informant. This was absolutely dangerous considering she was spying on the royal advisor to the queen, and if she was caught she'd be trapped in one of these cells beside the two sparrowman, but that was the fun part.

"Alright, I'll help you, but on one condition... I'm gonna need a few helpers, three tinkers, two animal fairies, a garden fairy, a light fairy, a water fairy, and three frost fairies. And only if these conditions are met, I will help you."

Milori let out an annoyed sigh. He knew exactly which fairies she was talking about. "Alright, we accept your deal, but you can't tell anyone else. "

"Alright then, we start tomorrow morning," the fast flyer got up to leave, but then she was stopped.

"Vidia, one more thing!" Milori called over and the fairy came back. Through the cell bars Milori whispered in her ear, "I need you to give Queen Clarion a message;

The Butterfly's beauty, the Crow's will never match.

The Crow's life is nothing compared the the Butterfly's since it's first hatch.

If you are good enough to get a Butterfly, that is quite a catch.

Get a Crow somehow and it gets thrown right back out to the patch.

The Crow has had it so much easier than the Butterfly.

Straight jealousy from the Crow because they have to share the sky.

The Butterfly's flight is reason to stare, the Crow's just reason to cry.

Everyone stops to get a glance of a Buttfly's, a few Crows and people pass by.

So if you ever hear a Crow cry,

Or see a Butterfly being chased by a Crow,

Just think how bad that Crow wants to be a Butterfly...

Remember that and tell me what she says after you tell her," Milori ordered.

Vidia nodded irritatingly, obviously annoyed and disgusted by the mushy gushy stuff Lord Milori was expecting her to remember and tell the Queen. If she bursts into tears at her feet this whole thing is off! Vidia then left the prisoners and went off to gather her friends.