Chapter 5

You are incredible! Even though Regina and Leopold as romantic pairing is quite rare and unusual you seem to love it:) Thank you so much for the support you are giving me. This is one of my best stories and I never thought this would happen. This story never had more than 3 reviews since I have published it and now we have reached 40! It makes me really wanting to write this story :) anyway, enjoy:)

Three weeks later...

A few weeks had passed since Eva had arrived and Cora hadn't appeared since then. Regina and Leopold were closer than ever. Regina was slowly reaching the 5 months mark of her pregnancy. Eva was always jealous when she saw how close Regina was to Leopold.

"Liam! Dinner!" Regina called out for him and Eva cringed at the loudness. "You have servants to get your son." Eva said and Regina rolled her eyes. "This is how it worked for the last 9 years. I won't change something because you don't approve of how I am parenting my son." Regina answered and Eva rolled her eyes. "You are merely a child yourself. What do you know about parenting?" Eva quipped and Regina gritted her teeth. "Well. Enough to give my husband a son." Regina answered. She knew it was a low blow but that woman was angering her. "Pure luck." Cora said. "Are you arguing again?" Leopold asked and Regina turned to him. "Not willingly." Regina told him and kissed his lips contently. He kissed her too and smiled happily.

Liam came into the room and hugged his parents happily. He spared Eva not even a glance. "What is there for dinner?" Liam asked and grinned up at his mother. Regina chuckled and kissed his forehead. "Goose, grapes. The usual, you know?" Regina answered and Liam pouted. "I HATE goose." He said and Regina leaned against him. "Me too but it can't always be our wish to be fulfilled. We need to give others also a right to want something." Regina told him and he sighed. She leaned down to his ear. "Tomorrow we will have a picnic. You, me, Snow and Daddy." Regina whispered really quiet and he smiled happily. "Love you, Mom." He said and she smiled happily. "Love you too." She answered and then led him to the dining room. "Why are you bothering her all the time?" Leopold asked angrily.

"I still can't believe that you replaced me with her." Eva said and Leopold rolled his eyes. "I can't believe that I married you in the first place. Snow could have been Regina's daughter too." Leopold hissed. "I bet she put a spell on you." Eva hissed and Leopold rolled his eyes. "She doesn't have magic." He answered. "Oh? You think so? After all her mother has magic... and when I think about what Cora told me to be quiet about... mmm... Regina has magic. Much magic. Probably enough to defeat her mother... but who wants to kill her own mother?" Eva said with an evil smile before walking to the dining room. Leopold stood still. Regina had more magic than her mother?

A hand touched his back and he flinched. Snow was standing behind him and had tears in her eyes. "Do you think what my mother said is true?" Snow asked and he shrugged. "I don't know... but even if she is right... I can understand it if Regina doesn't want to fight Cora... would you like to kill your mother?" Leopold asked and Snow shook her head. "Not really... why is Cora so mean to her daughter? I mean... shouldn't she be happy now? Regina is queen. She gave you an heir." Snow muttered. "I need to tell you something." Leopold said and leaned closer. "Liam is Daniel's son. You will inherit the throne. Not Liam. Or the new baby." He whispered and Snow looked surprised. They smiled slightly and then entered the dining room too.

Regina and Liam were talking with a man who was with his back to Leopold and Snow. Eva was sitting at the table and looked unhappy. Regina saw Snow and smiled amused before turning back to the man in front of her. She nudged him around and Snow realized who was standing there. "David!" Snow exclaimed and ran into David's arms. "Snow." He said happily. "Your... uhm... well, she invited me to join you for dinner so she and your father could get to know me." David said and pointed to Regina. "You really invited him, Gina?" Snow asked happily. "Yes. I thought after your relationship hits the 6 months mark soon we should get to know the guy you seem to have chosen. After all we want to get to know the person who steals you from us." Regina said with a smile and Snow blushed.

They sat down together and started dining. Liam directly seemed to like David and Leopold and Regina approved of him too. Only Eva was against their relationship. "So you are shepard?" Eva asked and raised an eyebrow. "Yeah. I wanted to become a knight when I was a child but my father died early." David said and Regina looked at him softly. "You still can become a knight." Leopold said and David blushed. "I can't leave my mother just like that." David answered. "Well, we have more than enough room for her." Regina said and took Leopold's hand underneath the table. David looked surprised. "Really?" He asked and the royal couple nodded. "Why?" "Because you are going to be family." Liam said happily and Snow and David blushed.

Afterwards they continued eating and then excused themselves. "Regina? Can I talk to you?" Leopold asked softly and Regina nodded with a concerned smile. "Sure." She answered and followed him. They walked to a balcony and Regina watched how Leopold leaned against the railing. "Don't lean too much forward." She said and he looked at her. "Do you have magic, Regina?" He asked her and she opened her mouth surprised. She hadn't told anyone how she had gotten rid of her mother. She hadn't told anyone that she was able to do some magic. She looked down.

"Yes. I have magic... I used it to get rid of my mother... or rather it got activated when I got rid of my mother the morning on our wedding." Regina confessed. "Did you use it?" Leopold asked her betrayed. "No. I never used it. Magic made my mother cruel. I never wanted to become like my mother. I didn't. I'm me." Regina answered. She couldn't understand where that was coming from. "I love you, Leopold! You know me better than anyone. Why are you... are you like this?" "You lied to me." He said and crossed his arms. "Do you know why I didn't tell you? Because I was afraid! Afraid that you would hate me! Afraid that you would hurt me! God it was our wedding. I thought that you just searched for a nanny for Snow... you said in the very beginning that you hated magic because Eva died because of it... I... I can't get rid of it. If my magic gets bound I get killed. My magic is like my air... Without it I'm going to die... I hoped you would never find out..." Regina said and cried.

Leopold looked at her softly. "Regina..." "No... you already made up your mind..." Regina said and turned away. SHe was hurt by is words and by his actions. She ran into her bedroom and curled up on her bed. Liam entered the room quietly and sat down behind her. "Mom? Why are you sad?" Liam asked and rested his head on her arm. "Your daddy was an idiot." She answered quietly and Liam smiled slightly. "You said an unfriendly word." He said and Regina smiled slightly. "That I did... sorry, Liam. I told you once that I was a bit different to other people, didn't I?" She asked and turned to him. He nodded and covered them with the blanket. Regina smiled softly. "I need magic to survive. It can be either around me or in me but without it I'm dying... your daddy hates magic... I never told him about my condition... and I also only found out the day I married your daddy..." "And now he acted stupid because you didn't tell him because you were afraid of his reaction?" Liam asked and Regina smiled softly. "Yeah... how are you so smart?" Regina asked and he smiled. "I have an incredible smart Mom." He answered and Regina laughed quietly.

"I love you, Liam." She said and he kissed her cheek. "Love you too, Mom." "You need to sleep now." Regina said and Liam nodded. She tucked him into his own bed and read him a story before going back to her own room and changing into comfy pajamas. She turned away from the door and sighed saddened. Leopold entered the room and looked at his woman. "I'm sorry. I... I was unfair to you." He said and laid down behind her. She didn't answer.
