Chapter 1: Because Trees Glow Golden at Parties.
So, I want an OC companion. She'll look young, but be around 22/23 years old. She is (was) a Kiwi in Australia. So no 'fair dinkum aussie' accent- she'll have a Kiwi lilt (which is pretty) unless it is written that she doesn't. This is basically me ('Cept she's prettier and cooler and doesn't have to write fanfics to get her Doctor Who kicks) in a fanfic (yeah, I'm dreaming). And as much as I would like to, she will not fan-girl over eleven (much).
Her full name is Katiana Rosalind (pronounced Kah-ti-ahn-a _ Roz-ah-lind), but let's call her Kati-Rose.
Alright, Word accessory (I tend to think of these as clothing for letters) coding:
(Brackets): extra additions.
Italics: other languages (mainly French).
Bold: accentuated.
CAPS: shouting. (Duh.)
oOo: new scene? Part?
xXx: new chapter/episode
Disclaimer: I only own the plot. So far...
"Congrats, Kati-Rose", "Good Job, Kati" and, "OMG! You survived Uni!" are the main things she heard at the end-of-uni party for all the graduates. It was noisy, the lights were irritating and all Kati-Rose wanted to do was go home and watch the 50th special with her fellow whovians. But they were due at her apartment at 7:15, so she still had half an hour to deal with. Shoot, she said internally. Someone fell into her, and she stepped back, rolling her eyes. Drunken idiots, she complained silently. Kati-Rose grabbed some punch (out of the un-spiked bowl, thank you very much) and headed outside to relax. It had been a trying few weeks, and all she really wanted to do was watch a movie and rest. She went to sit under her favourite oak tree and gazed out over the grounds, sipping her punch (she was pretty sure it was a mixture of orange and mango. Yum).
Looking out at the grounds, Kati-Rose realised (with a touch of surprise) that she was really going to miss this place. Sure, it was mainly concrete, but the few garden areas were beautiful (even if a bit overgrown). And, yeah, she didn't really like the people here, but the teachers weren't all that bad (even though they give her headaches). She sighed. It could be one of the worst looking universities in the world, with some of the most snobby students and noisiest teachers, but she would still miss it. Kati-Rose glanced over to the hall: everyone was still dancing and laughing, just as they had been an hour previously, when the sun was still up. Where did their energy come from? She wondered.
Too tired to do anything else, she sat under the oak until the alarm she'd set for 7 went off, then she walked over to her car, and backed out of the lot, never noticing the tree she'd leant against glowing gold faintly, before returning to it's original state.
Yeah, it's short but this is just an intro. The next chapter will be up soon.
Edit: Ha ha, E-dirt. In case you haven't noticed, I changed the age from 25/26 to 22/23, because I have been reliably informed I will not be taking a break before I go to uni. Thanks, mum. Mind you, I wouldn't do anything in that break. I'd just write fanfiction all the time. Yeah, you'd like that, wouldn't you?