Chapter Twenty Five: The Finale

Frost's POV

Create a class huh. I see, very simple indeed. I'm inside of this large white, glowing room that held many, and when I say many, I mean ALOT of weaponry. Literally! To the right there's Assault rifles lined up on horizontal metal bars across the walls. Left, right and centre where guns and armour along with some clothing. Oddly, when I arrived, I would have thought that I would change back to my original form but sadly, my hopes where shattered like a window pane suffering many pelts of bullets. I would prefer blades instead of these murderous weapons but, oh well, I can't argue with the game. I sighed and walked up towards the assault riffles with a clear mind. My footsteps made dragging noises since I wore no shoes, but I didn't really mind since this place has some footwear and clothing. I held out my right hand to choose what gun I wanted from the wall. Needless to say, I'm very picky, especially since I can only have one class... I looked up at the white ceiling with a sigh of annoyance... wait a second. I could see a sentence formed with large green text... wait what? This ISN'T Black Ops Two? I blinked and shook my head before cringing in frustration. Let me guess, Star forgot to put Black Ops Two and instead, put on Trouble In Terrorist Town. Dammit Star. Now he wonders why he's called an old man. Bloody hell... well, now what?

"Twenty seconds", I heard someone say from seemingly nowhere, making me look around in shock with widened eyes. I shook my head and clenched my fists. With a sigh, I regained my composure and blinked blankly at the assault riffles, all painted in jet black paint, looking fresh and brand new. With my heart and soul ready for anything, I took a quiet step forward and reached for a black AK47 with my right hand when suddenly, my hand was repelled back by some mysterious force. I grasped onto my hand with my left and held it up to my face in shock and confusion. What? Why can't I get a gun? I sighed and blew at my fingers before letting my arms flop to my side lazily, trying to figure out why on earth am I not able to touch a gun.

"Ten seconds", The voice said, making me grit my teeth and look anxiously around with my head and eyes, trying to find who the heck was saying these things.

"Who's there?", I asked in a strong, firm, girlishly tone as I clenched my fists into balls of agony, ready to strike anyone who decides to do anything funny.

"Five", My heart raced and began beating the life out of my ribcage. "Four", I clenched my fists even more tightly before realisation hit me as hard as a brick to the face... In this game, you have to look for your OWN guns scattered all over the place... "Three", I blinked and smiled faintly, rejecting all of my negative thoughts that blinded me from the obvious. "Two", I took in a deep breath and exhaled it all out before taking in another one. "One", It finally said before suddenly, my entire surroundings was instantly replaced by a brown dusty field enclosed with large silver fences topped with barbed wires. The entire area consisted of wooden structures that looked fragile but in a way, it's probably really damn tough.

I sighed and heard a buzzer sound from out of nowhere, making me jump in shock and fear. Dammit, I hate sudden noises! "Thirty seconds till the game starts", A male voice said, making me take in a deep breath and look down at myself... WHAT? I choked on the air stuck in my wind pipe as I tried to recall when in and how I even put these socks and boots on. They where blue and white stripped and reached up mid thigh, making me feel a sudden serge of insecurity smash my skull against the wall of anxiety. My boots where brown and only reached to the half of my shin which is a good thing.

"Fifteen seconds", The voice said after a loud buzzer, making my heart beat faster as a small gust of wind blew across the field. Ok, now I have to find a weapon and survive. Let's do this!

I smiled as the dust kicked up from behind me like fireworks the moment I made a full sprint towards a small wooden hut, bare of anything but another entrance, letting the sunlight seep through and a square window to the right. My luck is beginning to shine! Quickly, I looked down and grinned as I bent over and held out my right hand to pick up the small box like pistol on the dusty brown floor. It looked brand new with it's glossy black paint, making my eyes spark with courage. This is more than enough for me to win. I straightened myself with a quiet groan and held the gun with both hands, my right on the handle where as my left cupped it from under. My finger leaned on the trigger, ready to pull back the black trigger if necessary.

"Game start! You are a traitor!", I heard the voice say, making something trigger within me, casing me to smile devilishly. Let's get this party rolling! I ran out of the entrance and looked to my sides to make sure that nobody was watching. The cold air tickled my exposed skin and face as I ran to the right of a large wooden fort and turned the left corner to be face to face with Star. I held the gun to his face and smiled, ready to pull the trigger.

"Woah!", He exclaimed and pointed his black painted shotgun at my face as he grit his teeth seriously. "We're both traitors", he said simply, making me have second thoughts of shooting him... Dammit. If I kill a team member, then my position gets revealed for one whole round. I can't let that happen.

"Alright", I sighed and lowered my gun, making it point to the ground harmlessly as he too, lowered his weapon. "Got any ideas?", I asked curiously and looked around to see if anyone was trying to do something funny.

He placed a hand on his hip and nodded. "The others have formed an early alliance during the thirty seconds, they seem to trust each other with their hearts, meaning that they know that we're the traitors", he explained in a low tone and pointed towards another wooden fort behind him that had a balcony on the second floor... suddenly, a white glint resembling a star caused me to cringe as it stung my eyes. Wait a sec... Oh shit!

