Title: I'm Used to Rose Petals, Not Salt Lines

Series: Supernatural Husbands

Summary: Dean Winchester and Tony Stark just had an incredible night. Both have feelings for the man they met less than 24 hours ago, and both are intent on seducing the other. But then certain truths are revealed about the Supernatural, difficult truths for anyone to wrap their mind around, let alone scientifically-minded Anthony Edward Stark. Throw in a meddling personal assistant, a disappointed father, and a monster bent on seducing and killing me - will Tony and Dean be able to start a life together?

Timeline: Christmas 2002, Pre-Iron Man, Pre-SPN

Warnings: Slash, angst, hurt/comfort, Christmas, John Winchester

Pairing: Dean Winchester/Tony Stark

Author's Note: Here it is, the second installment of the "Supernatural Husbands" series, which will follow our boys through Avengers. There is explicit sexual content was cut and readers referred to AO3 to read it. Fanfic and AO3 will be updated at the same time.

Please enjoy!

Chapter One, "Christmas Morning"

When Tony woke up a couple hours later, he was half on top of a still sleeping Dean. He lifted his head off of Dean's chest, just to make sure his brain wasn't playing tricks on him and then relaxed back into the younger man, hugging him just a tiny bit tighter.

Last night when Tony realized what Dean was doing, his heart stuttered for a moment. He'd gone to sleep with all these plans shooting around his head like pinballs, plans to seduce Dean completely, get him to stay. The thought never crossed his mind that Dean would attempt to pull a Tony Stark and leave before he woke up. Then again, he hadn't quite had the same motivations as Tony did when he snuck out of bedrooms: he was leaving because he thought Tony would want him to leave... or at least that was what he said. But when Tony made it clear that he didn't have plans or anything, the younger man didn't protest too much about coming back to bed, so he was probably being truthful.

A glimmer of understanding flashed through Tony's mind: he'd have to make it abundantly clear that he wanted Dean here in his bed, in his home, in his life if he wanted to seduce the younger man properly. If Dean actually believed that Tony wanted him to leave after that mind-blowing sex, then Tony was going to have to communicate better. Fuck, he'd never done this before, actually try for a relationship, and his communication skills, he was told often by many people, were shit. How was he going to do this?

Tony shifted, lifting himself up off Dean and studied the handsome young man and noticed the blanket tenting above his crotch. Ah, morning wood. Smirking, Tony figured that he should start with what he knew best: sex. Worship Dean like the Adonis he was. He could start on the communication stuff later.


*Smut Cut because of policies. Please go to my AO3 to read it. Basically, Tony wakes Dean up with a blow job and then they have intercourse with Tony topping Dean. It is sweet and hot and long - seriously 1,500 words cut from this puppy*

Dean was so blissed out that he was barely conscious enough to return the kisses Tony bestowed upon his lips. Soon he felt Tony pull away and out of him, and Dean only slightly whimpered at the sudden emptiness. He heard the condom being thrown in the trash and then Tony taking his hand. Dean opened his eyes and turned his head to see Tony standing next to the bed, looking at him with soft eyes.

"You are so gorgeous," Tony murmured, rubbing his thumb over Dean's knuckles. He leaned down, kissing the inside of Dean's wrist, causing a shiver to run down the younger man's spine. God the boy was a dream, debauched and spent in the middle of his bed. What he would do to keep him there! He had so many ideas, but maybe h could settle on one after breakfast – hey, that's actually a good idea, a good start. A way to a man's heart's through his stomach, right? At that thought, he straightened up and tugged on the man's hand.

"Up, up, up!" Tony said cheerily. "Shower, then how about I cook us some breakfast? I'll make omelets!"

Dean groaned, not really wanting to get out of bed, but slowly rolled over and off the bed anyway, only briefly wincing as he stood. However, it was long enough for Tony to catch sight of, causing him to frown.

"I didn't hurt you, did I?" Tony asked, reaching up to hold Dean's face in his hands, looking the younger man in the eyes, and man what beautiful green eyes they were...

Dean smiled, both with his lips and his eyes and leaned to give Tony a chaste kiss.

"With the way you prepped me?" Dean laughed, shaking his head. "It was amazing, Tone. I can't believe I'm able to stand after that, my legs still feel wobbly."

"Well then I'll just have to help you shower," Tony smirked, hands leaving Dean's face and one going to hold Dean's hand. "To make sure you don't fall and injure yourself. Can't be too careful."

"Like you were going to let me shower alone," Dean said, grinning as Tony just kept his smirk up, not even trying to act innocently, and led him to the bathroom.