Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Author: Alix the Alien Cyborg
Rating: K
Pairing(s): GerIta
Warning(s): none

Another tumblr-request drabble. A short, fluffy GerIta drabble :)



A pained cry echoed across the track.

"Ludwig, owww!"

Turning around with a small sigh, the blond jogged over to where Feliciano lay flopped across the ground. The Italian was whimpering pathetically, leg pulled close to his chest, very slightly rocking back and forth.

"What's wrong, Feliciano?" Ludwig asked, bending down to lay a hand on Feliciano's shoulder.

"It hurts, Ludwig! I tripped and fell and I hurt my ankle, I think it's broken! Ludwig, I'll never be able to walk again! No more cooking pasta if I can't stand! Oh Ludwig, I think I might die!"

"Calm down, Feliciano. It's just a twisted ankle, you'll be fine. Let me get you back to headquarters." Mildly disappointed at the early end to his training session, Ludwig heaved the still-panicked Feliciano into his arms, being careful not to jostle the injured ankle. Feliciano had quieted a bit, comforted by Ludwig's presence, and despite the awkward angle he wrapped his arms around Ludwig's waist, snuggling his head into the spot where back melts into hips.

Ludwig cast out a fond little sigh, more amused than annoyed, and ran a hand through Feliciano's hair. The boy truly was adorable, a ball of useless energy and bright excitement Ludwig had grown altogether too fond of.

Shaking his head, Ludwig continued carding his hands through Feliciano's hair and made his way towards headquarters, knowing that if he didn't hurry Feliciano might start crying again, and Lord knows Ludwig didn't want that.