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Kuze's group had been excellent, and Kyoya was worried, though he was doing his best to hide it.

Rationally, he knew that the amalgamation of all of the Host Club's acts amounted to better than the American Football Club's, but realistically, the audience would most remember the last acts they'd seen, and those would have the biggest influence in the way they voted.

They were pinning all their hopes on Kagome.

"Kuze's done," Hikaru said in a flat voice.

"They're taking their bows," Kaoru said dully.

"That means it's Kago-chan's turn next!" Honey piped up. "Everyone ready?"

Kyoya glanced around. He wasn't surprised to see Honey looking eager, and even Mori looked curious. But Haruhi looked flat-out excited, and he was puzzled to see the expression on her normally neutral face.

"Are you excited, Haruhi?" he asked, keeping his voice nonchalant. Haruhi looked at him with a puzzled expression.

"Well, yeah," Haruhi said, giving him an odd look. "Aren't you?"

"Why should I be?" Kyoya returned with an easy shrug. "It's just another act."

Haruhi raised an eyebrow, before giving him an amused smile.

"Kyoya-senpai, it's Kagome doing a magic act," she told him. "Don't you think you might just see something… special?"

It was the inflection in her voice that made Kyoya's eyes widen.

Haruhi was expecting magic. Actual magic.

And Haruhi knew Kagome perhaps better than any of them.

Kyoya rapidly turned around to watch, the Host Club lining up in the shadows of the back of the auditorium to watch as the Football Club ran off stage. His mind raced – could Kagome do magic? Kyoya wondered what she would do that would make this such a grand finale – he doubted that she was going to purposefully break her arm and rapidly heal it in front of them all – but he didn't know any of her special talents that would make this show so spectacular.

That was part of Haruhi's anticipation, he mused. Not knowing what to expect, but trusting that Kagome was special enough to carry it off.

"Here she goes!" Tamaki hissed, doing a little jig in place. "Here she goes-!"

The music started, and Kagome came running out, wearing a tight, flashy silver dress. Kyoya's eyes bulged and the twins snickered, but Kyoya had to admit that it was perfect for stagewear – flashy, sparkly, and a little tacky.

Kagome danced around the stage, showing the audience a tall, fancy box. All four sides were open, showing that absolutely nothing was in the box. In an elaborate fashion, along in time to the music, she closed each side of the box, before closing the front, which was a set of doors. She held a finger up to her lips, before slipping inside the box and closing the doors after her with a wink to the audience.

There was a bright pink flash of smoke, and suddenly, Kagome was on top of the box, sitting in a casual fashion.

The crowd gasped and applauded, while the Host club gasped.

"How did she do that?" demanded Hikaru.

"There's no way she got out of the box that fast," Kaoru insisted.

Kyoya kept watching. Kagome hopped off the box and tilted her head, looking at the box in a confused manner, before knocking on the front of the box, as if knocking on a door.

Someone knocked back.

Kagome, in an elaborate manner, opened the door, and Mori came out.

"Ehhhh?" Honey exclaimed, eyes wide. He turned to stare at Mori, who was still standing next to him, still as a rod. "Takashi, you have a twin and didn't tell me?"

Mori shook his head silently, his eyes riveted to the magic act.

After the Stage Mori had stepped out of the box and shrugged, Kagome stuffed him back in the box, danced around it, and clapped her hands. This time, Honey came out of the box wearing his stagewear, looking adorable and holding his bunbun.

"EHHH?" Honey's eyes were as wide as dinnerplates. "I have a twin?"

"How is she doing that?" Tamaki wondered, his eyes bulging. "It's just a box."

This time, Kagome opened all the sides of the box again, showing it to be entirely empty, before pushing Honey back into the box with his bun-bun. She spun the box around, showing that there was no way to get in or out of it. When she clapped this time, both of the twins spilled out of the box, holding bun-bun aloft and looking slightly disgusted.

The crowd went wild.

Kyoya looked over at the twins, who looked incredulous.

"We definitely don't have more twins," the said simultaneously.

Tamaki looked horrified.

