"This place seems altogether pointless and a tremendous waste of time. Why are we here John?" Sherlock asked in an annoyed tone, as he eyed some children running past.

"Because Sherlock. It's Disneyland, and it's supposed to be a fun place. For normal people at least." John answered rolling his eyes. They made their way down Main Street, avoiding the hordes of people coming and going in either direction.

"America. Why America. Could we have not simply gone to Disneyland Paris John? Far more room seeing as people there are not obese." Sherlock said, his natural perfect timing earning them a glare from a rather large woman.

"Keep it down Sherlock. Just TRY and enjoy yourself okay? I thought it would be fun to come to the real one. The first one that started it all you know?"

"No. I don't know. Look at this place. It's all..." Sherlock stopped dead in his tracks as he saw the character Mickey Mouse. "What the hell is that?" He asked, disgust evident in his tone. "Why is it moving?" Again with apparent distaste.

"It's Mickey Mouse Sherlock. It's an employee in a costume. Why don't we go ride Haunted Mansion or something?" John opened the map he had collected at the entrance and dragged his finger along a possible rout. "Here, we can get there if we-" John stopped. When he looked up, Sherlock was gone. "Shit." He craned his head to look over the crowd. But he was nowhere in sight. He let out a heavy sigh. "For once Sherlock. Just once, I would really like-" Johns thoughts were interrupted by screams. "Shit shit shit shit shit shit!" John knew Sherlock would most likely be the cause of the shrieks. John pushed, and shoved through the crowd in the direction of the noise, and finally emerged just in time to see Sherlock tear Mickey Mouses head off to reveal a frightened looking young man.

"See!? It's all a lie! No such thing as Mickey Mouse! Just a depressed looking dunce in a costume." Sherlock looked rather pleased with himself at the prospect of having shown all the children in the vicinity they were being fed a lie. Sherlock smiled at John. John looked around at all the mothers who were caressing their small crying children in their arms. John slapped his face. Why couldn't Sherlock be normal for one day?