"Look what I found, Calliope," Arizona said. She held the smiling baby in her arms, tears of joy in her eyes. "It's their daughter, and she..."

Callie took a sharp breath at the sight, a lump forming in her throat.

"She called me Momma."

Sofia. The name spelled out on the wall behind them framed the mother and daughter in a image that Callie desperately tried to burn into her memory.

Callie had experienced several life altering moments over the course of her life. Many of them over the past year, but none them compared to this moment.

Watching Arizona fall in love with her children and vice versa had been amazing, but this… this was different. This was their child. A child born of their love. Screw the circumstances of conception and that fact that is was their alternates selves. Callie didn't care. Arizona was this child's mother. This baby, who was kicking her tiny feet in excitement and grabbing at dimpled cheeks, loved Arizona. It was obvious to Callie they shared a bond that only a mother and daughter could.

Tears filled Callie's eyes to match the one in her partner's.

"Callie," Arizona managed to speak over her joy, "She thinks I'm her mother!"

Callie nodded in response, tilting her head to the side she said, "You are."

Arizona sighed as she hugged the baby tight to her body, "But I'm not. Not really."

"To her you are," Callie smiled. "Right now, in this moment, you are her mother."

Arizona smiled in return, "I am, aren't I…"

"You are," Callie swallowed the lump. "And um… as her mother, you should change her diaper. I can smell her from here."

"What?" Arizona lifted Sofia higher and gave her a sniff. Her face twisting in mild disgust. "Oh no, Little Miss, you stink."

I'll go get breakfast started while you get on… that mess," Callie waved her hand in the direction of Sofia's bottom.

Arizona looked momentarily terrified at the prospect of changing a dirty diaper. She'd done it before, obviously; she wasn't helpless. But this was somehow different. This wasn't some patient, this was literally the baby of her dreams.

Callie saw her moment of panic and quickly came over to kiss the baby on the cheek and the blonde on the lips. "You'll be fine," she reassured, "she won't break." And just like that, Callie left the room.

"Looks like it's just us, huh?"


"That's right," Arizona agreed. "I'm your Momma!."

It took Callie a few minutes to locate what she needed, but she managed to get a decent breakfast started for the three of them.

After a few minutes Arizona and Sofia emerged from child's bedroom. She was immensely grateful to see that Callie had her coffee ready and waiting. After getting the baby settled in the high chair, she grabbed the coffee and took a long pull.

"Oh god, I've missed your coffee," Arizona moaned. "You know how I like it better than I do now. Always the perfect amount of sugar."

"Is that all you've missed?"

"Not by any means," Arizona grinned. "I miss the way you…," she licked the sweet coffee off of her lips, and moved around the kitchen island and took Callie in her arms. She tilted her head and laid the sweetest of kisses and Callie's waiting lips.

"Mmm," Callie hummed, "the perfect amount of sugar." She pulled Arizona back to her for another longer kiss.

Before the kiss got too intense, though, they were interrupted by the banging of a plastic safety spoon.


Arizona pulled back, "I guess her hungry little tummy should take priority over kisses." She moved toward the fussing baby.

"Absolutely," Callie agreed. "And uh… you'd better get used to that."

Arizona's head whipped around and she stared at Callie for a few long seconds before responding, "Yeah?"

"Yeah, Arizona," Callie smiled. "If we are going to have a baby I can guarantee every kiss will come with potential interruptions."

Arizona licked her lips and smiled. "I can deal if you can deal."

"I can't think of another person, in this universe or any other, who I'd rather be potentially kissless with."

"Callie…" Arizona was ecstatic, but she knew they still needed to talk about his.

"Momma! Momma!"

Callie handed Arizona a small bowl of oatmeal, "Feed your child. Then we'll talk."

Sofia finished her oatmeal quickly. She was sitting in her highchair playing with her spoon and sucking on the bottle that Callie gave her when she finished eating. Her large brown eyes never left her two mothers' as their discussion turned to having a child of their own.

Once Arizona had convinced her that she wasn't proposing a band aid baby, a baby to secure their bond because of some insecurity, that she truly wanted to have a child, a child with her, Callie saw no reason to put it off. As Arizona took the last bite of her pancake, Callie broached the subject of the timetable.

"We could look for a donor while you are in Africa. Have all of that done and taken care of, that way... when you get home… we could immediately start trying to knock you up." Callie quickly added, "I know it's fast, and it was only a week ago that I said no, but we aren't getting any younger..."

