Standing back and craning his head upwards, Harry took in the sight of enormous walls enclosing the village compound. He rubbed the back of his neck and rolled his shoulders, feeling antsy already after their somewhat magically-tiring journey.
"Harry?" a familiar female-voice snapped him out of his daze to face the group of four aurors and two men dressed in military-like clothing who were turned towards him curiously. "Ready to head in?" Hermione smiled amusedly.
"Ah, right," he replied, following after the group slowly. He paid little attention to their two guide's voices – leaving the diplomatic relations to Hermione – who was, after all, much more suited to it that he – and instead looked around at the oddly feudal era landscape and architecture.
A light smile curved his lips, enjoying the feel of nature surrounding the village as well as the much-improved weather conditions as compared to their gloomy home country. Whilst immersing himself into the new environment, he may or may not have unwittingly separated from the rest of the group.
His feet brought him to explore the town before he ended up at a small empty area that he guessed to be a make-shift playground by the looks of the children playing together on swings. Harry blinked and smiled at each uniquely dressed child as they laughed happily amongst one another.
Senses perking at approaching figures, Harry turned to see some adults coming towards him. Harry looked down at himself and thought that maybe he might stand out with his leather-like dragonhide boots and vest, but his dark, loose coat didn't particularly outstanding considering the individual attires he'd seen throughout the day.
Harry looked up just in time to see the people glance at him curiously before walking past him and calling out towards the children instead. Silently thanking Hermione for her temporary linguistic-spell, he understood that they were calling their children back as it'd gotten late.
His eyes widened in surprise as he looked up to note that, yes, the sky was a burnt-orange hue already. He cocked his head to take one last glance at the kids running up obligingly towards their parents to see one particular child skid to an abrupt stop. Harry's brows raised up in amusement at the kid's glaring orange jumpsuit attire but frowned at the emotion that flashed through the boy's eyes; hurt, sadness, loneliness, and longing.
Harry frowned in confusion before he registered the parents around him urging their children away and the words they whispered. Things like "I told you not to play with that boy", which caused Harry to frown even more, eyes flicking back towards the small child standing alone in the enclosed park, looking so small and alone.
Pursing his lips, Harry racked his brain on what he should do when the choice was taken from him as the boy, not even noticing Harry's presence, dropped his gaze and turned, heading through another exit towards the village. Watching those slumped shoulders for a moment longer, Harry trailed after him.
I really shouldn't be starting another story... damnit. Well anyway uni's started.. and i have a naruto+OP fanatic friend and yes... :X i dont plan on this being a 'story' per se... more like some random drabbles that pop into mind as i rewatch naruto x.x here we go...
btw, this is the first out of 2 sections to part one.. if that even makes any sense. this is one of the things AO3 makes easier.. hahaha. Anyway I should be able to put the next part up quick since its short (: