Chapter 1: The monster smiled.
The first thing that registers as he wakes up is the complete lack of sound. Complete silence.
In fact, it feels like the silence is so oppressive, it's literally pressing down on his body.
The second thing that he registers is the smooth white sheets wrapping around him, tight enough to actually bind him down to the bed. He tries to move his arm and finds that his muscles are sluggish, like he'd been sleeping for an eternity.
The third thing that registers in his mind is that he's not alone. A hand is resting on his forehead, cold fingers on his skin.
And following that revelation, came the fourth one. The words that were sung softly in a voice that was so achingly familiar to him...
That voice that was so familiar to him...
That damned voice belonged to-!
His eyes snap open and meet with hazel ones almost immediately. The singing stops. "Ah, I thought you were awake." He says, a small familiar smile tugging at his lips, "You were sleeping quite peacefully. Had good dreams?" He tries to speak and his voice cracks in his throat, painfully dry. He forces it out regardless, but even then, the letters fail to form proper words.
That smile. Sweet, gentle and patient. "You probably shouldn't move too much. Your body is still weak from the poison."
Those words, laced with the barbs of sadistic mirth. "Get...away from me." He hisses as he tries to move away, ignoring his captor's warning. Because that was all he was.
"Now, now Shintaro." He doesn't drop the sweet-as-honey act, but his eyes gleam with malicious intent, "It's only proper manners to listen to what I say. I own this castle, after all."
"I shouldn't even be here." Shintaro's tone is stronger, powered by the anger that flows sluggishly in him, "And that's rich; complaining about dealing with an ungrateful guest, when you're the one that kidnapped me."
"I was just craving some company." He replies, with an innocent shrug, "An unorthodox method, true, but it seems to have caught your complete attention."
"You kidnapped me." Shintaro repeats, icy venom lacing his tone now. He wouldn't lose his temper now, not with him. He wasn't worthy of it. "And if you think that I am just supposed to warm up to you if you continue that creepy act of yours, you have another thing comi-"
He cuts Shintaro off with a kiss. Filthy, open-mouthed and persuasive, the other man's lips forces his own to move, even as he slips his tongue in. Shintaro freezes for all of a millisecond before he tries to pull back, but a strong hand on the back of his head stops him, thin fingers carding lazily through his hair. Weak arms push the blankets aside and try to do the same to his captor, but to no avail. And just when a dangerous amount of time passes and his grip slowly loosens, Shintaro tastes the frightful tang of blood.
"Ggh!" And he pulls away. The thuds of his heart beat close together, tight in his chest, the disgusting coppery taste on his tongue. Shintaro rubs his mouth and sees a red smear on the side of his palm. He was about to wipe it off on the sheets when a hand grabs his wrist. His smile is no longer gentle, the corners framed with identical red.
"You should consider the situation you're in. And what it means for those that you hold dear."
Those words roll around in Shintaro's mind and they click into place, an ugly truth. "...What happened to my sister? My parents?" "Your family as well as your people are safe. But as of right now, their well-being depends on you, O beloved prince."
"Put simply; you play nice and I won't flood your kingdom in a sea of blood."
A shudder up his spine, "...Why me?"
"You're the smart little prince." He moves closer towards Shintaro, who flinches away automatically. Black bangs run through pale fingers, "You already know why I'm doing this. After all, you're the one who chased my shadow for months. So if you ask me such a stupid question again," His grip on the hair tightens and Shintaro winces, "I will break all your fingers, one by one. Slowly," The other hand comes up and wipes the blood with a thumb, staining it on Shintaro's lip, "and painfully."
Shintaro grits his teeth but he doesn't say a word. Because he knows full well that he would make good on his promise.
He'd known him after all.
Once upon a time.