"She's made a deal with the devil," he whispered. "She's doing black magic."

"Oh, get real, senpai," Haruhi snapped. "It's all an illusion."

"Nobody can change clothes that fast," Kyoya murmured, watching. "Or change heights and hair."

Haruhi shrugged. "That's what makes it a trick, ne?"

Kyoya came out of the box next, then Haruhi, then Tamaki. When Tamaki came out, he spun Kagome around, threw her in the air, before going back inside the box with a bow as the music turned anticipatory.

When Kagome danced around the box this time, the audience seemed to be holding its breath. Kagome clapped her hands, and the box caught on fire, burning with a bright green flame. The audience gasped, and then the spotlight turned and was suddenly on the Host Club in the back of the auditorium, and everyone in the audience turned to look.

The Host Club froze.

"I guess that's our cue," Haruhi said, good-naturedly. "Go!"

Tamaki led the way, running up onto the stage, and the rest of the Host Club followed him as the audience cheered and whooped wildly. When they reached the stage, they all lined up in the front.

Kyoya bit his tongue as Tamaki twirled and dipped Kagome, the audience still cheering, before they led the entire club in a bow.

With their bow, the audience cheered even louder, and most of the audience started standing up, cheering and shouting and clapping harder. The Host Club exchanged an astonished look, before taking another bow, then another, before finally hurrying off stage as the curtain closed.

"Kago-chan, that was amazing!" Honey exclaimed. "You even appeared bun-bun!"

"It looked professional," Haruhi added, her eyes dancing. "I've never seen The Magic Box done with such skill! And without us actually there!"

"How did you do it?" Tamaki demanded, his eyes wide.

Kagome laughed.

"It was magic," she told him impishly.

"It was not magic," Tamaki said huffily. "It was… something else. It had to be."

"Holograms, perhaps," Kyoya said, stepping forward. Kagome turned and met his eyes, and he was captivated by the triumphant sparkle he saw there. "Though, very very detailed holograms. You'd have had to program them while backstage, to match our outfits…"

"I didn't think a hologram could throw somebody up in the air," Honey piped up.

The Host Club exchanged a dubious glance, and Kagome laughed.

"You'll all have to just figure it out," she said. She wagged a finger. "Magicians never tell their secrets."

Renge was announcing the voting, directing the audience to the electronic voting controls on the underside of their chairs. Kyoya had no idea where she'd gotten them, but it was a good thing she had – paper ballots would have taken forever to count up.

"Ne ne, do you think we'll win?" Honey said, tugging Mori's sleeve.

Mori looked down at him. "Unn."

"We have to win, after a magic act like that," Hikaru said.

"No one will be able to figure out how it worked," Kaoru added.

Kyoya tapped his face thoughtfully.

"If you think about it, though," he said, "the act was almost more impressive to us. The audience saw us appear in the box, one by one – but only we knew that we were actually already at the other end of the stage. The audience is just wondering how she turned us into each other, while we are left wondering how she managed to 'duplicate' us at all."

Kagome grinned.

"Magic," she said.

"We should do something flashy," Tamaki said suddenly. His eyes had taken on a familiar gleam. "If we win-"

"When we win," Kyoya corrected.

"-we should run out and take a bow, and we should do something dramatic to show off how skilled we are," Tamaki said. "Like take a bow and then disappear!"

"Ne, tono," Kaoru droned.

"We don't know how to disappear," Hikaru told him.

Tamaki flushed. "Well, if we could-!"

Kyoya turned to Kagome.

"Could you manage that?" he asked her, a challenge in his eye, though he was smirking. "Could you make us all disappear after taking a bow?"

Kagome considered, biting her lip.

"Umm. Maybe?" she said, wincing. "I mean, none of us would actually be able to go on stage. But we might be able to do that. Do you really want to-?"

"It would be a spectacular ending," Kyoya told her, eyes glinting. "It would fully solidify our win over Kuze."

Kagome laughed, then took a deep breath, looking at Kyoya consideringly.

"All right," she told him. "Hang on."

