Hey guys, I know I haven't updated in forever but I made a decision to end The Tale Of Itacha series. I wasn't too thrilled with the amount of response I was getting so I'm going to be sticking with Fairy Tail stories from now on. I still love the Naruto series but not as much as I use to. So for those who were wondering what was to happen to Itacha I'll explain.

Itacha gets sent on a job with Rin and another team and have to find some strange activity going on not too far from the village. They leave but the next day Rin and the others return but without Itacha. Rin starts claiming Itacha died in the battle but Minato finds it suspisicous and gets Rin to confess that Itacha was still alive but captured by the enemy. Minato breaks up with Rin and leaves to go tell his dad the truth.

Itacha has been held captive by the enemy for a whole day and has been brutally beaten and tortured for info on the village. She learns the enemy is planning to recreate The Akatski and the man who's been torturing her is Kisame's nephew. To make her torture worse they use Impure world Reincarnation and brings back Itachi. Itachi and Itacha are forced to fight but Itacha manages to free Itachi from the group's control and they team up. Itacha breaks her ankle during the fight but manages to hold on.

After they win, Itachi helps Itacha get out and he learns she is his neice. When they finally reach the Village, Itacha reunites with her family and learns because of her apparent death; her mother went into early labor. They all arrive to the hospital in time to witness Sakura give birth to Itacha's new baby brother. The next day Itachi gives Itacha an envelope with a map and parts to the after life again.

A few days later Itacha's ankle is healed after a lot of care and she follows the map to a location where she finds buried under a tree a Uchiha heirloom necklace that's passed on from clan leader to the next. In the letter, Itachi explains the letter carries a meaning that only can be seen with an eye jutsu and that he felt Itacha was worthy of the necklace. Itacha bursts into tears and soon Minato arrives and cheers her up. Itacha learns that Rin was harshly punished for her actions and is forced to be relieved of duty as a ninja for the next five months. The two share a kiss before heading back to the village for a date.

the end.

Well that's how it goes, but keep an eye on my other stories! Have a nice day!