Arizona held up her hand for Callie wait. She wanted to interject, but her mouth was still full. She finished her bite, then picked up the napkin and wiped the syrup from her lips.

"It's definitely fast, but not too fast. And I understand now why you were reluctant. I just sprung it on you in an airport out of the blue. I didn't give you time to process, hell… I hadn't even processed it. But it feels right, Callie. It's fast, but it's right. I don't know how or why, but I really need this. I want this, with you," Arizona reached over and grabbed Callie's hand. She wasn't sure how the brunette was going to take here next statement. "I uh… I want our child to be related, though. Blood related. To Allie and the boys."

"Oh," Callie's brow furrowed.

Arizona could almost see the wheels turning in Callie's head; she just hoped Callie landed on the right conclusion.

"Arizona… Uh… I don't think using Owen as a donor is a good idea. It would be too confusing for him and… I just… I don't like the idea of him being involved."

So much for Callie assuming correctly, Arizona thought. "No, you don't understand. I want you to have the baby. I want this baby to be part you. Every time I look at Allegra and the boys, I see you. And when I look at this precious baby, I see you," she turned to Sofia, who pointed her spoon back at her, causing Arizona to smile. "I want to look at our baby and see you too. I know it's asking a lot, because you've already carried three, but… Can you do that for me? Can you carry our baby?"

"Arizona," Callie closed her eyes and sighed. "I'm so sorry, but… I can't."

Arizona's smiled dropped and her gaze left the giggling baby and turned to Callie. "You can't?"

"No," Callie whispered. "When I had the boys. I knew…," she sighed, "I didn't want anymore kids with Owen. So, I um... I got a tubal. I can't get pregnant."

"Well, crap."

"Arizona," Callie tried the console the dejected blonde. "It's not the end of the world. You can still carry a baby… can't you?"

"Yeah," she sighed. "I can… but I wanted to have your baby."

"But your babies would be so cute!"

"Obviously," Arizona cracked a tentative smile. "But, I want yours."

"Well, it's a bigger process, but if you are sure… I guess we could harvest my eggs for in vitro. Then either of us could carry, but… I'd rather it be you."

Arizona silently mulled over the idea for a few seconds, her expression going from contemplative to enthusiastic. She thought of Callie carrying and how wonderful that would be, but then the idea of growing and nurturing Callie's child inside of her womb to over and everything seemed to fall into place.



"I want to have your baby!"

Breakfast dishes done, they moved to the living room so Sofia could play. The two women sat on the couch while Sofia crawled around and played at their feet.

Sofia reached up for Arizona's knee, so the giddy blonde reached down to help her pull herself up.

"Callie, did you see that?" Arizona gushed. "Do you think that's the first time she pulled up like that?"

"I did," Callie responded, "but I think you did more pulling than she did."

"Nonsense," Arizona waved her off. "She's obviously a genius."

"Obviously," Callie agreed.

"How much do you know about her birth?" Arizona tried to casually ask.

Callie saw through it. "Just that it was traumatic for all of us," she responded. "Why do ask?"

"When I changed her, I noticed a small scar on her chest." Arizona gently ran her hand over Sofia's silky black hair. "I know you said she was a preemie. I assume she had a PDA ligation?"

"Most likely," Callie responded. "We match. Well, her and this me." She pulled the neck of her shirt down to show Arizona the scar from her open heart surgery.

"Oh my god!" Arizona exclaimed. "I didn't even notice that earlier."

"When I was here before, Cristina said told me all about it. I can tell you what I remember, but…"

The phone rang out, causing both women to jump, which startled Sofia at first, then sent her into a fit of giggles. Arizona immediately pick her up to enjoy the giggles.

The phone rang again. "Should I answer it?" Callie asked.

Arizona just shrugged, her attention focused on the giggling baby.

"God you are going to be so useless when we have a baby," Callie teased. She reached over and grabbed the phone from the stand.


"Yes, this is she," Callie said. "Yes. I… okay… I understand." Her tone became increasingly more somber as the conversation went on. "Yeah. We'll be there."

When she finally hung up the phone, her voice was so low and dejected, it caught the otherwise engaged Arizona's attention.

"Callie? Is everything okay?"

"No," she shook her head. "No… I don't think it is."