She ran back to the box that was still onstage. Kyoya was surprised to see it was still there – he'd thought it had caught on fire, but everyone had been too distracted by their magic 'teleportation' to notice it hadn't burned – and she knocked on the door and opened it up.

She quickly whispered to someone inside the box, who Kyoya could hear whisper back. He was annoyed that he couldn't make out anything that was said. Kagome whispered again, and the person in the box laughed. The box closed, and Kagome came hurrying back.

"It's arranged," she told him. "We'll do it. But we need not to be seen."

Kyoya raised an eyebrow. "You have a magical assistant?"

"Does it matter?" Kagome said. "We need to move."

Kagome and Kyoya hurried everyone around the auditorium once more to the back, as Renge was announcing that the votes were almost tallied.

"I don't understand," Hikaru complained. "Are we doing the same trick again?"

"We're not doing anything this time," Kagome told him. "I figured you guys just wanted to watch. As soon as it's done, we'll duck out and run to the club room to celebrate."

They made it just in time, all of them panting quietly as Renge opened a paper envelope, that had been handed to her by a first-year girl Renge had forced into being her minion.

"And the winner, winning by 178 votes to 41, is…. THE HOST CLUB!"

The audience went wild cheering, and Kyoya watched as "The Host Club" ran out on stage, all holding hands as the audience cheered.

"That's how you know they're not us," Kyoya whispered to Kagome. "You're holding hands."

Kagome shot him a look but stifled a giggle, and Kyoya turned back to watch.

The Other Host Club had somehow all changed into matching white and silver sparkly outfits – the most ostentatious tuxedos Kyoya had ever seen. They all took a bow as the audience cheered, then, still holding hands, they all started to float.

"Whaa-?" Honey marveled. "We're flying!"

"They're flying," Kaoru corrected.

"Wish I could fly," Hikaru muttered.

The audience went wild and stood up to clap frantically as the Host Club floated above the stage, rising to nearly 10 feet, where they took another bow. After they took another bow, there was a pause, then a sharp crack, and suddenly, they disappeared.

The audience lost it.

The audience was clapping and screaming, amazed at the disappearance, and Kyoya was left staring at the stage, wondering. How had Kagome arranged that…? If it was holograms, it would be easy enough, but if it wasn't…

"Come on!" Kagome said, rousing Kyoya from his thoughts. "We have to move!"

The Host Club all ran out of the auditorium while the audience was still cheering, sprinting back to the Third Music Room. Somewhere along the run, they began to laugh.

"We did it!" Hikaru cheered. "Even after the Football Club's music act!"

"Did you see the look on Kuze's face when Renge announced the winner?" Kaoru said gleefully. "He was standing by the side of the stage. He looked so angry-!"

"We must celebrate!" Tamaki declared. "I have already announced to our guests that they may come to the Third Music Room directly after our performance to celebrate our victory-"

"You already invited them?" Kyoya said incredulously. "What if we hadn't won?"

Tamaki waved off his concerns as he won. "We are the Host Club! Winning was a given. But we must hurry to change into our Hosting uniforms-!"

Kagome and Haruhi laughed as they all raced up the stairs to the third music room.

"Admit it – you had fun." Kagome was teasing Haruhi.

"A little," Haruhi confessed. "It was more fun watching everyone else. I got kind of nervous on stage."

"Your poem was great," Kagome assured her. "You could practically hear the romantic sighs from all the girls in the audience."

Haruhi laughed. "That's true."

Kyoya moved to run alongside Kagome, who turned and gave him a sly smile.

"So," she said, opening the door to the Host Club so they could all rush in. "Believe in magic?"

Kyoya raised an eyebrow, before giving her his best Host Club Charming Smile™.

"I believed in magic as soon as I met you," he purred, his eyes holding hers.

He laughed as Kagome's face flamed, and she scoffed as she shooed him into the room, but her face was still red.

It was good to know that even as Kagome dismissed the sweet nothings the Host Club told its clients, that such romantic words still affected her, Kyoya mused to himself, smiling slightly as she followed him through the door and hurried off to get changed.

He suspected that he'd soon be telling her such soft words for real.

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