"Get down!", I yelled and lunged at him, making us both fall onto the brown dirt as a bullet just passed us by mere centimetres.

"Oh shit!", Star exclaimed in fear as he scrambled from under me up to his feet and quickly dragged me up. My heart began to smash at my rib cage like hammers as we made a break towards a white, worn out car that provided as cover for us.

We slid onto our knees on the last meter to the car as a bullet just whizzed by my face in slow motion. It spiralled in the air majestically as it blurred out its surroundings due to it's intense heat and friction. Time resumed once again. Star grit his teeth and clenched the handle of his gun tightly like it was the reason for the deaths of the innocent. Clearly it is, but this isn't the time for that. Now is the time to win!

"Frost, I have an idea, but bear with me", Star said hastily under peer pressure as he stared into my dark brown eyes with his pale ones. I nodded and obligated to whatever his idea may be. Reckless or not, I do not care. "We go in loud and heavy", He said.

"That's a terrible idea", I whispered and jumped a little as a bullet whizzed by the car from behind me, making me re-think the idea. "Actually, we'll do it", I said in a scared tone, making him smile slightly as he slowly stood up just barely reaching the roof of the car and opened to car door. Immediately, a hundred bullets pelted through the car door, making my tail and ears stand like a frightened cat as Star tried his best to pry the car door off of it's hinges, creating a dreadful screeching noise that hurt my ears. It felt like an eternity of bullets piecing through the broken glass of the car until finally, Star had successfully pried out the white, scratched door with one, massive heave.

He grunted and recoiled backwards in pain, unfortunately revealing himself from the back of the car... The bullets stopped firing at the window and soon, they where bombarded onto Star who had no chance of escape... I gasped in shock and horror as his blood splattered onto my face like ketchup... His body was filled with holes and his eyes where lifeless, not even showing the slightest glimpse of white... Just pure pale... I grit my teeth and closed my eyes, not wanting to know that my close friend has just died before my very eyes. It somehow became hard for me to even believe that he isn't truly dead. Why couldn't it be me!? Why... Argh! I felt an immense pain strike me within my stomach... when I looked down, I began tearing up and sighed. Game over. Looks like we loose this round. I took in a deep, painful breath, making my stomach bloat slightly for the final time in this world. My vision blurred out slightly as I heard shuffling of the dirt emitting from behind... Game over...

Mindy's POV

The game lasted for only one round? That's something I should've saw coming, seeing that Star was the one who actually made up the rules and such. But right now, I don't want to say bad stuff about him nor Frost. The moment we won, we where back in reality while the other two experienced sever headaches. Frost had a little more than just that tho. She's cured of his mood swings but that came to the cost of deadly fever that forced Frost to collapse the moment she woke up. I hope she has a good night sleep... I'll be with her the whole night, giving her my warmth and love. Ah, I can't stop thinking about him, her, whatever. I took in a deep breath of the beautiful aroma of the house and began my ascend up the wooden staircase. The floor made a quiet thump with every step I took towards the top. Frost should be a sleep... After all, that fever is definitely a killer type. I turned to the right once I made it to the top and quickly twisted the golden doorknob to my room with my right hand and slowly, pushed it open. The light seeped into the room, painting it with colour as I felt the wall for the light switch. Ah, here we go. I flicked it on with a satisfying 'click' and looked at my bed, bare of anyone... My eyes widened as I nearly choked on the air from the negative thoughts of loosing Frost again... Where the hell did she go!?

Frost's POV

Wow... The universe is so pretty... My head throbbed in agony, but that didn't stop me from staying outside in the cold winter night, sitting down in a patch of grass not too far away from the front door of the mansion. I had my head tilted upwards, admiring the beautiful night sky that shone millions of yellow and white stars of hope accompanied with purple and red nebulas soaring though the space like clouds. I sighed, making a transparent smoke exit my mouth before disappearing into the cold air that kept a continuous cold breeze down on the kingdom, never stopping as it toyed with the flora all around me, making them dance like puppets. I can't believe that such a sky like this even exists in such a place... there's so many lights and traffic, more than enough to drown out every single star but here, this is very strange yet why am I caring so much? I should be happy that I am able to live to see such a sight. There's so many things under way and there's so little time until something happens.

"What are you doing out here in the cold alone?", I heard a soothing voice from behind accompanied with the soft scrunches of the green grass that tickled my thighs. I looked down at my legs and sighed, realising why I was wearing these socks in the game. Someone had put them on me while we where all in-game. I suspect it to be Candy or Cream, seeing that they both look up to me and really care about me. After all, I DID bring them back from insanity... "Aren't you cold? And don't you have a fever?", The quiet voice from behind asked concerned before the scrunches grew louder and louder until they stopped right behind me.

"Mindy?", I asked curiously and sighed. She giggled and sat herself down to my left, making me turn to her... "Anna?", I asked in confusion and shock.

