The Final Chapter is here people. Read it, review it, and tell me what you people think. This is just here for people to enjoy. Enjoy! :)

NOTE: I don't own Rise of the Guardians or Frozen! Both movies go to their respective company creators.

Chapter 23: A Champion's Rewards

The entire arena was quaking with roaring applauds. Jack Frost has become World Boxing Champion. Jack was just standing where he is, frozen in total awe, speechless. He had finally made it to the top. And as a special bonus he became a rich millionaire cause he won the bet with the corrupt VIP's. Speaking of which the VIP's were still in a state of absolute shock.

"This can't be!" Maleficent squealed. "H-How… How could we lose!?"

"Quick! Undo the bets!" Galaxar desperately tried to press the cancelation button. But it was no use their bank accounts were all set in stone. All of their checking and savings went straight down to zero.

"NOOOOOOO!" Jafar shouted.

To make matters worse for them, the door was busted open to reveal the police. Tiana had them on stand by.

"Hello boys." She stood smirking at their shocked scared faces.

"All of you are under arrest for bribery. How do you plea?" One of the officer states. But there was no reply. They tried to explain but they we're speechless. They were too bankrupt to get out of this situation.

The announcer comes to the center ring with the WBC Title Belt.

"Ladies and gentlemen! It is with great pleasure to present the World Boxing Championship Title belt… to Jack Frost!" The crowd goes wild again as the announcer presents him with the title belt. Jack, thought still in awe, takes the belt. The crowd quiets down. "How do you feel, son!"

"Well…" He began. "I… I really don't know what to say. I feel happy but surprised. Great but shocked. I honestly thought I would never make it this far. When my career ended I thought I didn't make any improvement, that I was still a weakling. But I met some very high spirited people and they changed my view on strength." He turns to North. "I have an awesome wise coach." North smiled at the comment. "I have wonderful friends." The gang also smiled. "A strong family." His sister and mother felt touched by that. "And… someone to fight for." Elsa felt touched the most as a single tear of joy rolled down her cheek. "I just want to say thank you. All of you. For your support. Every single one of you!" The crowd cheered for complimenting. "So I would just like to say to my friends and family… come on down here!"

The gang felt shocked but excited. Anna leapt up and dragged Kristoff with her down the ring. Hiccup and the gang did the same. And finally Sarah, Emma, and Elsa followed behind. The crowd cheered to see them running down towards the ring. They all got in the ring and gave Jack a huge hug for his good work. Jack and his mother Sarah shared a loving family hug with a kiss on the cheek. Jack looked down at his sister Emma and raised her high on his should.

"MY BIG BROTHER IS THE BEST!" She cheered through the microphone. "DON'T YOU FORGET IT!" The crowd laughed and cheered with her. Emma and Jack shared a hug. Finally he turned to Elsa who was leaking tears and giggling weakly.

"Hey." He gently murmured.

"Hey." She smiled back. And the both kissed each other passionately.

"Was I great?"

"You were amazing." She dried her tears. "I love you."

"I love you too." He smiled back.

"You did it, buddy!" Kristoff cheered. Jack smiled at him

"Couldn't have done it without you!" He smiled. He then saw Pitch and his associates being dragged in cuffs. He then made a smirk. He knew he'd won. However their little happy celebration was interrupted by a desperate cry.

"No! NOOOOOOO!" Everyone turned to see Hans getting back up. He was bloody bruising mess. "It's not over!" He shouted. His body was so wobbly and tired. "It's not over until I say it's over! I'm the World Champ! Not you, you shit!" Kristoff then got mad himself and wanted to walk over and land one single punch. But Jack stopped him.

"I think the punishment should be given by the proper person." He turned to Anna. Anna then smirked. She knew what he meant. Anna walked over to Hans in a calm posture. Hans just glared at her.

"What?" He snapped. "You think a weak little bitch like you could take me on!"

"The only weakling around here is you." She calmly insulted him. She then she turned to go back into the arms of Kristoff. But not without landing a good solid punch his face, forcing him on the ground again.

"Nice one!" Elsa giggled.

"Thanks." She smiled.

Jack and Kristoff looked down at the Hans, breathing heavily.

"Dude, if a non-boxer like Anna can beat your sorry ass…" Kristoff began.

"…then that should tell you, you already lost everything." Jack finished. Both boys smirked.

The crowd cheered wildly. Hans was finished, this time he was sent to jail along with the rest of Pitch and his associates. Jack and Elsa turned to each other again. Smiling they kissed each other again. They didn't care if everyone was staring, this was their moment and nothing could ruin it.

10 Years Later

There is nice little mansion by the beach. A child's fist hits and adults palm. Jack stands kneeling to the boy's height. He has blonde hair just like Elsa's. This is Jack and Elsa's 5 year old son; Ben. Benjamin Frost.

Jack and Elsa had been romantically dating for 3 years. Then Jack finally proposed to her. The two happily got married and now live in a nice little mansion at the beach. They later settled down with a child of their own. Olaf and Marshmallow also live with the family too. They love playing with little ben everyday.

Ben had looked up his father for being a strong champion. He wanted to learn how to defend himself. Jack showed him ways to throw punches. But he always told him to never fight unless he was threatened by other's punches.

"How do you feel, kiddo?" Jack smiled at him.

"Tired. But I feel great." Ben smiled back. The decide to take a break and sit on the nice cozy bench. "Hey dad?"

"Yes, son?"

"Can I be a strong boxer like you?"

Jack laughed. "You can. But it will take practice. A lot of practice."

"Well now, what are you boys up to?" Elsa came right behind them. Jack smiled at his wife.

"Oh just teaching out little man here some jabs."

"Yeah, daddy's a great teacher." Ben smiled.

Elsa scoffed a laugh. "Jack! He's only 5." She playfully punched his shoulder. "You are too young for that stuff, young man." She smirked at Ben then tickled him. He laughed so hard.

"Mommy stop! That tickles!" He laughed. Then there was another surprise.

"Elsa! Jack! Are guys there?" Called a familiar girl voice from the entrance door.

"It's Aunt Anna and Uncle Krostoff!" Ben playfully ran over to the door.

"Hey! How's my little nephew?" Anna hugged him.

"You're certainly a feisty little guy." Kristoff tickled him. "Come kids! Your cousin Ben is ready play!" He called to his two children. Kris and Dina.

"Come on! Let's go play!" Dina called and delight. The three kids ran off to play in the sunshine of the beach.

Kristoff eventually became a World Boxing Champion himself, right after he and Anna got married. Hiccup and Astrid also got married. Astrid then became a World Boxing Champin herself in Scotland. The two now live in a nice little house in the country.

"How've you been, Kristoff?" Jack gave him a high five.

"Same as usual. Wonder and great." He smiled as he wrapped his arm around Anna.

"Come everyone!" Anna announced. "Let's all go swimming!"

Jack watched as the entire family played in the played on the beach. Elsa came over to him resting her head on his shoulder. He then wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Come on." Elsa whispered. "Let's go in the water."

"Yeah." He whispered back. And the two walked over to the rest of the family to enjoy. Jack now lives a quiet peaceful life. And he will have it no other way.

The series is done! I did it! Jack did it! They certainly came along way and found their happy ending. I do hope all of you enjoyed it. :) Read it, review it, and tell me what you people think. This is just here for people to enjoy. :)