A/N- Once a week, she said, more regular, she said.

I am so sorry! I had another set of mocks announced so my priorities were all turned around. My actual GCSE's are in a few weeks so today is my day off. I am writing as many chapters as I can today and hopefully I will be able to upload them as often as I promise.

This chapter is dark, not extremely but it contains some kind of torture so if you are a light-hearted reader I would not continue reading this chapter. I think I will do two more chapters and then that will be it for this kidnap story, which means I need another story so if anyone could suggest one to write otherwise I will have to make one up which might not go as well as I would like.

Please review, favourite, follow and suggest. :)


"Who are you? Why are you doing this?"

Philip turned Arthur so he faced him. "My name is Eris and I love chaos. And imagine the chaos when destiny is changed and reformed. I will feed off of it like a flea does blood."

He welcomed the darkness that came with the blow to the head.

Gasping and convulsing, Merlin snapped back into reality panting for breath like a dog in heat.

"Merlin? You're okay, it's okay." A familiar voice spoke to him but it sounded like it was from a distance. The darkness was suffocating but the bodiless voice was offering some comfort. That comfort was quickly abolished as Merlin shifted his body to realise that he was collared to a wall with his hands bound in shackles above his head.

"Who are you? What do you want?"

"I want to escape as much as you do, idiot."

Idiot. "Arthur!"

"Who else would it be?" Despite how the words did not sound like it, there was a definite hint of relief in his voice.

"Arthur, where are we?"

"In Eris' dungeons, after you... well he knocked me out and brought us here."

"Eris?" Merlin asked, confused at who he was talking about.

"Phillip. His real name is Eris."

Merlin growled in response and Arthur could hear the sound of clinking chains, "Merlin are you chained up?"

Merlin scrunched his eyebrows in confusion, "Yes, are you not?"

"No...They aren't effecting your magic, are they?"

"Lets see...earendel."

Screams of pain and torment burst from where Merlin was trapped. "Merlin! Merlin!"

The screams died down until there was absolute silence, the only sound that Arthur could hear was his own heart beating and his breathing.

"Merlin... please don't leave me alone here...stay with me."

"I'm not going anywhere, I promise."

"Oh Emrys, lets not make promises that we can't keep." A voice spoke from the corridor between the two "Expande, lux in tenebris"

Torches in the cells lit up revealing Merlin to Arthur and vice versa. More importantly revealing Eris to both. At the sight of their monstrous kidnapper, Arthur leapt forward to the bars, gripping tightly like they were a life line. "What did you do to my knights?" Arthur growled but Eris just laughed "Most of them I slaughtered, despite their reputation it was far too easy to kill them all. Well... not all. I kept those that you obviously hold dear. Gwaine and Percival but something I found interesting was that the bravest of all knights, Sir Lancelot was not with them. Do you want to tell me where he is? I know of the bond that he and Merlin shared. Words travel fast, gossip even more so."

Merlin bit his lip but hardened his face, "Sir Lancelot gave his life to save his kingdom and friends."

Arthur had fallen back into his cell, his own knights murdered in large numbers by one sorcerer. He did not underestimate Eris' powers but if he only saved three of the many in his search party he had lost many good men. Many friends. Families would be devastated.

Arthur looked up at the confrontation going on between his captor and his manservant. Eris was smiling really the horrid rotten teeth that were usually hidden beneath his chapped lips, "Oh, Lancelot has died. What a tragedy. Well for you."

Arthur took advantage of the moment of silence to answer his own questions, "Where are my remaining knights?"

"Sire, do you really believe I would have left them behind to return to Camelot and ready their armies to kill me?" The sorcerer clicked his fingers and the druids from earlier marched in, the larger man lugged an unconscious Percival behind him, the younger girl had Gwaine walking in front, gagged with his hand tied behind him. Arthur sighed in relief that his knights remained relatively unharmed but was deep down disappointed that his only possible contact with the outside was either dead, decomposing in the woods, or locked in these dungeons with himself. The door to Arthur's cell was opened to throw in Percival and Gwaine. The bonds on his wrists were removed but his gag was not. The door was slammed shut and Eris pressed his hand to the door the bars either side. His eyes flashed, not gold but, red. The red was a flame colour like his pupils were about to combust, his hand turned the colour as well and the metal welded itself together. Making escape impossible.

Eris turned to Merlin addressing him for the first in a while. "Now you have an audience." Gwaine removed his gag quickly and began shouting threats and curses at the man who was slowly approaching his best friend.

Eris spoke without looking at Gwaine, "Please restrain your tongue, Gwaine or I will remove it."

Merlin was truly terrified this man had immeasurable power and was much stronger than Merlin in his current state. Eris inhaled around Merlin and looked relieved. "I can sense your fear, Merlin. It is truly a delight to behold, seeing the almighty Emrys at my mercy." He pulled a pair of leather gloves from his pocket and pulled them on. "Now, let us begin. I am a compassionate God so I will give you a choice. The choice will change everyday but the variable you do not choose will carry on to the next day and will continue until it is eventually picked. So Merlin...How do you want to die? Drowning or being burnt alive?"

Merlin's eyes widened in fear but he quickly pushed it under, "What if I don't choose?"

"Then I choose the worst of the two and do that. Burning or drowning?"

Arthur and Gwaine stared in horror and Percival began to stir from his unconsciousness.

Merlin took a deep breath and looked Eris in the eye, "Drowning. I choose to drown."

Eris smiled, revealing his teeth again, he snapped his fingers and Merlin's chains were pulled taunt so he stood unable to fight or even stand on his own feet. Eris hummed happily as he busied himself around preparing for what was to come. The druids brought a bucket of water to their 'brother' Merlin noticed their eyes, white completely and glazed over. So they were know completely under his control. "Replete continentis in aqua" Eris filled the bucket to the top then grabbed Merlin hair, as he tugged the chains became looser and Merlin could move once more but before he could speak his head was pushed under the water. The burning in his lungs was unbearable and the struggles broke bones in his hands and knees but the desperation to have even the smallest slither of air was taking over his body, making him unable to feel the pain emitting from all over his body. The struggles gradually got smaller until there was nothing. Even though Merlin was no longer struggling, Eris kept his head under the water for another minute.

"Let him up! He's dead please!" Eris glared at Arthur and pulled the limp Warlock out the water, throwing him at the back wall. He jerked a thumb back at Merlin and the druids rushed forward to fasten the chains and collar back in place. When they were done, Eris clapped his hands making all torches but the one above Merlin's head, illuminating the dead body of their best friend for the prisoners only 30 feet away to stare at, hoping that Merlin was still Merlin when he awoke.