"Surprise", She said as her hair and red cat-like ears fluttered to the left in the cool, calming breeze that never seemed to end.

"What are you doing out here?", I asked and gazed back up into the night sky in awe, admiring the amazing spiral galaxies coloured in pink and blue.

"What are YOU doing here? Mindy's worried sick about you and you still haven't opened op your package", She said, making me look down to my left at her as she twisted her body to the left and turned back towards me with a large wooden box that I failed to see due to the darkness of the night. The moon sat up, isolated from everything but it's amazing light blue glow that painted the land with light. "Take it, it's yours".

I placed both my hands around the box and took in a deep breath. My mouth curved upwards slightly into a smile as I carefully took the box from her and placed it right in front of my legs. It felt very smooth for something that causes painful splinters and the top was sealed shut via three white pieces of tape.

"I better get going now... say...", she suddenly said as she was about to lift herself from the soft grassy ground. I looked right into her light blue eyes, resembling someone who I tried my best not to remember... "A Ruby never dies, just remember that, Daddy", She said and smiled at me warm heartedly before lifting herself up and making a break back towards the mansion...

I smiled and felt a tear run down my right cheek in both pure shock and happiness... Ruby... I sniffed and sighed. "Why am I crying?", I asked myself in a happy tone as I rubbed my damp eyes before looking back down at the wooden box. Well, I guess the first thing to do is to open it. Very gently, I tore off the white tape and stuck them to the edge of the box before unfolding the top of the box... Inside, were two black leather sword cases, just the right size for the Ezarca and Exzera. I took them both out and put them to the side carefully as I continued to under cover what else was inside of this box that began to feel more like a surprise crate. I took out a small metal container that felt heavy and pulled it up close to my face before I opened up the lid. I was surprised to see at least thirty small throwing blades. Quickly, I closed the lid and placed it aside as I continued to ravage through the things within the box. There where at least seven syringes inside containing some sort of light green chemical and finally, an envelope with a red 'R' on it, meaning a letter from the King. With curiosity, I tore open the envelope and pulled out the letter with haste and unfolded the page... The moment I read the words, I knew that things are just going to get tougher and tougher... Dammit... Only one month till we have to go by King's orders, no matter what... But now that the humans have allied with the goblins, promising extermination to our continent... I will not allow that to be... Only time will tell... But until then, let's keep living in the present for our future.

"Frost, are you prepared for the journey?", Drago asked in an excited tone, making me smile and clench my fists in courage and confidence.

"Yes!", I exclaimed and punched the cold air above me with my right hand. Nothing will stand in my way!

"Haha!", Drago laughed and sighed immediately after. "Me and Serenity will be guiding you and Mindy the whole way", he said, making me feel much more secure and forget about the negative thoughts from earlier.

Serenity's POV

Only one month until Frost and Mindy arrives at the Skeleton Kingdom. Good, any more later and I'll probably go insane... I wish them all the best of luck... Frost, Save me...

Frost's POV

The lights up above the sky remind me of my past... I've always wanted to fly. Soar up higher than even the clouds and Thris itself... Dreams are only achievable if you put your mind to it long enough... Charcoal, you better prepare yourself!

Shora's POV

So this is the uncharted lands that 'They've' been telling us about. Our allies are the goblins from her on now, no questions asked. I took in a deep breath and looked from left to right as I walked down the dusty road of what was once a kingdom of winter. Right now, the race that originated from this place are near extinct, about one hundred only remains and are currently used for 'Freak shows', labour and entertainment. How disgusting us Humans have become over these past fifty years. Twenty fourteen, soon twenty fifteen... And I'm still unsure why I chose to defend this place... And why my two friends and I were told to kill someone by the name of Frost... I sighed and pulled out my silver pistol from my brown, tactical belt from around my waist and inspected it in my hands, covered with a studded black glove made of fine leather. All those mythical creatures that we call mythology, where once true, but where forced to move away from our race due to how dominant we are now... But this Frost guy... There must be a reason for why they want me to kill him. But orders are orders, and I must obey them at all means necessary... One month they said...

And there you have it, the final chapter of this story! I WILL be making the next book that continues this story very soon! It will be called 'FrostBitten: Conquering Darkness'. I hope that you all enjoyed this story to the very end, leave a review on what you thought about this story and I will see you guys in the next book!

"No pain, no gain"

"It ain't about how big the guns are. It's how you use one"

"Dreams are what your heart desires"

'FrostBitten: Conquering Darkness"

Extended Summary: A new era of darkness begin to unravel upon the entire northern west quadrant of the globe. The duo in destiny, Frost and Mindy, face a serious crisis that could wipe out the entire continent in one fatal swoop. The jokes stop, the Kings take their seats and play their best cards in this epic journey to defeat the ruler of darkness, Charcoal. Contains Mob talker, References, Adult Themes, Extreme Gore, Epic Fights, Use of Language, Mature Content, Strong Emotional Love and Pure Adventure Mixed in With a Great Dose of Fantasy!