Okay, I have to correct myself about that whole thing in the last chapter of Vienna when Katniss said she was over almost being raped. What I meant by that is she is over it as in she can sleep through the night without waking up screaming and she isn't afraid to go out alone. Obviously she's still scarred from it. You can't just not get over nearly being raped to death. So, I didn't mean she was over it as in she isn't scared or anything, I just meant she isn't afraid to go out alone and she can sleep through the night. Obviously she'll still have nightmares, too occasionally and she has trouble about people she doesn't know especially men.

It's so cold and windy and I know why the fuck Johanna thought it was a good idea to go hiking up a mountain in dead winter without any supplies. Reed and Jo are so happy together. They're engaged and they look at each other like they're the only two people in the world.

Fuck, I'm happy for them, really, I am, but oh my god, it's disgusting.

They're holding hands and they're laughing and leaning on each other and mumbling with each other about how they love each other.

It's sick.

It's funny, actually. About four years ago it as the exact opposite. I was in love with Peeta and we were all over each other and all that and we were convinced we were going to get married and Johanna hated relationships and everything.

Now here I am, twenty five years old, single, lonely, sick of romance, terrified of men I don't know, and alone. And, to add to it, I don't even have a sex toy, I live with Madge and Annie, and my vagina practically has a fucking never-ending cobweb now.

Hell, it's been four years. The only thing that's gone up there to rid of the web is a fucking tampon, and that gives no sexual relief whatsoever.

"This is nasty to watch." Annie mumbles under her breath. "I never should've broken up with Finn."

"I should've stayed with Peeta." I hiss. "The only reason we broke up was because there's where work was for him. If you don't have work, you don't have life. Fuck money. Fuck everything. Peeta had no choice but to stay. That's where work was."

"I know." Annie hisses. "Same with Finn."

"And Gale." Madge makes her eleventh snowball and pegs it at a nearby skier. "They're so damn annoying. Why can't they ski somewhere else?"

I don't say anything.

Johanna and my brother share another kiss, and this time, Madge's snowball hits them.

"Fuck you Undersee. Don't get all over me because you left Gale!"

We keep hiking up the mountain.

Four people come skiing right towards me.

"Sorry!" one of them swerves around me and they're going to fast that I can't even see their faces.

"Fuck you!" I shout.

"He said sorry!" one boy shouts back at me.

"Fuck you too, asshole!" I scream down the mountain at him.

It's so cold and bitter outside and it's starting to snow really badly.

"Let's go back." Reed decides. "This could be dangerous."

We walk halfway down the mountain and get on the ski lift to take us to the bottom.

Johanna and Reed go to the ski lodge and they're giggling as they enter their hotel room.

We stand outside for a minute, and then the moaning starts. I hit the door really hard and storm down to my hotel room with Annie and Madge and go inside and slam the door.

I take a hot shower. It's already seven at night so I just order room service and start 13 Going On 30. That's my damn movie. Madge and Annie watch it with me all the time because they love it as much as I do, and we've watched it so many times that we can quote it.

We eat out dinner and the girls fall asleep.

Around nine, the movie ends and then I click on the criminal shows.

Of course the one on is about a girl who get raped and killed and it shows the bruises on her thighs and I quickly change the channel.

I'm tired, but something is keeping me up.

I sigh. It's that damn criminal show. I toss and turn for hours until it hits one in the morning.

I'm so tired but I can't sleep. I'm wearing pink silk pajamas. I have on light pink silk pajama shorts and a matching silk tank top with lace at the top. I don't have a bra on and it's cold out so obviously my nipples are showing.

Honestly, I don't even care. I do have on white socks.

I grab my room key and my debit card and go down to the lobby. My hair is down and in soft chocolate waves with all of my hair on the left side. There are only two people in the lobby. They're both on the couches reading the newspaper. One of them has bronze hair and one has dark hair. They're both male, but I can't see their faces. I go to the bar and sit down and get a hot chocolate with marshmallows.

I sit there, picking at the Styrofoam on the cup and sighing at the sight of my chipped red nail polish that Madge and Annie practically forced me to put on. The mountains are in our town and I live twenty minutes from here but we wanted to get away for a day so this is where we went.

My hair is covering my face from anyone on my left side, and someone sits down.

I wonder who it is, but it's a guy, and the thought of a guy I don't know sitting next to me makes me sick to my stomach.

"My, my, my, you are beautiful." A soft voice whispers.

Panic floods me and my hand clenches around the Styrofoam cup and sends boiling hot chocolate pouring all down my wrist and off of the bar to my legs.

"Ow, holy shit!"

"Oh god!" the guy says, and he starts grabbing napkins, obviously panicking, and wiping off my legs.

"No, get away from me!" I say, panicking.

His movements stop. He's trying to wipe me off. Slowly, his head drags up my body to my eyes.

"Katniss." He continues wiping off my legs, and then he stands up.

Even though I told him to get away from me, he grabs my wrist and flips it over and wipes off the boiling hot chocolate. "God damn." He whispers. I can't move away from him even if I wanted to. His eyes drag up and down my body again. I notice them linger on my chest. "You are even more beautiful than I remember."

"Shit, Kitty?"

The bronze haired guy, that was Finnick, and the dark haired guy was Gale.

"Smooth move, Mellark you made your one and only love spill boiling chocolate all over her and gave her second degree burns."

"I didn't do I on purpose." Peeta mumbles.

"Fuck, if you're here then is everyone here? Do you still talk to them? How's Annie?"

"She's…she's on floor three, room 111."

"Bye!" Finnick bolts.

I look at Gale. "Madge is with her."

He disappears too, and I notice how he takes my room key with him.

"I thought I would never see you again." I mumble to Peeta.