hiiii i wrote this story some time ago :p idk this plot just came to me one day and i was like ''time to write a fanfic'' hope you guys like it! :D review!

''Elsa, Jack, are you sure you want to do this?" asked Anna, Kristoff wrapping her arms around her to shelter her from the cold winds as they walked up the frozen mountain.

Jack and Elsa walked in front of them, Elsa's arms tightly wrapped around her one year old daughter as Jack made her giggle with weird faces.

Elsa took a deep breath as she stared at her little one. ''We can't risk anything bad happening to her like it did to me.''

She ran her pale fingers through the little girl's snow white hair and turned her head back at little sister. ''wouldn't you and Kristoff do everything in your power to keep Teddy safe?" she asked, referring to her six month nephew who had stayed behind in the palace.

Anna sighted, her fingers lightly running through her small baby bump. ''Yeah, I guess. Jack, do you want to do this too?''

Jack's face hardened as he pulled Crystal into his arms and cradled her. ''As much as I hate the thought, Elsa's right. Pitch could come back for her at any moment and we have to protect her''

He grinned a bit seeing his daughter laugh. ''and the best way to protect her is to keep her away from us''

Elsa's eyes began to water and her lower lip trembled. It was too hard, the thought shattered her. She loved Jack, she was in love with him, and when Crystal came, everything came perfectly. But then a year later, Pitch was sighted once again by the guardians and it was then that they discovered that Crystal was in terrible danger. As long as pitch didn't know she was alive, everything would be alright. As long as Crystal never found out who her real parents are, everything would be alright.

Seeing his wife's devastated look, he pulled her in with one arm, the other one still tightly draped around their daughter. I'd be the last time they'd be together as a family, and although he didn't admit it, it killed him knowing. He loved Elsa and Crystal more than himself; he loved them as much as he loved his dear sister Emma. It was unfair how Pitch had ruined his life more than once; he had caused Jack unbearable pain. One thing was for sure, once he found Pitch he'd strangle him with his bare hands for everything he had done to him and his family.

Anna turned to her husband, a frown covering her face. ''Kristoff, are we almost there?"

They had climbed up the mountains a few times to see Kristoff's ''family'', but in the snow they could barely make anything out.

Kristoff nodded his head. ''yeah, we're pretty close''

The walked in silence until they reached what seemed to be a pile of rocks.

''hey, guys'' called out Kristoff with a smile. ''where's Pabbie?" all the rocks began shaking and then transformed into trolls, who greeted them all with smiles.

''Kristoff, my boy! 'Many shouted, all walking to them in wonder.

''what's that?" a little troll child asked, pointing his finger at the baby in Jack's arms.

Elsa and Jack laughed. ''it's our daughter, Crystal''

Crystal stretched her small arms out to the troll and hugged his head. The troll child laughed.

''Pregnant again are we Anna?" Roy asked, amused. ''my Kristoff, you sure know how to leave an impression''

Anna giggled and Kristoff turned a light red. ''Roy please, we really need to see Pabbie''

Just then a huge rock came slowly to them. ''what is it you need, son?" asked Pabbie, his eyes looking concern at the five of them.

Jack took a deep breath. ''we need your help''

Pabbie nodded his head. ''and what is it you need?"

Elsa walked closer to him, grabbing Crystal from Jack's arms. ''we want you to erase all of Crystal's memories about us''

The wise troll stared at them and then at the little girl. ''its Pitch Black, isn't it?"

They all nodded and he shook his head. ''the moon warned me, I just didn't realize it was going to lead to something like this''

Anna grabbed Kristoff's hand, nervously. ''So can you do it?"

''of course, I did it to you Princess Anna. But you do need to be aware that she will not remember anything and therefore she will not believe in you. Her ice powers I cannot take away but as long as she has love, she'll be alright. Now your majesty, are you willing to accept her faith?"

Elsa bit her bottom lip and turned to Jack, who gave her sympathetic eyes. She swallowed, harshly. ''I'll do anything to protect our Crystal, so the answer is yes'' she tried speaking firmly but her voice was shaking. Why wouldn't it be? She wouldn't be able to tuck her daughter in with bedtime stories or teach her how to ice skate or play dress up with her. Elsa would practically be empty inside.

Pabbie nodded. ''very well, but I must warn you that everything has a price. The more she ages, so will you. It's only a small price to pay for your daughter's safety''

Jack understood, it was the closest he'd get to being a mortal. While Pabbie initiated to put the charm on Crystal, something inside of Elsa changed and she pulled her daughter away.'

''I can't,'' she mumbled. ''I can't do this. I just can't.''

Anna and Kristoff watched in horror as Jack wrapped his arms around her. ''I know it's hard'' he tilted her chin up so that their blue eyes would meet. ''but we are doing this for Crystal's safety. What if Pitch finds her uses her powers against the world or worst… what if he goes out to destroy her like when he killed you?"

Elsa began bawling into his arms, little Crystal looking at both her parents. ''daddy,'' she said, her arms reaching out to him. Jack grinned sadly and kissed her forehead.

''I love you, Crystal'' he turned to Pabbie. ''you may continue''

It felt like torture to Jack and Elsa who had to watch their daughter be put into a heavy sleep. The small memories she contained inside her little head where placed in a stone like thing none of them had ever seen before. Anna ran to her sister and comforted her as much as she could while Kristoff stood speechless next to Jack. Finally, the charm had been finished and a sleeping Crystal was returned to Elsa's arms.

''she will awake in a few hours,'' stated Pabbie, his eyes full of sorrow.

Elsa handed Anna the little girl and gently ran her fingers through the Crystal's pale face. ''Anna, Kristoff, please raise her as if she were your own. I don't want her to have the childhood I had, make sure she knows she can control her powers as long as she has love. Make sure they never find out about Jack and I, it'll be too risky''

She walked to Jack and joined hands with him.

''Wait where are you going?" cried out Anna.

Jack inhaled. ''we need to take care of Pitch, we have to make sure he isn't anywhere near Arendelle. We'll come visit once in a while.'' His eyes lingered to his sleeping daughter. ''Just please take care of her,''

Before Kristoff or Anna could say anything else, the couple had flown out and far away from what they adored most in their lives.