"What's wrong? Who was that?" Arizona asked. Her concern growing at Callie's sorrowful expression.

"That was the estate lawyer calling to confirm our appointment."

"Okay?" her face twisted in confusion, "Why do you look like someone died?" Her eyed widened, "Oh god, who died?"

"Um, Mark," Callie answered. "But not yet… he's dying Monday."

"What? I don't understand."

"All I know is he's been in a coma for two months and per his medical directive they are taking him off life support in two days."

Arizona felt like a imposter. No, she was an imposter; walking into Seattle Grace in her counterpart's body made her very nervous.

Callie insisted they go over to the hospital to visit Mark and to try and find out what had happened to him. Arizona, however, believed they had no business in his business. Just because they were currently occupying this universe's Callie and Arizona, that didn't mean they needed to go snooping around at the hospital.

Eventually, the dispute was settled when Callie pulled the Sofia-only-has-a-few-days-left-with-her-father card, and Arizona felt too guilty to keep arguing her point, which was: neither of them knew of enough about what was going on in this universe to risk exposure. Callie didn't share her fear. Callie had experience. Callie had been here before. Although she knew her partner's arguments were all pretty convincing and rational, Arizona still couldn't quite buy in. Arizona was on high alert.

The elevator rose toward its destination, slowly moving them closer to the soon to be deceased father of their child. The contents of Callie's stomach were protesting as much as Arizona-threatening to overwhelm her predominantly fraudulent calm.

"Callie," Arizona whined. Her nervousness was extremely obvious. If it weren't for the tight grip she had on the stroller, she'd have been wringing her hands. "I don't think I can pull this off."

"There is nothing for you to 'pull off'! No one is going to question you about your life. And as far as work, at least you are the same specialty! I'm an orthopedic surgeon here."

"Really? Did I know that?" Arizona reached over and squeezed Callie's bicep and whispered. "I've always had a thing for strong…"

"Hey! You aren't allowed to like this me better than me me," Callie grumbled, as she attempted to pull her arm from Arizona's grasp.

"Never," Arizona responded. Pulling Callie back toward her for a kiss. "You you is the only you I will ever love."

After arriving on the fifth floor, the small family made their way to the Intensive Care Unit, where Mark was sure to be located.

They entered the closed off unit and checked in at the desk. The charge nurse told them that only one could go in to see him, as he already had a visitor. Arizona quickly volunteered to be the one to stay out in the family waiting area with the napping Sofia. Pretending to be someone else was not something she enjoyed, so the fewer people she had to interact with the better.

Callie didn't like it much either, but she had to know what happened. She had know so she could try to stop it from happening to Mark in her universe. She entered his room to find Derek Shepherd sitting at his bedside.

"Callie," he said in quiet greeting.

"Derek," she responded in kind.

"We set for Monday?" he asked, not looking away from his friend.

"Yeah, I uh… I think so." Callie wracked her brain trying to come up with something to get Derek talking. Anything to get the information flowing. She knew that in this universe Derek was married to Meredith… and that Lexie was her sister. Lexie had been part of her life here, and the odds were that the Lexie here was as dead as the one in her universe, and Meredith would have been affected by it.

"How Meredith holding up?"

Derek sighed, "So much loss lately."

"Yeah, uh… Lexie..." Callie prodded.

"Meredith still refused to acknowledge it. I don't know what I'm going to do, Callie. I'm hoping… when Mark is finally gone, she'll accept it. Get some closure."

"Such a tragedy," Callie whispered. Derek's words all but confirmed Lexie's death. "So young… so..."

"Senseless," Derek snapped.

"What is?"

"All of it," he scoffed. His grief getting the better of him "Meredith is right. The universe is screwed up. It's random and mean," he stood from his spot and walked over to look out the glass partition separating Mark's room from the rest of the ICU. "If they had done one little thing different."

"What?" Derek's words caught Callie's attention. "What do you mean?"

"You know what happened."

"Yes," she lied, "but tell me again. Help me… get closure, too. Talk me through it. If they had done one little thing different...," she led.

"If he hadn't been so desperate to make a big gesture. If he had just taken Highway 99 instead of the scenic route. If they hadn't stopped to help those people. If they'd been evac'd to this hospital instead of Dillard where they weren't properly trained to deal with that sort of trauma. I could have saved him. Maybe not Lexie, but Mark's injuries were survivable. You know it, and I know." He was angry now. "We should sue that place. Take everything. Shut it down."

