I'm somewhat of a descriptive writer so I tend to write more about what they're doing than what they're saying. :D Hope you guys like light and slow-paced stories, because they're all I write. Nothing beats a good long story if you ask me. It goes without saying that I don't own Devil is a Part Timer. Enjoy!

Edit: Updated; proofread by DTM Sora

Castle Overlord; 10:30am; Winter

Snow was rare to see in Tokyo so it came to a surprise to much of the population that a blizzard went over and through Shibuya the previous evening. The snow started pouring in just as Maou stepped inside with a small electric radiator he just picked up from a 100-yen store three blocks down. Ashiya suspected that the snow would fall sooner or later and voiced it over with his roommates on passing the other day; though he didn't expect Maou to get a radiator with the little funds they had left. Still, it was a lot better than spending another night in a cold and damp apartment.

A new day has come and as the sun rises the blizzard fades away, leaving just a few snowflakes sprinkling over the neighbourhood. The snow fell softly painting the whole district white. Urushihara, slouched in front of his computer, was still shivering from the punishing and restless evening he had in the poorly insulated Castle Overlord.

"Oi, Ashiya." The former demon general called his colleague in a lazy tone, as he started to grumble, "Could you turn the heat up a bit? It's still freezing in here and I can't feel my feet."

"I'd be glad to do that as soon as you turn the computer off. We don't need two contraptions inflating our electric bill," Ashiya said as he was cutting coupons at the table in an effort to help their hopeless financial situation. Maou was at MgRonald's today, as usual, and he thought that this would be his own little way to help around the house, as far as spending was concerned.

"Ehhh... Just pull the plug on the fridge, I don't think it's even holding anything right now."

"DON'T YOU SEE ME CUTTING COUPONS! I'M TRYING MY BEST TO FEED YOU WITH THE LITTLE THAT WE HAVE AND YOU'RE COMPLAINING ABOUT HEAT?" Ashiya shouted before letting out a sigh and gathered his composure, "Plus, we have a week's worth of Suzuno's cooking in there, wouldn't want any of that to go to waste, now do we?"

"Well, you don't. I'd rather have pizza," Hanzo whispered to himself though still loud enough to get Shiro's attention.

"Excuse me?" Shiro beams at the NEET.

"Nothing. What I meant to say was, isn't there any way to turn up the heat in this place?"

Ashiya looked down at the pile of coupons he's been cutting all morning, "Well... *sigh* I guess there's... one way."

"Huh? How?"

"Come with me," Ashiya said as he stood up and gestured at the door and started walking towards it.

"Where are we going?" Hanzo asked proceeding to stand up and follow him.

Ashiya walked out the door, toward the railings of the apartment's stairs as Hanzo followed behind him. He continued to close his eyes and check for wind. "I may still have enough magic to change the weather, but I wouldn't count on it too much."

Urushihara's eyes widened as he marveled at his friend's words and supposed skill, "You... you can do that? H... how?"

"You're going to have to help me with this. Here, stand next to me and raise one hand to the air," Shiro raised both hands to the air and meditated.

Hanzo, who was very enthusiastic at this point, did what he is told and lifted his left arm as he cracked a smile, "I really didn't know you can do this," before he started to channel magic to one arm and feel the cold railings with the other.

"Can you feel that? Can you feel that wind?" Ashiya asked.

A chill went down Hanzo's spine as he felt a cold breeze lick the back of his neck. He got excited, just the thought that the next breeze might be warmer thaws his dark heart. "YES! YES! I FEEL THE WIND!" His eyes grew wider and his smile turned into a grin, "What of it?" Hanzo closed his eyes in anticipation.


"What was that?... No... He wouldn't," Words that were passing through Urushihara's mind as he heard what seemed to sound like the apartment door being slammed shut behind him. He lazily opened his eyes and quickly turned around.

"Well, you can stand out there and feel it some more," Shiro said sitting back at the table and clipped the remaining of the newspapers "In a while I'll let out in, and I'm sure that you'll find that inside would be warmer than you'd recall."

"ASHIYA!" Hanzo shouted kneeling at the door and banged on it with all he's got.

"What's all this commotion about?" A small, yet stern voice said surprising Hanzo. He snapped out of his tantrum and sluggishly rolls his eyes toward Suzuno, carrying a large basket filled with produce.

"If you have to know, Ashiya locked me out. I think he's trying to make me develop personality," he turned back to the door, "BUT IT'S NOT WORKING!"

