Chapter 18

Kristoff loved Crystal, he had from the moment he had held her in his arms when she had first been born.

Call him a softie, but holding his niece was like holding his child; he had seen so much in her and had hopes greater than he had ever had for himself.

Even with Jack and Elsa around, he had this fatherly instinct to want to protect her from any harm, and a year later, he'd discover why.

When Jack and Elsa had first handed Crystal to them, they were more than saddened at the crude reality that had accompanied Pitch Black. There was this hopeless, one year old girl who resembled his sister in law and friend so much, and she would never get to truly know her parents.

Because the truth was, as much as they were aware that eventually she'd find out about them, Crystal would never be able to regain those years she had lost with her parents no matter how much they tried.

So when Anna handed him the little girl to bring back to the castle with them, Kristoff swore to himself that he'd do everything in his power to be the father she would have had.

He treated her as his own; tucking her in at night, playing dress up with her and Abby, giving them piggyback rides around the castle, building snowmen with them, and always taking their side during an argument.

Even though she saw him as this merciful king who had saved her from dying as a baby, instead of the uncle he really was, Kristoff never once hesitated to call her his daughter.

Because he loved her; he loved her just as much as his own real flesh and blood, and the thought of her dying tore him inside.

He didn't have powers like Jack and Elsa, and he wasn't this powerful Guardian that protected the earth daily; he could only hope and pray to the heavens that she would be okay.

''Uncle Kristoff!'' he heard someone call out, he turned from looking down at the scripts in his hands and smiled seeing Jack, Elsa and Crystal all together.

He rose from his seat, walking towards them and pulling the eighteen year old in to a hug. ''Crystal, it's great to see you so much better''

The girl sent him a small grin, nodding her head rather joyfully. ''Yeah, I'm sorry if I scared you and Aunt Anna''

He dismissed it, waving his hand. ''We were just worried, that's all. How may I help you?''

''We need you to take us up with the trolls as soon as possible'' Jack spoke, determination dripping from his voice.

Kristoff rose an eyebrow, staring between the three figures.

He hadn't seen his family in some time, due to his kingly duties and what not, and hearing about them made his heart sink.

He could only guess as to why they would want to go see them.

''I don't think I have anything big planned today, so I'd be glad to. May I ask why?''

''Pitch had a daughter who's now mother earth and the trolls know how to contact her'' Elsa said, hope radiating from her eyes.

Kristoff huffed, running his fingers through his hair.

He certainly hadn't expected that.

''Wow, well if that's the case, then we can certainly begin heading there in a few minutes. I just have to talk to Anna about it first-''

''talk to me about what?'' he heard his wife's curious voice from the doorway, and she stood there, beautiful and holding a tray of food in her hands.

She usually brought food up to him when he was busy sorting through different things in his working room, and it was the time that they could spend together to talk (seeing as they both had different duties to attend).

Guilt ran through him, as he realized he wouldn't be having their daily chat in what felt like years.

''Anna, sweetie'' he said, rushing to her and taking the tray from her hands.

He placed it down on his desk, turning to her with a rather deciding smile. ''Jack and Elsa were asking me if I could take them up to see Pabbie right now. Would that be okay?''

''Pabbie? Why do you want to see him?'' she asked, turning to her sister in concern.

She had the same worry lines across her forehead she had begun to form since Crystal had first found out about her parents, and he wished he could make them disappear.

Elsa explained to them what they had discovered, and Kristoff couldn't stop from turning to look at Crystal.

The poor girl, although with a firm posture and her head tilted high, had a frown on her lips.

Her eyes just didn't light up they had those seventeen years he had spent with her, and it appeared to him that the situation was suffocating her slowly.

Even if he did care for Jack and Elsa, he couldn't help but think that they would've been better off never telling Crystal who they really were.

She wouldn't be in danger the way she was now; no, she'd be the happy girl she always was and off doing something mischievous with her cousins.

Now that he thought about it, when was the last time his kids had all seen each other?

Abby was off locked in her room, only coming out to eat with them and when she absolutely had to.

There were deep bag under her eyes, and as a father, he felt like a failure knowing that there wasn't anything he could do to help her.

She thought she'd lost her best friend; the bond Abby and Crystal had been far too strong.

Teddy had become isolated too; his ambition for learning taking over him completely as he now spend the rest of his time at the library reading as many books as he could.

Without his cousin and sister, he had lost interest in doing anything others considered ''fun'' and instead focused on what he thought he should be.

That left Vincent to wonder the castle alone, and even his spirit seemed troubled.

Oh, how different their lives would've been had Crystal not found the books.

''Kristoff and I are coming'' Anna said firmly, grabbing Crystal's hands into hers. ''There is no way I'll miss the chance to save my niece''

''Anna, you can't leave your children here by themselves'' Elsa argued, but they all knew just how stubborn the red head could be.

Anna shook her head, composing a smile. ''They'll be fine, Elsa. You need us right now, and that's all final''

So with a huff and straighten back, she began walking out the door and motioned them to follow her.

Crystal sent him an uneasy look, the same worry in her eyes as he felt at that moment.

He grinned at her, and nodded his head, into which she smiled back and began walking along with her parents.

And yet, Kristoff couldn't shake the feeling off that something was going to occur.

His kids would be fine, right?

I am quite aware that this chapter is short but that's because I literally have no time to update this weekend except for today because I gotta study for finals.

I didn't want to keep you waiting like I've had in the past, so I figured a short chapter is better than no chapter (:

How'd you like Kristoff's point of view? And what do you think will happen next?

Review, fav and follow please! Xx ~Lexi