"Derek, calm down," Callie tried to soothe irate man. "Sometimes, you can't stop fate." She closed her eyes and sighed, now resigned to the fact that the Mark in her universe would likely die too. And soon. "Maybe you can change the circumstances," she continued, "but the universe takes what it wants. When it wants. It doesn't' matter what we do or how hard we fight against it, the universe always wins. The scales have to balance."

"Then what's the point? Why do we even try?"

"Because we have to. It's who we are. We're fighters," Callie said. "We pick our battles, we do everything we can, but no one can win them all. No one leaves this world undefeated, but we fight like hell until then. Right?" Callie wasn't sure who needed this pep talking more at this point, herself or Derek.

"So we fight?" He asked.

"Yeah," Callie reiterated. "We do."

"I'm filing a wrongful death suit against Dillard," he said. "I hope you will too."

"If you think that's best. Though, I'm not sure closing down a hospital is a good idea. Those people out there need a hospital."

"So we sue them," Derek said, "Not to close them down, but to force them to be better. We make them better. I can make them better."

"I believe you will," Callie said. "I believe you will."

A few minutes after Callie entered Mark's room, Sofia started to stir. Not wanting the baby to make a scene, Arizona decided to take her for a walk. After informing the nurse to let Callie know her whereabouts, her and Sofia left the ICU.

As much as she wanted to, she didn't give in to her curiosity and visit the pediatric ward. Sofia was still young, and likely hadn't had all of her immunizations. She wasn't risking taking her baby around other sick children. Not with her history as a micro-preemie.

They made their way down to the cafeteria. Sofia's appetite was healthy, so Arizona figured some applesauce wouldn't be unwelcome. Plus, she wanted a coffee. For it only being mid-afternoon, she was wiped. Probably jet lagged from shifting. Universal jet lagged. She smiled to herself at her joke.

"What's got you so smiley?"

"Oh!" Arizona jumped. "Hi… uh… Ma... uh… Dr. Bailey." She wasn't sure if she was on a first name basis with Mandy Bailey, so she went with professional. Stuttery, for sure, but professional.

"I thought you and Torres took the weekend off?"

"She wanted to come see Mark. She's up there now." Arizona figured that'd be a safe topic. And, sticking as close to the truth as possible couldn't hurt either.

Bailey nodded her understanding. Arizona purchased her coffee and applesauce and waited for Bailey to finish paying for her food. Her fear of somehow messing things up in this universe almost made her run for it, but she didn't want to be rude.

"Let's go sit," Bailey said.

Arizona swallowed her nerves, and joined the other woman at the lunch table. Bailey made small talk about a few patients, while Arizona tried to occupy herself with feeding Sofia the applesauce.

"Be honest," Bailey said. "How are you holding up?"

"I'm fine," Arizona replied.

"Robbins, don't lie to me. I have eyes. I've seen how different you've been over the past two months. Since the accident. Callie has obviously been grieving, but… something's been off with you, too. More than just the loss of Mark."

"I… Uh… I honestly don't know what you are talking about," again, Arizona figured the truth was best option.

"That's a load of bull if I ever heard it," Bailey said. "You don't have to say anyway. I already know what's bothering you."

"You do?"

"Of course! I'm Miranda Bailey I know all. I see all," her expression turned serious. "It's written all over your face. It's the same as Derek and Meredith, but yours seem somehow greater. You aren't responsible for what happened to Mark and Lexie. It wasn't your fault. You may feel like it is, but it wasn't. Neither was Nick… or Alex leaving. You can't take on all of that guilt on to your shoulders. You need to talk to someone, Arizona. You need help."

"Oh," Arizona was suddenly worried about her counterpart. She knew changing the universe had taken a toll on Callie. That knowing things hurt. She could only assume it was just as bad, if not worse, for the person who helped change those things. Who lived through both. She felt an urge to intervene. "Why don't you talk to me about it in a few days."

"What?" Bailey was surprised by the response.

"I think I'll be better equipped to have this conversation in a few days," Arizona took a deep breath. "As a matter of fact, promise me you will. Promise me we'll have this conversation again. That you'll make me seek help. Can you do that for me, Mandy?"

"Mandy?" Bailey mumbled, but Arizona seemed desperate. "Okay. I promise. Next week, I'll sit with you. Help you find a good therapist."

"Thank you."

