Hey guys, Scallop here! Just posting Part 1 of Escape from Demacia to keep you guys happy before I finish it. Part 2 is nearly finished so you won't have to wait too long! Please review and all as usual.

Monday, 4pm, Viktor's shop:

Viktor used to have a nice life. He used to work day and night on weapons and contribution to the glorious Evolution, it was his life. He had great ambitions, huge potential. He had many robots in the works, he himself was an example of how great he could be. He had established a place within Zaun so he had access to good materials and other people who...had different goals but still helped him. Most of them were crazy, but a little crazy was something the Herald could handle, Now why was he stuck in 'Demacian Gizmos' at 8pm at night?

He knew where it had started, it had started when a certain bald chemist had asked, no forced, into opening up Zaunian Devices and Repairs to help rake back money he had wasted on bad chemicals. Since then he had been put in jail, one of his experments had escaped, created a weapon of mass destruction for a psycho, put on trial, went out on a horrific date, nearly turned human, went on a rescue mission that nearly got him and Heimerdinger killed and last but not least...he was made into a Demacian.

How had he ended up here... He was sitting wiring up some power gauntlets Galio had ordered. Galio was glaring at him from a dark corner with his arms crossed, it was almost like Viktor was a prisoner. Oh wait. Viktor had been told no masks at work, no lazers at work and no negative attitudes at work. Viktor had been to many kingdoms and many cities. Leaders had feared him and done even worse to him than Jarvan. But Jarvan was a douche, Viktor was working on a hack to destroy the mecha armour he had made for the glorious prince. He could just picture his face melting onto the armour...

His head shot up. He heard the scream. That god awful scream...of "DEMACIA!" Garen roared as he smashed into the room. Viktor flinched and Galio walked off laughing. Viktor was gonna make that stone cold idiot pay... Every day Galio would throw something at Viktor, shove him in a toilet and now Viktor would get his revenge. Viktor always wondered what explosive gauntlets would do to Galios precious figure.

"Viktor!" Garen shouted with a giant dumb grin on his face. "For a month now you have been a valiant guardian of Demacia and proved to be very loyal! To that I have assigned you to accompany me and Poppy to the fearsome Freijord Sector!" He didn't even take a breath. The bellowing had actually made Viktors hair get hit by a gust of wind that he was currently fixing.

"Why are we going?" Was the metallic emotionless response as he packed up all the parts of the gaunlet. "Well my dear friend! Our Terrific Trio will be going to help Ashe and her beloved make peace with the evil ice queen Lissandra! And if all goes to plan we shall come back with the ice queen's head!" He grinned, patted the Herald on the back and somped off screaming "POPPY! DEMACIA NEEDS YOU!"

Tuesday, 6am, Viktor's shop:

Viktor was having a nice dream of smashing Galio, frying Garen, Giving Lux to Mundo, drowning Poppy and destroying Jarvan completely when he was awoken by a giant pair of hands grabbing and shaking him. "ITS TIME!" Was what Garen said and Viktor grumbled. "Let me go get my stuff."

He walked out of his backstore with his armour all in place including his lazer hand and his mask. It was just like the good old days when he was back at Zaun. They would all gear up, it was good back then. Viktor couldn't help but get a little sad at that thought, no he couldn't, he was no longer a slave to those meaningless emotions, he had a job to do. Bring around the glorious Evolution!

He walked out of the door in great strides to see the two Demacian warriors standing there with great big grins in their golden and blue armour. "Right then! Come Viktor accompany me and the beautiful Poppy to victory!" The great demacian charged off leaving Viktor and Poppy in his Demacian dust.

Poppy's grin was gone and she sighed as the two walked after Garen. "Hey, you're the guy who turned Amumu into a cyborg and killed Teemo, right?" She asked not once looking up at the herald. Viktor chuckled a deep metallic chuckle. At least one Demacian was marvelling at his earlier work before he got captured. "Demacia is a hellhole though..." Poppy continued. "Can't see how you stand it..." Viktor looked down at her with an almost regrettful look.

"I dont know either..." Then they entered the Freijord sector.

Their first sight was a giant clean cut cube of ice. It was Garen. Viktor looked around. He could smell someone hiding, they really did smell. Suddenly Poppy was running off towards the Garen-cube, making him sigh and walk after her. He heard a little grunt, a very loud annoying grunt. Poppy was hitting the cube with a hammer and Viktor looked around in his pockets for his ice pick. He pulled out his hand to find a handful of skittles...to add to the confusion a giant troll charged towards him out of nowhere and hit him with a club. God damnit Trundle...