Emma jumped out of bed, screaming. Tears were rolling down her cheeks like rivers. Jessie came running in, quick to be by her side.

"W-What's wrong?! Emma! What's wrong?" Jessie gripped the panicking girl, "Emma!"

The blonde wrapped her arms around her nanny, "I-It was a n-nightmare!"

Jessie came her a sympathetic smile, "Well, it's over now, sweetie. Don't worry."

"What's going on?" Twelve-year-old Luke asked, rubbing his eyes as he held Kenny the Koala in the doorway. Ravi and Zuri were behind him. "We heard screaming..."

Emma's gasps for air scared them all.

"Don't worry, kids." Jessie's voice soothed them, "She just had a bad dream. It was all just a bad dream..."

The End

(Dun Dun Dun)

Thanks for reading. I know this ending sucks horribly, but I seriously couldn't think of anything to write, and it deserved something.

I'm fully expecting angry reviews, just try not to be too mean. If you want a more elaborate answer, PM me and I'll explain in detail.

Thanks for reading, thanks for putting up with me, and thanks for being a great audience. But this story has come to an official end, and I hope you'll stay with me in my other works. But for now, I'm kjay15, and it's been a pleasure writing this story. Bye guys and gals.