Here it is, your brand new chapter! Sorry it took so long, plot redesign and all that stuff. Enjoy thé chapter!

Chapter Five: Awake at last.

Bluekit opened her eyes and parted her jaws in a large, contented yawn. Her legs felt like they'd been asleep for moons. Struggling to get up, she staggered out of the den. Huh, why is the entrance smaller than I remember? she thought to herself, before slowly padding out of what seemed to be… the medicine den? As soon as Bluekit left, she was almost bowled over by a small apprentice with oak brown fur… "Oakkit?" she questioned.

"OakPAW now!" the tom laughed, before turning serious. "Bluekit, you're awake. You should visit mother, she's really depressed!" Bluekit felt hot under her pelt as she heard this.

"What happened in the forest?" she mewed in her brother's ear.

"Nobody knows." came the hushed reply.

Bluekit's ears flattened for a heartbeat before returning to their normal position. Nodding in understanding, Oakpaw decided to nudge Bluekit in the direction of her mother.

"Go on." Bluekit ran towards her mother at a rather speedy pace, as she attempted to stay unseen.

"Mother?" she whispered into the den Oakpaw had directed her to. She felt so small in the darker, silent den. It didn't help when two icy blue eyes showed themselves. Backing away from the darkness, Bluekit was about to turn and run, when her mother emerged from the shadow.

"Bluekit, is that you?" the echoing voice of her mother asked softly. "Do not worry."

All of a sudden, the den was swept with warmth and light. Staring around, Bluekit slowly padded forwards.

"The elder's den is a mysterious place. Nobody knows what's so special here." Another voice echoed. This time, Goldenflower was the culprit.

"You just missed the ceremony for Oakpaw, Tigerpaw, and Foxpaw." Goldenflower spat with disgust, before Ravenfeather whispered something in her ear. The angry mother padded away, glaring at Bluekit, who was crouched by the exit.

"Please excuse her. Ever since you were found unconscious in the forest, she thought you were plotting something." her mother's honey-like voice filled the air.

Bluekit darted forward to nuzzle her mother, who licked her head with love.

"I thought you'd never come back. I thought you'd…" her mother spoke in-between licks. They both began to purr in harmony at the reunion, both relieved and cleansed of their fear scent.

Soon after, without any of them realizing, both mother and daughter were fast asleep in the Elder's Den.

That night, Bluekit dreamt of troubling scenes. Things a kit shouldn't be dreaming about. She dreamed of war, a terrible war between blood and water. She dreamed of scarlet liquid dripping from a black cat's claw. She dreamed of stars being consumed by the night.

Bluekit awoke the next day, gasping for breath by her mother's warm patch. Padding outside, she once more hid from the rest of the Clan somehow and slipped into the den of Badgerstar, ThunderClan's leader. "B..Badgerstar?" she mewed slowly.

The truth was, Bluekit had never even seen Badgerstar. She only knew his name from her mother. By this point, she was really hoping that he didn't turn out to be a real badger.

This time, she was met by warm, amber eyes. "Is that you, Bluekit, or am I going crazy?" he joked, before realizing the poor kit was startled half to death. Stepping forwards, the wise leader quided the kit into his den to talk about what happened the day she ran away.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here to help." his deep voice purred softly.

Bluekit gulped and meowed shakily, "R-Ravenfeather told me to visit you…"

The noble leader smiled slightly. "Do you wish to rest some more? Or would you like to become an apprentice right away?" He thought he knew the answer already; every kit longed to become an apprentice.

Bluekit looked away for a heartbeat before stating up at Badgerstar with wide, thoughtful eyes. "No thank you... I have things I need to do as a kit.." she mewed softly, before exiting without another word.

Bluekit turned, to suddenly be facing Oakpaw right outside the den entrance. "So will you become an apprentice?" He mewed excitedly. Bluekit simply looked up, hoping Oakpaw would understand. He did. The apprentice's expression quickly changed, from a bright one, to a flat one. "Bluekit, please jUst come with me for once, please. You might not like what's happened."

The confused kit found herself following Oakpaw to a small patch of earth. "What is it?" Oakpaw turned away yo look at the sky.

"Oakdust's dead." Bluekit sighed.

"You could've waited until I was ready!" Bluekit suddenly cried, turning to run, tearful, to the outside of the elder's den. There, she curled up into a tight ball and thought hard about the new ThunderClan. Did her opinion really matter? Had her time being unconscious made her smarter in some way? Would she be forced to become the medicine cat?

Thinking the elder's den would solve at least some of her problems, she entered.

Bluekit padded in deeper, expecting a cave-like area. Instead, a forest lay before her. She ventured deeper this time, seeing herself laying unconscious by a tree, Oakpaw's scent everywhere. There was a strange smell mixed in, and blood could be scented. Five scenes flashed before Bluekit at that moment, too fast and too blurred to even begin to work out what they were.

Bluekit, eyes wide with horror, turned from the first area and ran, into the cave-like area of the elder's den.

"I guess I have to work it out. How I died, what happened to ThunderClan, and the truth behind the elder's den." She vowed to herself.

A shadowy shape stepped out of the darkness. "Good work, young one.

"But your innocence will only fuel disaster."

Now how do you like that unexpected twist? Well, not too unexpected. This character will be an important part in the book. Oh yes, this isn't a series anymore.