After meeting back up in the lobby, Callie, Arizona, and Sofia went back to the apartment. Both women had a lot on their minds, so conversation was limited. Neither knew what to say. They'd made a huge decision that morning. A wonderful, life-changing decision. But they couldn't seem to shake the melancholy that came from their visit to hospital.

As the afternoon wore on, Sofia started rubbing her eyes and by the time evening came and they fixed dinner, she was a cranky bear. Arizona took her into the nursery to prep for a bed; bath, fresh diaper, pacifier, and rocking chair time. She couldn't get enough of this baby, and knowing she likely only had tonight only made it worse.

She came out of the nursery to find Callie sitting at the kitchen island writing on a piece of stationary.

"She's down," Arizona said, fighting back tears.

"Good, she was turning into a real grumpy bear there for a bit," Callie looked up from what she was doing and notice Arizona fighting tears. "Are you okay?"

"I will be," she waved Callie off, "I'm just going to miss her."

"I know it's hard."

"What are you…," Arizona pointed to the pen in Callie's hand. She didn't want to think about leaving Sofia.

Callie motioned for Arizona to come closer. "I'm writing the other you a note, so that she knows we were here."

"Is that a good idea?"

"I honestly don't know," Callie shrugged. "I'm doing it regardless."

"I think you should," Arizona said to Callie's surprise. Callie had thought the blonde would have protested trying to contact her counterpart. "I think she's having trouble…," Arizona continued, "I think she's having guilt from what you guys did. And… I'm just guessing, but I don't think she told her Callie what happened. She's trying to deal all by herself. She needs help. "

"Then we'll give her help."

"Good. I don't know about her, but I tend to internalize a lot. And then I do stupid things like asking to have a baby in the middle of an airport goodbye, then getting drunk and not calling for a week. And that was just… I can't imagine the guilt she must feel right now. I don't want her to do something stupid to mess up her family. This family is kind of awesome and I'm sure she would regret it."

"What? How do you know she's feeling guilty..."

"Well, I would if I were in her shoes, and I had a conversation with Mandy Bailey at hospital," Arizona answered.

Callie cringed. "I hope you didn't call her Mandy."

"Oh. I did. But she didn't seem to notice."

"She yelled at me when I did it," Callie grumbled.

"Maybe she likes me more," Arizona couldn't help but tease the brunette.

"I don't blame her," Callie winked.

Arizona smiled in return, but it soon faded as she continued her earlier thought, "Mandy said she could tell that I wasn't doing too well with everything. Plus, I have this really bad feeling, Callie. I can't explain it, but she was worried me about me and now I can't shake this feeling of dread."

"Okay, what… what should we do?"

"What you are doing," Arizona said. "Write her the note. But, I think you will need to come back. Not now, not yet. Soon, though. A few months maybe. Just you, to check on her. Make sure she's getting by."

"If Genie doesn't permanently ground me. I'll do that." Callie pulled Arizona into a hug, which she immediately melted into. "I promise. I'll come back."

Arizona pointed to the note, "What will you say?"

"I don't know," Callie locked her gaze with Arizona. "What would you want to hear?"

"Tell her… Tell her to hang in there. To stay strong. Be a good man in a storm and everything will be okay."

"When I wake up, I'm going to be back in Africa."

Callie and Arizona laid facing each other in their counterparts' comfortable bed. Neither wanting to fall asleep and end their day together, but they were both having trouble keeping their eyes open.

"Yep," Callie hummed. She ran her fingers up and down Arizona's arm, needing to touch her, knowing she wouldn't be able to for months.

"Do you think our Mark is going to die?"

"Yep," Callie answered again. "I'm more sure now than ever. Doesn't mean I'm not going to try to stop it, though."

"I wouldn't expect anything less," Arizona touched Callie's face. "Whatever you do, though, be careful."


"I'm going to miss you."

"Me too."

"As soon as I get up, I'm going into Lilongwe and getting a phone, then I'm calling you. I don't care what time it is here/there…," she scrunched her face, "where you are."

A lazy smile formed on Callie's face, "You'd better. And then every day after that."

"I will. I promise."

"I never want to go a week without talking to you again. Ever."

"Me either."

"I can't keep my eyes open anymore. It's time for us to go," Callie's eyes were drifting closed. "I love you."

"I love you, too, Calliope," Arizona said, her own eyes fluttering shut. "I'll talk to you soon"