Suzuno raised her eyebrows in concern, "How long have you been out here?"

"Not too long," he informed her. Hanzo dropped his head in defeat and leant on the door, "What's it to you?"

"Well... it's just that it's below freezing out here and you're shivering," she stated as she walked up the stairs, leaving her luggage on the ground. Urushihara's body was indeed shivering, if not violently quivering; his small frame just couldn't hold up with the temperature.

"I can manage," he said lifting his head once again, "EVEN WITHOUT THE DAMN HEATER!" Feeling cold, Hanzo reverted to his defeated position and guised at Suzuno out the corner of his eye, "What are you doing out so early anyway?"

"... It's near noon."

"Does it matter?" He asked as he collected himself, sitting at the top of the staircase gesturing beside him; asking Suzuno to sit next to him. Suzuno complied.

"I went to the farmer's market. Food's running low in the apartment, and I couldn't let you starve to death," she answered, looking at the basket she had brought home.

With ankles and wrists still shaking in the air, Hanzo asked, "Me?" Urushihara looked at Suzuno with the tired face he usually sported.

Suzuno's look turned into a dazed stare, then shot a look straight through her knees, "You GUYS."

"Huh?" Hanzo responded raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"I couldn't let you GUYS starve to death," her head shot back up as she glared at Hanzo, "You're one egoistic little devil, aren't you?"

"Ohhh," he acknowledged, as his neck sluggishly turned forward and his eyes slowly met with the horizon in front of him. He snorted to keep mucus from dripping out his nose. "I don't suppose you can get me back inside, can you?" He asked as his knees were already joining his wrists and ankles in their little dance.

"I'll see what I can do." Suzuno sighed standing up and knocked at the door, "Ashiya."

"Yes?" Shiro asked peeking his head out the window.

"Is it really necessary to lock Hanzo out here in the cold?"

"The cold will do well for his character," Ashiya explained.

"Is there any chance for you to let him in, he's going to catch a cold."

"Not 'till that inconsiderate brat learns to appreciate the little things in life, such as the electric heater m'lord has graced upon us," he stated with a smug look, "Plus a small draft blew away my coupons, and I'd rather gather them up before he stomps all over the place," his face was marked with embarrassment, "If it would ease your worrying, you can take him in for a bit, while I collect the coupons off the ground."

"Thank you, Ashiya," Suzuno said bowing politely and turns toward Hanzo, "Well you heard him, you don't have to stay out here in the cold."

"Thank you, Ashiya," the fallen angel said nonchalantly, "Better gather those clippings quickly, Maou will be home in a while. You'd better not touch that computer."

Suzuno's Apartment; 11:15am

Suzuno unlocked her door and turned the lights on while Hanzo walked down the hall, dragging the produce basket behind him. The cold has taken its toll on his frail body and he couldn't move much. As he turned and entered the apartment, he noticed that it wasn't as warm as he expected it to be. It was cold and dry, a chilly draft snapped at him and his body went numb. He crashed to the floor, arms around his shoulders, shuddering.

"I see you don't have a heater," he said as he tried to pick himself up, "At least it's dry. Where do I put the basket?"

"Right there at the corner," she gestured as she turned the stove on to make soup for her guest and herself.

Hanzo grabbed his temples with one hand and leaned his other hand on the far side wall, "Whew, I think I'm getting light-headed."

"Grab the futon from the cabinet, set it up and lie down for a bit before you hurt yourself," she suggested as she began to boil a pumpkin.

It was mid-December and Urushihara hasn't gotten much sleep since late-November and he'd been in front of the computer when he wasn't asleep. He'd been in the habit of skipping meals and often reasoned that he didn't do much to need to eat anyway. His body lacked exercise and refused to help around with the chores.

"Alright, where in the cabinet do you keep you futon?" as soon as he leaned away from the wall, his vision started to blur.


Suzuno let out an audible sigh. She turned around to find an unconscious Hanzo on the floor, face down. She flipped him over, grabbed the futon, placed him on it, and tucked him in. She prepared the rest of the vegetables for their soup and started to heat a kettle to remedy Urushihara's cold feet.

Hey, guys! It's my first story. Stay tuned if you like HanzoxSuzuno and MaouxEmi. I write really slow paced stories so I'm not expecting a lot of people to follow my fic. But if you DO like my fic... R&R please. :D